House Republicans Rubber-Stamp $9 Trillion In New Debt

Well, here we go.

WASHINGTON ― Without a single Democrat voting in support, the House narrowly advanced a budget blueprint on Friday intended to be the eventual vehicle for gutting Obamacare.

After conservatives and GOP moderates spent a week signaling that they might vote against the repeal vehicle, most Republicans fell in line, with the House voting 227-198 in support of the resolution. Only nine Republicans ultimately voted against it, joining 189 Democrats in opposition to a budget that deems it “appropriate” for U.S. debt to rise by more than $9 trillion over the next decade. (Republicans say they won’t go along with debt increases at those levels, and that they intend to write another budget this year more in line with their values.)

Among the Republicans who did vote against the resolution, most cited concerns over endorsing that amount of new debt. Three moderates also voted against the resolution, seemingly as a signal to GOP leadership that their votes shouldn’t be taken for granted in an eventual repeal or replacement.

Much More: House Republicans Take First Step To Repeal Obamacare, Rubber-Stamp $9 Trillion In New Debt

Well that didn't take long. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and has already increased the debt by $9 trillion. Unbelievable!
When the repukes are in power they spend like drunken whores, when they aren't in power the whine about deficits
Well, here we go.

WASHINGTON ― Without a single Democrat voting in support, the House narrowly advanced a budget blueprint on Friday intended to be the eventual vehicle for gutting Obamacare.

After conservatives and GOP moderates spent a week signaling that they might vote against the repeal vehicle, most Republicans fell in line, with the House voting 227-198 in support of the resolution. Only nine Republicans ultimately voted against it, joining 189 Democrats in opposition to a budget that deems it “appropriate” for U.S. debt to rise by more than $9 trillion over the next decade. (Republicans say they won’t go along with debt increases at those levels, and that they intend to write another budget this year more in line with their values.)

Among the Republicans who did vote against the resolution, most cited concerns over endorsing that amount of new debt. Three moderates also voted against the resolution, seemingly as a signal to GOP leadership that their votes shouldn’t be taken for granted in an eventual repeal or replacement.

Much More: House Republicans Take First Step To Repeal Obamacare, Rubber-Stamp $9 Trillion In New Debt

Well that didn't take long. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and has already increased the debt by $9 trillion. Unbelievable!
So now the Debt means something to Liberals.
Well that didn't take long. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and has already increased the debt by $9 trillion. Unbelievable!

Do you realize the senate has to pass it and then the president signs it into law?

Nope, it already passed the senate and it doesn't require the presidents signature. I read up on this on Fox News about an hour ago.
Well that didn't take long. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and has already increased the debt by $9 trillion. Unbelievable!

Do you realize the senate has to pass it and then the president signs it into law?

Nope, it already passed the senate and it doesn't require the presidents signature. I read up on this on Fox News about an hour ago.
I see it's an addendum to the annual budget but there's more to it that meets the eye.
Republican Senate Passes Budget That Raises Spending By 50 Percent

It's worth noting that the budget doesn't repeal Obamacare, but it does allow the Senate to repeal Obamacare by a 51-vote threshold through the reconciliation process. Typically, the reconciliation process is used for budgets, but since Obamacare was rammed through the Senate in 2010 through the reconciliation process, it can be repealed under the same manner.

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