How are cops supposed to know if their attacker is armed or not?

Yes, please post it. It may be different from the one that I saw.

We can clear that up right now. Was it the vid of the gentle giant grabbing the store clerk by the throat and shoving him into a display?
Because thats a clear cut case of assault.
Post your video and I'll tell you if it's the same one that I saw. The one I saw showed a push, no actual harm done. I never saw one where someone was actually hit or hospitalized. I saw a push with no bodily harm. But, show your video and I'll tell you if I see assault that warrants cold blooded murder.

It doesnt matter what you think. He grabbed him by the throat and implied bodily harm. That is a felony.
Do you have the video? Yes or no? Was he executed for taking cigars? Did he put someone in intensive care in the hospital? Did he disable someone for life? Was killing him justified for stealing a few cigars? Was there any other way to handle it? Could he have been arrested and tried in a court of law? Was murder the only course of action?

You know what the video will show and I know what the video will show.
MB grabbing the clerk by the throat and shoving him. And when the clerk tried to approach MB again he came at the clerk in a threatening manner.
That is the definition of a strong arm robbery and no different than the protection racket the mob runs. Pay up and nothing will happen to you.
You can sit and cry all you want about it but it's the law and rightfully so.
So, he was murdered for pushing a clerk and stealing a few cigars? There was no other way to handle it? Why wasn't he arrested and tried in a court of law? Do we murder people for assault and stealing cigars? Who was hurt besides the person shot and killed? Did anyone require a hospital stay as a result? Anyone require stitches or a cast? What justified the killing of an unarmed man?
We can clear that up right now. Was it the vid of the gentle giant grabbing the store clerk by the throat and shoving him into a display?
Because thats a clear cut case of assault.
Post your video and I'll tell you if it's the same one that I saw. The one I saw showed a push, no actual harm done. I never saw one where someone was actually hit or hospitalized. I saw a push with no bodily harm. But, show your video and I'll tell you if I see assault that warrants cold blooded murder.

It doesnt matter what you think. He grabbed him by the throat and implied bodily harm. That is a felony.
Do you have the video? Yes or no? Was he executed for taking cigars? Did he put someone in intensive care in the hospital? Did he disable someone for life? Was killing him justified for stealing a few cigars? Was there any other way to handle it? Could he have been arrested and tried in a court of law? Was murder the only course of action?

You know what the video will show and I know what the video will show.
MB grabbing the clerk by the throat and shoving him. And when the clerk tried to approach MB again he came at the clerk in a threatening manner.
That is the definition of a strong arm robbery and no different than the protection racket the mob runs. Pay up and nothing will happen to you.
You can sit and cry all you want about it but it's the law and rightfully so.
So, he was murdered for pushing a clerk and stealing a few cigars? There was no other way to handle it? Why wasn't he arrested and tried in a court of law? Do we murder people for assault and stealing cigars? Who was hurt besides the person shot and killed? Did anyone require a hospital stay as a result? Anyone require stitches or a cast? What justified the killing of an unarmed man?

Stop with the BS he was killed for jay walking or stealing cigars.
He was shot for attacking the officer...end of story.
Yes, please post it. It may be different from the one that I saw.

We can clear that up right now. Was it the vid of the gentle giant grabbing the store clerk by the throat and shoving him into a display?
Because thats a clear cut case of assault.
Post your video and I'll tell you if it's the same one that I saw. The one I saw showed a push, no actual harm done. I never saw one where someone was actually hit or hospitalized. I saw a push with no bodily harm. But, show your video and I'll tell you if I see assault that warrants cold blooded murder.

It doesnt matter what you think. He grabbed him by the throat and implied bodily harm. That is a felony.
Do you have the video? Yes or no? Was he executed for taking cigars? Did he put someone in intensive care in the hospital? Did he disable someone for life? Was killing him justified for stealing a few cigars? Was there any other way to handle it? Could he have been arrested and tried in a court of law? Was murder the only course of action?

There was no murder, both a grand jury and the Justice department agreed to that.

Yes, there was another way that this could have ended without the death. That is, MB submitting to a lawful order.
There was no trial. No proof other the word of the officer. And, he could've been arrested and jailed. The officer could've called for back up. The officer could've followed him until assistance arrived. There were several other ways it could've been handled besides murder.
Post your video and I'll tell you if it's the same one that I saw. The one I saw showed a push, no actual harm done. I never saw one where someone was actually hit or hospitalized. I saw a push with no bodily harm. But, show your video and I'll tell you if I see assault that warrants cold blooded murder.

