House unanimously passes bill to make animal cruelty a federal crime

No, this is NOT a good thing at all because it is illegal.
Do you seen any such authorization in the Constitution?
And once you make law federal, that means costs go way up, defense from false charges become much more difficult and expensive, those convicted are sent to other states, far from home or visitors, etc.
Almost no federal laws are supposed to exist, and almost all federal laws are a bad idea, if not totally illegal.
The war on drugs, 3 strikes, the BATF, the DEA, the FDA, etc. are totally without any constitutional justification.
No, this is NOT a good thing at all because it is illegal.
Do you seen any such authorization in the Constitution?
And once you make law federal, that means costs go way up, defense from false charges become much more difficult and expensive, those convicted are sent to other states, far from home or visitors, etc.
Almost no federal laws are supposed to exist, and almost all federal laws are a bad idea, if not totally illegal.
The war on drugs, 3 strikes, the BATF, the DEA, the FDA, etc. are totally without any constitutional justification.
whatever, grandpa Ron Paul
....isn't it a crime in most states already?? this really is a waste of time and federal $$$
It's a kind of porn, right? Lumping it in with child porn makes sense to me. Porn where people or creatures are hurt is not okay. Live with it.
so do i need to give the pigs a blindfold and last cigarette now?

Congress did a good thing? WOAH!

let me rephrase that: Congress did a thing? WOAH!

House passes bill making animal cruelty a federal felony
I noticed that you didn't post a link to the bill.

Have you read it?
H.R.724 - Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act @ H.R.724 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act

This bill revises and expands criminal provisions with respect to animal crushing.

It retains existing criminal offenses that prohibit knowingly creating or distributing an animal crush video using interstate commerce. The bill also adds a new provision to criminalize an intentional act of animal crushing. A violator is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to seven years, or both.

It provides additional exceptions for conduct, or a video of conduct, including conduct that is (1) medical or scientific research, (2) necessary to protect the life or property of a person, (3) performed as part of euthanizing an animal, or (4) unintentional.
No, this is NOT a good thing at all because it is illegal.
Do you seen any such authorization in the Constitution?
And once you make law federal, that means costs go way up, defense from false charges become much more difficult and expensive, those convicted are sent to other states, far from home or visitors, etc.
Almost no federal laws are supposed to exist, and almost all federal laws are a bad idea, if not totally illegal.
The war on drugs, 3 strikes, the BATF, the DEA, the FDA, etc. are totally without any constitutional justification.

Fine. Then the next time I see you kick a dog expect to catch 2 rounds of 00 Buck shot followed by a deer slug. If you don’t want the Government fixing the problem, then we responsible animal caretakers WILL.
I educated a prick at the lake for beating a dog that ate his sandwich.

kids and animals cant fight back.

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