how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

Also there was cheap health care, now coming back with O-care- along with the end of 500k bankruptcies due to health costs and scam insurance, and health costs ruining our corps' global competitiveness.
And yet the 1% pay a high portion of all income taxes than they did back then...go figure.

Because their incomes have increased and everyone else's have decreased in relative terms. It's not that hard to figure, if you take off the ideological blinders. :cool:(blind guy)
I graduate catholic grammar school in 1951...and had all the education I needed right then. I could read, write, speak, add, subtract, multiply and divide. I knew what sacrifice, self denial and self discipline meant. I had a reasonable fear of God, knew the Ten Commandments and respected women...the nuns said girls hated sex...and I believed them. Life has changed...I am amazed at what my grand kids must learn...and what they must learn to avoid. God help them.

Today in school you get free condoms, "Gay" Glee Clubs, boy cheerleads and sex ed class.
That's progress, according to Libberhoids.
George W. Bush was a cheerleader.
Everyone is a cheerleader in the Ivy League...
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:
That higher income tax encouraged people to re-invest in their businesses, thus hiring new workers and giving them better salaries. A one income family could afford a house and send kids to college.
And yet the 1% pay a high portion of all income taxes than they did back then...go figure.

Pure Pubcrappe, dupe. Of federal income tax, yes- but they now pay less in ALL taxes and fees than ever. Payroll taxes are now as much as fed income tax, and state and local taxes and fees have risen greatly- hurting the nonrich. That's thehe Voodoo scam, hater dupes of the greedy idiot GOP.
And yet the 1% pay a high portion of all income taxes than they did back then...go figure.

Because their incomes have increased and everyone else's have decreased in relative terms. It's not that hard to figure, if you take off the ideological blinders. :cool:(blind guy)

Then get off your keister and invent something like an iPhone - you know - take some responsibility for once
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

Work ethic?
Drive to improve oneself?
Personal ownership of life?

Oh wait, those weren't government policies.

Blaming the victims of the Pub Great World Depression/Great World Recession? Absolute Pubcrappre, perfect chump of the greedy idiot GOP. Their rape of the country started in the 80's- along with the brainwashing you love LOL. See sig para. 1...
Last edited:
Tax rates. We had a thing called "obscene wealth" and greed was an unacceptable negative and shame. The main tax loophole was giving to charity. Hospitals were built. Colleges were supported. Museums and librarys were built. The rich cared about their legacy and the legacy of their family. After a certain amount of income they paid that hight tax and didn't whine about it.

The high tax rate enabled us to invest in public projects like the Interstate Highway System that was a tremendous beinifit to industry and agriculture. We built dam's that provided electric to oppressed areas and that brought industry and jobs to depressed areas. We financed the developement of recovery and industry in Europe, creating a market for our products. We invested in the space program and that brought us amazing developments in science and technology. We invested in agriculture in a way which supported small farmers across the country and produced a surplus of food and kept our food prices low, and instead of foreign aid being mostly military weapons, our foreign aid was ship loads of food sent to poor nations. We took our excessive and surplus wealth and invested it ourselves.

Today we accept obscene wealth. Greed is Ok. We see nothing wrong with people owning multiple mansions (castles?), having multi-million dollar automobil "collections", hiding money in secretive "off shore" accounts and paying lower tax rates than their empoyees. We, at least some of us, selected one to perhaps be our President. We have done a 180 degree turn from being a good decent, fair and wise nation to being whatever it is we have become. We became a great nation because we did great things. We aren't doing great things anymore and there isn't much on the horizon to indicate we will do any great things in the near future. We are busy fighting over whether we will even let our grandmothers and kids go to the doctors office or have enough to eat everyday. Thats what we argue about. We have decided that our priority is money, wealth and the accumulation of material toys and stuff. Not for most of us. Most of us will never have a problem of to much money. We are in this arguement at the behest of the super wealthy. We are being ruled by the greedy and obscene wealthy who have managed to find a way to snooker and fool enough people into fighting for their evil.
And yet the 1% pay a high portion of all income taxes than they did back then...go figure.

