Household wealth in the U.S. climbs to a record

So Conservatives...

The WORST President in US History presides over a $40 trillion swing in personal wealth and all you can do is sputter?

So much for Obama being a socialist. I know it wont stop them from saying it but at least they cant do it honorably

That is because the economy always does better with a Democrat in the White House

You call this JOBLESS--Wall Street temporary dead cat bounce a good economy?--:cuckoo: This after Obama borrowed and spent 878 billion dollars in his so-called economic JOB recovery plan.

Main street still has no jobs--we have the highest poverty rate in this country in decades. There are still 49 million people receiving food stamps higher than anytime since the program started. Millions have had to get bailed out on their mortgages, and millions of those are still underwater. Personal and business bankruptcy highest level EVER.

Our Beloved President and his Progressive minions have created a situation where the economy is flooded by mountains of fiat dollars, thus driving up (a) stock prices, (b) real estate values in big cities, and (c) wages of people whose primary value is in speculation (aka, the "One Percent").

He can then whine about the "scandal of inequality" while at the same time taking credit for an artificially improving economy that benefits only The Rich.

It is no wonder that the dimwits who voted him into office are profoundly disappointed in his total failure to improve the lot of The Poor. Thus, the entire 2014 campaign strategy on the Left is to promote an increase in the Minimum Wage, and hope nobody notices that they didn't bother increasing it when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House. Urgent, but not all that Urgent, eh?

"Doublethink" - the ability to believe two mutually contradictory things at the same time. The economy sucks; the economy is great. One is Bush 43's fault and the other is Barry's greatest accomplishment.
Obama reduces the deficit - RW'ers say "Yeah but...He stinks tho"

Obama get Bin Laden - RW'ers say "Not really, I mean he didnt get him personally so it dont count"

Obama increases wealth - RW'ers say "Yeah well that happened yanno, by accident"

Obama gets a Nobel - RW'ers say "Undeserved"

Obama has a great stock market on his watch - RW'ers say "Obama hates the middle class"

Obama wants to transform America - RW'ers say "OMG he's tearing us apart"

Obama continues Bush's policies - RW'ers say "Aha Obama is continuing our policies"

Its called Black tracking...Opposing something you normally support because Obama supports it
That is because the economy always does better with a Democrat in the White House

Yeah, the economy is just booming, isn't it fuckwad?


(Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen vowed on Wednesday to do all that she can to boost a U.S. economy that is running well short of the central bank's objectives.

"The economy continues to operate considerably short of these objectives" of maximum employment and stable prices, Yellen said according to prepared remarks at a swearing-in ceremony at the central bank in Washington.}

Yellen commits Fed to boost still-weak U.S. economy | Reuters
So Conservatives...

The WORST President in US History presides over a $40 trillion swing in personal wealth and all you can do is sputter?

like you said earlier RW.....who is the main recipient of that wealth?.....

A great question

As I answered earlier, the overwhelming majority of that $20 trillion Obama economic boom went to our most wealthy Americans. So what do we do about it?
Should we confiscate wealth and give it to the poor?
Of course not
But we need to stop listening to rightwing whimpering about the economic state of our wealthiest Americans. $20 trillion ain't chopped liver
We need to increase individual and capital gains taxes. Do we give that money to the poor? of course not
We invest that money in infrastructure. Roads, bridges, tunnels, MAINTENANCE, power grid, our crappy Internet, communications.....
This results in JOBS and increased wages as we insist on labor standards for those who get those contracts
I have to admit, I'm quickly running out of the want to interact with the lefties on this board. You are all a bunch of trolls. That's not to say you're the only trolls, but the vast majority of you are. And you're not even witty, intelligent or humorous trolls. You're annoying, like the kind when kids used to piss me off in high school so they got jammed into lockers or dumpsters annoying.

I agree.

NeverRightWinger won't answer the questions put to him regarding food stamps and the like.

He says he made a couple hundred thousand on the Obama upturn. I know lots who did that after they lost the same amount.

It's clear that this board is loaded with the lemmings who really only care that they be able to sleep with themselves at night for voting in 2008 to put this failed moron into office.

