House votes to overturn Obama immigration order.


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
House has voted to overturn President Obama's executive actions on immigration that extended protections to millions of people in the US illegally.

In a 237-190 vote, the House has voted to overturn President Obama's executive actions on immigration that extended protections to millions of people in the US illegally.
A good start, but it will be more difficult to get this through the Senate.
Once the smoke clears, we'll see just how big the GOP's balls are.
I'm not holding my breath.
here's an article on at bottom for the remaining article

House GOP Centrists Push Back on Immigration

Border funding bill passes, but only after moderates force a close vote on blocking Obama policy.
By Rachel Roubein and Daniel Newhauser

January 14, 2015 Republican moderates fired a shot across the bow of House GOP leaders Wednesday, warning them not to push too far in their battle against President Obama's immigration policies.

The House voted 236-191 to approve a measure funding the Homeland Security Department while simultaneously defunding President Obama's unilateral action to provide temporary deportation deferrals and work permits to millions of undocumented immigrants. But an earlier vote, on an amendment blocking Obama's 2012 executive order providing deportation deferrals to undocumented immigrants who arrived to the U.S. as children, was tighter, with 26 Republicans joining every Democrat to oppose the language.

Those votes could be even more crucial going forward, when House Republicans enter negotiations with their Senate counterparts and Obama on a final Homeland Security bill. If GOP leaders go too far in catering to their conservative immigration bloc, they could drive those moderates away—and imperil their reelections in 2016.

On Wednesday morning, House leadership held a flurry of meetings to garner more votes for the anti-DACA amendment, which was authored by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican. The House took a similar vote in August, where 11 members voted against repealing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

This time around, more than twice as many Republicans voted against a similar provision. Many of those, including a group of GOP members who represent large Latino populations, particularly Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart and Jeff Denham, pressured leaders not to send the message that they are in favor of deporting some of their constituents, said staff and member sources. Other GOP moderates were miffed that House leaders chose to vote on an amendment sponsored by Blackburn, who has often been critical of leadership and who voted against the omnibus spending bill last year.

House GOP Centrists Push Back on Immigration -
So what? It's the House. How many times did they vote to repeal Obama's AHCA?
Why would moderates be pushed away by trying to defund this crap! Don't they worry about having jobs too? I just don't get it anymore. Why can't everyone see, that we can't afford to have 30 million people freely competing for our jobs. And if people think they are only here to pick fruit and make hotel beds, they are very mistaken. Have a look around, they are in every industry now. And they don't deserve to be, because they committed a crime to be here.
Why would moderates be pushed away by trying to defund this crap! Don't they worry about having jobs too? I just don't get it anymore. Why can't everyone see, that we can't afford to have 30 million people freely competing for our jobs. And if people think they are only here to pick fruit and make hotel beds, they are very mistaken. Have a look around, they are in every industry now. And they don't deserve to be, because they committed a crime to be here.

I agree.

The first thing they need to do is secure the damned border so no more get into the US.

They they can address those that are already here and hopefully deport a shitload of them.

They should issue work permits and have the workers come in, do the work and go the hell home. Thats how Canada does it and it works for them and you can bet your ass it would work for us as well.
The first thing they need to do is secure the damned border so no more get into the US.
We've been saying that since the Reagan Years - 25 years from now the State of the Union Address will be in Spanish with English subtitles
They should issue work permits and have the workers come in, do the work and go the hell home.

They already do that - they're called Green Cards and work visas - and they thumb their noses and laugh at them ..... green cards !!?? , we don't have no green cards ... we don't need no stinking green cards !
I think all potential immigrants should be diverted to the Mexican border and just come on over. Make sure they don't learn or make any effort to learn English.

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