House Republicans Find 111 New 'Bureaucracies' in Health Care Bill


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
And this will cost us less HOW exactly???? Bullfuckingshit.

House Republicans claimed Monday that the health care reform bill pushed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi would create a whopping 111 new "federal bureaucracies."

In its latest attempt to portray the Democrats' reform package as an unwieldy expansion of federal government in the health care sector, the House Republican Conference circulated what it called a list of "new boards, bureaucracies, commissions and programs" created in the House health care bill.

Among some off the new agencies, the list cites a Health Insurance Exchange; the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation; the Public Health Investment Fund; the Public Health Workforce Corps; an Assistant Secretary for Health Information; the Food and Drug Administration Office of Women's Health; grant programs for alternative medical liability laws, infant mortality programs and other issues; and about 100 other government-sponsored creations.

"That ought to tell you all that we need to know, that we're going to have 1,990 pages of legislation," House Minority Leader John Boehner said in an interview Sunday. "The word 'shall' exists in this bill 3,345 times."

House Republicans Find 111 New 'Bureaucracies' in Health Care Bill -

Here's the first 26 of the 111:

1. Retiree Reserve Trust Fund (Section 111(d), p. 61)

2. Grant program for wellness programs to small employers (Section 112, p. 62)

3. Grant program for State health access programs (Section 114, p. 72)

4. Program of administrative simplification (Section 115, p. 76)

5. Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Section 223, p. 111)

6. Health Choices Administration (Section 241, p. 131)

7. Qualified Health Benefits Plan Ombudsman (Section 244, p. 138)

8. Health Insurance Exchange (Section 201, p. 155)

9. Program for technical assistance to employees of small businesses buying Exchange coverage (Section 305(h), p. 191)

10. Mechanism for insurance risk pooling to be established by Health Choices Commissioner (Section 306(b), p. 194)

11. Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund (Section 307, p. 195)

12. State-based Health Insurance Exchanges (Section 308, p. 197)

13. Grant program for health insurance cooperatives (Section 310, p. 206)

14. "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 321, p. 211)

15. Ombudsman for "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 321(d), p. 213)

16. Account for receipts and disbursements for "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 322(b), p. 215)

17. Telehealth Advisory Committee (Section 1191 (b), p. 589)

18. Demonstration program providing reimbursement for "culturally and linguistically appropriate services" (Section 1222, p. 617)

19. Demonstration program for shared decision making using patient decision aids (Section 1236, p. 648)

20. Accountable Care Organization pilot program under Medicare (Section 1301, p. 653)

21. Independent patient-centered medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302, p. 672)

22. Community-based medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302(d), p. 681)

23. Independence at home demonstration program (Section 1312, p. 718)

24. Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (Section 1401(a), p. 734)

25. Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission (Section 1401(a), p. 738)

26. Patient ombudsman for comparative effectiveness research (Section 1401(a), p. 753)

RAW DATA: GOP List of New 'Bureaucracies' in House Health Care Bill -
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Apart from demonstrating that we are not a racist country, exactly what was the point of electing this fucking idiot?

Disclaimer: California Girl respects the OFFICE of POTUS, not necessarily the incumbents.
But think about the jobs it'll create!:lol:

Wait a many people have died from lack of health care in the time we started this thread. It must be hundreds.

We've got to rush this monstrosity through now so Obama can go back to doing his job, procrastinating on military decisions while troops are dying.

Wonder how many more troops are dying then people are dying from lack of health care.
And this will cost us less HOW exactly???? Bullfuckingshit.

House Republicans claimed Monday that the health care reform bill pushed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi would create a whopping 111 new "federal bureaucracies."

In its latest attempt to portray the Democrats' reform package as an unwieldy expansion of federal government in the health care sector, the House Republican Conference circulated what it called a list of "new boards, bureaucracies, commissions and programs" created in the House health care bill.

Among some off the new agencies, the list cites a Health Insurance Exchange; the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation; the Public Health Investment Fund; the Public Health Workforce Corps; an Assistant Secretary for Health Information; the Food and Drug Administration Office of Women's Health; grant programs for alternative medical liability laws, infant mortality programs and other issues; and about 100 other government-sponsored creations.

"That ought to tell you all that we need to know, that we're going to have 1,990 pages of legislation," House Minority Leader John Boehner said in an interview Sunday. "The word 'shall' exists in this bill 3,345 times."