Thank heavens for the Tea Party returning the house to the GOP in 2010 and spurring what has been a modest recovery.

All in all, however, it is the rich who are cleaning up. Seems the left would be pissed about that. They don't like Koch Brothers...but they are more than willing to give them all kinds of opportunity to make a whole bunch of money.

Go figure.
Obama reduces the deficit - RW'ers say "Yeah but...He stinks tho"

Obama get Bin Laden - RW'ers say "Not really, I mean he didnt get him personally so it dont count"

Obama increases wealth - RW'ers say "Yeah well that happened yanno, by accident"

Obama gets a Nobel - RW'ers say "Undeserved"

Obama has a great stock market on his watch - RW'ers say "Obama hates the middle class"

Obama wants to transform America - RW'ers say "OMG he's tearing us apart"

Obama continues Bush's policies - RW'ers say "Aha Obama is continuing our policies"

Its called Black tracking...Opposing something you normally support because Obama supports it

Let me ask you, do you REALLY think absurd lies like "households are gaining wealth" will get people to forget their anger over Obama's Fascist Care and return the dims to office?

If so, you have a lot of faith in the big lie. Most Americans are still behind where they were the day Bush left office. Lying to them won't put money in their pockets. Welfare to Wall Street fat cats won't pay their mortgages. Fraudulent balance sheets at the entitled banks won't put Americans to work.

Do you honestly think you're fooling everyone?

Sigh, November is going to be a LONG month for you.
So much for Obama being a socialist. I know it wont stop them from saying it but at least they cant do it honorably

That is because the economy always does better with a Democrat in the White House

Reagan's economy was better than Carter's.......

Bush's economy was better than Obama's......

Deal with it........

Bushs economy lost $20 trillion in wealth, Obamas economy gained $20 trillion in wealth

Deal with it
So Conservatives...

The WORST President in US History presides over a $40 trillion swing in personal wealth and all you can do is sputter?

like you said earlier RW.....who is the main recipient of that wealth?.....

A great question

As I answered earlier, the overwhelming majority of that $20 trillion Obama economic boom went to our most wealthy Americans. So what do we do about it?
Should we confiscate wealth and give it to the poor?
Of course not
But we need to stop listening to rightwing whimpering about the economic state of our wealthiest Americans. $20 trillion ain't chopped liver
We need to increase individual and capital gains taxes. Do we give that money to the poor? of course not
We invest that money in infrastructure. Roads, bridges, tunnels, MAINTENANCE, power grid, our crappy Internet, communications.....
This results in JOBS and increased wages as we insist on labor standards for those who get those contracts

How do you get 20 trillion out of 75 billion?

The point is what WALL STREET gives one day--it takes away the next. Because of all the stock market crashes it should never be used as an instrument to gauge individual personal wealth.

I used to be wealthy until the Tech sector crash of 2000--and now I have enough write-offs in loss's to last me three lifetimes.

The point is there are still no JOBS in this economy to where people are paying taxes to sustain the borrowing and spending that this administration has and is doing. Until we see massive JOB demand-and GROWTH-there is no such thing as this recession is over. It's not over for the average working American--especially for those that still cannot find decent jobs.
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I have to admit, I'm quickly running out of the want to interact with the lefties on this board. You are all a bunch of trolls. That's not to say you're the only trolls, but the vast majority of you are. And you're not even witty, intelligent or humorous trolls. You're annoying, like the kind when kids used to piss me off in high school so they got jammed into lockers or dumpsters annoying.

I agree.

NeverRightWinger won't answer the questions put to him regarding food stamps and the like.

He says he made a couple hundred thousand on the Obama upturn. I know lots who did that after they lost the same amount.

It's clear that this board is loaded with the lemmings who really only care that they be able to sleep with themselves at night for voting in 2008 to put this failed moron into office.

Thank heavens for the Tea Party returning the house to the GOP in 2010 and spurring what has been a modest recovery.

All in all, however, it is the rich who are cleaning up. Seems the left would be pissed about that. They don't like Koch Brothers...but they are more than willing to give them all kinds of opportunity to make a whole bunch of money.

Go figure.

