House Republicans won't rule out arresting Lois Lerner if Justice Department doesn't


There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said there were.

Bush lied. Soldiers Died.

This really isn't fucking complicated.

Another FAGERAL that thinks 550 metric tons of Yellow Cake was NOTHING.... The morons keep multiplying! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

As Cabbie pointed out, the Yellowcake that Iraq had was legal and documented. It was nowhere near weapons grade nor did Iraq have the capablities to process it. It wasn't even fuel grade.

The point was that the tons of anthrax, the centrifgues, the nukes, the chemical stockpiles- all that didn't exist.

The point you guys like to avoid is you think Lois Lerner deciding to scrutinize Teabaggers' applications is this great abuse of power, but going to war on false pretense...meh, not so much.
"Eisenhower Republican"....., in that case you must recall the fucking FACT that your man LBJ killed millions.

"Nobody went to jail..." ?????? better look again.

"...gone to jail for that shit." YES ! several demoscum who made it very clear that Saddam had WMDs, and.., he DID !! thousands of people were killed by his gas attacks...., HIS OWN COUNTRYMEN !!.., THAT sir is a fucking WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION of LIFE....,

you fucking hypocrites just slay me with your constant whining and sniveling. :up: ... :lmao:


Okay, couple of things.

First, we did not go to war over Chemical weapons, the Cutting Edge weapon of 1914, and when Saddam gassed the Kurds, Ronald Reagan said "Meh, no big whoop".

While we could all get outraged about what Saddam did 20 years earlier, at the time, no one really cared. Most of the countries with Kurds in them see them as kind of a nuscience, actually.

Okay... Second point- LBJ didn't got to war on a lie. He made a pretty clear case- if South Vietnam became Communist, that would be bad. And Republicans before him and after him agreed with that assessment. THe policy was wrongheaded, because most people realized the Vietnamese- most of them anyway- weren't as upset about the whole communism thing as we were.

There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said there were.

Bush lied. Soldiers Died.

This really isn't fucking complicated.

Another FAGERAL that thinks 550 metric tons of Yellow Cake was NOTHING.... The morons keep multiplying! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

As Cabbie pointed out, the Yellowcake that Iraq had was legal and documented. It was nowhere near weapons grade nor did Iraq have the capablities to process it. It wasn't even fuel grade.

The point was that the tons of anthrax, the centrifgues, the nukes, the chemical stockpiles- all that didn't exist.

The point you guys like to avoid is you think Lois Lerner deciding to scrutinize Teabaggers' applications is this great abuse of power, but going to war on false pretense...meh, not so much.

That was not the question, you guys sure like to SPIN it your way. The statement you made "There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said there were." was a LIE! Plain and simple. It has NO CONSEQUENCE if the world knew about the 550 metric tons of yellow Cake, Yellow Cake is a WMD, the SOURCE Material needed to make a nuclear bomb. As it was UNGUARDED by the U.N. inspectors from 2 days BEFORE the war started and all U.N. personnel were pulled out of Iraq, it was sitting there, pilfered by towns people for over 100 days that the war lasted, and was finally guarded again by coalition forces once they had control of Iraq!

Your SNOPES tale is also MISLEADING as they answer the question "The removal of yellow cake uranium from Iraq in 2008 proved that Saddam Hussein had been trying to start Iraq's nuclear program" PROVES that yellow cake WAS IN IRAQ!!! We haven't stated, nor can anyone tell what Saddam was planning to do with it! He's DEAD and unable to tell us what his plans were for it. If you can CHANNEL Saddam, from wherever he is, please do, and get his statement notarized for proof!

Of course all his WMD existed, you idiots simply want to believe your own BULLSHIT, instead of taking into consideration That General Sada, The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed. He even gives a fairly accurate description where they went, and coincides with the location of Syria's nuclear plant, that at the time, was being built by China for the Syrian government, and just happened to be the sight that Israel blew up in July 2007! The ODD thing about this is that in 1981 Israel blew up Saddam's nuclear plant and was laid waste by the Arab states, Europe, and had resolutions against it by the U.N. After the 2007 attack, there was NO CRY from the Arabs, or Europe, or resolutions brought against it. My opinion was that a true investigation would have shown EXACTLY what was there!

