House Un-American Activities Committee

No they weren't. He accused hundreds, ruined lives, had people blacklisted on nothing more than, guilty by accusation, guilty by suspicion:
Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, James Cagney, Katherine Hepburn, Lucille Ball? They accused Shirley Temple of being a communist sympathizer from the age of 10 for God sake...
Apparently you either did not read post #10 and it's links, or such is beyond your grasp and intelligence.
The more you post here, the more you display as ignorant and biased. In a way just as bad as "McCarthy" and "McCarthyism", only coming from the opposite side of the political spectrum.
Better tell Wiki then, they think I got it right...
They are wrong and so are you.

That is fact not opinion. You keep ignoring fact to cling to an outdated view of history.

History is not written in stone it is always open to interpretation and always changes.

The facts are that Mccarthy had nothing to do with the hollywood blacklists as you claimed. He ruined no ones life as you inferred and he had nothing to do with the HUAC.

He simply asked why the government was allowing traitors who were sying for the USSR to hold highly placed government positions?

He was proven correct after the fact.
He ruined lives and created the term McCarthyism. Accusations without evidence. It was stopped. The end... lol.
That is simply false.

He did not create the term, others did.

He ruined no ones life and if he did you could name one such person. You cannot.

The end is That he was later proven correct that in that yes the government was turning a blind eye towards communist treason.
The end is That he was later proven correct that in that yes the government was turning a blind eye towards communist treason.
They themselves were communist bedding
The term was created to describe the acts of McCarthy, which were brought to an end for violating the rights of American citizens. The citizens turned their back on the practice because it was abhorrent. Still is. We prefer freedom...
No it was not.

he violated no ones rights.
He violated everyone's rights by thinking he could accuse whomever he wanted and was important enough to make it stick. He was not and was proven not to be so by the citizens of this country who held their right to freedom in high esteem.

We punish crime here, not opinions....

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