House Republicans Eyeing New Hostage Opportunity

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
House Republicans Eyeing New Hostage Opportunity -- Daily Intelligencer

The House Republicans are contemplating a new budget-hostage strategy, the the Washington Post reports in a story that is both highly useful and inadvertently Onion-esque. The hallmark of Onion news reporting is conveying insanity as if it were sane in a completely deadpan way. The news contained within the story is that the House GOP is thinking of tying the next increase in the debt ceiling to tax reform. Under this proposed strategy, the Post reports, “The debt limit might be raised for only a few months, with the promise of another increase when tax reform legislation passes the Senate.”

If you didn’t fall out of your chair when reading that apparently anodyne sentence, let me explain why you should have....

Why can't the GObP/pubs just do their jobs?

Because they'd lose.

Instead, they lie, cheat, steal.
House Republicans Eyeing New Hostage Opportunity -- Daily Intelligencer

The House Republicans are contemplating a new budget-hostage strategy, the the Washington Post reports in a story that is both highly useful and inadvertently Onion-esque. The hallmark of Onion news reporting is conveying insanity as if it were sane in a completely deadpan way. The news contained within the story is that the House GOP is thinking of tying the next increase in the debt ceiling to tax reform. Under this proposed strategy, the Post reports, “The debt limit might be raised for only a few months, with the promise of another increase when tax reform legislation passes the Senate.”

If you didn’t fall out of your chair when reading that apparently anodyne sentence, let me explain why you should have....

Why can't the GObP/pubs just do their jobs?

Because they'd lose.

Instead, they lie, cheat, steal.

Tax reform is what thier base wants.

Holding approval of certain legislation to get something else added is not "lie, cheat, steal" its politics.

Of course you are such a partisan tool that you cannot see this.
House Republicans Eyeing New Hostage Opportunity -- Daily Intelligencer

The House Republicans are contemplating a new budget-hostage strategy, the the Washington Post reports in a story that is both highly useful and inadvertently Onion-esque. The hallmark of Onion news reporting is conveying insanity as if it were sane in a completely deadpan way. The news contained within the story is that the House GOP is thinking of tying the next increase in the debt ceiling to tax reform. Under this proposed strategy, the Post reports, “The debt limit might be raised for only a few months, with the promise of another increase when tax reform legislation passes the Senate.”

If you didn’t fall out of your chair when reading that apparently anodyne sentence, let me explain why you should have....

Why can't the GObP/pubs just do their jobs?

Because they'd lose.

Instead, they lie, cheat, steal.

i wish someone would take you hostage.....and shove a sock in your mouth.....
House Republicans Eyeing New Hostage Opportunity -- Daily Intelligencer

The House Republicans are contemplating a new budget-hostage strategy, the the Washington Post reports in a story that is both highly useful and inadvertently Onion-esque. The hallmark of Onion news reporting is conveying insanity as if it were sane in a completely deadpan way. The news contained within the story is that the House GOP is thinking of tying the next increase in the debt ceiling to tax reform. Under this proposed strategy, the Post reports, “The debt limit might be raised for only a few months, with the promise of another increase when tax reform legislation passes the Senate.”

If you didn’t fall out of your chair when reading that apparently anodyne sentence, let me explain why you should have....

Why can't the GObP/pubs just do their jobs?

Because they'd lose.

Instead, they lie, cheat, steal.

Tax reform is what thier base wants.

Holding approval of certain legislation to get something else added is not "lie, cheat, steal" its politics.

Of course you are such a partisan tool that you cannot see this.

What I saw is the Rs push sequester because it included "tax reform". It just wasn't the tax reform their owners wanted.