BTW, your SNOPES sight blame Robert Novak for outing Valerie Plame a SUPPOSED CIA operative. It's now known that good old Valerie was not a CIA OPERATIVE, in the classic definition of a SPY, but was an ANALYST for the CIA and it was Robert Armitage, a close associate of Secretary of State Colin Powell, who was regarded, along with Powell ,as a moderate within the Bush presidential administration, and who would later be regarded by most Republicans as a BACK STABBER of that administration. as the SOURCE of that leak

[ame=]Richard Armitage Admits Plame Leak "Extraordinarily Foolish" - YouTube[/ame]

At 1:25 Armitage states that she was not an operative, Novak apparently didn't recognize that Plame was just another analyst with a powerful husband!
^^^ See that? This stuff had already been identified and no, "yellow cake" by itself is not a dirty bomb. Read and educate yourself.
Was there Yellow Cake 550 tons, to be correct in Iraq during the War? IS Yellow Cake the necessary ingredient when making an atomic bomb? I know a genius like you can handle those questions without going to a left leaning spin site!

Read the article - I know that you already have all the answers, but you are wrong about this one. This stuff was already identified and sealed in containers by the UN inspectors BEFORE THE WAR.

Yes, and the U.N. inspectors were all pulled out of Iraq 2 days before the War started, leaving these tons of Yellow Cake unprotected! What you, snopes, and other try to spin is that NUCLEAR WMD were there in Iraq, and it didn't matter if they knew about it or not, it was unprotected, it was ransacked by local villagers, and it was only guarded again, by coalition troops, AFTER the war was over. What is so difficult to understand? It was there, it was the seed source of nuclear weapons, and it was unguarded!

LMAO, WE pulled the inspectors. You are using very flawed logic here.
Read the article - I know that you already have all the answers, but you are wrong about this one. This stuff was already identified and sealed in containers by the UN inspectors BEFORE THE WAR.

Yes, and the U.N. inspectors were all pulled out of Iraq 2 days before the War started, leaving these tons of Yellow Cake unprotected! What you, snopes, and other try to spin is that NUCLEAR WMD were there in Iraq, and it didn't matter if they knew about it or not, it was unprotected, it was ransacked by local villagers, and it was only guarded again, by coalition troops, AFTER the war was over. What is so difficult to understand? It was there, it was the seed source of nuclear weapons, and it was unguarded!

LMAO, WE pulled the inspectors. You are using very flawed logic here.

Where did I state we? I stated the U.N. inspectors were pulled out 2 days before the war, and from Wiki...

On 16 March 2003, the US government advised the UN inspectors to leave their unfinished work and exit from Iraq.[67] On 20 March[68] the American-led coalition conducted a surprise[69] military invasion of Iraq without declaring war.

That was 4 days BEFORE the war, and all U.N. personnel that were in Iraq, INCLUDING U.N. inspectors looking after the 550 tons of WMD, were GONE from Iraq!

Do you have a comprehension problem of that FACT?
House Republicans won't rule out arresting Lois Lerner if Justice Department doesn't

The legislative branch has no such power. Step along.

What happened Jake the Flake, NO SPIN on the TRUTH that Congress has the power to arrest someone for contempt of Congress? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
She can't do that unless she is testifying. Those are the rules. You see the problem. Someone has to offer it to her in open session.

That was not the question, you guys sure like to SPIN it your way. The statement you made "There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said there were." was a LIE! Plain and simple. It has NO CONSEQUENCE if the world knew about the 550 metric tons of yellow Cake, Yellow Cake is a WMD, the SOURCE Material needed to make a nuclear bomb. As it was UNGUARDED by the U.N. inspectors from 2 days BEFORE the war started and all U.N. personnel were pulled out of Iraq, it was sitting there, pilfered by towns people for over 100 days that the war lasted, and was finally guarded again by coalition forces once they had control of Iraq!

Okay, um, guy, here's the problem. In the state it was in, it had no weapons' potential. It needed to be processed, someting that takes both equipment and time, and Saddam had neither.

Your SNOPES tale is also MISLEADING as they answer the question "The removal of yellow cake uranium from Iraq in 2008 proved that Saddam Hussein had been trying to start Iraq's nuclear program" PROVES that yellow cake WAS IN IRAQ!!! We haven't stated, nor can anyone tell what Saddam was planning to do with it! He's DEAD and unable to tell us what his plans were for it. If you can CHANNEL Saddam, from wherever he is, please do, and get his statement notarized for proof!

It doesn't matter what he was "planning" to do, it matters what he COULD do. And lacking centrifuges or the other advanced equipment needed to process it, he realy couldn't do anything about it, which is why the UN didn't remove this material in 1991 when they destroyed all of his other WMD capabilities.

