House Republicans won't rule out arresting Lois Lerner if Justice Department doesn't

She gave up her 5th amendment right when she made a statement in court. You don't know the law.

No, she really didn't.

I know you want to think that the constitution doesn't count for some reason, but the fact is, she is using the fifth Amendment exactly the way it was intended- as a protection from overzealous prosecutions.

Oh and just because you say so makes it so. "Nuh uh times infinity!"

I cited two Supreme Court cases and Federal law to you, yet you continue to ignore it. The Constitution doesn't apply when you impede the Constitutional rights of a branch of government.

I'd bring up Ollie North and a picture of a paper shredder, but I doubt you'd even understand.
Congress hasn't arrested anyone in 80 years because no one would stand for it if they did.

What you guys are advocating is arresting a woman for excercising her constitutional right to not testify.

I can't imagine anything more un-American.

And, yeah, I do usually ignore links from Wingnuts... because they usually have no credibiity and shoddy scholarship.
She gave up her 5th amendment right when she made a statement in court. You don't know the law.

No, she really didn't.

I know you want to think that the constitution doesn't count for some reason, but the fact is, she is using the fifth Amendment exactly the way it was intended- as a protection from overzealous prosecutions.

These "Constitution lovers" are real pieces of work, I tell ya.
I think a war fought over weapons that didn't exist so that the Vice President's former company could rake in billions in revenues is a much more serious abuse of power than whether or not a Teabagging group got a fraudulent tax exemption.

Provide evidence that anything you just said is true. 3 separate investigations by the Congress found no one lied. To believe that lies were told means you believe that Clinton and his administration lied to start the ball rolling, that the UN lied, that Germany, Great Briton, France, Russia, China, Belgium all lied. That every single intelligence agency in this Country lied as well.

There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said there were.

Bush lied. Soldiers Died.

This really isn't fucking complicated.

Another FAGERAL that thinks 550 metric tons of Yellow Cake was NOTHING.... The morons keep multiplying! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
House Republicans should spend more time addressing actual, pertinent issues; this is, yet again, nothing more than a boat-load of political poppycock.

Stupid shit like this is the reason that people are so fed up with congress and why congress suffers from the lowest approval rating of all time.

Investigate ... investigate ... investigate ... . People are sick and tired of this bullshit.
House Republicans should spend more time addressing actual, pertinent issues; this is, yet again, nothing more than a boat-load of political poppycock.

Stupid shit like this is the reason that people are so feed up with congress and why congress suffers from the lowest approval rating of all time.

Investigate ... investigate ... investigate ... . People are sick and tired of this bullshit.

it is why they can't win national elections.

people know stupid when they see it.

well at least people who aren't the rabid far right 20% of the country.
Provide evidence that anything you just said is true. 3 separate investigations by the Congress found no one lied. To believe that lies were told means you believe that Clinton and his administration lied to start the ball rolling, that the UN lied, that Germany, Great Briton, France, Russia, China, Belgium all lied. That every single intelligence agency in this Country lied as well.

There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said there were.

Bush lied. Soldiers Died.

This really isn't fucking complicated.

Another FAGERAL that thinks 550 metric tons of Yellow Cake was NOTHING.... The morons keep multiplying! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

I know, I know, Snopes is an unacceptable source, because anything that disproves right-wing horseshit has to be lying to do it.

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aunacceptable sourceid its nuclear ambitions.

What's now left is the final and complicated push to clean up the remaining radioactive debris at the former Tuwaitha nuclear complex about 12 miles south of Baghdad — using teams that include Iraqi experts recently trained in the Chernobyl fallout zone in Ukraine.
"Everyone is very happy to have this safely out of Iraq," said a senior U.S. official who outlined the nearly three-month operation to The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

While yellowcake alone is not considered potent enough for a so-called "dirty bomb" — a conventional explosive that disperses radioactive material — it could stir widespread panic if incorporated in a blast. Yellowcake also can be enriched for use in reactors and, at higher levels, nuclear weapons using sophisticated equipment.

The Iraqi government sold the yellowcake to a Canadian uranium producer, Cameco Corp., in a transaction the official described as worth "tens of millions of dollars." A Cameco spokesman, Lyle Krahn, declined to discuss the price, but said the yellowcake will be processed at facilities in Ontario for use in energy-producing reactors.

"We are pleased ... that we have taken (the yellowcake) from a volatile region into a stable area to produce clean electricity," he said.

^^^ See that? This stuff had already been identified and no, "yellow cake" by itself is not a dirty bomb. Read and educate yourself.
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House Republicans should spend more time addressing actual, pertinent issues; this is, yet again, nothing more than a boat-load of political poppycock.

Stupid shit like this is the reason that people are so feed up with congress and why congress suffers from the lowest approval rating of all time.

