How a real leader acts

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True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Have you reported Biden to Child Protective Services yet? You can do it anonymously, you know.


That fucking moron's already gotten a visit from the FBI. I don't think he wants another.

Democrats are some sick people

Nothing in the article you posted says they're Democrats.

Why'd you lie, PussyBitch?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

After your POS gave us 1000's of extra deaths with the virus because he worried about his election you should shut your lying mouth

Oh, bullshit! If there is anyone responsible for 1000's of extra deaths it would be Governor Cuomo! That idiot's policies put patients with Covid 19 into nursing homes. When Trump tried to put controls on travel from China you liberals accused him of being a "racist"!

So Impeached Trump didn't pass the policies needed to protect Americans because some Democrats called him a bad name??

Thanks for tacitly confessing he's not fit to lead.

The Democrats actively OPPOSED the policy that Trump proposed to protect Americans! They've always called him bad names...he could care less about that! He does what he thinks is right despite the Democrats and the Main Stream Media calling him bad's what good leaders DO!

That is exactly correct and leftists wonder why America can't unite They are in TDS denial


Slobbers an ODS sufferer.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Communist. Biden is a shit bag threat to our Republic you piece of leftist shit. I will... you motherfucker.

You will ... what ... ?

remind you everyday just how much of a pile of shit you leftists are

Can he not speak for himself because your micopenis is in his mouth?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Because the family spoke out about it and clarified Biden has known her all her life, that he's like a grandfather to her.

She even thanked Biden after he whispered in her ear. Her mother was watching Biden as he kissed the girl on the forehead and then patted Biden on the shoulder. That's not something a mother does to a man who accosts their daughter.

You mean like the mothers who let their kids spend the night with Michael Jackson?

Fucking moron, those mothers were not watching Michael Jackson with their kids and they were unaware of the sexual assault.

Whereas Senator & Mrs. Coons were standing right there watching the exchange between Biden and their daughter. The daughter who thanked Biden and her mother who patted him on the shoulder.

You demonstrate yet again for the forum that you're nothing but a fucking moron.

Only a fool would believe that Michael Jackson wasn't molesting their children when they slept over at his mansion. Your theory is that these parents were even dumber than you. The parents were hoping for a big payoff. They were willing to sacrifice their children's welfare for financial gain.

In the case of Biden, as you point out, the parents were in Biden's presence, so there was little actual harm that could occur, but that doesn't absolve him of being a pervert.

You demonstrate, once again, that you will deny what every rational intelligent person knows to salvage the campaign of your pervert champion.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

and what great people do the republicans have? rep governors are not power hungry?...

Would you call the Governor of South Dakota "power hungry"? She treated her constituents like adults and trusted them to do the right thing! Contrast HER with the Wicked Witch of Michigan!

oh geez 1 fucking less than a million people to rule over....thats almost like being a mayor...yea that convinced me...

Show me a Democratic Governor that treated their States people like adults like the Governor of South Dakota did? She has backbone.

i only live one state as do you only know what you hear from the media sisolac here in nevada made masks mandatory but he said he wont have it enforced if you are outside but if the place you go into wants you to wear them they can bar you from entering if you dont want to wear them......sounds adultish to me....

Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

care to explain how?....

Piecemeal, voluntary compliance is no compliance

Any compliance has to be voluntary. This isn't North Fucking Korea, and we don't have a large enough police force to forcibly enforce it.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

After your POS gave us 1000's of extra deaths with the virus because he worried about his election you should shut your lying mouth

Oh, bullshit! If there is anyone responsible for 1000's of extra deaths it would be Governor Cuomo! That idiot's policies put patients with Covid 19 into nursing homes. When Trump tried to put controls on travel from China you liberals accused him of being a "racist"!

So Impeached Trump didn't pass the policies needed to protect Americans because some Democrats called him a bad name??

Thanks for tacitly confessing he's not fit to lead.