Of course all his WMD existed, you idiots simply want to believe your own BULLSHIT, instead of taking into consideration That General Sada, The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed. He even gives a fairly accurate description where they went, and coincides with the location of Syria's nuclear plant, that at the time, was being built by China for the Syrian government, and just happened to be the sight that Israel blew up in July 2007! The ODD thing about this is that in 1981 Israel blew up Saddam's nuclear plant and was laid waste by the Arab states, Europe, and had resolutions against it by the U.N. After the 2007 attack, there was NO CRY from the Arabs, or Europe, or resolutions brought against it. My opinion was that a true investigation would have shown EXACTLY what was there!

Or that people have j ust figured trying to reason with the Zionists is a waste of time.

BTW, your SNOPES sight blame Robert Novak for outing Valerie Plame a SUPPOSED CIA operative. It's now known that good old Valerie was not a CIA OPERATIVE, in the classic definition of a SPY, but was an ANALYST for the CIA and it was Robert Armitage, a close associate of Secretary of State Colin Powell, who was regarded, along with Powell ,as a moderate within the Bush presidential administration, and who would later be regarded by most Republicans as a BACK STABBER of that administration. as the SOURCE of that leak

At 1:25 Armitage states that she was not an operative, Novak apparently didn't recognize that Plame was just another analyst with a powerful husband!

Powell and Armitage were smart enough to realize that going to war with Saddam was a really stupid idea. PRobably because they had actually served in the military, as opposed to getting bullshit placements inthe National Guard or Student Deferrments like the NeoCon Chickenhawks did.

Oh, for the record- 5000 dead AMericans, 32,000 wounded Americans and a trillion dollars pissed away- It was a really horrible idea.

But hey, Lois Lerner Questioned by Karl Rove needed an exemption reserved for Charities for his political group!
If Congress wants Lerner's testimony that bad, give her immunity.

If she wants immunity, then she needs to stop invoking the 5th and tell Issa's committee what she was involved in.

No, actually, she doesn't.

All she has to do is run out the clock until Obama's last day and get a pardon.

actually, the gave them a brief on what she intended to testify to last time and asked for a few days more ....

issa.... who has no interest in what she has to say... only in ranting and raving and being the political hack he is (and spending a fortune on pointless and baseless witch hunts in the process) didn't allow that and just did his little dance where he shut off the mike on the ranking member of the committee...

because it's easier to fabricate faux rage than to actually do anything.

That was not the question, you guys sure like to SPIN it your way. The statement you made "There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said there were." was a LIE! Plain and simple. It has NO CONSEQUENCE if the world knew about the 550 metric tons of yellow Cake, Yellow Cake is a WMD, the SOURCE Material needed to make a nuclear bomb. As it was UNGUARDED by the U.N. inspectors from 2 days BEFORE the war started and all U.N. personnel were pulled out of Iraq, it was sitting there, pilfered by towns people for over 100 days that the war lasted, and was finally guarded again by coalition forces once they had control of Iraq!

Okay, um, guy, here's the problem. In the state it was in, it had no weapons' potential. It needed to be processed, someting that takes both equipment and time, and Saddam had neither.

Your SNOPES tale is also MISLEADING as they answer the question "The removal of yellow cake uranium from Iraq in 2008 proved that Saddam Hussein had been trying to start Iraq's nuclear program" PROVES that yellow cake WAS IN IRAQ!!! We haven't stated, nor can anyone tell what Saddam was planning to do with it! He's DEAD and unable to tell us what his plans were for it. If you can CHANNEL Saddam, from wherever he is, please do, and get his statement notarized for proof!

It doesn't matter what he was "planning" to do, it matters what he COULD do. And lacking centrifuges or the other advanced equipment needed to process it, he realy couldn't do anything about it, which is why the UN didn't remove this material in 1991 when they destroyed all of his other WMD capabilities.

Of course all his WMD existed, you idiots simply want to believe your own BULLSHIT, instead of taking into consideration That General Sada, The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed. He even gives a fairly accurate description where they went, and coincides with the location of Syria's nuclear plant, that at the time, was being built by China for the Syrian government, and just happened to be the sight that Israel blew up in July 2007! The ODD thing about this is that in 1981 Israel blew up Saddam's nuclear plant and was laid waste by the Arab states, Europe, and had resolutions against it by the U.N. After the 2007 attack, there was NO CRY from the Arabs, or Europe, or resolutions brought against it. My opinion was that a true investigation would have shown EXACTLY what was there!