Investigate ... investigate ... investigate ... . People are sick and tired of this bullshit.

it is why they can't win national elections.

people know stupid when they see it.

well at least people who aren't the rabid far right 20% of the country.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of sane right-wingers who suffer because of the fringe element.
There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said there were.

Bush lied. Soldiers Died.

This really isn't fucking complicated.

Another FAGERAL that thinks 550 metric tons of Yellow Cake was NOTHING.... The morons keep multiplying! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

I know, I know, Snopes is an unacceptable source, because anything that disproves right-wing horseshit has to be lying to do it.

Was there Yellow Cake 550 tons, to be correct in Iraq during the War? IS Yellow Cake the necessary ingredient when making an atomic bomb? I know a genius like you can handle those questions without going to a left leaning spin site!
Another FAGERAL that thinks 550 metric tons of Yellow Cake was NOTHING.... The morons keep multiplying! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

I know, I know, Snopes is an unacceptable source, because anything that disproves right-wing horseshit has to be lying to do it.
^^^ See that? This stuff had already been identified and no, "yellow cake" by itself is not a dirty bomb. Read and educate yourself.
Was there Yellow Cake 550 tons, to be correct in Iraq during the War? IS Yellow Cake the necessary ingredient when making an atomic bomb? I know a genius like you can handle those questions without going to a left leaning spin site!

Read the article - I know that you already have all the answers, but you are wrong about this one. This stuff was already identified and sealed in containers by the UN inspectors BEFORE THE WAR. Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

I know, I know, Snopes is an unacceptable source, because anything that disproves right-wing horseshit has to be lying to do it.
^^^ See that? This stuff had already been identified and no, "yellow cake" by itself is not a dirty bomb. Read and educate yourself.
Was there Yellow Cake 550 tons, to be correct in Iraq during the War? IS Yellow Cake the necessary ingredient when making an atomic bomb? I know a genius like you can handle those questions without going to a left leaning spin site!

Read the article - I know that you already have all the answers, but you are wrong about this one. This stuff was already identified and sealed in containers by the UN inspectors BEFORE THE WAR.

Yes, and the U.N. inspectors were all pulled out of Iraq 2 days before the War started, leaving these tons of Yellow Cake unprotected! What you, snopes, and other try to spin is that NUCLEAR WMD were there in Iraq, and it didn't matter if they knew about it or not, it was unprotected, it was ransacked by local villagers, and it was only guarded again, by coalition troops, AFTER the war was over. What is so difficult to understand? It was there, it was the seed source of nuclear weapons, and it was unguarded!
Yikes. The plagiarist Vigilante is stuck in some 2003 time warp.

How do you breath and type at the same time? Can you disprove the FACT that yellowcake was in Iraq at the time of the war, unguarded, and it's the seed material needed for a nuclear bomb? Come on, Paper Mache, Let's hear your spin and we can all laugh at you! Denial of Reality, the FAGERALS only defense!
If Issa wants her to answer his "questions"?

Let him grant her complete immunity.

He won't do that.


Because after pouring through 10s of thousands of documents..he hasn't found shit.

he has not found "shit" because he is wearing a hi-tech breathing apparatus that guarantees no stench will enter his fucking pig nostrils. :up:
If Issa wants her to answer his "questions"?

Let him grant her complete immunity.

He won't do that.


Because after pouring through 10s of thousands of documents..he hasn't found shit.

he has not found "shit" because he is wearing a hi-tech breathing apparatus that guarantees no stench will enter his fucking pig nostrils. :up:

You just call Issa a pig?

There's hope for you yet!


Lerner testified that she "broke no laws" and she repeated a variant of this statement 17 times in her first testimony before congress, before pleading the 5th. By doing so she forfeited that right and is therefore impeding a congressional investigation. That Joe, is unlawful and she should and might as well be held until she testifies. You didn't mind when Democrats tried this with Bush, now did you?

Your argument is baseless on it's face. Moreover, evidence was found that she willfully targeted Conservative groups. Then the next domino fell, Elijah Cummings, he could go to jail for 5 years for what he's done. More and more Democrats are coming out of the woodwork in this scandal. Congress will break her.

Again, guy, back in the mid-oughts, I was as right wing as you are. Then I figured out the rich could care less if folks like you and me live or die. If you got off the couch and got a real job some time, you'd realize this.

Nobody went to jail when the Democrats tried this with Bush.

But, hey, fucknut, here's the thing. With Bush- PEOPLE FUCKING DIED!!!!!!

5000 soldiers and maybe up to a million Iraqis. Someone SHOULD have gone to jail for that shit.

Granny Teabag not getting her fraudelent Tax Exemption. Meh, not seeing that as a big deal.

"Eisenhower Republican"....., in that case you must recall the fucking FACT that your man LBJ killed millions.

"Nobody went to jail..." ?????? better look again.