The Democrats actively OPPOSED the policy that Trump proposed to protect Americans! They've always called him bad names...he could care less about that! He does what he thinks is right despite the Democrats and the Main Stream Media calling him bad's what good leaders DO!

So? You already admitted Impeached Trump is not fit to lead since he can't take needed action because Democrats call him mean names.

The people that aren't "fit to lead" are the Democrats who instead of taking needed action to protect Americans...decided that what they really needed to do was call Donald Trump a racist! That includes Joe Biden who jumped on that band wagon early! They're the same people who are now using "systemic racism" as a cause to get political power for themselves even though they've been in power for decades and haven't done Jack Shit about the problems in the inner city! More black people get shot and killed in one WEEKEND in Chicago than the Police kill in the entire country over a year but you liberals think the Police killing blacks are the problem in this country! It would be laughable if it wasn't tearing our country apart! Joe Biden is complicit in that! He backed the Clinton Crime Bill that has incarcerated more young black men than any other piece of legislation ever passed in this country but then he turns around and tells blacks that HE is there for them? He hasn't been there for them during the decades he's been in Washington! He's always SAID he was their guy every six years so he'd get their vote to stay in the Senate but he's never given the black community anything but lip service.

You already admitted Impeached Trump is too fragile to lead because he can't get his job done because those mean ole Democrats call him names.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Because the family spoke out about it and clarified Biden has known her all her life, that he's like a grandfather to her.

She even thanked Biden after he whispered in her ear. Her mother was watching Biden as he kissed the girl on the forehead and then patted Biden on the shoulder. That's not something a mother does to a man who accosts their daughter.

You mean like the mothers who let their kids spend the night with Michael Jackson?

Fucking moron, those mothers were not watching Michael Jackson with their kids and they were unaware of the sexual assault.

Whereas Senator & Mrs. Coons were standing right there watching the exchange between Biden and their daughter. The daughter who thanked Biden and her mother who patted him on the shoulder.

You demonstrate yet again for the forum that you're nothing but a fucking moron.

Only a fool would believe that Michael Jackson wasn't molesting their children when they slept over at his mansion. Your theory is that these parents were even dumber than you. The parents were hoping for a big payoff. They were willing to sacrifice their children's welfare for financial gain.

You're dementia is worsening, Fucking moron. You have zero proof of that.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

He says 120 million people have died from Covid? ROFL

I know, embarrassing. I wonder why Trump said his Dad was from Germany when he wasn't?

Biden corrected himself, Trump didn't...

Interestingly enough, Impeached Trump said himself he didn't think Marco Rubio was eligible to be president because his parents were born in a foreign country. Now he admits his own father was born in a foreign country.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Because the family spoke out about it and clarified Biden has known her all her life, that he's like a grandfather to her.

She even thanked Biden after he whispered in her ear. Her mother was watching Biden as he kissed the girl on the forehead and then patted Biden on the shoulder. That's not something a mother does to a man who accosts their daughter.

You mean like the mothers who let their kids spend the night with Michael Jackson?

Fucking moron, those mothers were not watching Michael Jackson with their kids and they were unaware of the sexual assault.

Whereas Senator & Mrs. Coons were standing right there watching the exchange between Biden and their daughter. The daughter who thanked Biden and her mother who patted him on the shoulder.

You demonstrate yet again for the forum that you're nothing but a fucking moron.

Only a fool would believe that Michael Jackson wasn't molesting their children when they slept over at his mansion. Your theory is that these parents were even dumber than you. The parents were hoping for a big payoff. They were willing to sacrifice their children's welfare for financial gain.

You're dementia is worsening, Fucking moron. You have zero proof of that.

ROFL! So you're actually trying to claim that Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile, a man who admits that he had unrelated children sleep in his bed with him?

You're unbelievable.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

He says 120 million people have died from Covid? ROFL

I know, embarrassing. I wonder why Trump said his Dad was from Germany when he wasn't?

Biden corrected himself, Trump didn't...