Or that people have j ust figured trying to reason with the Zionists is a waste of time.

BTW, your SNOPES sight blame Robert Novak for outing Valerie Plame a SUPPOSED CIA operative. It's now known that good old Valerie was not a CIA OPERATIVE, in the classic definition of a SPY, but was an ANALYST for the CIA and it was Robert Armitage, a close associate of Secretary of State Colin Powell, who was regarded, along with Powell ,as a moderate within the Bush presidential administration, and who would later be regarded by most Republicans as a BACK STABBER of that administration. as the SOURCE of that leak

At 1:25 Armitage states that she was not an operative, Novak apparently didn't recognize that Plame was just another analyst with a powerful husband!

Powell and Armitage were smart enough to realize that going to war with Saddam was a really stupid idea. PRobably because they had actually served in the military, as opposed to getting bullshit placements inthe National Guard or Student Deferrments like the NeoCon Chickenhawks did.

Oh, for the record- 5000 dead AMericans, 32,000 wounded Americans and a trillion dollars pissed away- It was a really horrible idea.

But hey, Lois Lerner Questioned by Karl Rove needed an exemption reserved for Charities for his political group!

There is no problem with the state the yellow cake was in. And there was NO TIME LIMIT placed on the POTENTIAL of what that 550 Metric tons could have done. Isn't that why the war started when it did, to prevent any further development, real or potential, that Saddam had to develop them? Of course it was. He THREATEN to do just that. NO ONE can deny that 550 TONS of yellowcake was in Iraq when the war started, and was UNGUARDED!

He could have just as easily gotten centrifuges from such countries as N. Korea, or China, even Russia if he had been pressed. After all, with Russia, he had paid them BILLIONS of dollars through the corrupt OIL FOR FOOD program, and Russia, certainly doesn't give a shit about what the world thinks, proof is currently Crimea! He could have gotten them also from Germany through the back door to any of a number of Arab countries that were sympathetic to Saddam, in parts, and have them assembled in Iraq. We know that he had ONE buried, and the supposition is he was using that to develop and manufacture the parts himself.

So it appears you're anti-Israel, our only ally in the ME! Israel has every right to PROTECT itself, and as we have seen, even currently with over 7000 rockets being fired into Israel each year, there patients, and refrain is beyond anything we have here. What would WE DO if Cuba launched a missile into Florida? You sir, are beyond naïve!

Face it, George Bush I, the MODERATE RINO, and the U.N. were the original FUCK UPS during Gulf War I. They allowed Saddam to stay, instead of putting in a military government needed, at that time, to control the country. They did it simply because it would be HARD WORK doing such. If they had kept Saddam's army, replaced all top officers, with men that were PAID WELL, indoctrinated in a "FAIR BUT STERN" method of controlling the citizenry, and because they were paid very well, the corruption would have been cut down drastically, would have been the way to go. BUT we will never know if that would have worked, as it was never tried for the 12 years between Gulf War I and II!

GW II was prosecuted poorly. Here Colon Bowell is to blame. Instead of using air and rocket power much more selectively, and effectively, he relied on ground troops too much. Saddam's Army virtually GAVE UP, except the Republican guard. ALL of Saddam's army could have been converted into a huge police force to keep Iraq in order, if they had converted them into a cohesive force, by feeding, clothing, and PAYING them a decent salary, to continue their military experience. If you'd like to talk about that, I'd be happy to expand.

Now it WAS a waste of fine American's that were restricted by ROI's that favored the enemy. You have a shooter behind a group of citizens killing our men, you simply TAKE THAT GROUP OUT! It's war, and civilian casualties are expected. But once the enemy sees that you won't fire on him in that situation, they will exploit it to the fullest.

Lois Lerner is a LINK into the corruption of the B. Insane regime. Lock her ass up!
Last edited:

There is no problem with the state the yellow cake was in. And there was NO TIME LIMIT placed on the POTENTIAL of what that 550 Metric tons could have done. Isn't that why the war started when it did, to prevent any further development, real or potential, that Saddam had to develop them? Of course it was. He THREATEN to do just that. NO ONE can deny that 550 TONS of yellowcake was in Iraq when the war started, and was UNGUARDED!

The only reason it was "unguarded" is because we killed the people who were watching it. Of course, without processing plants and centrifuges, Saddam couldn't turn it into a bomb, so it was harmless.