"...gone to jail for that shit." YES ! several demoscum who made it very clear that Saddam had WMDs, and.., he DID !! thousands of people were killed by his gas attacks...., HIS OWN COUNTRYMEN !!.., THAT sir is a fucking WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION of LIFE....,

you fucking hypocrites just slay me with your constant whining and sniveling. :up: ... :lmao:

U :suck:
She's got no "legal" problems.

Ask Karl about his "legal" problems.

Yes she may. All she had to do is say what she knows.

She's under no compulsion to say shit.

I don't understand why she even shows up.

And like I posted..if Issa really thought she was hiding something? He could grant her immunity.

He won't.

They just held her in contempt. That's probably the worst they could do.

If they try and take this to a real court? They will be laughed out of it.

Like this => :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

She has to show up because that's how the law works. Perhaps you should know the basics before engaging in an argument.
No, she really didn't.

I know you want to think that the constitution doesn't count for some reason, but the fact is, she is using the fifth Amendment exactly the way it was intended- as a protection from overzealous prosecutions.

Oh and just because you say so makes it so. "Nuh uh times infinity!"

I cited two Supreme Court cases and Federal law to you, yet you continue to ignore it. The Constitution doesn't apply when you impede the Constitutional rights of a branch of government.

Are you fucking serious?????

What do you think the CORE of the Constitution is all about??? folks keep talking about big government and the rights of people.

When OBAMA was talking about NEGATIVE LIBERTIES and you folks had a stroke? what he was referring too.

The "Rights" of the government DO NOT trump the rights of the individual.

THAT is what makes our CONSTITUTION so outstanding. :eusa_clap:

You just don't get it, do you?

I'll let Trey Gowdy explain:

When you say "I did nothing wrong" in a congressional hearing, that is a testimony. You can't plead the 5th after that. Any further refusal to testify is obstruction, meaning Congress can have her arrested for it if they so choose. It's rather ironic that you would sit there and defend her constitutional rights, when she didn't mind infringing on others constitutional rights via the IRS. What gall. In this case, the rights of government do trump that of an individual who has forfeited theirs through folly of their own.
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House Republicans won't rule out arresting Lois Lerner if Justice Department doesn't

The legislative branch has no such power. Step along.
Actually, Congress should arrest both of them; one for not testifying after giving 17 distinct responses, and the other for not prosecuting.

Congress has no arrest authority. and frankly, we are all better off for it.

If Congress wants Lerner's testimony that bad, give her immunity.

They don't want testimony, they want a show on Faux News so mouth-breathers like you can eat it up and not demand why they haven't done jack shit about unemployment or any of the real problems.

Congress has no arrest authority. and frankly, we are all better off for it.

Weren't you reading the article? Or did you simply dismiss it because of the author? Intellectually lazy as you always are, Joe. Democrats pushed for this power to be used against President Bush, by the way.

The Supreme Court upheld Congress' right to inherent contempt in two instances, first in Anderson v. Dunn 19 U.S. 204 (1821) and in Jurney v. MacCracken, 294 U.S. 125 (1935). MacKracken was imprisoned for 10 days for destroying evidence crucial to the Congressional investigation, he filed a writ of habeas corpus with the Supreme Court and was denied. Just because they (the Congress) haven't arrested someone in almost 80 years doesn't mean they can't still do so.

2 U.S. Code § 192 - Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers

Every person who having been summoned as a witness by the authority of either House of Congress to give testimony or to produce papers upon any matter under inquiry before either House, or any joint committee established by a joint or concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Congress, or any committee of either House of Congress, willfully makes default, or who, having appeared, refuses to answer any question pertinent to the question under inquiry, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 nor less than $100 and imprisonment in a common jail for not less than one month nor more than twelve months.

Jake, please tell me you're kidding.
House Republicans won't rule out arresting Lois Lerner if Justice Department doesn't

The legislative branch has no such power. Step along.

You are one fucking KNOW NOTHING MORON!...Even using Wiki we have...

Concerned with the time-consuming nature of a contempt proceeding and the inability to extend punishment further than the session of the Congress concerned (under Supreme Court rulings), Congress created a statutory process in 1857. While Congress retains its "inherent contempt" authority and may exercise it at any time, this inherent contempt process was last used by the Senate in 1934, in a Senate investigation of airlines and the U.S. Postmaster. After a one-week trial on the Senate floor (presided over by the Vice-President of the United States, acting as Senate President), William P. MacCracken, Jr., a lawyer and former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics who had allowed clients to rip up subpoenaed documents, was found guilty and sentenced to 10 days imprisonment.[5]

MacCracken filed a petition of habeas corpus in federal courts to overturn his arrest, but after litigation, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress had acted constitutionally, and denied the petition in the case Jurney v. MacCracken.


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