It doesnt matter what you think. He grabbed him by the throat and implied bodily harm. That is a felony.
Do you have the video? Yes or no? Was he executed for taking cigars? Did he put someone in intensive care in the hospital? Did he disable someone for life? Was killing him justified for stealing a few cigars? Was there any other way to handle it? Could he have been arrested and tried in a court of law? Was murder the only course of action?

You know what the video will show and I know what the video will show.
MB grabbing the clerk by the throat and shoving him. And when the clerk tried to approach MB again he came at the clerk in a threatening manner.
That is the definition of a strong arm robbery and no different than the protection racket the mob runs. Pay up and nothing will happen to you.
You can sit and cry all you want about it but it's the law and rightfully so.
So, he was murdered for pushing a clerk and stealing a few cigars? There was no other way to handle it? Why wasn't he arrested and tried in a court of law? Do we murder people for assault and stealing cigars? Who was hurt besides the person shot and killed? Did anyone require a hospital stay as a result? Anyone require stitches or a cast? What justified the killing of an unarmed man?

Stop with the BS he was killed for jay walking or stealing cigars.
He was shot for attacking the officer...end of story.
Where is the proof he attacked an officer? The only one that said he attacked an officer was the officer that did the shooting. Do you have proof that he actually attacked an officer? Was there a jury trial and evidence presented?
If it comes to that, I don't see why the cops can't just shoot them in the leg. No, instead they gotta shoot them ten times in the fucking chest like they never fucking shot anything before. Fucking panzy ass bitches.

I mean if the suspect is aiming a gun at you, fuck yeah shoot him right between the eyes, or the heart. Make that shit precise. Otherwise demonstrate some restraint. Some control. Some respect for Life.

What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
That's all liberals talk about - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot.

If someone attacks me and i've got a gun, i'm gonna shoot him and ask questions later. Who wouldn't?

HI ShootSpeeders
to prevent any more Zimmerman/Martin or Ferguson incidents or Eric Garner confrontations
clearly both the people doing the policing and the people being policed need to agree what the rules are.

Half the people I talk with don't even know what the laws and procedures are.
Then you end with with powder kegs like Ferguson ready to blow up at the first inciteful conflict.

When I was going through school training, the teachers made the students write out their
own class rules and all to agree to follow them from day one. Or you don't get to participate in class.

Why don't we require this for citizenship? Why not require the same training and oath that police and military
officers take, for all citizens who want to enforce their equal rights, and especially defend the law using guns?

The confrontations can be prevented by agreeing what the procedures and laws are.

If I were an officer or member of a union, I'd refuse to police a district until all the resident there
sign agreements to follow laws and set procedures in case of investigation, confrontation or arrest.
either people are able to be legally competent and financially responsible for following the laws or breaking them,
or they need assistance, counseling or supervision if they have some disability or condition where they can't follow
laws, and this needs to be addressed instead of letting people run free without any agreement to follow laws.

We can't just wait for people to land in prison before they learn their rights and the laws they were supposed to follow.
Duh. teach them in advance, and if they can't pass, you already screen out which people need help.

We can't afford to keep funding the prison complex when it would cost us less in resources to educate
and train citizens to preventing crime and saving people, property and principles from violations in the first place.

That all sounds good but these people know damn well not to assault a cop or disregard their orders.
Cops aren't GOD almighty. They break more laws than anyone else. Why should anyone bow down to them? Are they about questioning?
It doesnt matter what you think. He grabbed him by the throat and implied bodily harm. That is a felony.
Do you have the video? Yes or no? Was he executed for taking cigars? Did he put someone in intensive care in the hospital? Did he disable someone for life? Was killing him justified for stealing a few cigars? Was there any other way to handle it? Could he have been arrested and tried in a court of law? Was murder the only course of action?

You know what the video will show and I know what the video will show.
MB grabbing the clerk by the throat and shoving him. And when the clerk tried to approach MB again he came at the clerk in a threatening manner.
That is the definition of a strong arm robbery and no different than the protection racket the mob runs. Pay up and nothing will happen to you.
You can sit and cry all you want about it but it's the law and rightfully so.
So, he was murdered for pushing a clerk and stealing a few cigars? There was no other way to handle it? Why wasn't he arrested and tried in a court of law? Do we murder people for assault and stealing cigars? Who was hurt besides the person shot and killed? Did anyone require a hospital stay as a result? Anyone require stitches or a cast? What justified the killing of an unarmed man?