He could have just as easily gotten centrifuges from such countries as N. Korea, or China, even Russia if he had been pressed. After all, with Russia, he had paid them BILLIONS of dollars through the corrupt OIL FOR FOOD program, and Russia, certainly doesn't give a shit about what the world thinks, proof is currently Crimea! He could have gotten them also from Germany through the back door to any of a number of Arab countries that were sympathetic to Saddam, in parts, and have them assembled in Iraq. We know that he had ONE buried, and the supposition is he was using that to develop and manufacture the parts himself.

While Oil for Food had it's problems, the fact is, no centrifuges or anything else was sent to Iraq. So you are getting into a whole lot of "would have, could haves" and not actually making a case that there were WMD's in Iraq RIGHT NOW that required immediate military action.

So it appears you're anti-Israel, our only ally in the ME! Israel has every right to PROTECT itself, and as we have seen, even currently with over 7000 rockets being fired into Israel each year, there patients, and refrain is beyond anything we have here. What would WE DO if Cuba launched a missile into Florida? You sir, are beyond naïve!

Seriously, Fuck Israel. Getting tired of getting dragged into their BS Wars. If they all went back to Europe where they came from, we wouldn't have any problems over there.

Face it, George Bush I, the MODERATE RINO, and the U.N. were the original FUCK UPS during Gulf War I. They allowed Saddam to stay, instead of putting in a military government needed, at that time, to control the country. They did it simply because it would be HARD WORK doing such. If they had kept Saddam's army, replaced all top officers, with men that were PAID WELL, indoctrinated in a "FAIR BUT STERN" method of controlling the citizenry, and because they were paid very well, the corruption would have been cut down drastically, would have been the way to go. BUT we will never know if that would have worked, as it was never tried for the 12 years between Gulf War I and II!

Actually, in his memoir, Bush-41 stated his sensible reasons for not taking out Saddam. And it was pretty much exactly what happened when Bush-43 did it. The sunnis and shi'ites and Kurds started fighting amongst themselves for control of the country.

GW II was prosecuted poorly. Here Colon Bowell is to blame. Instead of using air and rocket power much more selectively, and effectively, he relied on ground troops too much. Saddam's Army virtually GAVE UP, except the Republican guard. ALL of Saddam's army could have been converted into a huge police force to keep Iraq in order, if they had converted them into a cohesive force, by feeding, clothing, and PAYING them a decent salary, to continue their military experience. If you'd like to talk about that, I'd be happy to expand.

ANd make yourself look even MORE retarded? I think I'll spare you that. Not seeing how people we couldn't trust could have made up a good army. Especially not guys who dropped their weapons the first time someone shot at them.

Now it WAS a waste of fine American's that were restricted by ROI's that favored the enemy. You have a shooter behind a group of citizens killing our men, you simply TAKE THAT GROUP OUT! It's war, and civilian casualties are expected. But once the enemy sees that you won't fire on him in that situation, they will exploit it to the fullest.

Um, yeah, actually you fire into a crowd of ciivlians, every last one of their relatives then becomes your enemy. Which is pretty much what we did because we didn't learn a fucking thing from Vietnam, apparently.


Lois Lerner is a LINK into the corruption of the B. Insane regime. Lock her ass up!

Guy, so what you are admitting is you don't want to lock her up because of what she did, you want to lock her up because you think she'll break bad on Obama.

Again, did you guys like learn nothing from the whole Ken Starr Panty Sniffing Investigations?

There is no problem with the state the yellow cake was in. And there was NO TIME LIMIT placed on the POTENTIAL of what that 550 Metric tons could have done. Isn't that why the war started when it did, to prevent any further development, real or potential, that Saddam had to develop them? Of course it was. He THREATEN to do just that. NO ONE can deny that 550 TONS of yellowcake was in Iraq when the war started, and was UNGUARDED!

The only reason it was "unguarded" is because we killed the people who were watching it. Of course, without processing plants and centrifuges, Saddam couldn't turn it into a bomb, so it was harmless.

He could have just as easily gotten centrifuges from such countries as N. Korea, or China, even Russia if he had been pressed. After all, with Russia, he had paid them BILLIONS of dollars through the corrupt OIL FOR FOOD program, and Russia, certainly doesn't give a shit about what the world thinks, proof is currently Crimea! He could have gotten them also from Germany through the back door to any of a number of Arab countries that were sympathetic to Saddam, in parts, and have them assembled in Iraq. We know that he had ONE buried, and the supposition is he was using that to develop and manufacture the parts himself.

