How after 8 years of Obama's hope and change could there be a thing called "Hungry"?

How can there be hungry people after 8 years of a Socialist president, named Barrack Obama?

  • It isnt his fault, it is the dirty Republicans as always, yes i am a stupid liberal.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • With Obama polices screwing over the middle class, it is easy to know why there is still hunger..

    Votes: 4 100.0%

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
It's Trump's's Obama's this case it's Trump's economy
It's Trump's's Obama's this case it's Trump's economy

But it all goes back to Bush Jr. It's his fault. I'll try to find a link. Have patience.
Consider the republicans in congress who refused to work with Barack. He was not a socialist person.
How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
Easy peasy, Obama was no Socialist and never promised to rid America of hunger in 4 or 8 years?

Your obsession with what you call "the 1/2 white Messiah" would be amusing if didn't look so much like a symptom of some mental disorder. Why does it resemble so much a symptom of a mental disorder?
The incessant personal attacks on a couple of people you do not personally know who have for the most part, left the public arena
How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
Easy peasy, Obama was no Socialist and never promised to rid America of hunger in 4 or 8 years?

Your obsession with what you call "the 1/2 white Messiah" would be amusing if didn't look so much like a symptom of some mental disorder. Why does it resemble so much a symptom of a mental disorder?
The incessant personal attacks on a couple of people you do not personally know who have for the most part, left the public arena
I dont know about that, when he said he was going to heal the planet, doesn't that fall into the category of feeding everyone? Or was that a LIE?

How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
Easy peasy, Obama was no Socialist and never promised to rid America of hunger in 4 or 8 years?

Your obsession with what you call "the 1/2 white Messiah" would be amusing if didn't look so much like a symptom of some mental disorder. Why does it resemble so much a symptom of a mental disorder?
The incessant personal attacks on a couple of people you do not personally know who have for the most part, left the public arena
You just hate it that you were duped for 8 years, and dont like being reminded of your stupidity...
How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
Unemployment going from near 10% down to what are record levels today I think is pretty good change, wouldn’t you agree?

There will always be poverty and hungry people but jobs help and the less unemployed the better. I’d say the change over the past 10 years has been positive in that area
How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
Easy peasy, Obama was no Socialist and never promised to rid America of hunger in 4 or 8 years?

Your obsession with what you call "the 1/2 white Messiah" would be amusing if didn't look so much like a symptom of some mental disorder. Why does it resemble so much a symptom of a mental disorder?
The incessant personal attacks on a couple of people you do not personally know who have for the most part, left the public arena
I dont know about that, when he said he was going to heal the planet, doesn't that fall into the category of feeding everyone? Or was that a LIE?

you really don't get what that campaign speech was all about, and the meanings stated and implied were about?

are you serious?
Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul | HuffPost

On one link we have comments from Obama-haters saying stupid things like:

"Slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet? This moron can't even get a computer system up and running for Obama care lol" -- As if Obama was in charge of a computer system, which he was not. And it was contracted private enterprise setting it up, not some government bureaucrat
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How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
How can we help you learn to spell Barack? Messiah....Mooshelle….yer an idiot!
How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
Unemployment going from near 10% down to what are record levels today I think is pretty good change, wouldn’t you agree?

There will always be poverty and hungry people but jobs help and the less unemployed the better. I’d say the change over the past 10 years has been positive in that area

When Obama left office the unemployment was around 16%. His system of counting people not looking for work as not unemployed was a joke. Too damn many people were mesmerized by that slick talking snake oil salesman and worshiped the bastard.
I wonder how many democrats who post about hungry people in America give anything to their local food banks.
How you can help feed hungry Americans this holiday season
This month, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America. We are inviting our readers to join us this Thanksgiving holiday in supporting the work of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks which not only helps put nutritious food in the stomachs of people who don't have enough, but aims to address the root causes of hunger as well through research, advocacy and awareness campaigns.
Could it be that Hope and Change, wasn't all that it was supposed to be. Or was it the Fundamental Transformation of America that was turning more middle class into hungry poverty stricken people who then had to rely on liberals to take care of them? All during the 1/2 white Messiah's presidency, the poor children in school were going hungry because Mooshelle the tranny FORCED them to eat food they didnt want, most of which was thrown away. Ah yes, I ask again, how can there be hungry people, after 8 years of a president who was supposed to redistribute the wealth, ate steak and caviar in the white house, flew on Air Force one, while the tranny flew separately, and rode in the beast, while everyone else was to drive in a chevy volt?
Unemployment going from near 10% down to what are record levels today I think is pretty good change, wouldn’t you agree?

There will always be poverty and hungry people but jobs help and the less unemployed the better. I’d say the change over the past 10 years has been positive in that area

When Obama left office the unemployment was around 16%. His system of counting people not looking for work as not unemployed was a joke. Too damn many people were mesmerized by that slick talking snake oil salesman and worshiped the bastard.
Ok, by your math what was UE in 2008, 2016, and now. Let’s take a look
I wonder how many democrats who post about hungry people in America give anything to their local food banks.
Oh come on. You know people like Al Gore and Bill Clinton would fly around in the private jets and ride in limo's while demanding that the rest of us eat hamburger helper and ride in our ford focus.

Remember when you hear "The New World Order" those liberals want US dead. The less of US, the more is left for them.

6 Billion People Humans To Be Killed By The Elite – New World Order Depopulation Agenda

When Obama left office the unemployment was around 16%. His system of counting people not looking for work as not unemployed was a joke. Too damn many people were mesmerized by that slick talking snake oil salesman and worshiped the bastard.
So you are claiming Obama count was unusual and he invented counting it that way? Hmm... :asshole:
When Obama left office the unemployment was around 16%. His system of counting people not looking for work as not unemployed was a joke. Too damn many people were mesmerized by that slick talking snake oil salesman and worshiped the bastard.
So you are claiming Obama count was unusual and he invented counting it that way? Hmm... :asshole:
No but his goons refined it. I see you love the SOB or you wouldn't be excusing his actions.

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