Stop with the BS he was killed for jay walking or stealing cigars.
He was shot for attacking the officer...end of story.
Where is the proof he attacked an officer? The only one that said he attacked an officer was the officer that did the shooting. Do you have proof that he actually attacked an officer? Was there a jury trial and evidence presented?

Bullshit..witnesses said MB was reaching inside the vehicle and there was a scuffle. MBs blood was found inside the car and on officer Wilson gun and himself.
The evidence does not fit your narrative.
If it comes to that, I don't see why the cops can't just shoot them in the leg. No, instead they gotta shoot them ten times in the fucking chest like they never fucking shot anything before. Fucking panzy ass bitches.

I mean if the suspect is aiming a gun at you, fuck yeah shoot him right between the eyes, or the heart. Make that shit precise. Otherwise demonstrate some restraint. Some control. Some respect for Life.

What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
Cops are low-life POS. period.
It doesnt matter what you think. He grabbed him by the throat and implied bodily harm. That is a felony.

Do you have the video? Yes or no? Was he executed for taking cigars? Did he put someone in intensive care in the hospital? Did he disable someone for life? Was killing him justified for stealing a few cigars? Was there any other way to handle it? Could he have been arrested and tried in a court of law? Was murder the only course of action?

I agree NOBODY is supposed to get the death penalty without a very carefully regulated process for capital cases.

Had he been arrested, and even if he'd been convicted for felonious assault while committed a crime,
the death penalty is reserved for things like killing an officer, killing more than one person,
or killing someone during the commission of a crime. Since he did none of these, this was not a capital case.

As for self-defense and fear for life and death, there is no real proof either way. There are reports, including from at least one Black witness, that Michael Brown charged the officer and did not have his hands up.

In cases like this, and like George Zimmerman's self-defense case,
the "burden of proof" lies with proving the shooter committed murder.

So similar to rape cases, this unfortunately tends to be harder to prove to get a conviction,
and easier to show doubt on the side of defense.

The only way I see to stop this is PREVENTION.
Once you get into a confrontation where both sides don't trust the other, anything can go wrong,
and the justice system is gamble.

if we want justice, we have to agree to enforce justice, law and order on the side of prevention.
we need to be and stay on the same side of enforcing laws consistently, following police procedures and due process,
and not in the habit of abusing conflicts to try to get one up on the other side like a control game with power and authority.

The good police and good citizens all want to stop and prevent crime and abuses.

The problem is people who look for ways to "game the system" to get away with doing things their way.
We can better weed out the criminally minded and the corrupt abusive officials by agreeing to enforce laws consistently. Anyone who is not with the program will "project blame, reject and object" to reinforce distrust and division "for politics."

While those who are serious about stopping all abuses and violations will GLADLY cooperate on outreach to enforce laws.
Again, if I were a member of the police unions, I'd have meetings with each district and neighborhood association,
write up agreed rules and training programs, and have all residents and police sign to follow the same policies.
And only agree to work in districts where such agreement are in place so it is safe for both citizens and officers.

If other districts want to play "anything goes" and gamble, then they will end up with cops who agree to play that game.
So you will get the justice and govt you want. if you want police to follow the rules, all citizens have to agree to follow rules.
That's all liberals talk about - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot.

If someone attacks me and i've got a gun, i'm gonna shoot him and ask questions later. Who wouldn't?

HI ShootSpeeders
to prevent any more Zimmerman/Martin or Ferguson incidents or Eric Garner confrontations
clearly both the people doing the policing and the people being policed need to agree what the rules are.

Half the people I talk with don't even know what the laws and procedures are.
Then you end with with powder kegs like Ferguson ready to blow up at the first inciteful conflict.

When I was going through school training, the teachers made the students write out their
own class rules and all to agree to follow them from day one. Or you don't get to participate in class.

Why don't we require this for citizenship? Why not require the same training and oath that police and military
officers take, for all citizens who want to enforce their equal rights, and especially defend the law using guns?

The confrontations can be prevented by agreeing what the procedures and laws are.

