House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON ― As one of their first actions in the new Congress, House Republicans are planning to significantly change the Office of Congressional Ethics, removing the entity’s independence, barring it from investigating anonymous complaints and even changing the group’s name.

Less than 24 hours before the House convenes and votes on its rules for the 115th Congress, Republicans adopted an amendment Monday night, 119 to 74, from Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) that would fundamentally change the OCE. The independent ethics board investigates complaints against members and issues reports to the Ethics Committee.

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the change would “functionally destroy” the office.

“Republicans claim they want to ‘drain the swamp,’ but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions,” Pelosi said. “Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress.”

More: House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog | The Huffington Post

Yep, it's no surprise that "ethics" would be the first casualty of the new Republican Congress. They are not only not draining the swamp - they are trying to hide the swamp. More governance behind closed doors - without releasing information to the public.
I repeat from the OP:

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.
I can't begin to imagine what possible justification they could have for doing something like this.
It's such typical scum bag bullshit you can expect from the GOP. Of course republicans responding to this thread will only deflect and start bitching about democrats.
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I can't begin to imagine what possible justification they could have for doing something like this.

Here is a clue!

Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
Typical politics in the US, where corruption has been legitimized and accepted by the people, an "ethics committee" which is made up of a Congress with only two parties in it is just a joke, just like Congress is a joke.
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
You people reason like children. The obvious point is that republicans are dissolving the committee because they are corrupt pieces of shit. Let's pretend you're right and the committee hasn't been holding enough people accountable for their actions. The solution isn't to be defeatist pussies and get rid of it. You fix what's wrong with it. You find out what the flaws are and fix them. That's what problem solving means.

I think you ass clowns will say anything to defend the actions of the GOP. You're such sheep.
Democrats led by Fancy Pelosi are complaining about ethics oversight?
You've got to be shitting me.

Look at what happened to the Bundy family and what happened at the Oregon refuge when the Hammond family was being bullied off of their land by the BLM.....the "ethics committee? Where were they when leftards stood to gain financial rewards for pushing people off of their land????? You see, under UN Agenda 21/2030? Land ownership isn't permitted as it leads to inequality unless you are one of the one percent that oversees it all.......
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
You people reason like children. The obvious point is that republicans are dissolving the committee because they are corrupt pieces of shit. Let's pretend you're right and the committee hasn't been holding enough people accountable for their actions. The solution isn't to be defeatist pussies and get rid of it. You fix what's wrong with it. You find out what the flaws are and fix them. That's what problem solving means.

I think you ass clowns will say anything to defend the actions of the GOP. You're such sheep.

The neocons are just as corrupt as the fabian socilaist left and I notice that you couldn't address anything that I brought up because in YOUR world? Leftard = good....end justifies the blow it out of your ass.
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
You people reason like children. The obvious point is that republicans are dissolving the committee because they are corrupt pieces of shit. Let's pretend you're right and the committee hasn't been holding enough people accountable for their actions. The solution isn't to be defeatist pussies and get rid of it. You fix what's wrong with it. You find out what the flaws are and fix them. That's what problem solving means.

I think you ass clowns will say anything to defend the actions of the GOP. You're such sheep.
Lol! You can't teach this kind of stupid. This is a special kind of stupid that has obviously been inbred. The republicans are doing the Dims a favor here and they don't even know it!
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
You people reason like children. The obvious point is that republicans are dissolving the committee because they are corrupt pieces of shit. Let's pretend you're right and the committee hasn't been holding enough people accountable for their actions. The solution isn't to be defeatist pussies and get rid of it. You fix what's wrong with it. You find out what the flaws are and fix them. That's what problem solving means.

I think you ass clowns will say anything to defend the actions of the GOP. You're such sheep.

Problem is, to fix what is wrong would put the Republicans and Democrats in jeopardy, so they don't ever fix what is wrong, they just play games to show that they're doing something while earning a good wage.
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
You people reason like children. The obvious point is that republicans are dissolving the committee because they are corrupt pieces of shit. Let's pretend you're right and the committee hasn't been holding enough people accountable for their actions. The solution isn't to be defeatist pussies and get rid of it. You fix what's wrong with it. You find out what the flaws are and fix them. That's what problem solving means.

I think you ass clowns will say anything to defend the actions of the GOP. You're such sheep.

Problem is, to fix what is wrong would put the Republicans and Democrats in jeopardy, so they don't ever fix what is wrong, they just play games to show that they're doing something while earning a good wage.

While playing us for chumps......
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
All GOP crap propaganda, dupe. DUH.
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
All GOP crap propaganda, dupe. DUH.

Nope, not a fan of the neocon lose.......
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
You people reason like children. The obvious point is that republicans are dissolving the committee because they are corrupt pieces of shit. Let's pretend you're right and the committee hasn't been holding enough people accountable for their actions. The solution isn't to be defeatist pussies and get rid of it. You fix what's wrong with it. You find out what the flaws are and fix them. That's what problem solving means.

I think you ass clowns will say anything to defend the actions of the GOP. You're such sheep.

Problem is, to fix what is wrong would put the Republicans and Democrats in jeopardy, so they don't ever fix what is wrong, they just play games to show that they're doing something while earning a good wage.

While playing us for chumps......

But they're good at playing the people for chumps, mainly because the people act like chumps all the time and they merely tell them that they're not chumps and there is hope and most believe it and accept it.
WASHINGTON ― As one of their first actions in the new Congress, House Republicans are planning to significantly change the Office of Congressional Ethics, removing the entity’s independence, barring it from investigating anonymous complaints and even changing the group’s name.

Less than 24 hours before the House convenes and votes on its rules for the 115th Congress, Republicans adopted an amendment Monday night, 119 to 74, from Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) that would fundamentally change the OCE. The independent ethics board investigates complaints against members and issues reports to the Ethics Committee.

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the change would “functionally destroy” the office.

“Republicans claim they want to ‘drain the swamp,’ but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions,” Pelosi said. “Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress.”

More: House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog | The Huffington Post

Yep, it's no surprise that "ethics" would be the first casualty of the new Republican Congress. They are not only not draining the swamp - they are trying to hide the swamp. More governance behind closed doors - without releasing information to the public.
You people reason like children. The obvious point is that republicans are dissolving the committee because they are corrupt pieces of shit.

Well, it's clear from you that Democrats are incapable of doing anything wrong. Tell me, what did this committee do to ensure proper ethics were upheld by the Democrats when they were in power?

Why keep this committee when it doesn't do its job? I find it more of an oxymoron... our Congress investigating its own ethics?

I laughed more than I should have.

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