How about create a kill zone on the US/Mexico border?

Yah , let's round up illegals and put them in jail . That's not a big waste of money !

Shit. All. You do is bitch about the debt , but all these dumb right wing ideas just wastefully add to the debt!
---------------------------------- that's why they need to be rounded up , deported and kids go with their border jumping parents Timmy . See 'operation wetback' from the 1950s , think it was 1955 Timmy !
pismoe! The children are citizens, and you are no more of one than they are. Operation Wetback canno thappen now: one, it handled only 3% of who is here illegally; two, the American people won't permit it.
Setting aside the whole bit about being like a Soviet satellite state for the moment; How much is it gonna cost to expropriate a 1-mile strip of mostly private property, station armed guards, remove and dispose of bodies, etc.?
Sounds pretty fascist.

Eminent domain, forget about due process and of course a nice tine of racism when all the brownies end up getting shot regardless of their citizenship status

In the end, stupid stupid.
I realize that a wall might have some weaknesses like people can just go under it so why not invoke a cheaper solution. Create a one mile kill zone between the border of Mexico and the United States. Any person who is not a US citizen and who is in this kill zone will get shot. Not by an employee of the federal government because that would be to expensive and would mean the federal government would be directly responsible for any international problems it might cause. Simply don't enforce the laws against killing in that zone. We can do it by executive order which is a precedent Obama has created. The president doesn't have to enforce the laws if he doesn't want to and in this case the president can simply not enforce any federal laws regarding murder. It is a simple solution that doesn't involve a wall.
This is as ignorant as is ridiculous and wrong.

And the president created no such "precedent" - even in a "zone" due process rights still apply.
How do people Prove they are a citizen? Do you carry your passport around with you at all times?
The burden rests with the state to prove one has entered the country absent authorization; until such a determination is made, all persons are presumed innocent.

Of course the notion of ‘papers, please’ appeals to most on the authoritarian right.
I realize that a wall might have some weaknesses like people can just go under it so why not invoke a cheaper solution. Create a one mile kill zone between the border of Mexico and the United States. Any person who is not a US citizen and who is in this kill zone will get shot. Not by an employee of the federal government because that would be to expensive and would mean the federal government would be directly responsible for any international problems it might cause. Simply don't enforce the laws against killing in that zone. We can do it by executive order which is a precedent Obama has created. The president doesn't have to enforce the laws if he doesn't want to and in this case the president can simply not enforce any federal laws regarding murder. It is a simple solution that doesn't involve a wall.

Why do people waste time with this kind of "fuck yeah, man!" nonsense? You just end up spilling your 10 AM bud light doing the fist pump.

We can't build a wall...we can't have state and federal governments actually arrest illegals...we can't not hire them...we can't do anything normal to stop the flow of illegals in this country so why not do something completely abnormal? I just notice a pattern that any attempt to enforce national immigration laws are attacked by the left without them even attempting to do anything at all. Obama doesn't even order the current border patrol agents to do anything about it so I say why the fuck not? Just start shooting at any illegal in the desert.
More ignorance and lies.

One is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law.

It is a lie to state liberals oppose enforcing immigration laws.

It is a lie to state the president opposes enforcing immigration laws.

And shooting people you think are ‘illegal’ is murder.
How do people Prove they are a citizen? Do you carry your passport around with you at all times?
The burden rests with the state to prove one has entered the country absent authorization; until such a determination is made, all persons are presumed innocent.

Of course the notion of ‘papers, please’ appeals to most on the authoritarian right.

Even more to the totalitarian left.

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