If I were an officer or member of a union, I'd refuse to police a district until all the resident there
sign agreements to follow laws and set procedures in case of investigation, confrontation or arrest.
either people are able to be legally competent and financially responsible for following the laws or breaking them,
or they need assistance, counseling or supervision if they have some disability or condition where they can't follow
laws, and this needs to be addressed instead of letting people run free without any agreement to follow laws.

We can't just wait for people to land in prison before they learn their rights and the laws they were supposed to follow.
Duh. teach them in advance, and if they can't pass, you already screen out which people need help.

We can't afford to keep funding the prison complex when it would cost us less in resources to educate
and train citizens to preventing crime and saving people, property and principles from violations in the first place.

That all sounds good but these people know damn well not to assault a cop or disregard their orders.
Cops aren't GOD almighty. They break more laws than anyone else. Why should anyone bow down to them? Are they about questioning?

How about so you dont get your dumbass shot?
Save the bullshit for the court room.
If it comes to that, I don't see why the cops can't just shoot them in the leg. No, instead they gotta shoot them ten times in the fucking chest like they never fucking shot anything before. Fucking panzy ass bitches.

I mean if the suspect is aiming a gun at you, fuck yeah shoot him right between the eyes, or the heart. Make that shit precise. Otherwise demonstrate some restraint. Some control. Some respect for Life.

What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
Cops are low-life POS. period.

Been arrested a lot have you?
Do you have the video? Yes or no? Was he executed for taking cigars? Did he put someone in intensive care in the hospital? Did he disable someone for life? Was killing him justified for stealing a few cigars? Was there any other way to handle it? Could he have been arrested and tried in a court of law? Was murder the only course of action?

You know what the video will show and I know what the video will show.
MB grabbing the clerk by the throat and shoving him. And when the clerk tried to approach MB again he came at the clerk in a threatening manner.
That is the definition of a strong arm robbery and no different than the protection racket the mob runs. Pay up and nothing will happen to you.
You can sit and cry all you want about it but it's the law and rightfully so.
So, he was murdered for pushing a clerk and stealing a few cigars? There was no other way to handle it? Why wasn't he arrested and tried in a court of law? Do we murder people for assault and stealing cigars? Who was hurt besides the person shot and killed? Did anyone require a hospital stay as a result? Anyone require stitches or a cast? What justified the killing of an unarmed man?

Stop with the BS he was killed for jay walking or stealing cigars.
He was shot for attacking the officer...end of story.
Where is the proof he attacked an officer? The only one that said he attacked an officer was the officer that did the shooting. Do you have proof that he actually attacked an officer? Was there a jury trial and evidence presented?

Bullshit..witnesses said MB was reaching inside the vehicle and there was a scuffle. MBs blood was found inside the car and on officer Wilson gun and himself.
The evidence does not fit your narrative.
Also, some witnesses said that the officer pulled MB's arm inside the car. Also, the blood could have been because the office cut or scratched MB. Different witnesses said different things, which also came out in the investigation. Some witnesses lied, and later admitted it.
You know what the video will show and I know what the video will show.
MB grabbing the clerk by the throat and shoving him. And when the clerk tried to approach MB again he came at the clerk in a threatening manner.
That is the definition of a strong arm robbery and no different than the protection racket the mob runs. Pay up and nothing will happen to you.
You can sit and cry all you want about it but it's the law and rightfully so.
So, he was murdered for pushing a clerk and stealing a few cigars? There was no other way to handle it? Why wasn't he arrested and tried in a court of law? Do we murder people for assault and stealing cigars? Who was hurt besides the person shot and killed? Did anyone require a hospital stay as a result? Anyone require stitches or a cast? What justified the killing of an unarmed man?

Stop with the BS he was killed for jay walking or stealing cigars.
He was shot for attacking the officer...end of story.
Where is the proof he attacked an officer? The only one that said he attacked an officer was the officer that did the shooting. Do you have proof that he actually attacked an officer? Was there a jury trial and evidence presented?

Bullshit..witnesses said MB was reaching inside the vehicle and there was a scuffle. MBs blood was found inside the car and on officer Wilson gun and himself.
The evidence does not fit your narrative.
Also, some witnesses said that the officer pulled MB's arm inside the car. Also, the blood could have been because the office cut or scratched MB. Different witnesses said different things, which also came out in the investigation. Some witnesses lied, and later admitted it.

