House Speaker John Boehner to Harry Reid: "Go f*** yourself."

Sweet! It doesn't get any better than this. House Speaker John Boehner obviously has no class.

TRENDING: Boehner’s White House F-bomb – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - For all the stalemate in the fiscal cliff negotiations, there were some heated moments, too.

A Democratic source familiar with one particular exchange told CNN that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell were sitting on a sofa in the White House.

House Speaker John Boehner breezed in and his first words to Reid were "Go f*** yourself."

Boehner's comment came after Reid took to the Senate floor on Thursday and characterized the House speaker's handling of his chamber as a "dictatorship."

Reid responded to Boehner's confrontational tone by laughing
Yes but Harry Reid is the epitome of class by referring to the House speaker as a dictator and during the Presidential election standing on the Senate floor and telling us he heard Mitt Romney had never paid any taxes even though by his own admission Reid had no idea if that was true and if that less than classy comment was not enough he continued by musing how ashamed Mitt Romney's deceased father must be of him. Reid being told to go fuck yourself is probably far kinder than he deserves.
Who honestly gives a fuck about this? What about what a piece of shit Boehner is as a politician? That's much more interesting that two politicians flirting with each other.
Sweet! It doesn't get any better than this. House Speaker John Boehner obviously has no class.

TRENDING: Boehner’s White House F-bomb – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - For all the stalemate in the fiscal cliff negotiations, there were some heated moments, too.

A Democratic source familiar with one particular exchange told CNN that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell were sitting on a sofa in the White House.

House Speaker John Boehner breezed in and his first words to Reid were "Go f*** yourself."

Boehner's comment came after Reid took to the Senate floor on Thursday and characterized the House speaker's handling of his chamber as a "dictatorship."

Reid responded to Boehner's confrontational tone by laughing
Yes but Harry Reid is the epitome of class by referring to the House speaker as a dictator and during the Presidential election standing on the Senate floor and telling us he heard Mitt Romney had never paid any taxes even though by his own admission Reid had no idea if that was true and if that less than classy comment was not enough he continued by musing how ashamed Mitt Romney's deceased father must be of him. Reid being told to go fuck yourself is probably far kinder than he deserves.

The idea of decorum in politics has gone the way of civility between people in this country. Constant cursing is supposed to be the last stand of an ignorant man, however, we now accept children doing it on a regular basis as a means of "puffing up". It's a pathetic excuse for this generation and that of "so-called" Statesmen that are selected to represent us.

It's just another example of a once great empire falling. Rome, Greece, Britian, and us. Just a matter of time.......
Sweet! It doesn't get any better than this. House Speaker John Boehner obviously has no class.

TRENDING: Boehner’s White House F-bomb – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Yes but Harry Reid is the epitome of class by referring to the House speaker as a dictator and during the Presidential election standing on the Senate floor and telling us he heard Mitt Romney had never paid any taxes even though by his own admission Reid had no idea if that was true and if that less than classy comment was not enough he continued by musing how ashamed Mitt Romney's deceased father must be of him. Reid being told to go fuck yourself is probably far kinder than he deserves.

The idea of decorum in politics has gone the way of civility between people in this country. Constant cursing is supposed to be the last stand of an ignorant man, however, we now accept children doing it on a regular basis as a means of "puffing up". It's a pathetic excuse for this generation and that of "so-called" Statesmen that are selected to represent us.

It's just another example of a once great empire falling. Rome, Greece, Britian, and us. Just a matter of time.......

Trying to find class in politics is like trying to find a disease free woman in a two dollar whorehouse the odds of it are slim and none.
Actually, I prefer Boehner to the alternative. He appears to be a human being who could decide to cooperate for the good of the country. What a concept I know...
HA HA HA...Reid has insulted me and the tea party and fiscally responsible Americans time and time again...and Boehner said zip zero nada. Reid insults Boehner and he jumps the old mans shit and tells him to go fuck himself. Well it's about time the speaker gets angry. It's about time he sounds as tough as Pelosi. Hell... He only gets mad when he is attacked...That spells sissy in my book...that's right Boehner is a big sissy and has been screwing up the conservative movement from day 1. Please vote his rhinobut out...
About time Boehner said something like this to someone else besides House Republicans and to America. You know, Harry Reid was not that far off in his dictator comments about Boehner. Boehner goes around purging Tea Partiers, and threatening them by telling them they will be primaried out, and they will get no funds from the RNC in the election.

I doubt John even meant it. Now if John would have punched Harry Reid in the face and broke his jaw, I would have cheered Boehner!!! But, this was just drama by Boehner, in hopes of fooling people into thinking he has a pair of bowling balls in between his legs.
Republicans have a history of this kind of classless behaviour. Just like Cheney and Leahy.

Republicans are just thugs in suits.

Speaking of classless behavior.........I won. - B Obama
"The people made it clear what they wanted," he said. "I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and I intend to spend it." - George W. Bush

I'm strangely apathetic to this. Maybe I've just gotten so used to the fact that Congress is a mass pile of shit bags, I just can't be outraged anymore.
Yanno....................instead of telling Reid to go fuck himself, I actually thought that the world's saddest tangarine (Boehner) would just start crying like he usually does.

What's the deal? Is he finally trying to man up rather than cry his pussy way out?

Too late for that............................
I heard that you seem incapable of staying on topic since the recent shooting. Such a shame that your attention span seems to be that of the shooter.

I thought the thread was about congress not bein nice and polite to each other.
I offered a soloution.

You offered a troll.

I am not surprised. The quality of your posts has gone to shit since the election.

For a guy who loves to troll you sure do shriek like a little girl when someone does it to you.
I'm more annoyed Boehner apologized than anything in this trivial bullshit. What's wrong with tell someone to go fuck themselves? Get this do nothing pansy out and put in someone with a brain and a pair of balls please.

Calling Reid a pansy? Oh, you meant Boehner. From the description, maybe you have the two confused.
That was Boehner's finest moment. It just didn't come soon enough. He should have taken that attitude from the very beginning.
"The people made it clear what they wanted," he said. "I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and I intend to spend it." - George W. Bush


But... but...

How dare they point out that they won elections!


This whole "spike the football" kick that the Fox robots are on, whenever any Democrat points out any victory at all, is really getting old.
Chris Christie to House Speaker John Boehner: 'Go fuck yourself'

Chris Christie drops bomb on GOP leaders -

Pulling no punches, Christie declared: "Last night, the House majority failed most basic test of leadership and they did so with callous disregard to the people of my state. ... It was disappointing and disgusting to watch." He also unapologetically named names: "There's only one group to blame ... the House majority, and their Speaker, John Boehner." He added that the relief bill "just could not overcome the toxic internal politics of the House majority."

Christie can go fuk himself too for all I care.

Personally I don't think he can reach his wee wee.... Prolly hadn't seen it in years! :lmao:
Actually, I prefer Boehner to the alternative. He appears to be a human being who could decide to cooperate for the good of the country. What a concept I know...

You mean capitulate.. ?

Cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; "surrender".

surrender - give in - yield - submit - succumb
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Actually, I prefer Boehner to the alternative. He appears to be a human being who could decide to cooperate for the good of the country. What a concept I know...

You mean capitulate.. ?

Cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; "surrender".

surrender - give in - yield - submit - succumb

Look who you are responding to. Franco admires the cheese eating surrender monkeys called the French.

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