House votes to REMOVE all Confederate statues from Congress

How many organizations are you a member of, that won't let you leave on pain of death?
Mafia. MS-13.

BUT, even they are clear when you join, that it is for life.

According to the libs, the US was WORSE, luring in states, while not telling them that it was forever, and that trying to leave would led to teh deaths of hundreds of thousands.
The North never told them that because it was not true.
When the US declared independence, it was not recognized by England.

When Liberia was founded, it was not recognized by the United States and is now an independent s***hole country.

Syria did not receive worldwide recognition when it was founded.


People's Republic of China was not recognized by the US and Western Bloc until 1970.
None were recognized as nations until they had achieved independent sovereignty.

Those who called themselves the "Confederate States of America" never did.

The territory they claimed alway remained that of the United States, and Lincoln its President.
That's your arbitray standard, moron. No one with a brain gives a shit.
Name it for what ?
Again, name one sovereign nation that ever recognized the "Confederate States of America" as a sovereign state.

What sovereign states are not recognized by any sovereign states?

Those who fancied themselves another nation occupied the land of the United States, and Lincoln was the duly-elected President of those United States. He deployed United States troops within the United States in defense of the United States.
No one cares, asshole. Lincoln invaded a sovereign state of the union, which the constitution expressly forbids.

According to the libs, the US was WORSE, luring in states, while not telling them that it was forever, and that trying to leave would led to teh deaths of hundreds of thousands.
I have no idea what "libs" you are citing, but the fact is that any faction in any region of any nation unilaterally declaring that they are their own nation does not make them a nation, and no real nation or international authority ever recognizes them as such.

Does a nation have the right to defend itself, particularly on their own territory? Indeed!

President Lincoln, as President of the United States, defended the United States within the United States.

He was President of the United States. That sovereign nation called the United States is shown below:

Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 10.34.41 AM.png

According to the libs, the US was WORSE, luring in states, while not telling them that it was forever, and that trying to leave would led to teh deaths of hundreds of thousands.
I have no idea what "libs" you are citing, but the fact is that any faction in any region of any nation unilaterally declaring that they are their own nation does not make them a nation, and no real nation or international authority ever recognizes them as such.

Actually, I would say it does. Who decided that existing nations have authority to determine what areas of the globe are nations, and which are not?

Does a nation have the right to defend itself, particularly on their own territory? Indeed!

Yes, and the Confederacy had a right to defend itself.

President Lincoln, as President of the United States, defended the United States within the United States.

No he didn't. He violated the Constitution by invading sovereign states of the union.

He was President of the United States. That sovereign nation called the United States is shown below:

And Jefferson Davis was president of the Confederacy.
History is history and cant be erased .

SJWs do it every day at Wikipedia.
People who denigrate CRT do it every day.

Damned right. I will do it everyday from this point until it is abolished.
Because you only want your truth to be taught ? That is not really an American stance.
"Our" truth is THE Truth. Not that of Communists like you, Welsh scumbag! And this from a Scots.
Maybe Cyber Ninjas will be hired to conduct an audit of the 1860 U.S. presidential election.

If Breckenridge had really won, slavery in the U.S. might still be legal!

Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 10.47.03 AM.png

"I won in a
If the confedery was fictional, then who was Grant making war on?
U.S. Army General Ulysses S. Grant defended the United States against regional insurrectionists.

Lincoln was elected President of the United States, then comprising 34 states. Two more were added during his tenure.
How many organizations are you a member of, that won't let you leave on pain of death?
Mafia. MS-13.

BUT, even they are clear when you join, that it is for life.

According to the libs, the US was WORSE, luring in states, while not telling them that it was forever, and that trying to leave would led to teh deaths of hundreds of thousands.
The North never told them that because it was not true.


But, it is worth pointing out, that what liberals today claim is that AMERICA was worse that the mafia in that they both would kill you if you tried to leave, but only the mob told you that before you joined so that you could make an informed decision.

Even the mafia isn't shitty enough to lure you into joining and then kill you when you try to leave without giving you a heads up about the rules first.

According to the libs, the US was WORSE, luring in states, while not telling them that it was forever, and that trying to leave would led to teh deaths of hundreds of thousands.
I have no idea what "libs" you are citing, but the fact is that any faction in any region of any nation unilaterally declaring that they are their own nation does not make them a nation, and no real nation or international authority ever recognizes them as such.

Does a nation have the right to defend itself, particularly on their own territory? Indeed!