Yeah they lied. Unfortunately they were lying for MB and got caught.
That's all liberals talk about - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot.

If someone attacks me and i've got a gun, i'm gonna shoot him and ask questions later. Who wouldn't?

HI ShootSpeeders
to prevent any more Zimmerman/Martin or Ferguson incidents or Eric Garner confrontations
clearly both the people doing the policing and the people being policed need to agree what the rules are.

Half the people I talk with don't even know what the laws and procedures are.
Then you end with with powder kegs like Ferguson ready to blow up at the first inciteful conflict.

When I was going through school training, the teachers made the students write out their
own class rules and all to agree to follow them from day one. Or you don't get to participate in class.

Why don't we require this for citizenship? Why not require the same training and oath that police and military
officers take, for all citizens who want to enforce their equal rights, and especially defend the law using guns?

The confrontations can be prevented by agreeing what the procedures and laws are.

If I were an officer or member of a union, I'd refuse to police a district until all the resident there
sign agreements to follow laws and set procedures in case of investigation, confrontation or arrest.
either people are able to be legally competent and financially responsible for following the laws or breaking them,
or they need assistance, counseling or supervision if they have some disability or condition where they can't follow
laws, and this needs to be addressed instead of letting people run free without any agreement to follow laws.

We can't just wait for people to land in prison before they learn their rights and the laws they were supposed to follow.
Duh. teach them in advance, and if they can't pass, you already screen out which people need help.

We can't afford to keep funding the prison complex when it would cost us less in resources to educate
and train citizens to preventing crime and saving people, property and principles from violations in the first place.

That all sounds good but these people know damn well not to assault a cop or disregard their orders.
Cops aren't GOD almighty. They break more laws than anyone else. Why should anyone bow down to them? Are they about questioning?

How about so you dont get your dumbass shot?
Save the bullshit for the court room.
So, you're now in to name calling and personal attacks to express your case? WOW. Why not just keep the conversation civil and on an adult level? There's no call for childish name calling and personal attacks. This is just a conversation, not war or a life or death situation. Calm down and be adult and civil.
So, he was murdered for pushing a clerk and stealing a few cigars? There was no other way to handle it? Why wasn't he arrested and tried in a court of law? Do we murder people for assault and stealing cigars? Who was hurt besides the person shot and killed? Did anyone require a hospital stay as a result? Anyone require stitches or a cast? What justified the killing of an unarmed man?

Stop with the BS he was killed for jay walking or stealing cigars.
He was shot for attacking the officer...end of story.
Where is the proof he attacked an officer? The only one that said he attacked an officer was the officer that did the shooting. Do you have proof that he actually attacked an officer? Was there a jury trial and evidence presented?

Bullshit..witnesses said MB was reaching inside the vehicle and there was a scuffle. MBs blood was found inside the car and on officer Wilson gun and himself.
The evidence does not fit your narrative.
Also, some witnesses said that the officer pulled MB's arm inside the car. Also, the blood could have been because the office cut or scratched MB. Different witnesses said different things, which also came out in the investigation. Some witnesses lied, and later admitted it.

Yeah they lied. Unfortunately they were lying for MB and got caught.
If memory serves me correctly, the DA said during a news briefing that he found lies on both sides of the case. He said that there were lies for and against the cop. There was no actual video of the beginning of the event, so everyone gave their side of what happened. Eventually, as it usually happens, the cops word was believed above everyone else's.
That's all liberals talk about - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot - unarmed man shot.

If someone attacks me and i've got a gun, i'm gonna shoot him and ask questions later. Who wouldn't?

HI ShootSpeeders
to prevent any more Zimmerman/Martin or Ferguson incidents or Eric Garner confrontations
clearly both the people doing the policing and the people being policed need to agree what the rules are.

Half the people I talk with don't even know what the laws and procedures are.
Then you end with with powder kegs like Ferguson ready to blow up at the first inciteful conflict.

When I was going through school training, the teachers made the students write out their
own class rules and all to agree to follow them from day one. Or you don't get to participate in class.

Why don't we require this for citizenship? Why not require the same training and oath that police and military
officers take, for all citizens who want to enforce their equal rights, and especially defend the law using guns?

The confrontations can be prevented by agreeing what the procedures and laws are.

