Household wealth in the U.S. climbs to a record

Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

What a sucker Chris is for this kind of tripe.

Not everybody had money to benefit from the stock market. That is why Obama is still crying about the minimum wage.

Additionally, when the GOP isn't cleaning up after democratic morons like Carter (recall his really really low unemployment numbers ???? :cuckoo:), they are usually fighting off a democratic congress.

Keep sucking on your Obama doll Chrissy...sooner or'll get what you want.

None of your reply has anything to do with what Chris posted

Neither is this reply here! However never stop you and all the other far left Obama drones for derailing threads now has it?

$20 trillion dollars? That is alot of money

How much did our wealth increase under the Republicans?

RW....ill ask you this because Dean and Chris are well lets just say....they are kinda brainwashed .....your not there yet.....there are threads here by Democrats/Liberals saying everyone is getting poorer,from the middle class on can people be getting poorer and richer at the same time?...just askin.....

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps.
$20 trillion dollars? That is alot of money

How much did our wealth increase under the Republicans?

RW....ill ask you this because Dean and Chris are well lets just say....they are kinda brainwashed .....your not there yet.....there are threads here by Democrats/Liberals saying everyone is getting poorer,from the middle class on can people be getting poorer and richer at the same time?...just askin.....

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps.

Shows that you are a far left Obama drone.
Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

What a sucker Chris is for this kind of tripe.

Not everybody had money to benefit from the stock market. That is why Obama is still crying about the minimum wage.

Additionally, when the GOP isn't cleaning up after democratic morons like Carter (recall his really really low unemployment numbers ???? :cuckoo:), they are usually fighting off a democratic congress.

Keep sucking on your Obama doll Chrissy...sooner or'll get what you want.


Are you insane?

The stock market is the bedrock for capitalism.

Of COURSE it benefits everyone. And OUR economy is interwoven with it. It cannot be separated.

Additionally, Carter? Really?

Carter got us OUT of the mess created by Nixon and Ford. We had a brand new Phenomenon called "Stagflation" under those administrations.

Nixon's solution was a nation wide wage freeze.
Ford's solution was to print out little buttons that said "Whip Inflation Now" or W.I.N.

Carter? He appointed Paul Volcker Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Volcker then raised interest rates to create a deliberate recession and cool the markets.

That, by the way, WORKED.
RW....ill ask you this because Dean and Chris are well lets just say....they are kinda brainwashed .....your not there yet.....there are threads here by Democrats/Liberals saying everyone is getting poorer,from the middle class on can people be getting poorer and richer at the same time?...just askin.....

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps.

Shows that you are a far left Obama drone.

You could come up with numbers and stuff to show my post was incorrect.

But that would be Hard Work.

[ame=]Hard Working George - YouTube[/ame]

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps.

Shows that you are a far left Obama drone.

You could come up with numbers and stuff to show my post was incorrect.

But that would be Hard Work.


There it is again on display that far left infantile mentality, "I know I am posting bunk, but it is up to you to prove me wrong".

The federal reserve, the one who created the conditions for stock portfolios and home prices to increase, hold on their balance sheet now after accumulating trilliions in QE, the difference between a long term growth pattern assocaited with savings and sound money and the inevitable collapse of the bubble they pumped back up after they poopped it 5 years ago. You have roughly two years to gloat before the next inevitable and far deeper downturn occurs and we play 52 pick up again.

It's like you people haven't been paying atatntion since the last time it happened and cheer for the SAME shit that blew up in our faces beofre.

the big question is, will liberals ever decide it's time to learn about economics? Or will they continue to live the fantasy regarding it? So far, I do not see anyone wising the fuck up. So it's safe to say your cheering now will be your crying later.

eggs-zact-tel-lee !! :up:
$20 trillion dollars? That is alot of money

How much did our wealth increase under the Republicans?

RW....ill ask you this because Dean and Chris are well lets just say....they are kinda brainwashed .....your not there yet.....there are threads here by Democrats/Liberals saying everyone is getting poorer,from the middle class on can people be getting poorer and richer at the same time?...just askin.....

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps.

I love it when the economy does exactly what conservatives have been planning for 30 years. Mainly, maintain a low paid workforce while wealth is generated at the top.

Then they look puzzled and ask? Why are there so many poor people?
$20 trillion dollars? That is alot of money

How much did our wealth increase under the Republicans?

RW....ill ask you this because Dean and Chris are well lets just say....they are kinda brainwashed .....your not there yet.....there are threads here by Democrats/Liberals saying everyone is getting poorer,from the middle class on can people be getting poorer and richer at the same time?...just askin.....

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps. should i jump up and down and piss my pants like Chris is doing because the wealthy are getting even more wealthy?....i thought the left was not supposed to be happy about that shit?....unless it happens to you i guess huh?...then its cool....
RW....ill ask you this because Dean and Chris are well lets just say....they are kinda brainwashed .....your not there yet.....there are threads here by Democrats/Liberals saying everyone is getting poorer,from the middle class on can people be getting poorer and richer at the same time?...just askin.....

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps. should i jump up and down and piss my pants like Chris is doing because the wealthy are getting even more wealthy?....i thought the left was not supposed to be happy about that shit?....unless it happens to you i guess huh?...then its cool....

It is an economic indicator that shows the money is there and we have no excuse not to do more for the poor and working class
That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps. should i jump up and down and piss my pants like Chris is doing because the wealthy are getting even more wealthy?....i thought the left was not supposed to be happy about that shit?....unless it happens to you i guess huh?...then its cool....