President Lincoln, as President of the United States, defended the United States within the United States.

He was President of the United States. That sovereign nation called the United States is shown below:

Show me where in teh Constitution it states that joined were told that if they tried to leave, it would mean war.
If the confedery was fictional, then who was Grant making war on?
U.S. Army General Ulysses S. Grant defended the United States against regional insurrectionists.

Lincoln was elected President of the United States, then comprising 34 states. Two more were added during his tenure.
He didn't defend shit. What was he "defending" in Tennesse and Mississippi? It sure wasn't any union state.

Lincoln was not the president of any confederate state. BTW, the creation of West Virginia violated the Constitution which expressly forbids carving a new state out of an existing state

All you turds who bleat constantly about the sacred Constituion defend a tyrant who violated it wholesale.
Again, name one sovereign nation that ever recognized the "Confederate States of America" as a sovereign state.

What sovereign states are not recognized by any sovereign states?

Those who fancied themselves another nation occupied the land of the United States, and Lincoln was the duly-elected President of those United States. He deployed United States troops within the United States in defense of the United States.

That wasn't the question, Mr DODGE.

Now, again the question was >>> "Name it for what ?"
None were recognized as nations until they had achieved independent sovereignty.

Those who called themselves the "Confederate States of America" never did.

The territory they claimed alway remained that of the United States, and Lincoln its President.
If you can keep repeating the same thing, so can all the rest of us >>

A nation could be a nation, whether it is recognized by another nation or not. Nations exist by meeting the definition of a nation. Being recognized by outside entities, is not one of the criteria that defines a nation.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)
He didn't defend shit. What was he "defending" in Tennesse and Mississippi? It sure wasn't any union state.

Lincoln was not the president of any confederate state. BTW, the creation of West Virginia violated the Constitution which expressly forbids carving a new state out of an existing state

All you turds who bleat constantly about the sacred Constituion defend a tyrant who violated it wholesale.
Whether anybody agrees with them or not, these are excellent and very interesting points.

If Lincoln considered the 11 states of the Confederacy to be part of the United States, as he (and posters in this thread) claimed, and he was defending that United States, then that means he was (or should have been) defending those 11 states just as much as any other states.

If Lincoln considered the 11 states of the Confederacy to be part of the United States, as he (and posters in this thread) claimed, and he was defending that United States, then that means he was (or should have been) defending those 11 states just as much as any other states.
He did. As the duly-elected President of all the states, he defended all loyal Americans from the regional faction that rejected the United States Constitution and attempted to divide them from the United States.

Americans who were loyal to the United States deserved to be defended by the United States no matter where in the United States they lived.

"The Southern ideals of honor, family, and duty were as important to Unionists as to their pro-secession neighbors. They believed, however, that rebelling against the United States, which many of their ancestors had fought for in 1776 and 1812, was the unmanly and dishonorable act".
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When is the best time to remove statues of treasonous racists from the halls of government?

I would say now is the best time.

  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
Then Republicans should be in favor of it.

You mean now when Democrats are stupid enough to believe anything as long as racist and/or white supremacy is used.
Only white supremacists would support slavers.
Look at you go.
It's symbolic, and that's OK. Symbols can be important. See 'American Flag'. The Star of David. The Cross.

These statutes are symbols that those states that put 'em there thought were important at the time. Whether any northern or 'Yankee' views objected to 'em going up at the time, I dunno.
But times change. Dynamics change. And the Lost Cause myth has been debunked. If any of these men actively sought to tear apart the United States....out they go. Good riddance. Put 'em in a park for such traitors. (visiting Budapest a couple of years ago, our friend informed us that all of the Communist symbols...and the two cities were rife with 'em.....but the big well known statues and stars were all removed and set up in a park just for them. I dunno if it is a private park or a state park. )

True this, from poster 'bendog':

"Jefferson Davis and James George have no business being remembered in the capital."


  • Interesting....... erase our country's history. Pretty sure that the Communists did similar.
  • "Erasing history changes nothing but your feelings."
  • "Maybe it is the fact that history is being cancelled"
  • History can't be changed or cancelled; it is what it is. To think otherwise exposes the lack of education of the proponent.
  • When I was taught history we used stuff called books. Statues not so much.
I find it interesting that every one of the statues in question are of democrats. I think we should go one step further and disband the entire racist democrat party.
Yes. Conservative Democrats. Your ideological forefathers.

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