How about a Dog Lover's Thread?

What does anyone know about gabapentin and tramadol?
I have a two-year-old black lab, diagnosed with 'high grade stromal sarcoma'. The prognosis is 'guarded to poor'.
The tumor is in the right rear thigh muscle. We first noticed the slight swelling just before Christmas. The swelling is now (Feb 27 2017) about the size of a football. The dog does not put any weight on that leg, but drags it along as he goes.
The vet, on Feb 1, said she could amputate the leg, and part of the pelvis, but she was afraid that the sarcoma was growing so quickly that it may already have spread to the left thigh. Months or weeks is what she said.
I'm looking to make what's left of his life more bearable.
He will leave behind his best friend, our 8-year-old golden retriever.
If he's suffering put him down. They go right to sleep.

And you better stay when the doctor does it. It doesn't matter that it's hard for you. Do it for him. It's better for him if his best friend is there with him every second.

Thank you.
This is not my first rodeo.
He is my third black lab (I had a yellow in between them, and he was the only other one to be euthanized). Earlier, I bred beagles, but don't get me started on them!
I posted, hoping for some personal pet experiences with using gabapentin and tramadol.
Thank you, anyway, sealybobo.
I had a great beagle 5 years ago. Could walk her without a leash. Real good dog. Now I have this little half hotdog half shitsu also might have terrier in him. I can walk him off the leash too. He runs off after people but he's so cute and harmless people usually laugh. Plus he's getting better. He's only 1.


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You should see him play fight with other dogs. So adorable. I got lucky. Good dog. PS. He's also a very bad dog sometimes but he's young and we've only been together 4 months

That's my boys! Buddy, the white Westie often takes moments like this to decide how to keep us up at night. I was recovering at home, and when we got him, he became my Bud, Buddy.

The guy on top is Norman, a Saint Charles. He was the runt, fit in my hand, Norms about twice the size as normal. Story about how Norman got his name. We answered an ad in Sacramento about a St. Charles for sale. The family had small kids and all were very nice. All but Norman had been spoken for, we liked his personality anyway. We decided to get him and take him with us. The pups were old enough in a few days to leave the mother. The littlest of the kids was always near our choice of pup. When we started talking about a name with the family, the little boy stood up stomped his feet. His name is "COW"! well it started a crying scene, both because his cow was leaving and we were going to change his name. Then I had a thought? Told his mom to rent the movie Dude Ranch starring Billy Crystal. In that movie Billy pulls a cow from his mother saving his life. Billy names the cow Norman. The cow saved looked a lot like our Norman. I explained yelling "HERE COW,COME HOME COW" might embarrass him. He finally called down, and we got Norman. His thing is following Buddy around, barking when Buddy barks, but he does't seem to know why he's barking. He'll try to give you a bath before you can get totally seated. Their both very loving dogs.IMG_0006.JPGIMG_0006.JPG
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That's my boys! Buddy, the white Westie often takes moments like this to decide how to keep us up at night. I was recovering at home, and when we got him, he became my Bud, Buddy.

The guy on top is Norman, a Saint Charles. He was the runt, fit in my hand, Norms about twice the size as normal. Story about how Norman got his name. We answered an ad in Sacramento about a St. Charles for sale. The family had small kids and all were very nice. All but Norman had been spoken for, we liked his personality anyway. We decided to get him and take him with us. The pups were old enough in a few days to leave the mother. The littlest of the kids was always near our choice of pup. When we started talking about a name with the family, the little boy stood up stomped his feet. His name is "COW"! well it started a crying scene, both because his cow was leaving and we were going to change his name. Then I had a thought? Told his mom to rent the movie Dude Ranch starring Billy Crystal. In that movie Billy pulls a cow from his mother saving his life. Billy names the cow Norman. The cow saved looked a lot like our Norman. I explained yelling "HERE COW,COME HOME COW" might embarrass him. He finally called down, and we got Norman. His thing is following Buddy around, barking when Buddy barks, but he does't seem to know why he's barking. He'll try to give you a bath before you can get totally seated. Their both very loving dogs.View attachment 115196View attachment 115196

I walk my dog 1-2 hours every night in hopes he comes home and sleeps like that. But after we got home yesterday he fell asleep around 8pm but then I noticed he was up ready to go at 4am. I need to keep him awake until 11pm so he sleeps through the night. Right when he's dozing off I should wake him with symbols or


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