How are democrats feeling after the "stimulus" spending recently passed?

Things like this is what a Fiat Currency can do and do well if needed if the Fiat Currency is not abused by constantly running deficits. The return becomes weaker and weaker but keeps the economy treading water for a period of time.
Isn't that what happened to Venezuela ?

IIRC, the 'left' here lauded Chavez's socialist system as a roll model, until it collapsed under it's own weight....


Is that a Che Guevara sticker on that HH?

View attachment 562409

Are you feeling better? Was the hit enough or did you need more?

And how long will it last till you need another?

At least it should keep away the shakes for a few days.

And how about those drug pushing Republicans that voted for it?

See, this is why the GOP is so successful against the DNC.
Stimulus was passed in February. Hardly "recent"
That is some funny ass shit. For 4 years you sheep talked about the most wonderful infrastructure bill Trump was going to pass, and since he was not capable of doing so all of a sudden fixing our infrastructure is a bad thing.

What a shitty way to live
The Democrat's bill will not "fix" any infrastructure. You're being lied to.
Things like this is what a Fiat Currency can do and do well if needed if the Fiat Currency is not abused by constantly running deficits. The return becomes weaker and weaker but keeps the economy treading water for a period of time. Progs can constantly poo poo tax cuts with the rich getting them along with the peasants. But never give the peasants a tax cut in a general way. The current tax cuts for the peasant are supposed to run out in a few years and we will be told that they will be permanent like we are are supposed to be genuflecting when the powers that be makes it so.
If tax cuts worked I'd be all for them. As a matter of policy however, they are stupid. We should prioritize what the government needs (not wants) to do, determine how much is required and figure out how to pay for it. Saying taxes are too high is meaningless without context.
Personally, I'm feeling relieved that finally something has been passed. You can call it 'stimulus' but I would call it an investment in the country that will pay dividends. It is the opposite of a tax cut that does little to improve the economy.

The last infrastructure bill failed. This one will too because our govt is corrupt.
you wonder why they keep trying.
IMO, it works like that because there's an endless supply of people who are lured by the chance of "something for nothing" Eventually, the "something" they get is mass graves and dictators.
Do the math. It's a $1.2 trillion "infrastructure" bill that CNN claims "will deliver $550 billion of new federal investments in America's infrastructure over five years." The list of projects in the bill adds up to $571 billion.

Here's what's in the bipartisan infrastructure bill

Where's the rest of the $1.2 trillion?

How can there be $571 billion in projects if, according to you, NO infrastructure will be improved?

You seem to have contradicted your own post.
I don't have an issue with the infrastructure bill other than the billion for planting tree saplings. Well that, and we can expect lots more drive by shootings once black neighborhoods are reconnected in the name of racial justice.
The press claimed that Biden's presiduncy has been saved because they were able to bribe enough Republicans to vote for their POS bill.
Sorry, Biden is toast no matter how much they fluff his farting ass.
Republicans would not pass Trump's infrastructure bill, but they would pass Biden's.

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I don't have an issue with the infrastructure bill other than the billion for planting tree saplings. Well that, and we can expect lots more drive by shootings once black neighborhoods are reconnected in the name of racial justice.
You don't even have any idea where all that money will go, do you?

All you have knowledge of, regarding the trillion page legislation, is "building roads"

You don't even have any idea where all that money will go, do you?

All you have knowledge of, regarding the trillion page legislation, is "building roads"

Since I mentioned trees, I know more than you you L.O.L.
Republicans would not pass Trump's infrastructure bill, but they would pass Biden's.

Thus the reason voters like Trump.
You can't trust anyone in Washington.
Trump was the only one there that appeared to be on our side.
How can there be $571 billion in projects if, according to you, NO infrastructure will be improved?

You seem to have contradicted your own post.

What makes you think those funds will actually go where they're intended to? Even if they do, knowing how corrupt the Democrat Party is, you're more than likely to see nothing but cost overruns and half-finished projects within the next three years.

And where is the other $629 billion going to?
Thus the reason voters like Trump.
You can't trust anyone in Washington.
Trump was the only one there that appeared to be on our side.
I don't even trust Trump, but they make him look like a boy scout at times in comparison

It's like the claims that Trump mistreated women. So the media becomes abscessed over Trump paying off a whore to keep quiet about a mutually consented relationship with his own money, when Congress secretly pays women off for over a decade with tax payer money to the tune of some $17 million to keep quiet over being sexually assaulted over the years by them.

And the media says virtually nothing about it.

I don't even trust Trump, but they make him look like a boy scout at times in comparison

It's like the claims that Trump mistreated women. So the media becomes abscessed over Trump paying off a whore to keep quiet about a mutually consented relationship with his own money, when Congress secretly pays women off for over a decade with tax payer money to the tune of some $17 million to keep quiet over being sexually assaulted over the years by them.

And the media says virtually nothing about it.

Adam Schiff was a regular at fantasy island....he likes to mess around with children.
What makes you think those funds will actually go where they're intended to? Even if they do, knowing how corrupt the Democrat Party is, you're more than likely to see nothing but cost overruns and half-finished projects within the next three years.

And where is the other $629 billion going to?
All of those Shovel-ready projects under Obama admittedly was a farce.
Democrats are just laundering money.
That's an everyday thing.
Giving massive amounts of cash to foreigners in return for massive kick-backs.

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