CDZ How about speed limit signs that force your car to slow down using the on board computer?

So how about a compromise- and having those speed limit signs set off an alert in your vehicle if you are speeding. Then if you get pulled over, the car just tells the officer that you ignored the alert and were aware you were speeding?

Oh yes, everyone will love purchasing the 2021 Ford Snitch.
It is an interesting thought experiment certainly. We have all sorts of mandated safety equipment on vehicles, so requiring this additional mandate wouldn't be particularly new or different.

It would prevent American drivers from breaking the law.....and would probably a) save lives and b) prevent Americans from getting expensive speeding tickets. So I guess the argument is that Americans should have the ability to decide to break the law, just like robbing banks.

Personally- I love the radar actuated warning signs that alert you when you are going over the speed limit. So how about a compromise- and having those speed limit signs set off an alert in your vehicle if you are speeding. Then if you get pulled over, the car just tells the officer that you ignored the alert and were aware you were speeding?
How about none of that shit, and you folks maybe start valuing the free will of the individual?
At least pretend you do, okay?
The problem is that the technology isn't perfect.

I can't tell you how many times I've been riding down the interstate and the stupid truck sees a speed limit sign for the service road or the exit and it cuts off my cruise control and gives me a speed limit warning on the dash.

So until the car is absolutely 100% perfect in reading speed limit signs for the road I'm actually on, fuck the thing telling the cops anything.
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It is an interesting thought experiment certainly. We have all sorts of mandated safety equipment on vehicles, so requiring this additional mandate wouldn't be particularly new or different.

It would prevent American drivers from breaking the law.....and would probably a) save lives and b) prevent Americans from getting expensive speeding tickets. So I guess the argument is that Americans should have the ability to decide to break the law, just like robbing banks.

Personally- I love the radar actuated warning signs that alert you when you are going over the speed limit. So how about a compromise- and having those speed limit signs set off an alert in your vehicle if you are speeding. Then if you get pulled over, the car just tells the officer that you ignored the alert and were aware you were speeding?
How about none of that shit, and you folks maybe start valuing the free will of the individual?
At least pretend you do, okay?
Is that what you tell the officer as he pulls you over for going 90 miles an hour through a school zone, with a can of beer in your hand and your seatbelt unbuckled?

Free Will Offishure!
The problem is that the technology isn't perfect.

I can't tell you how many times I've been riding down the interstate and the stupid truck sees a speed limit sign for the service road or the exit and it cuts off my cruise control and gives me a speed limit warning on the dash.
Technology is never perfected. Thats why there is versioning.
You're describing self-driving vehicles. Another ten years or so and they will be safer drivers than any human.
Some idiot driving a VW van without the technology needed would slam into the back of you....
Frankly, none of you fucks can drive. I"m all for making every car an electric one with a navigation system you enter into a computer and then let the car get to where it needs to go.
With cars that can parallel park all on their own, and brake assist to keep you from smashing into the car in front of about traffic signs that automatically force your car to obey the speed limit......? The technology is likely here already..........right?

Just imagine if someone hacks it....
With cars that can parallel park all on their own, and brake assist to keep you from smashing into the car in front of about traffic signs that automatically force your car to obey the speed limit......? The technology is likely here already..........right?

Just imagine if someone hacks it....

Great minds.....
I believe the technology is there but will Ford risk responsibility when a hacker sends your F-150 through a school zone at 65mph?

If I hacked your shit it wouldn't be doing 65 in a school zone, it would be about 95.
With cars that can parallel park all on their own, and brake assist to keep you from smashing into the car in front of about traffic signs that automatically force your car to obey the speed limit......? The technology is likely here already..........right?

Just imagine if someone hacks it....

Depends on how its set up. Make the cars system unable to transmit out and the hacker would have to hack the entire system.
With cars that can parallel park all on their own, and brake assist to keep you from smashing into the car in front of about traffic signs that automatically force your car to obey the speed limit......? The technology is likely here already..........right?

Just imagine if someone hacks it....

Depends on how its set up. Make the cars system unable to transmit out and the hacker would have to hack the entire system.
Informative....oh I miss that button.
I don't like the idea.

Some times you need to accelerate to avoid an accident...or road rage.

What if it's hacked & shuts down the road?
What if you are trying to flee the city during an emergency?
What if you're trying to get somebody to the hospital?
What if Mr. Blackman behind you intends to kill you because of your MAGA bumper-sticker?

And in any of those cases...nobody is held responsible. If I'm caught speeding...then I am held responsible.
I don't like the idea.

Some times you need to accelerate to avoid an accident...or road rage.

What if it's hacked & shuts down the road?
What if you are trying to flee the city during an emergency?
What if you're trying to get somebody to the hospital?
What if Mr. Blackman behind you intends to kill you because of your MAGA bumper-sticker?

And in any of those cases...nobody is held responsible. If I'm caught speeding...then I am held responsible.

"Some times you need to accelerate to avoid an accident...or road rage. "

Did you read the OP?

"What if it's hacked & shuts down the road?"

What if someone hacks your car and takes out the spark plugs?

"What if you are trying to flee the city during an emergency?
What if you're trying to get somebody to the hospital?
What if Mr. Blackman behind you intends to kill you because of your MAGA bumper-sticker?"

You just press your emergency manual drive button which will make you liable for explaining why. If you cant prove it then you revoke your driving privileges and take the bus...along with a hefty fine like you would get for calling 911 for nothing.
With cars that can parallel park all on their own, and brake assist to keep you from smashing into the car in front of about traffic signs that automatically force your car to obey the speed limit......? The technology is likely here already..........right?
What about the guy behind you in a car without a computer?
With cars that can parallel park all on their own, and brake assist to keep you from smashing into the car in front of about traffic signs that automatically force your car to obey the speed limit......? The technology is likely here already..........right?
What about the guy behind you in a car without a computer?
He has to monitor his own speed and you get to laugh at him.
I can not see it working on our narrow mountain roads, constantly under attack by kamakazi deer.

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