While Oil for Food had it's problems, the fact is, no centrifuges or anything else was sent to Iraq. So you are getting into a whole lot of "would have, could haves" and not actually making a case that there were WMD's in Iraq RIGHT NOW that required immediate military action.

Seriously, Fuck Israel. Getting tired of getting dragged into their BS Wars. If they all went back to Europe where they came from, we wouldn't have any problems over there.

Actually, in his memoir, Bush-41 stated his sensible reasons for not taking out Saddam. And it was pretty much exactly what happened when Bush-43 did it. The sunnis and shi'ites and Kurds started fighting amongst themselves for control of the country.

ANd make yourself look even MORE retarded? I think I'll spare you that. Not seeing how people we couldn't trust could have made up a good army. Especially not guys who dropped their weapons the first time someone shot at them.

Now it WAS a waste of fine American's that were restricted by ROI's that favored the enemy. You have a shooter behind a group of citizens killing our men, you simply TAKE THAT GROUP OUT! It's war, and civilian casualties are expected. But once the enemy sees that you won't fire on him in that situation, they will exploit it to the fullest.

Um, yeah, actually you fire into a crowd of ciivlians, every last one of their relatives then becomes your enemy. Which is pretty much what we did because we didn't learn a fucking thing from Vietnam, apparently.


Lois Lerner is a LINK into the corruption of the B. Insane regime. Lock her ass up!

Guy, so what you are admitting is you don't want to lock her up because of what she did, you want to lock her up because you think she'll break bad on Obama.

Again, did you guys like learn nothing from the whole Ken Starr Panty Sniffing Investigations?

So, in your mind, the U.N. inspectors who were in charge of securing that site were killed by American troops....You have to be insane to even write this! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Of course right now required military action. Even a demented little leftist, should understand 550 TONS of yellowcake, no matter what stage of preparedness it's in, is a weapon of mass destruction... have you looked up that the ONLY WAY to make a nuclear bomb, is to start with yellowcake?

BTW, thank you for proving your an anti-Semite bigot, will you say something negative about blacks, so we can also call you a racist fuck...or are you a muslim, terrorist lover, and support the people who killed almost 3,000 American civilians on 9/11? I'd bet that I hit a tender spot, but the bigot here, won't fess up!

And that is why we should have used the existing Iraq army to control,the 3 cults of Islam. Let's face it, these people are from the 8th century in religious beliefs, and next to killing infidels, they LOVE to kill each other!

That is why we train men, to weed out who would be able to do the job, and who wouldn't. Look at all the TRILLIONS we could have saved doing that, could have controlled their oil, WHICH WE DIDN'T, thanks to you asshole leftist that to this day continue to yell we went to war for the fucking oil we NEVER took!

No, these people are mental midgets, with an 8th century learning curve. You kill them, and threaten to kill more of them, AND DO KILL MORE OF THEM WHEN THEY ATTACK, even mental midgets LEARM to be AFRAID OF YOU. WE didn't need to control the Iraqi people with respect, we needed to control them by the thought of FEAR!

Ken Starr, was a useful pawn in the Clinton campaign, to accuse everyone of everything except old BJ, who was the perpetrator. You subversive/democrats use the same technique today! As long as you have the lapdog media along with you, feeding the LIV public, your propaganda, everything is covered up, as Lois Lerner proves.
So, do the ODS kooks understand how nobody but them cares about Issa's endless phony investigations, and that now they're just making themselves look stupid and corrupt in front of America?

In case they don't understand, let me be the one to break the news to them. Nobody gives a shit about whatever you ODS kooks are crying about on any given day, since you're always bawling about something.

(Read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to understand the reason as to why nobody pays any attention to you.)
[quSo, in your mind, the U.N. inspectors who were in charge of securing that site were killed by American troops....You have to be insane to even write this! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Of course right now required military action. Even a demented little leftist, should understand 550 TONS of yellowcake, no matter what stage of preparedness it's in, is a weapon of mass destruction... have you looked up that the ONLY WAY to make a nuclear bomb, is to start with yellowcake?

Are you just some kind of retard? We've j ust explained to you that unprocessed, yellow-cake is inert. It's not even particularly toxic.

BTW, thank you for proving your an anti-Semite bigot, will you say something negative about blacks, so we can also call you a racist fuck...or are you a muslim, terrorist lover, and support the people who killed almost 3,000 American civilians on 9/11? I'd bet that I hit a tender spot, but the bigot here, won't fess up!