Interestingly enough, Impeached Trump said himself he didn't think Marco Rubio was eligible to be president because his parents were born in a foreign country. Now he admits his own father was born in a foreign country.

Can you produce a quote of Trump saying that?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

did you by chance see her expression and how he's grabbing her?

Biden is personal friends with her family. She's known him her whole life and looks to him like a grandfather. He was whispering words of encouragement to her about having his daughter get together with her to explain life with a dad who's a Senator.

And neither she, nor her parents standing right there, found Biden's behavior to be objectionable or inappropriate. Whatever else you see in that photo is a reflection on you, not Biden.

Pedophiles are often well aquianted with their victims and their families.

with donny - his victim is IN his family.

Only the lowest kind of scum accuse Trump of molesting Ivanka.
Donald J Trump has no business getting involved in diplomacy

First off, he is just plain stupid
Secondly, he refuses to read, listen to briefings and relies on his gut feelings.
Every despot is his “friend” because they butter him up and tells him how great he is.......You are much better than Obama

That is why he takes the word of ruthless dictators over his own advisors.
Most of his foreign policy is what most Americans have spouted over the decades. He finally wants to do something about the costs of our treaties and now he is a stumbling bumpkin. Those Euro elitists would not give you the time of the day. And now they are the victims. They have lived pretty well off of us. The middle east is a quagmire. And he is trying to not go to war there while you seem to want it. The Chinese have made inroads around the world with Trump having to play tippy toe to not bruise every ones feelings. Iran needs to wise up. We can not go back to after WW 2 and change what happened. The people want to live well. As long as their government is run by that leadership it will not be good. Obama had his own dictators he liked. And of course when he and Hillary destabilized the middle east with some nations in disarray and created millions and millions of refugees with many going to Europe it was master strokes of diplomacy.
Trump has surrendered America’s role as leader of the free world. He has destabilized the 70 year alliances that have kept the world safe. That power vacuum has been filled by Russia and China.

He has substituted one on one diplomacy for participation in a strong alliance with the US in the lead. Trump is poorly suited for one on one negotiations because he is a poor student. He is unwilling to prepare for critical meetings and listen to subject matter experts with decades of experience.

He substitutes his gut feelings and an unfounded belief that he can read people. “He is a good person and I believe him” comes out repeatedly when he talks about ruthless dictators.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

did you by chance see her expression and how he's grabbing her?

Biden is personal friends with her family. She's known him her whole life and looks to him like a grandfather. He was whispering words of encouragement to her about having his daughter get together with her to explain life with a dad who's a Senator.

And neither she, nor her parents standing right there, found Biden's behavior to be objectionable or inappropriate. Whatever else you see in that photo is a reflection on you, not Biden.

Pedophiles are often well aquianted with their victims and their families.

with donny - his victim is IN his family.

Only the lowest kind of scum accuse Trump of molesting Ivanka.

Why is that?? He has a history of molesting women ,why not his own daughter who he sits on his lap?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

and what great people do the republicans have? rep governors are not power hungry?...

Would you call the Governor of South Dakota "power hungry"? She treated her constituents like adults and trusted them to do the right thing! Contrast HER with the Wicked Witch of Michigan!

oh geez 1 fucking less than a million people to rule over....thats almost like being a mayor...yea that convinced me...

Show me a Democratic Governor that treated their States people like adults like the Governor of South Dakota did? She has backbone.

i only live one state as do you only know what you hear from the media sisolac here in nevada made masks mandatory but he said he wont have it enforced if you are outside but if the place you go into wants you to wear them they can bar you from entering if you dont want to wear them......sounds adultish to me....

Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

care to explain how?....

Piecemeal, voluntary compliance is no compliance

Any compliance has to be voluntary. This isn't North Fucking Korea, and we don't have a large enough police force to forcibly enforce it.

Voluntary compliance is no compliance

Government has an obligation to protect the health and well being of We the People
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Because the family spoke out about it and clarified Biden has known her all her life, that he's like a grandfather to her.

