How America swallowed the gun lobby's Kool-Aid


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Now we will here from the NRA shills and toadies , more gun more guns , if only everyone had a gun

More guns and bibles, more gun and bibles, clutch those guns and bibles!!

second verse same as the first

In a nation with a gun-related homicide rate that is nearly seven times higher than the average of other developed countries which have much stricter regulations, the all too regular experience of mass murder committed with firearms in American is tragic and senseless.

How America swallowed the gun lobby s Kool-Aid Opinion -

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Now we will here from the NRA shills and toadies , more gun more guns , if only everyone had a gun

More guns and bibles, more gun and bibles, clutch those guns and bibles!!

second verse same as the first

In a nation with a gun-related homicide rate that is nearly seven times higher than the average of other developed countries which have much stricter regulations, the all too regular experience of mass murder committed with firearms in American is tragic and senseless.

How America swallowed the gun lobby s Kool-Aid Opinion -


Which of those other 'developed' nations has given their citizens the Right to Bear Arms?
From the CNN piece -

"While the data are unclear about whether access to a gun causes violence, it is clear that for individuals with a history of violence, substance abuse, and criminal behavior, having access to firearms increases their risk of committing lethal violence."

Indeed, and there is an easy answer to this. Take the individuals with a history of violence, substance abuse, and criminal behavior off the streets permanently.
Now we will here from the NRA shills and toadies , more gun more guns , if only everyone had a gun

More guns and bibles, more gun and bibles, clutch those guns and bibles!!

second verse same as the first

In a nation with a gun-related homicide rate that is nearly seven times higher than the average of other developed countries which have much stricter regulations, the all too regular experience of mass murder committed with firearms in American is tragic and senseless.

How America swallowed the gun lobby s Kool-Aid Opinion -


I know I don't use information from the NRA...I just use the FBI and the more Americans own and carry guns...our violence rate, and our gun murder rate has gone down, not up....that is a fact and the FBI and the CDC are the ones who documented you are both wrong and a....


And, also from the CDC..gun accidents and accidental gun deaths have gone down, not up as more Americans own and carry guns...that is the truth, that is a are a......

Thankfully Nature is taking it's course with the old white bitter gun clinging bible thumpers
They're getting wiser, and you're getting....?

I want to see if I copied this photo here it is....I love this photo....


And even that isn't accurate....the 323 number is for all rifles.....not AR-15s....AR-15s don't even register more than a handful of deaths.......compared to even falling......or drowning....

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