How about this: Cut spending and Raise taxes 2-5% on the top 1%


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
That way we dont slash programs to the bone that are needed to keep society going and the rich wont be hurt by an extreme tax increase. Then we can climb out of the deficit twice as fast.

Can we do two things at once? Or is any tax increase socialism?
How 'bout we cut spending back to 1990 levels and leave the tax structure as is?
That way we dont slash programs to the bone that are needed to keep society going and the rich wont be hurt by an extreme tax increase. Then we can climb out of the deficit twice as fast.

Can we do two things at once? Or is any tax increase socialism?

According to the right, the only way to "grow" the economy is to cut SS, cut Medicare, double the military budget and cut ALL taxes for corporations and those making over a million a year.

Then we will see the kind of growth we saw for 8 years under Bush.
How bout we do this..

BEFORE you cut taxes you cut spending first. Then you use the surplus to justify the tax cut
That way we dont slash programs to the bone that are needed to keep society going and the rich wont be hurt by an extreme tax increase. Then we can climb out of the deficit twice as fast.

Can we do two things at once? Or is any tax increase socialism?
The social spending is not the actual problem. It is the administration of those programs that drives the cost to absurd levels.
So, there are two solutions. One, slash social spending or ,Two, slash the employment within the departments that administer the programs. Either way these budgets must be reduced.
One other issue regarding social spending, that is to enforce the rules and regulations to the letter and start prosecuting all who game the system.
Social programs do not "keep society going".. They have for nearly 8 decads of mismanagement, waste , fraud and level upon level of bureaucratic nonsense, have created a permanent underclass of downtrodden and in some instances entitled people who's participation in receipt of social entitlements goes back many generations.
If you really want to "keep society going", find another way. Perhaps social funding should be spent on education and job training rather than teaching people that a taxpayer funded permanent vacation is a great way to live.
Cutting spending as a stand-alone will always reduce the deficit.

Cut enough and the budget balances.
That way we dont slash programs to the bone that are needed to keep society going and the rich wont be hurt by an extreme tax increase. Then we can climb out of the deficit twice as fast.

Can we do two things at once? Or is any tax increase socialism?
The social spending is not the actual problem. It is the administration of those programs that drives the cost to absurd levels.
So, there are two solutions. One, slash social spending or ,Two, slash the employment within the departments that administer the programs. Either way these budgets must be reduced.
One other issue regarding social spending, that is to enforce the rules and regulations to the letter and start prosecuting all who game the system.
Social programs do not "keep society going".. They have for nearly 8 decads of mismanagement, waste , fraud and level upon level of bureaucratic nonsense, have created a permanent underclass of downtrodden and in some instances entitled people who's participation in receipt of social entitlements goes back many generations.
If you really want to "keep society going", find another way. Perhaps social funding should be spent on education and job training rather than teaching people that a taxpayer funded permanent vacation is a great way to live.

I hear this often and Im wondering what model are the Repubs looking at for a govt or business does not have any waste, fraud or abuse? Govt and every business will always have some level so no business or govt will ever be good enough except a perfect one.

The "permanent underclass" arguement is a gross exaggeration. You would have to believe that people on a whole do not want to do better. Social funding for education and job training will be cut as well unless we can find another way.

How about a 2% tax increase on 400 people instead of slashing programs for millions of others?
50 views and not one repub is for this plan? You still get to cut spending it's just a 2-5% increase. We can break away from China faster if we did it..

Anyone want to get chinas finger out of the US' ass? Anyone?
50 views and not one repub is for this plan? You still get to cut spending it's just a 2-5% increase. We can break away from China faster if we did it..

Anyone want to get chinas finger out of the US' ass? Anyone?

You might want to ask the Obama and the Democrats-Progressives-Commies that question.
50 views and not one repub is for this plan? You still get to cut spending it's just a 2-5% increase. We can break away from China faster if we did it..

Anyone want to get chinas finger out of the US' ass? Anyone?

You might want to ask the Obama and the Democrats-Progressives-Commies that question.

I'm interested if anyone is willing to raise taxes by any amount to get us out of this hole. What say you?
50 views and not one repub is for this plan? You still get to cut spending it's just a 2-5% increase. We can break away from China faster if we did it..

Anyone want to get chinas finger out of the US' ass? Anyone?

You might want to ask the Obama and the Democrats-Progressives-Commies that question.

I'm interested if anyone is willing to raise taxes by any amount to get us out of this hole. What say you?

We the people DIDN'T get us into this mess, let the DAMN GUBERMENT who gave us this, dig it's way out. NO MORE DAMN TAXES, WE ARE TAXED ENOUGH.
50 views and not one repub is for this plan? You still get to cut spending it's just a 2-5% increase. We can break away from China faster if we did it..

Anyone want to get chinas finger out of the US' ass? Anyone?

Just a 2-5 % increase, except that instead of "the richest 400 people in America" your party will morph it into a 10% hike on anyone remotely upper middle class. Those are the small businessmen, professionals and entrepreneurs your class envy party loves to hate and screw over. Democrats always lie about who they're going to tax-until you see the final product. No thanks, democrats have lied to people like me until we will not believe anything they promise.No to your tax increase, no to your party, and no to its allies. I have had enough! I wouldn't pee on the democrats if the whole lot were on fire!
You might want to ask the Obama and the Democrats-Progressives-Commies that question.

I'm interested if anyone is willing to raise taxes by any amount to get us out of this hole. What say you?

We the people DIDN'T get us into this mess, let the DAMN GUBERMENT who gave us this, dig it's way out. NO MORE DAMN TAXES, WE ARE TAXED ENOUGH.

How should the government do that? And you are not part of the group I am talking about taxing so dont take it so personal.
I'm interested if anyone is willing to raise taxes by any amount to get us out of this hole. What say you?

We the people DIDN'T get us into this mess, let the DAMN GUBERMENT who gave us this, dig it's way out. NO MORE DAMN TAXES, WE ARE TAXED ENOUGH.

How should the government do that? And you are not part of the group I am talking about taxing so dont take it so personal.

nothing personal taken dear.
but didn't we used to be a nation of JUSTICE FOR ALL.
like smokers, you all become ok with, taxation FOR SOME.
That bothers me the most about some of you.
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