how and why did the middle class expand so much during the 50's and 60's?

Geez, talk about a tired bromide. The reason the 1% pay a higher portion of taxes now than they did then is because wealth disparity is ridiculous now compared to then.

And your little pea brain has no idea what causes the disparity.

My little pea brain has made more money than you'll see in three or four lifetimes.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that people who feel compelled to brag about their income and wealth in a sad attempt to win an argument on an anonymous message board are pathetic losers who lose.
And your little pea brain has no idea what causes the disparity.

My little pea brain has made more money than you'll see in three or four lifetimes.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that people who feel compelled to brag about their income and wealth in a sad attempt to win an argument on an anonymous message board are pathetic losers who lose.

Comfort yourself any way you can. But from your simplistic view of the world, I can see that the only way you could ever break away from the pack would be pure dumb-assed luck.
You're funny. It's clear that having an active fantasy life is your compensation for being such a loser, so carry on.
And your little pea brain has no idea what causes the disparity.

My little pea brain has made more money than you'll see in three or four lifetimes.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that people who feel compelled to brag about their income and wealth in a sad attempt to win an argument on an anonymous message board are pathetic losers who lose.

I still dont know why all these so called rich folks and bussiness owners would waste all their time on a board like this, think they are fibbing because I sure as hell wouldnt be here. lol...
I don't care what any member's income or wealth level is. It's an anonymous message board in a small corner of the interwebs. Rich people and business owners have just as much right to participate here as everyone else.
Union membership in the US peaked in the 1960's. The middle class has been in decline ever since.

Another fan of the correlation implies causation fallacy, allow me to throw another one at you, The Beatles were still a group in the 1960's , so clearly the cause of the problem was The Beatles breaking up in 1970.

Given that the presence and relative power of unions directly impacts the wages and benefits of those who are in unions or are not,

and since the Beatles have nothing to do with wages and benefit issues of American labor,

I'd say your analogy was retarded, at best.

It wasn't an analogy, it was a simple demonstration of the correlation implies causation fallacy, the same fallacy that you were using as your argument, but obviously you still don't get the fact that it's a FALLACY any way you slice it. :rolleyes:
yea but it just proves on a Saturday afternoon they are lying like hell....I would be in Hawaii or on my yacht some where instead of a forum board talking to peasants.
You're mistaken if you think the majority of members here are "peasants".

Just sayin'.
You're mistaken if you think the majority of members here are "peasants".

Just sayin'.

Agreed, no peasants here just rabble, riff-raff and an assortment of shady characters. :D

Of course. Twould be dreadfully dull without them.

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You're mistaken if you think the majority of members here are "peasants".

Just sayin'.

Agreed, no peasants here just rabble, riff-raff and an assortment of shady characters. :D

Of course. Twould be dreadfully dull without them.


This is true, not to mention that without such denizens the clean up crew would be out of a job. :)
My little pea brain has made more money than you'll see in three or four lifetimes.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that people who feel compelled to brag about their income and wealth in a sad attempt to win an argument on an anonymous message board are pathetic losers who lose.

It is universally acknowledged truth that people who are lifetime slackers and don't have a pot to piss in never believe it when one of their superiors tells them that they have some dough.

If thinking that gives comfort to your sorry existence, carry on.

Back in reality, most of us do not give a flying fig what you think.
lol, ok so this Saturday afternoon and now I am talking with a bunch of rich folks that have nothing better to do than talk shit on the this board? How did i stumble on this board? lucky me, I guess.... All it proves if its true, money can not buy happiness and again if I was rich I sure as hell wouldnt waste my time here.
money can't buy happiness?


lol, ok so this Saturday afternoon and now I am talking with a bunch of rich folks that have nothing better to do than talk shit on the this board? How did i stumble on this board? lucky me, I guess.... All it proves if its true, money can not buy happiness and again if I was rich I sure as hell wouldnt waste my time here.

Expand your horizons. I am not "rich". But I am working. Some people who own businesses have to work on weekends. I'm not wasting time.......I'm multitasking.
those guys destroyed themself's over fame. no amount of cash could of saved them.

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