House Republicans you Bungled It!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
House Republicans you blew-it on the continuing resolution so now just give the Senate a clean CR and don't shut down the government. When a party is going to shut down the government you have to have a good defense for the American people and you don't lets look at your latest CR bill. Your now fighting to postpone the individual mandate for one year the penalty for non-compliance on the mandate is $95.00/adult and $47.50/child for the first year and your now fighting to stop federal employees from getting the federal government to essentially stop paying their portion of health insurance premium that they have paid for in the past. You Republicans are acting as so dumb here it is pitiful your embarrassing the American people. The penalty for disregarding the mandates is peanuts many young people have said they don't care about the mandate why would you shut down the government over this and for the federal employee premium assistance your dead wrong the federal government should be paying the same portion of the health insurance premium it has been paying for prior years for heaven sakes the federal government wants to retain and recruit good people so they have to offer competitive benefits and health insurance is an important benefit and the federal government should pay this common employer percentage of premiums! You Republicans can't be serious that you would actually shut down the federal government over these petty items where is your pride where is your conscience!

Republicans have received a lot of criticism on this Continuing Resolution matter along the lines of how can you guys link this non-budgetary matter to a budgetary matter how would you guys like it if the Senate linked passing comprehensive immigration reform legislation to passage of a CR. I believe the Republicans were on solid grounds linking this issue because Obamacare has caused a crisis its a crisis on job creation and family income earnings. Specifically, employers aren't hiring workers because of the cost of health care insurance which they would have to pay for each new worker and their cutting hours so their workers stay under 30 hours/wk so the employer doesn't reach this trigger where they then have to pay for health insurance for these workers. The problem has been that the Republicans have been treating this effort to solve the Obamacare problem like a game where they will get this epic win instead of responsibly and prudently fighting to fix the crisis problem. I say responsibly because responsible people don't idly threaten to shut down the government over a bill responsible people make sure the terms of such a bill are terms that they must have, there is no overreaching, and the other side should give it to them from a morally right standpoint and when they make the threat they carry it out there is no whittling down there is no game playing! You Republicans violated this fundamental wisdom it is not essential that you defund Obamacare or postpone it for a year those are too pie in the sky objectives what is necessary is that you rollback many of these Obamacare mandates that have made health insurance so expensive for employers. You Republicans took your eye off the ball which is lowering the cost of health insurance so people will get work and get more hours and thus more income for their families! This CR bill should have went to town on rolling back the Obamacare mandates: it should have capped yearly claims at $250,000, made no limits on out of pocket expenses, revoked the free preventive care mandate and just mandated that preventive care is excluded from the deductible, revoked free birth control services, mandated only a bare bones safety net coverage for mental health services, scrapped alternative medical treatment mandates (let the states handle that), scrapped mandated dental coverage et al.. Each of these mandates add a cost to health insurance and by eliminating them they would have provided critical help in making insurance affordable for employers. But for Republicans members of Congress or for any member of Congress it would take courage to support such a bill because your opponents would tell the people hurt by the bill's provisions that you were doing wrong by them. But if House Republican members wanted to do the right thing over Obamacare and the budget they would have focused in the beginning on these critical narrow issues which would have made a huge difference on the jobs front not killing the whole bill which was and is completely unrealistic and does not have enough support amongst the American people to be achieved!

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