Because their incomes have increased and everyone else's have decreased in relative terms. It's not that hard to figure, if you take off the ideological blinders. :cool:(blind guy)

Then get off your keister and invent something like an iPhone - you know - take some responsibility for once

Me show responsibility? As usual the mantra only applies to the "other guy". Want to impress us? Tell us what you're doing. :eusa_whistle:
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

Off the top of my head:

1- Way less regulation and laws to deal with.
2- More pride in the country and the opportunities we had.
3- More family oriented.
4- Moral's meant something and were adhered to.
5- Handouts were not expected.

Just five but I think over all they just had a better handle on things. It was fresh in everyone's minds what socialism and communism did to other countries and wanted no part of it. It was easy to start a business in your garage, and you were allowed too. SS and Medicare weren't the albatross around their necks yet. They taught kids to be respectful and how to work. They let competition be what it is complete with winners and losers, none of the make everyone a winner crap. I could go on.
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:

what was the effective tax rate?
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

Off the top of my head:

1- Way less regulation and laws to deal with.
2- More pride in the country and the opportunities we had.
3- More family oriented.
4- Moral's meant something and were adhered to.
5- Handouts were not expected.

Just five but I think over all they just had a better handle on things. It was fresh in everyone's minds what socialism and communism did to other countries and wanted no part of it. It was easy to start a business in your garage, and you were allowed too. SS and Medicare weren't the albatross around their necks yet. They taught kids to be respectful and how to work. They let competition be what it is complete with winners and losers, none of the make everyone a winner crap. I could go on.

this was fairly close to my argument...of course the person i was having the debate with...countered with the tax rate

if anyone can counter his post, i would be interested in reading it
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:

what was the effective tax rate?

Much lower, if they went out created jobs. Now the incentive just isn't there.
Tax rates. We had a thing called "obscene wealth" and greed was an unacceptable negative and shame. The main tax loophole was giving to charity. Hospitals were built. Colleges were supported. Museums and librarys were built. The rich cared about their legacy and the legacy of their family. After a certain amount of income they paid that hight tax and didn't whine about it.

The high tax rate enabled us to invest in public projects like the Interstate Highway System that was a tremendous beinifit to industry and agriculture. We built dam's that provided electric to oppressed areas and that brought industry and jobs to depressed areas. We financed the developement of recovery and industry in Europe, creating a market for our products. We invested in the space program and that brought us amazing developments in science and technology. We invested in agriculture in a way which supported small farmers across the country and produced a surplus of food and kept our food prices low, and instead of foreign aid being mostly military weapons, our foreign aid was ship loads of food sent to poor nations. We took our excessive and surplus wealth and invested it ourselves.

Today we accept obscene wealth. Greed is Ok. We see nothing wrong with people owning multiple mansions (castles?), having multi-million dollar automobil "collections", hiding money in secretive "off shore" accounts and paying lower tax rates than their empoyees. We, at least some of us, selected one to perhaps be our President. We have done a 180 degree turn from being a good decent, fair and wise nation to being whatever it is we have become. We became a great nation because we did great things. We aren't doing great things anymore and there isn't much on the horizon to indicate we will do any great things in the near future. We are busy fighting over whether we will even let our grandmothers and kids go to the doctors office or have enough to eat everyday. Thats what we argue about. We have decided that our priority is money, wealth and the accumulation of material toys and stuff. Not for most of us. Most of us will never have a problem of to much money. We are in this arguement at the behest of the super wealthy. We are being ruled by the greedy and obscene wealthy who have managed to find a way to snooker and fool enough people into fighting for their evil.

your argument is compelling, however, i would ask, what was the effective tax rate?

if the effective tax rate then helped this country, as you point out, then why should we not go back to such a rate now?

btw...don't take every question or statement i make in this thread as "my opinion"...i'm seeking ideas via socratic method
The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:

what was the effective tax rate?