If I were an officer or member of a union, I'd refuse to police a district until all the resident there
sign agreements to follow laws and set procedures in case of investigation, confrontation or arrest.
either people are able to be legally competent and financially responsible for following the laws or breaking them,
or they need assistance, counseling or supervision if they have some disability or condition where they can't follow
laws, and this needs to be addressed instead of letting people run free without any agreement to follow laws.

We can't just wait for people to land in prison before they learn their rights and the laws they were supposed to follow.
Duh. teach them in advance, and if they can't pass, you already screen out which people need help.

We can't afford to keep funding the prison complex when it would cost us less in resources to educate
and train citizens to preventing crime and saving people, property and principles from violations in the first place.

That all sounds good but these people know damn well not to assault a cop or disregard their orders.
Cops aren't GOD almighty. They break more laws than anyone else. Why should anyone bow down to them? Are they about questioning?

How about so you dont get your dumbass shot?
Save the bullshit for the court room.
So, you're now in to name calling and personal attacks to express your case? WOW. Why not just keep the conversation civil and on an adult level? There's no call for childish name calling and personal attacks. This is just a conversation, not war or a life or death situation. Calm down and be adult and civil.

You just called all cops a pieces of shit. I would hardly call that being civil.
You have obviously had some bad experiences with them to feel that way.
Stop with the BS he was killed for jay walking or stealing cigars.
He was shot for attacking the officer...end of story.
Where is the proof he attacked an officer? The only one that said he attacked an officer was the officer that did the shooting. Do you have proof that he actually attacked an officer? Was there a jury trial and evidence presented?

Bullshit..witnesses said MB was reaching inside the vehicle and there was a scuffle. MBs blood was found inside the car and on officer Wilson gun and himself.
The evidence does not fit your narrative.
Also, some witnesses said that the officer pulled MB's arm inside the car. Also, the blood could have been because the office cut or scratched MB. Different witnesses said different things, which also came out in the investigation. Some witnesses lied, and later admitted it.

Yeah they lied. Unfortunately they were lying for MB and got caught.
If memory serves me correctly, the DA said during a news briefing that he found lies on both sides of the case. He said that there were lies for and against the cop. There was no actual video of the beginning of the event, so everyone gave their side of what happened. Eventually, as it usually happens, the cops word was believed above everyone else's.

The evidence and the witnesses supported Wilsons side of the story.
Even his buddy changed his tune in light of the evidence.
Not sure what more you can ask for especially when MB had just shown a penchant for violence while robbing a little old man.
If it comes to that, I don't see why the cops can't just shoot them in the leg. No, instead they gotta shoot them ten times in the fucking chest like they never fucking shot anything before. Fucking panzy ass bitches.

I mean if the suspect is aiming a gun at you, fuck yeah shoot him right between the eyes, or the heart. Make that shit precise. Otherwise demonstrate some restraint. Some control. Some respect for Life.

What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
Cops are low-life POS. period.

Hi Sonny Clark
Are you saying that about ALL cops or just the ones abusing their power and creating this bad image and problem?

Of all the police brutality cases and deaths of officers I've seen,
here is one that I found especially critical to review for the purpose of earlier intervention, prevention and correction:
Sgt. Joslyn Johnson Widow of HPD Officer Rodney Johnson - Today s Widow

Rodney Johnson was killed by an illegal immigrant, previously deported and with a criminal record,
he stopped for driving drunk (thus possible saving the lives of the kids in the car with this criminally ill man).

Because the shooter was shown to have physical brain impairment, and was argued to be not a threat to society,
he got life in prison. Even though he later escaped with 4 other inmates, before they were caught.

This case was seen as a threat to officers, that it made it okay to shoot to kill them if you could argue
you were mentally ill, even though this man was not even a legal citizen, but was deported of illegal status and had a criminal record. He did not receive help, and it cost an officer his life.

His widow who is also a police officer, lobbied for better protections such as two police per patrol car and not lone officers.

My main concern is catching mental illness when someone is known to be a danger and not able to comply with laws.

How can we achieve this goal if one side says "all cops are garbage"
and the other side assumes the poor at-risk populations are "enabling thugs."

Aren't we putting people at risk if we DON'T address the criminal attitudes, wherever these are found,
and quit blaming 'all one side or the other' which hides the problems so these crooks and sick people go unchecked.

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