I answered in the post above yours. You might not like it, but that is your answer
So Conservatives...

The WORST President in US History presides over a $40 trillion swing in personal wealth and all you can do is sputter?

like you said earlier RW.....who is the main recipient of that wealth?.....

A great question

As I answered earlier, the overwhelming majority of that $20 trillion Obama economic boom went to our most wealthy Americans. So what do we do about it?
Should we confiscate wealth and give it to the poor?
Of course not
But we need to stop listening to rightwing whimpering about the economic state of our wealthiest Americans. $20 trillion ain't chopped liver
We need to increase individual and capital gains taxes. Do we give that money to the poor? of course not
We invest that money in infrastructure. Roads, bridges, tunnels, MAINTENANCE, power grid, our crappy Internet, communications.....
This results in JOBS and increased wages as we insist on labor standards for those who get those contracts

You know....this isn't a half bad post.

I've always been a proponent for putting things in place to lower barriers to entry for people who want to go after some of the income that feeds the wealthy. Right now, it is way to easy for them to play in uncontested markets and make millions.

So, I am for a stepped up capital gains tax.

However, I want to see spending cuts as well. I want to see Social Security fixed and not be working against a deficit like we are now.
I have to admit, I'm quickly running out of the want to interact with the lefties on this board. You are all a bunch of trolls. That's not to say you're the only trolls, but the vast majority of you are. And you're not even witty, intelligent or humorous trolls. You're annoying, like the kind when kids used to piss me off in high school so they got jammed into lockers or dumpsters annoying.

I agree.

NeverRightWinger won't answer the questions put to him regarding food stamps and the like.

He says he made a couple hundred thousand on the Obama upturn. I know lots who did that after they lost the same amount.

It's clear that this board is loaded with the lemmings who really only care that they be able to sleep with themselves at night for voting in 2008 to put this failed moron into office.

Thank heavens for the Tea Party returning the house to the GOP in 2010 and spurring what has been a modest recovery.

All in all, however, it is the rich who are cleaning up. Seems the left would be pissed about that. They don't like Koch Brothers...but they are more than willing to give them all kinds of opportunity to make a whole bunch of money.

Go figure.

I answered in the post above yours. You might not like it, but that is your answer

It's no answer.

But that is your way of doing things. Obama has not created any kind of boon. He's only helping to feather the nests of people who already have way to many feathers.

However, you meaningful statements after that do have some appeal. They are things I agree with.

At the same time...Obama is still a disaster. He is pretty much the antithesis of everything I want in a president who KNOWS how to govern.
Obama reduces the deficit - RW'ers say "Yeah but...He stinks tho" --- Republicans pretty much forced him to reduce his own deficit, but he takes credit.......

Obama get Bin Laden - RW'ers say "Not really, I mean he didnt get him personally so it dont count" ---- Had to get dragged kicking and screaming, plus used Bush admin's intelligence, but he takes credit ....

Obama increases wealth - RW'ers say "Yeah well that happened yanno, by accident" ---- By printing money, awesome!

Obama gets a Nobel - RW'ers say "Undeserved" --- Did nothing to earn it, but still takes credit.........

Obama has a great stock market on his watch - RW'ers say "Obama hates the middle class" ---- By pumping money into it, which doesn't really help the middle class, but takes credit. Or you're so far up his ass, you're just giving him credit......

Obama wants to transform America - RW'ers say "OMG he's tearing us apart" --- True, you're 1 for 6 ......

Obama continues Bush's policies - RW'ers say "Aha Obama is continuing our policies" --- He's amplifying some of Bush's bad policies, but still takes credit as if they're his own creation.....

Its called Black tracking...Opposing something you normally support because Obama supports it

It's called hero worship, a trait common in weak minded fools....... :thup:
Obama reduces the deficit - RW'ers say "Yeah but...He stinks tho"

Obama get Bin Laden - RW'ers say "Not really, I mean he didnt get him personally so it dont count"

Obama increases wealth - RW'ers say "Yeah well that happened yanno, by accident"

Obama gets a Nobel - RW'ers say "Undeserved"

Obama has a great stock market on his watch - RW'ers say "Obama hates the middle class"

Obama wants to transform America - RW'ers say "OMG he's tearing us apart"

Obama continues Bush's policies - RW'ers say "Aha Obama is continuing our policies"

Its called Black tracking...Opposing something you normally support because Obama supports it

Let me ask you, do you REALLY think absurd lies like "households are gaining wealth" will get people to forget their anger over Obama's Fascist Care and return the dims to office?