Much lower, if they went out created jobs. Now the incentive just isn't there.

if that is the case, then why do you believe the income tax rate made the middle class grow? or are you saying the effective tax rate was only lower for those who created jobs?

that then begs the question, who creates jobs?
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

Work ethic?
Drive to improve oneself?
Personal ownership of life?

Oh wait, those weren't government policies.

Blaming the victims of the Pub Great World Depression/Great World Recession? Absolute Pubcrappre, perfect chump of the greedy idiot GOP. Their rape of the country started in the 80's- along with the brainwashing you love LOL. See sig para. 1...

please don't troll this thread

it would be nice to have a decent discussion about tax rates, the growth of the american middle class and how to achieve that growth.

i believe that america is as great as its middle class. that is why we were so great in the 50's and 60's...we had a strong middle class.
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

Off the top of my head:

1- Way less regulation and laws to deal with.
2- More pride in the country and the opportunities we had.
3- More family oriented.
4- Moral's meant something and were adhered to.
5- Handouts were not expected.

Just five but I think over all they just had a better handle on things. It was fresh in everyone's minds what socialism and communism did to other countries and wanted no part of it. It was easy to start a business in your garage, and you were allowed too. SS and Medicare weren't the albatross around their necks yet. They taught kids to be respectful and how to work. They let competition be what it is complete with winners and losers, none of the make everyone a winner crap. I could go on.

this was fairly close to my argument...of course the person i was having the debate with...countered with the tax rate

if anyone can counter his post, i would be interested in reading it
The tax rate is an idiotic thing to hang their hats on. 90% tax rates don't promote growth, never have and never will. But they use that argument today as the sole solution to prosperity as if we only taxed the rich at 90% and all our problems are solved. The truth of the matter is regulations, laws, red tape and the rest of the government intrusion over time has made it harder for individuals to get in the game as business owners and compete. Until that is rectified we will never get the prosperity back.
i would like someone to explain this:

how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

what political and economic policies were involved? or did it not expand.

i'm having this debate with my...shall remain anonymous...nevermind...curious as to what USMB has to say

note to mods: i want both political and economic so i thought political forum would be best

The top marginal income tax rate was 70-90% over the period, i.e. the 1% paid their way AND we prospered. :cool:

The deductions and the income do not equate the same as today...

These rates where instituted to re-build Europe and the deductions had extremely broad ranges...

The median income was less than $5K in 1955 compared to $50K today...

What is so amazing in this debate are the reasons our Founders cut off the British, over taxation, and you sit here today mad at the ones who have succeeded...
Also there was cheap health care, now coming back with O-care- along with the end of 500k bankruptcies due to health costs and scam insurance, and health costs ruining our corps' global competitiveness.

And the level of government interference in the health care market was far less back then, and the government didn't fund the enormous portion of health care expenditures it does now.
Off the top of my head:

1- Way less regulation and laws to deal with.
2- More pride in the country and the opportunities we had.
3- More family oriented.
4- Moral's meant something and were adhered to.
5- Handouts were not expected.

Just five but I think over all they just had a better handle on things. It was fresh in everyone's minds what socialism and communism did to other countries and wanted no part of it. It was easy to start a business in your garage, and you were allowed too. SS and Medicare weren't the albatross around their necks yet. They taught kids to be respectful and how to work. They let competition be what it is complete with winners and losers, none of the make everyone a winner crap. I could go on.

this was fairly close to my argument...of course the person i was having the debate with...countered with the tax rate

if anyone can counter his post, i would be interested in reading it
The tax rate is an idiotic thing to hang their hats on. 90% tax rates don't promote growth, never have and never will. But they use that argument today as the sole solution to prosperity as if we only taxed the rich at 90% and all our problems are solved. The truth of the matter is regulations, laws, red tape and the rest of the government intrusion over time has made it harder for individuals to get in the game as business owners and compete. Until that is rectified we will never get the prosperity back.

and most people don't understand, that not all income is taxed at that rate

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