It is an economic indicator that shows the money is there and we have no excuse not to do more for the poor and working class

so in other words....same ole same ole.....sorry poor guy,i got mine,you dont?.....better luck next time....
RW....ill ask you this because Dean and Chris are well lets just say....they are kinda brainwashed .....your not there yet.....there are threads here by Democrats/Liberals saying everyone is getting poorer,from the middle class on can people be getting poorer and richer at the same time?...just askin.....

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps. should i jump up and down and piss my pants like Chris is doing because the wealthy are getting even more wealthy?....i thought the left was not supposed to be happy about that shit?....unless it happens to you i guess huh?...then its cool....

Not happy about what?


Wealth makes me very happy. I buy stuff. And it's good for the economy.

What doesn't make me happy is when greedy people go on overload and the government assists them.

That makes me unhappy.

The Reagan/George W. Bush years was the undoing of the very protections and regulations meant to keep markets stable, trusted and generate a "middle" class of people who are productive and benefit from their productivity.

Is it really rocket science?

After seeing the near collapse of the financial industry, why the heck to you have idiots like Ted Cruz railing against Dodd/Frank?

Why isn't congress passing a raise in minimum wage?

Why aren't they spending money on education, infrastructure and giving states block grants to hire police/firemen/sanitation men/etc?

Heck why are they keeping that onerous statue in place that requires the postal service to finance retirement accounts for the next 1000 years?

Raising the minimum wage would increase consumption and put a fire under the consumer driven economy.

Same with states and the federal government hiring again. It would also tighten labor markets and encourage private hiring.

Gosh. should i jump up and down and piss my pants like Chris is doing because the wealthy are getting even more wealthy?....i thought the left was not supposed to be happy about that shit?....unless it happens to you i guess huh?...then its cool....

It is an economic indicator that shows the money is there and we have no excuse not to do more for the poor and working class

so in other words....same ole same ole.....sorry poor guy,i got mine,you dont?.....better luck next time....

I'm willing to invest money in low cost healthcare, affordable education, mortgage assistance, retirement programs and have those who saw the benefit of that $20 trillion pick up the tab

Are you?
That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps. should i jump up and down and piss my pants like Chris is doing because the wealthy are getting even more wealthy?....i thought the left was not supposed to be happy about that shit?....unless it happens to you i guess huh?...then its cool....

Not happy about what?


Wealth makes me very happy. I buy stuff. And it's good for the economy.

What doesn't make me happy is when greedy people go on overload and the government assists them.

That makes me unhappy.

The Reagan/George W. Bush years was the undoing of the very protections and regulations meant to keep markets stable, trusted and generate a "middle" class of people who are productive and benefit from their productivity.

Is it really rocket science?

After seeing the near collapse of the financial industry, why the heck to you have idiots like Ted Cruz railing against Dodd/Frank?

Why isn't congress passing a raise in minimum wage?

Why aren't they spending money on education, infrastructure and giving states block grants to hire police/firemen/sanitation men/etc?

Heck why are they keeping that onerous statue in place that requires the postal service to finance retirement accounts for the next 1000 years?

Raising the minimum wage would increase consumption and put a fire under the consumer driven economy.

Same with states and the federal government hiring again. It would also tighten labor markets and encourage private hiring.


you do realize that the guys you always defend are part of the problem with with a lot of those things especially the Post Office situation....
It is an economic indicator that shows the money is there and we have no excuse not to do more for the poor and working class

so in other words....same ole same ole.....sorry poor guy,i got mine,you dont?.....better luck next time....

I'm willing to invest money in low cost healthcare, affordable education, mortgage assistance, retirement programs and have those who saw the benefit of that $20 trillion pick up the tab

Are you?

i dont control were my tax dollars you?....if i was you can rest assured any program that is a bunch of wasted bullshit would be the billions that go to foreign countries that spit in our face no matter how we try and help them...we would have been totally out of Afghanistan the minute OBL was killed.....all that money would be invested here were it should be....and fuck the Ukraine,that Billion should be spent here.....they want to be part of Russia,let Russia take care of them...
RW....ill ask you this because Dean and Chris are well lets just say....they are kinda brainwashed .....your not there yet.....there are threads here by Democrats/Liberals saying everyone is getting poorer,from the middle class on can people be getting poorer and richer at the same time?...just askin.....

That's a tough one for ya ain't it?

Everyone from the rich on getting wealthier.

So lets break it down.

Unemployed - Poor - Not so good.
Labor - Middle Class - Stagnant.
Rich - Investment Class - Pop the corks!!

Hope that helps. should i jump up and down and piss my pants like Chris is doing because the wealthy are getting even more wealthy?....i thought the left was not supposed to be happy about that shit?....unless it happens to you i guess huh?...then its cool....

It is only the very few on the left who despise the wealthy to the point of wanting to see them do bad. It's not about how well or poorly the wealthy are doing; it's about how everyone is doing. When it's only one segment of society that is reaping the benefits then it's a problem. That doesn't mean everyone wants to see the wealthy lose their asses, because that would not be good for anyone else either.

The problem with most on the right is that they see everyone other than themselves as being radical and wanting to see America destroyed. The notion is a bit infantile.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.7%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.7%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.

You should huff less spray paint.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.7%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.

You should huff less spray paint.

Apology accepted, Captain Needa.

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