Yawn, guy, Arabs are Semites, too. I just don't think we should be involved in a fight between Semites over who an Imaginary Sky Fairy gave a strip of desert to.

And that is why we should have used the existing Iraq army to control,the 3 cults of Islam. Let's face it, these people are from the 8th century in religious beliefs, and next to killing infidels, they LOVE to kill each other!

actually, it was two SECTS of Islam and a ethnic nationality... If you are this profoundly ignorant of facts about Iraq, you really shouldn't talk about it.

That is why we train men, to weed out who would be able to do the job, and who wouldn't. Look at all the TRILLIONS we could have saved doing that, could have controlled their oil, WHICH WE DIDN'T, thanks to you asshole leftist that to this day continue to yell we went to war for the fucking oil we NEVER took!

Here's the thing. No self-respecting Iraqi would fight for us. The way they got weeded out was when they shot our guys in the back.

No, these people are mental midgets, with an 8th century learning curve. You kill them, and threaten to kill more of them, AND DO KILL MORE OF THEM WHEN THEY ATTACK, even mental midgets LEARM to be AFRAID OF YOU. WE didn't need to control the Iraqi people with respect, we needed to control them by the thought of FEAR!

Again, guy, did you sign up and join the Army to take on this noble crusade.

Ken Starr, was a useful pawn in the Clinton campaign, to accuse everyone of everything except old BJ, who was the perpetrator. You subversive/democrats use the same technique today! As long as you have the lapdog media along with you, feeding the LIV public, your propaganda, everything is covered up, as Lois Lerner proves.

Guy, now you are ranting.

So Let's review. Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars to investigate a failed land deal, and ended up proving Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

In Republican Crazy Land, money well spent, i'm sure.
[quSo, in your mind, the U.N. inspectors who were in charge of securing that site were killed by American troops....You have to be insane to even write this! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Of course right now required military action. Even a demented little leftist, should understand 550 TONS of yellowcake, no matter what stage of preparedness it's in, is a weapon of mass destruction... have you looked up that the ONLY WAY to make a nuclear bomb, is to start with yellowcake?

Are you just some kind of retard? We've j ust explained to you that unprocessed, yellow-cake is inert. It's not even particularly toxic.

BTW, thank you for proving your an anti-Semite bigot, will you say something negative about blacks, so we can also call you a racist fuck...or are you a muslim, terrorist lover, and support the people who killed almost 3,000 American civilians on 9/11? I'd bet that I hit a tender spot, but the bigot here, won't fess up!
Yawn, guy, Arabs are Semites, too. I just don't think we should be involved in a fight between Semites over who an Imaginary Sky Fairy gave a strip of desert to.

actually, it was two SECTS of Islam and a ethnic nationality... If you are this profoundly ignorant of facts about Iraq, you really shouldn't talk about it.

Here's the thing. No self-respecting Iraqi would fight for us. The way they got weeded out was when they shot our guys in the back.

No, these people are mental midgets, with an 8th century learning curve. You kill them, and threaten to kill more of them, AND DO KILL MORE OF THEM WHEN THEY ATTACK, even mental midgets LEARM to be AFRAID OF YOU. WE didn't need to control the Iraqi people with respect, we needed to control them by the thought of FEAR!
Again, guy, did you sign up and join the Army to take on this noble crusade.

Ken Starr, was a useful pawn in the Clinton campaign, to accuse everyone of everything except old BJ, who was the perpetrator. You subversive/democrats use the same technique today! As long as you have the lapdog media along with you, feeding the LIV public, your propaganda, everything is covered up, as Lois Lerner proves.
Guy, now you are ranting.

So Let's review. Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars to investigate a failed land deal, and ended up proving Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

In Republican Crazy Land, money well spent, i'm sure.

Asshole, you made a statement that Americans killed the U.N. inspectors guarding that yellowcake! You're a fucking fool, and answering you is like talking to OCD Boy Pogo! But, to humor myself, I will.

You state "It's not even particularly toxic."

If that's so why are these men who shipped the yellowcake dressed like this?


UN inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency work at the nuclear facility in Tuwaitha, 31 miles east of Baghdad, Iraq

These are the INSPECTORS that you believe American troops shot and killed that had been on guard at the sight.

Sorry asswipe, there are way more than 2 sects of Islam....