I dont know but what I do know is that it is a fact and you now know that households are gaining wealth despite what the GOP talking points have been for the past 5 years :D Ha ha
Obama reduces the deficit - RW'ers say "Yeah but...He stinks tho"

Obama get Bin Laden - RW'ers say "Not really, I mean he didnt get him personally so it dont count"

Obama increases wealth - RW'ers say "Yeah well that happened yanno, by accident"

Obama gets a Nobel - RW'ers say "Undeserved"

Obama has a great stock market on his watch - RW'ers say "Obama hates the middle class"

Obama wants to transform America - RW'ers say "OMG he's tearing us apart"

Obama continues Bush's policies - RW'ers say "Aha Obama is continuing our policies"

Its called Black tracking...Opposing something you normally support because Obama supports it

Let me ask you, do you REALLY think absurd lies like "households are gaining wealth" will get people to forget their anger over Obama's Fascist Care and return the dims to office?

I dont know but what I do know is that it is a fact and you now know that households are gaining wealth despite what the GOP talking points have been for the past 5 years :D Ha ha

one more time idiot left-nut; WHICH households?

cuz i could have sworn you left-wing nutjobs were all over the place talking about income equality and the gap between the top and the bottom.

now all of a sudden we're swimming in trillions

so it is incumbant on a left-wing nutjob like you; who loves to rant about "trickle-down" to show everybody here where all that wealth made it down to the poor people you claim to love so much

get snapping leftard!
why cant the 2 idiots on the Left here answer a simple question?

talking about right-winger and closed caption

how can we be swimming in trillions of new household wealth and still need RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS; and 2 years of Unemployment benefits; unless that wealth didnt "TRICKLE DOWN" TO the poor people progressives claim to be in the corner of?

so are left-wing idiots here bragging that the rich got richer and the poor stayed poor under obama?
is there devotion to him; their rabid partisan politics that strong; that they would make a mockeryof everything they supposedly stand for to defend their Party politics?
households are not gaining wealth. Not even close. Virtually all stock market gains have been realized by the top 1%. The Obamunists scream about the income gap from one side of their mouth, and praise it from the other.

The increase in personal household wealth is purely from home values regaining their 2003 levels.

Yes, i said 2003, they are nowhere near the bubble levels of 2006 - thank god. The crash of 2009 left home values in the toilet, but this is all on paper. Unless you bought or sold in that period, this has no meaning at all. It's great that home values are back to rational levels - but this does NOTHING for the disposable wealth of Americans.
Up $20 trillion dollars since 2009...

Household wealth in the U.S. increased from October through December, as gains in stock portfolios and home prices boosted Americans’ finances.

Net worth for households and non-profit groups rose by $2.95 trillion in the fourth quarter, or 3.8 percent from the previous three months, to a record $80.7 trillion, the Federal Reserve said today from Washington in its financial accounts report, previously known as the flow of funds survey.

More jobs, higher stock prices and improved home values have all helped consumers clean up their balance sheets in the years following the biggest recession since the Great Depression. Additional gains in the labor market and household wealth will be needed to give consumers the means to spend on goods and services, boosting economic growth.

Household Worth in U.S. Climbs by $2.95 Trillion to Record - Bloomberg

70% of the stock market is owned by the upper 5%. The rest is primarily owned through 401K plans, (which are nothing but ways to screw the middle class out of their money with exorbitant fees and regulations where they can't touch the money).

Home prices are artificially going up again, but only in a few markets, like New York and California. Homeowners may feel better about this but at the end of the day, they can't eat their house. They might be able to sell it, but then they are stuck trying to buy a new house that is ALSO artificially inflated in price.

This article is bullshit, and I'm a fan of Bloomberg news. Shame on them.

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