how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best
After WWII, the foreign based competition to U.S. companies was basically decimated. We had a global field for our manufactured products...with a lot less regulation than we do now. Combine that with an education system which had not been destroyed by Progressivism and more cohesive nuclear families raising kids in two parent homes at all income levels...the result was an economy and culture which encouraged upward mobility.
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:
Government programs like the GI bill opened up college for a whole generation of young men who otherwise would not have gone. Eisenhower, a republican, authorized huge government investment in the infrastucture of the US, which btw helped businesses thrive.(ie. interstate highway) If he proposed such a thing today he would be called a Rhino and primaried. Unions were strong and wages remained high enough that only one parent had to work.
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:

That is such a tired bromide. The tax code allowed for far more deductions, and the highest rate applied to incomes over $Ms in today's dollars (which is not the 1% level).
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:

That is such a tired bromide. The tax code allowed for far more deductions, and the highest rate applied to incomes over $Ms in today's dollars (which is not the 1% level).

What about your tired bromides? The top rate is much lower today. Where are the jobs that's supposed to bring? Since the 1% gets to keep so much more of what they earn, they can go out and spend it, instead of reinvesting to get those deductions and creating jobs.
I graduated catholic grammar school in 1951...and had all the education I needed right then. I could read, write, speak, add, subtract, multiply and divide. I knew what sacrifice, self denial and self discipline meant. I had a reasonable fear of God, knew the Ten Commandments and respected women...the nuns said girls hated sex...and I believed them. Life has changed...I am amazed at what my grand kids must learn...and what they must learn to avoid. God help them.
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The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:

That is such a tired bromide. The tax code allowed for far more deductions, and the highest rate applied to incomes over $Ms in today's dollars (which is not the 1% level).

What about your tired bromides? The top rate is much lower today. Where are the jobs that's supposed to bring? Since the 1% gets to keep so much more of what they earn, they can go out and spend it, instead of reinvesting to get those deductions and creating jobs.

The government is spending too much money, has grossly increased regulations they don't even understand themselves, we have a byzantine, social engineering tax code...and now ObamaCare is looming.

That's why the economy is not growing.
I graduate catholic grammar school in 1951...and had all the education I needed right then. I could read, write, speak, add, subtract, multiply and divide. I knew what sacrifice, self denial and self discipline meant. I had a reasonable fear of God, knew the Ten Commandments and respected women...the nuns said girls hated sex...and I believed them. Life has changed...I am amazed at what my grand kids must learn...and what they must learn to avoid. God help them.

Today in school you get free condoms, "Gay" Glee Clubs, boy cheerleads and sex ed class.
That's progress, according to Libberhoids.
Where are the jobs that's supposed to bring? Since the 1% gets to keep so much more of what they earn, they can go out and spend it, instead of reinvesting to get those deductions and creating jobs.

Ask Obama when he gets back from Martha's Vineyard.

So you're saying he should come back with a plan to raise the top marginal rates with big write offs for investing in job-producing enterprises. I'll go for that. :2up:
That is such a tired bromide. The tax code allowed for far more deductions, and the highest rate applied to incomes over $Ms in today's dollars (which is not the 1% level).

What about your tired bromides? The top rate is much lower today. Where are the jobs that's supposed to bring? Since the 1% gets to keep so much more of what they earn, they can go out and spend it, instead of reinvesting to get those deductions and creating jobs.

The government is spending too much money, has grossly increased regulations they don't even understand themselves, we have a byzantine, social engineering tax code...and now ObamaCare is looming.

That's why the economy is not growing.

If the top earners can easily keep more of their money, what's the incentive to create new job-producing enterprises, when they can just sit on the money?
Where are the jobs that's supposed to bring? Since the 1% gets to keep so much more of what they earn, they can go out and spend it, instead of reinvesting to get those deductions and creating jobs.

Ask Obama when he gets back from Martha's Vineyard.

So you're saying he should come back with a plan to raise the top marginal rates with big write offs for investing in job-producing enterprises. I'll go for that. :2up:

You need a few Obama "YouTube" campaign clips as a refresher in which he promises millions of jobs for uneducated lef-winged wingnuts like you jobs, government transparency, 24/7 monitoring of our privacy and world peace ?
And yet the 1% pay a high portion of all income taxes than they did back then...go figure.
All of the above, 1% paying their fair share, GI Bill, little competion- also the generous Greatest Generation as CEOs, strong unions.

This isn't the 50's and 60's brainiac.
You can thank the likes of Robert Byrd, Charlie Rangel, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for where we are today.

Ask Obama for some hope and change when he gets back from Martha's Vineyard
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

Work ethic?
Drive to improve oneself?
Personal ownership of life?

Oh wait, those weren't government policies.
Ask Obama when he gets back from Martha's Vineyard.

So you're saying he should come back with a plan to raise the top marginal rates with big write offs for investing in job-producing enterprises. I'll go for that. :2up:

You need a few Obama "YouTube" campaign clips as a refresher in which he promises millions of jobs for uneducated lef-winged wingnuts like you jobs, government transparency, 24/7 monitoring of our privacy and world peace ?

Do you need a reminder that he's got a House that says "NO" to anything he proposes? I'm talking jobs, so some of what you're saying is just off-the-point-distraction. Do you or don't you think he should raise the top marginal rate so that the "job creators" would actually be encouraged to put their money to good use instead of just sitting on it? Unless you're one of them, I don'rt understand why a working man would shill for the 1%!
I graduate catholic grammar school in 1951...and had all the education I needed right then. I could read, write, speak, add, subtract, multiply and divide. I knew what sacrifice, self denial and self discipline meant. I had a reasonable fear of God, knew the Ten Commandments and respected women...the nuns said girls hated sex...and I believed them. Life has changed...I am amazed at what my grand kids must learn...and what they must learn to avoid. God help them.

Today in school you get free condoms, "Gay" Glee Clubs, boy cheerleads and sex ed class.
That's progress, according to Libberhoids.
George W. Bush was a cheerleader.

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