How about this?

I am awaiting my "Hero of Mother Russia" award. Vlad called and thanked me.....LMBBFFAO!!!!

OK, that is funny, deltex1.

I am glad that Putin folded and told Assad to join convention against gas weapons and give them up.
I am going to keep bumping this thread so Hillary and John and Obabble don't take credit for my no brainer proposal...and we pay these assholes 300k a year????
This guy really is a magic negro...Kerry stumbles across a solution...Putin jumps on it...Obabble comes out so serious like it was something he he will muddle the whole thing o death....fucking incredible.
It was Kerry who offered the idea, Putin jumped on it and is forcing Assad to offer it, thus giving BHO the opportunity to accept it or scream, "I am going to kill a commie for mommy" and blow the hell out of Assad and his Russian advisers.
Congress approves strike.

Obama says to Assad..."you say you did not/will not use CW...ok I believe you. So let the UN come in and destroy/remove your stockpiles. Its obvious you dont need them. If you do that we will not bomb your country. If you do not agree then I cannot believe you...and I will strike to whatever extent it takes to defeat your forces or drive you to negotiations...whichever comes first."

This does not solve the civil war if Assad agrees...but it achieves Obama's purpose without bombing.

Worth a shot?

This sounds quite familiar. Perhaps something like George Bush could have said to Saddam. Oh wait.... that IS where I've heard it before.
Del, the pres now holds all the cards with the trump of bombing.

The tricks will go his way now, and the extremists to far right and far left are twisting slowly, slowly in the wind.
Del, the pres now holds all the cards with the trump of bombing.

The tricks will go his way now, and the extremists to far right and far left are twisting slowly, slowly in the wind.

He may well hold all the cards...but how much confidence do you have he will play them properly? He had 4 aces in his hand last week and he passed...Kerry found them in his garbage...
Your interp is incorrect, and you misjudge him as surely Truman's enemies of that president.

The next week will show.

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