She even thanked Biden after he whispered in her ear. Her mother was watching Biden as he kissed the girl on the forehead and then patted Biden on the shoulder. That's not something a mother does to a man who accosts their daughter.

You mean like the mothers who let their kids spend the night with Michael Jackson?

Fucking moron, those mothers were not watching Michael Jackson with their kids and they were unaware of the sexual assault.

Whereas Senator & Mrs. Coons were standing right there watching the exchange between Biden and their daughter. The daughter who thanked Biden and her mother who patted him on the shoulder.

You demonstrate yet again for the forum that you're nothing but a fucking moron.

Only a fool would believe that Michael Jackson wasn't molesting their children when they slept over at his mansion. Your theory is that these parents were even dumber than you. The parents were hoping for a big payoff. They were willing to sacrifice their children's welfare for financial gain.

You're dementia is worsening, Fucking moron. You have zero proof of that.

ROFL! So you're actually trying to claim that Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile, a man who admits that he had unrelated children sleep in his bed with him?

You're unbelievable.

I made no such claim, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

You're truly fucked in the head.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

did you by chance see her expression and how he's grabbing her?

Biden is personal friends with her family. She's known him her whole life and looks to him like a grandfather. He was whispering words of encouragement to her about having his daughter get together with her to explain life with a dad who's a Senator.

And neither she, nor her parents standing right there, found Biden's behavior to be objectionable or inappropriate. Whatever else you see in that photo is a reflection on you, not Biden.

Pedophiles are often well aquianted with their victims and their families.

with donny - his victim is IN his family.

Only the lowest kind of scum accuse Trump of molesting Ivanka.

Why is that?? He has a history of molesting women ,why not his own daughter who he sits on his lap?

That's too stupid to bother with a substantive response.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Because the family spoke out about it and clarified Biden has known her all her life, that he's like a grandfather to her.

She even thanked Biden after he whispered in her ear. Her mother was watching Biden as he kissed the girl on the forehead and then patted Biden on the shoulder. That's not something a mother does to a man who accosts their daughter.

You mean like the mothers who let their kids spend the night with Michael Jackson?

Fucking moron, those mothers were not watching Michael Jackson with their kids and they were unaware of the sexual assault.

Whereas Senator & Mrs. Coons were standing right there watching the exchange between Biden and their daughter. The daughter who thanked Biden and her mother who patted him on the shoulder.

You demonstrate yet again for the forum that you're nothing but a fucking moron.

Only a fool would believe that Michael Jackson wasn't molesting their children when they slept over at his mansion. Your theory is that these parents were even dumber than you. The parents were hoping for a big payoff. They were willing to sacrifice their children's welfare for financial gain.

You're dementia is worsening, Fucking moron. You have zero proof of that.

ROFL! So you're actually trying to claim that Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile, a man who admits that he had unrelated children sleep in his bed with him?

You're unbelievable.

I made no such claim, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

You're truly fucked in the head.

You sure as hell did.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

and what great people do the republicans have? rep governors are not power hungry?...

Would you call the Governor of South Dakota "power hungry"? She treated her constituents like adults and trusted them to do the right thing! Contrast HER with the Wicked Witch of Michigan!

oh geez 1 fucking less than a million people to rule over....thats almost like being a mayor...yea that convinced me...

Show me a Democratic Governor that treated their States people like adults like the Governor of South Dakota did? She has backbone.

i only live one state as do you only know what you hear from the media sisolac here in nevada made masks mandatory but he said he wont have it enforced if you are outside but if the place you go into wants you to wear them they can bar you from entering if you dont want to wear them......sounds adultish to me....

Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

care to explain how?....

Piecemeal, voluntary compliance is no compliance

Any compliance has to be voluntary. This isn't North Fucking Korea, and we don't have a large enough police force to forcibly enforce it.

Voluntary compliance is no compliance

Government has an obligation to protect the health and well being of We the People

If you like the idea of a government micromanaging the lives of all of the people, you would love North Korea
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