<LI class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1">1 Sunni Islam

<LI class="toclevel-1 tocsection-7">2 Shia Islam
<LI class="toclevel-1 tocsection-16">3 Sufism
<LI class="toclevel-1 tocsection-28">4 Ahmadiyya
<LI class="toclevel-1 tocsection-31">5 Kharijite Islam
<LI class="toclevel-1 tocsection-33">6 Smaller sects
I went through Vietnam, nosebleed, did you serve, as I did, or just another do nothing liberal scumbag, that puts himself before Patriotism??

Ken Starr got Clinton IMPEACHED, and he was IMPEACHED, want to argue that point also, moron?

Damn, this would be FUN bitch slapping you, if it actually made me think about you possibly being right...but, of course, you're wrong on just about everything!
So, do the ODS kooks understand how nobody but them cares about Issa's endless phony investigations, and that now they're just making themselves look stupid and corrupt in front of America?

In case they don't understand, let me be the one to break the news to them. Nobody gives a shit about whatever you ODS kooks are crying about on any given day, since you're always bawling about something.

(Read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to understand the reason as to why nobody pays any attention to you.)
Believe it or not, some people actually give a fuck about what happens to their country. You, obviously, aren't one of them.
What do republicans REALLY want? Jail time for asking for additional paperwork? So let me get this straight.

Requiring additional verification at the polls? A must.

Asking for additional verification for tax purposes of an anti tax group? THE HORROR AND EVERYONE WHO ASKED FOR IT MUST GET LIFE IMPRISONMENT.

Is that what it is?
[quSo, in your mind, the U.N. inspectors who were in charge of securing that site were killed by American troops....You have to be insane to even write this! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Of course right now required military action. Even a demented little leftist, should understand 550 TONS of yellowcake, no matter what stage of preparedness it's in, is a weapon of mass destruction... have you looked up that the ONLY WAY to make a nuclear bomb, is to start with yellowcake?

Are you just some kind of retard? We've j ust explained to you that unprocessed, yellow-cake is inert. It's not even particularly toxic.

Yawn, guy, Arabs are Semites, too. I just don't think we should be involved in a fight between Semites over who an Imaginary Sky Fairy gave a strip of desert to.

actually, it was two SECTS of Islam and a ethnic nationality... If you are this profoundly ignorant of facts about Iraq, you really shouldn't talk about it.

Here's the thing. No self-respecting Iraqi would fight for us. The way they got weeded out was when they shot our guys in the back.

Again, guy, did you sign up and join the Army to take on this noble crusade.

Ken Starr, was a useful pawn in the Clinton campaign, to accuse everyone of everything except old BJ, who was the perpetrator. You subversive/democrats use the same technique today! As long as you have the lapdog media along with you, feeding the LIV public, your propaganda, everything is covered up, as Lois Lerner proves.
Guy, now you are ranting.

So Let's review. Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars to investigate a failed land deal, and ended up proving Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

In Republican Crazy Land, money well spent, i'm sure.

Asshole, you made a statement that Americans killed the U.N. inspectors guarding that yellowcake! You're a fucking fool, and answering you is like talking to OCD Boy Pogo! But, to humor myself, I will.

You state "It's not even particularly toxic."

If that's so why are these men who shipped the yellowcake dressed like this?

Hmmm. unknown material in an unknown country?

Sorry asswipe, there are way more than 2 sects of Islam....

Yes, but you were claiming the Kurds were a "Sect". No, they are an ethnic minority that didnt' want to be ruled by the Arabs.

I went through Vietnam, nosebleed, did you serve, as I did, or just another do nothing liberal scumbag, that puts himself before Patriotism??

Unless Vietnam had a Daycare, I wasn't going. I was in for Gulf War I, though.

Ken Starr got Clinton IMPEACHED, and he was IMPEACHED, want to argue that point also, moron?

That 70% of the country thought it was absolutely ridiculous that we were impeaching a good president over something as petty as lying about a blowjob.

So lying about a blowjob is an impeachable offense.
Not giving Karl Rove a fraudulent tax exemption is an impeachable offense.
Lying about why we went to war and thousands of people died...not an impeachable offense.

You see, this is why I stopped being a Republican. YOu really can't keep tying your brain into these kinds of knots without straining something.

Damn, this would be FUN bitch slapping you, if it actually made me think about you possibly being right...but, of course, you're wrong on just about everything!

What's hilarious is watching you lose your shit...and trying to pretend that Iraq was still a good idea. It wasn't.

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