House to Vote on 1 Year ObamaCare Delay


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
by Mike Flynn
28 Sep 2013

On Saturday, House GOP Leadership announced plans to take up the Senate stop-gap spending bill and attach a one-year delay of ObamaCare and the individual mandate. The House is also likely to attach a measure continuing funding of the military in the event the Senate fails to act on the larger funding bill by the Monday midnight deadline. The House action makes it likely that the government will shut down, at least for a few days, on Tuesday.


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House to Vote on 1 Year ObamaCare Delay

Reasonable and logical point of view. Should the law makers and politicians eat from the same trough as all Americans? Especially if they claim it's good for America.
I heard Obama say the other day that he will not consider defunding or delaying Obombacare (but that he is willing to discuss with Rs specific changes to it) and that even if the gov't shutdown the exchanges will be open Oct 1.

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