House Republicans won't rule out arresting Lois Lerner if Justice Department doesn't


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Why would Holder do something called for by law?

House Ways and Means Committee Republicans aren't ruling out the use of the chamber's "inherent contempt" authority if Attorney General Eric Holder refuses to act on the panel's accusations against former IRS official Lois Lerner.

The committee voted Wednesday to seek an investigation of whether Lerner violated federal law by using her power to ensure Right-leaning groups were targeted for extra scrutiny by the agency, giving misleading information during a probe of the matter by the Treasury Department's inspector general and using her personal email to conduct official business, which could have resulted in the disclosure of confidential taxpayer information.

“The Ways and Means Committee, led by Chairman [Dave] Camp [R-Mich.], has conducted a serious and thorough investigation of the IRS, uncovering abuses and criminal acts that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said of the referral. "As I've said, if Lois Lerner continues to refuse to testify, then the House will hold her in contempt. And we will continue to shine the light on the administration's abusive actions and use every tool at our disposal to expose the truth and ensure the American people get the answers they deserve.”.....

House Republicans won't rule out arresting Lois Lerner if Justice Department doesn't |
Trey Gowdy to Eric Holder: Prosecute Lerner, Prove You're a Real AG!

Attorney General Eric Holder must take seriously congressional allegations against former IRS official Lois Lerner if he is to be trusted as the nation's top law enforcement official, Rep. Trey Gowdy says. "What happened today was really big . . . You remember when the president said there's not a smidgen of criminality?" Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV. "So, now you have the Ways and Means, which is one of the more widely respected committees in Congress, sending three separate, potential criminal acts to the Department of Justice and a referral. "This...

Newsmax ^




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Given the track record there is no way this Justice Department will help in one of the worst cases of government abuse of power we've ever had. Watergate was nothing compared to this and there is a virtual media blackout with the exception of FOX.

If this had gone the other way and liberal groups had been targeted we would have a very different atmosphere. Hypocrisy has never been more obvious.
Given the track record there is no way this Justice Department will help in one of the worst cases of government abuse of power we've ever had. Watergate was nothing compared to this and there is a virtual media blackout with the exception of FOX.

If this had gone the other way and liberal groups had been targeted we would have a very different atmosphere. Hypocrisy has never been more obvious.

I think a war fought over weapons that didn't exist so that the Vice President's former company could rake in billions in revenues is a much more serious abuse of power than whether or not a Teabagging group got a fraudulent tax exemption.
Given the track record there is no way this Justice Department will help in one of the worst cases of government abuse of power we've ever had. Watergate was nothing compared to this and there is a virtual media blackout with the exception of FOX.

If this had gone the other way and liberal groups had been targeted we would have a very different atmosphere. Hypocrisy has never been more obvious.

I think a war fought over weapons that didn't exist so that the Vice President's former company could rake in billions in revenues is a much more serious abuse of power than whether or not a Teabagging group got a fraudulent tax exemption.

JoeBlows knows!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

I guess the evil Cheney wasn't so evil after all? - Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...
Given the track record there is no way this Justice Department will help in one of the worst cases of government abuse of power we've ever had. Watergate was nothing compared to this and there is a virtual media blackout with the exception of FOX.

If this had gone the other way and liberal groups had been targeted we would have a very different atmosphere. Hypocrisy has never been more obvious.

I think a war fought over weapons that didn't exist so that the Vice President's former company could rake in billions in revenues is a much more serious abuse of power than whether or not a Teabagging group got a fraudulent tax exemption.

Provide evidence that anything you just said is true. 3 separate investigations by the Congress found no one lied. To believe that lies were told means you believe that Clinton and his administration lied to start the ball rolling, that the UN lied, that Germany, Great Briton, France, Russia, China, Belgium all lied. That every single intelligence agency in this Country lied as well.
There's not a chance in hell Holder will do a damn thing. In fact he would present her with the Medal of Honor if he could.
Given the track record there is no way this Justice Department will help in one of the worst cases of government abuse of power we've ever had. Watergate was nothing compared to this and there is a virtual media blackout with the exception of FOX.

If this had gone the other way and liberal groups had been targeted we would have a very different atmosphere. Hypocrisy has never been more obvious.

I think a war fought over weapons that didn't exist so that the Vice President's former company could rake in billions in revenues is a much more serious abuse of power than whether or not a Teabagging group got a fraudulent tax exemption.

Says the phoney Eisenhower Republican.
House Republicans aren't going to do shit.


They will do something stupid. They held Holder in contempt.

They are holding Lerner in contempt.

I wish both of them would just pull a Rove or Cheney at this point and tell congress to fuck off.

They have no authority whatsoever to grab anyone.
House Republicans aren't going to do shit.

no. but brainwashed hacks get all revved up and happy when they're tossed red meat....

the law says NO POLITICING BY 501(c)(4) corporations.

i'm not quite sure why that confuses them.

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