The Rs wanted children and the elderly and the sick and homeless to go hungry and that's what they got.
House Republicans Eyeing New Hostage Opportunity -- Daily Intelligencer

The House Republicans are contemplating a new budget-hostage strategy, the the Washington Post reports in a story that is both highly useful and inadvertently Onion-esque. The hallmark of Onion news reporting is conveying insanity as if it were sane in a completely deadpan way. The news contained within the story is that the House GOP is thinking of tying the next increase in the debt ceiling to tax reform. Under this proposed strategy, the Post reports, “The debt limit might be raised for only a few months, with the promise of another increase when tax reform legislation passes the Senate.”

If you didn’t fall out of your chair when reading that apparently anodyne sentence, let me explain why you should have....

Why can't the GObP/pubs just do their jobs?

Because they'd lose.

Instead, they lie, cheat, steal.
And the Mentals in the Liberal Robin Hood State Hospital of Congress say :lalala: all day long.

And this duplicity visits your psyche several times an hour at this stage, does it?
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When is the left going to stop whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government?
Liberals really hate it when people sidetrack their ideological dreams. Boo f-in hoo.
When is the left going to stop whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government?
When America gets tired of liberal patronizations and liberal failure to budget so they can overspend America into oblivion without anyone saying they couldn't keep a budget. They just got rid of the budget to pave the way to chaos so they can hand the problem to someone else who ordered them to sucker America into giving up its right to bear arms first.
House Republicans Eyeing New Hostage Opportunity -- Daily Intelligencer

Why can't the GObP/pubs just do their jobs?

Because they'd lose.

Instead, they lie, cheat, steal.

Tax reform is what thier base wants.

Holding approval of certain legislation to get something else added is not "lie, cheat, steal" its politics.

Of course you are such a partisan tool that you cannot see this.

What I saw is the Rs push sequester because it included "tax reform". It just wasn't the tax reform their owners wanted.

The Rs wanted children and the elderly and the sick and homeless to go hungry and that's what they got.

and they want to kick puppies, and pull flowers out of thier beds, and shoot water at cats...

Those people can still be taken care of at the state and local level. The Feds were never meant to handle stuff like that.
The Daily Intelligencer?

they should rename that site to the daily lefty propaganda CRAP
Kinda remember there was a lot of talk about Dems not producing a budget. Then they produced one.

The House GOPers don't seem to wanna talk about it now for some reason...:eusa_think:
House Republicans Eyeing New Hostage Opportunity -- Daily Intelligencer

The House Republicans are contemplating a new budget-hostage strategy, the the Washington Post reports in a story that is both highly useful and inadvertently Onion-esque. The hallmark of Onion news reporting is conveying insanity as if it were sane in a completely deadpan way. The news contained within the story is that the House GOP is thinking of tying the next increase in the debt ceiling to tax reform. Under this proposed strategy, the Post reports, “The debt limit might be raised for only a few months, with the promise of another increase when tax reform legislation passes the Senate.”

If you didn’t fall out of your chair when reading that apparently anodyne sentence, let me explain why you should have....

Why can't the GObP/pubs just do their jobs?

Because they'd lose.

Instead, they lie, cheat, steal.

Stop your whining... You're only pissed off because that pesky Constitution doesn't give you liberal kooks total control over the rest of us. Are you still crying over the Democrats that jumped ship in the Senate over the gun Bill? Boo F-in hoo.
Does anything ever change for republicans? "Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home -but not for housing. They are strong for labor - but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage - the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all - but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine - for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing - but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing - so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it." Harry S. Truman

"The GOP dreams of a world in which the very rich arrogate to themselves the vast wealth a capitalist economy produces, an outcome made possible by rules, regulations, and practices they devise; given the force of law thanks to “representatives” they usher into office courtesy of a political system they have bought; and sanctified by an activist Supreme Court they have installed. It’s a vicious economic-political noose that threatens to tighten the grip on democracy and make it yield to the slightest pressure from its masters. Republicans must rule the country they profit from, even pillage, while the rest are to be marginalized and dismissed, essentially foreigners in their own land. Those who think Romney and the GOP live in the 1950s may need to reset their calendars. They’re not nearly so modern." Steven Johnston
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