House Republicans Find 111 New 'Bureaucracies' in Health Care Bill -

Here's the first 26 of the 111:

1. Retiree Reserve Trust Fund (Section 111(d), p. 61)

2. Grant program for wellness programs to small employers (Section 112, p. 62)

3. Grant program for State health access programs (Section 114, p. 72)

4. Program of administrative simplification (Section 115, p. 76)

5. Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Section 223, p. 111)

6. Health Choices Administration (Section 241, p. 131)

7. Qualified Health Benefits Plan Ombudsman (Section 244, p. 138)

8. Health Insurance Exchange (Section 201, p. 155)

9. Program for technical assistance to employees of small businesses buying Exchange coverage (Section 305(h), p. 191)

10. Mechanism for insurance risk pooling to be established by Health Choices Commissioner (Section 306(b), p. 194)

11. Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund (Section 307, p. 195)

12. State-based Health Insurance Exchanges (Section 308, p. 197)

13. Grant program for health insurance cooperatives (Section 310, p. 206)

14. "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 321, p. 211)

15. Ombudsman for "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 321(d), p. 213)

16. Account for receipts and disbursements for "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 322(b), p. 215)

17. Telehealth Advisory Committee (Section 1191 (b), p. 589)

18. Demonstration program providing reimbursement for "culturally and linguistically appropriate services" (Section 1222, p. 617)

19. Demonstration program for shared decision making using patient decision aids (Section 1236, p. 648)

20. Accountable Care Organization pilot program under Medicare (Section 1301, p. 653)

21. Independent patient-centered medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302, p. 672)

22. Community-based medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302(d), p. 681)

23. Independence at home demonstration program (Section 1312, p. 718)

24. Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (Section 1401(a), p. 734)

25. Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission (Section 1401(a), p. 738)

26. Patient ombudsman for comparative effectiveness research (Section 1401(a), p. 753)

RAW DATA: GOP List of New 'Bureaucracies' in House Health Care Bill -

5. Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Section 223, p. 111)

Translation.....Death Panels:eek:

Hate to say I told you so.
Government takeover. So simple even idiots can grasp it. Well, you'd think.

They pass this and, within years, we will have no option but to move to a single payer system.

Color me shocked pink!

No secret. That's the plan, plain as day.

I don't know why people still seem to miss it. Obama, Pelosi, et al have said that they view this as a 'first step' to single payer. Why do we constantly refuse to hear their words and pretend they won't do it.

On the day that Obama announced he was running, I grabbed everything I could about the guy and concluded that he was one dangerous potential POTUS. Yet every time I repeated what he'd said, other people told me it didn't mean what he said.

Gods teeth, we are dumb bunch.
Apart from demonstrating that we are not a racist country, exactly what was the point of electing this fucking idiot?

My sentiments exactly Cali. Although to be fair, Pelosi and the left wing loons are writing this. Not The Great One. Although he isn't doing anything to curb what they are doing and hasn't taken a hand in writing any of the bills he's signed so far. He will, of course, sign the damned thing if it lands on his big desk. Oh yes. "Change We Can Believe In"
Apart from demonstrating that we are not a racist country, exactly what was the point of electing this fucking idiot?

My sentiments exactly Cali. Although to be fair, Pelosi and the left wing loons are writing this. Not The Great One. Although he isn't doing anything to curb what they are doing and hasn't taken a hand in writing any of the bills he's signed so far. He will, of course, sign the damned thing if it lands on his big desk. Oh yes. "Change We Can Believe In"

I see the paw marks of the Apollo Project over this Bill, just like the Porkulus Package... And we all know who funds Apollo. And, didn't they just employ a certain Mr V Jones? Fucking wheels within wheels, these 'not for profits', just as fucking corrupt as the big bad businesses.

All this smoke and mirrors shit seriously pisses me off. Where the hell is this transparency we were promised?
Yes your right Cali. If this clusterfuck passes it will be the first step to bigger and "better" Govt.

Like you once I saw this guy I looked up everything I could on him. I listened to his first speech and my BS meter went right through the roof. This guy is an eloquent and charismatic speaker and there were lots out there who bought into his "Change". Most probably figured like me that his change was going to clean upf DC not make a bigger and bigger Govt. Socialist. If not, pretty damned close to it. My BS meter was right on where this guy is concerned and his "Change" ain't workin for me.

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