How are republicans going to tackle the demographic problems in general elections?

The Republicans "honest" message to minorities:

To women: Work with us to legislate your body because you can't take care of yourself.

to blacks: We will teach you how to not be lazy, have integrity and stop taking handouts.

to Muslims: You religion is filthy and should be banned.

to atheists: we will teach your children mysticism whether you want it or not.

to Hispanics: Learn English

to gays: There are no laws to stop you from marrying as long as it's a woman.

the list is endless. It goes on and on......

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen baking pies?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving us pie?
To The Poor: That pie is ours; get your own.

To quote Al Bundy's childhood librarian: "You make a promise, you keep a promise" and Al Bundy's reply, totally in sinc with the response of the president: Yeah, make pie, eat a pie.

49 references and promises about keeping doctor and health care - PERIOD - by this presidential dignity-challenged wannabe somebody reminds normal people of Al Bundy.

As an AUDIBLE minority - my accent, rather than my skin color gives me away as one who is judged by Democrats as an alien, if my views are not strictly liberal - I can say that nobody ever told me to serve a pie to anybody, and if somebody ever had, I would have found me another job. Crying about on the job discrimination is the positive and undeniable proof that weak-kneed and bleeding heart idiots who can't speak for themselves nedd a union or a government to speak for them.

In my years between the time I arrived as a penniless eighteen year old and now, heaven knows, I have been financially poor many times. But even at a young age I realized that only the morally poor will stay financially poor.

When I have been financially poor, I got myself another job. I have never been morally or spiritually poor.t

The more black role models we can get to help, the better off for everyone. The Rs need to do a better job of getting out the vote with a better organization in swing states, and by having better candidates.

Very true

Republicans need to be better role models. Oppose those in your party who say offensive things. Drive out the crazies. Run on a solid conservative fiscal foundation that includes both taxes and low spending. Leave the social conservative issues to the religious right

Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.

It is not up to me to attack them.
The sane part of the Republican Party needs to grow a set of balls and drive the nutjobs out of the party. Republucans have no problem driving out someone who supports global warming, modest gun controls or reasonable tax increases. Yet those who spout anti-gay, anti-women or anti-immigrant rhetoric are tolerated
did you read the clip? the headline contradicts the actual quote from Cosby.

I gave examples of minority (dark) conservative republicans. Their numbers are growing every day as they see how obama's actions and failures are affecting them personally.

Your problem is that since you are a lesbian you think that you have to be liberal on all issues. I think you are smarter than that, but I could be wrong.

That's what right wing sources do...and the Washington Times is a RW source. Here's another one, Newsbusters:

Bill Cosby Rants Against Republicans, Compares Them to Segregationists for Not Applauding Obama

Doesn't change the fact that Cosby is no Republican.

Do you have a source for your claim of these "growing numbers"? Sure weren't reflected in the last election.

I never said that Cosby is a republican, what he is is a very out spoken opponent of the ghetto-rap, hollywood culture. which is embraced by liberals.

You know we can all read don't you?

Right, Alan West is very white, so is Mia Love, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Bill Cosby, Bobby Jindal, Nicki Haley, and many others. Characterizing the GOP as old and white is simply not accurate.

You tried to sneak him in with other minority GOP members. Trying to get up to a dozen? :lol:
None of the above meets the need: the GOP must honestly reach out to women, minorities, Hispanics or keep losing to the Dems.
Very true

Republicans need to be better role models. Oppose those in your party who say offensive things. Drive out the crazies. Run on a solid conservative fiscal foundation that includes both taxes and low spending. Leave the social conservative issues to the religious right

Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.

It is not up to me to attack them.
The sane part of the Republican Party needs to grow a set of balls and drive the nutjobs out of the party. Republucans have no problem driving out someone who supports global warming, modest gun controls or reasonable tax increases. Yet those who spout anti-gay, anti-women or anti-immigrant rhetoric are tolerated

unlike the parrots in the dem party, the GOP allows all viewpoints.
That's what right wing sources do...and the Washington Times is a RW source. Here's another one, Newsbusters:

Bill Cosby Rants Against Republicans, Compares Them to Segregationists for Not Applauding Obama

Doesn't change the fact that Cosby is no Republican.

Do you have a source for your claim of these "growing numbers"? Sure weren't reflected in the last election.

I never said that Cosby is a republican, what he is is a very out spoken opponent of the ghetto-rap, hollywood culture. which is embraced by liberals.

You know we can all read don't you?

Right, Alan West is very white, so is Mia Love, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Bill Cosby, Bobby Jindal, Nicki Haley, and many others. Characterizing the GOP as old and white is simply not accurate.

You tried to sneak him in with other minority GOP members. Trying to get up to a dozen? :lol:

I am not sure about your reading skills, wytch. Cosby is much closer to the GOP black conservatives than he is to the raving far left liberals and ghetto punks.

I know that you lefties assume that all minorities are brain dead sheep following their shepard obama over the cliff, but they aren't.
The more black role models we can get to help, the better off for everyone. The Rs need to do a better job of getting out the vote with a better organization in swing states, and by having better candidates.

Very true

Republicans need to be better role models. Oppose those in your party who say offensive things. Drive out the crazies. Run on a solid conservative fiscal foundation that includes both taxes and low spending. Leave the social conservative issues to the religious right

Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.

Actually, neither the far left nor the far right will ever get anyone elected. They will always vote party. It is the swing voter in the middle who decides the elections.
Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.

It is not up to me to attack them.
The sane part of the Republican Party needs to grow a set of balls and drive the nutjobs out of the party. Republucans have no problem driving out someone who supports global warming, modest gun controls or reasonable tax increases. Yet those who spout anti-gay, anti-women or anti-immigrant rhetoric are tolerated

unlike the parrots in the dem party, the GOP allows all viewpoints.

No they don't

They are tolerant about hate, but won't allow discussion on taxes, environment , gays or immigration
Very true

Republicans need to be better role models. Oppose those in your party who say offensive things. Drive out the crazies. Run on a solid conservative fiscal foundation that includes both taxes and low spending. Leave the social conservative issues to the religious right

Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.

Actually, neither the far left nor the far right will ever get anyone elected. They will always vote party. It is the swing voter in the middle who decides the elections.

true, which verifies the insignificance of the OP.
It is not up to me to attack them.
The sane part of the Republican Party needs to grow a set of balls and drive the nutjobs out of the party. Republucans have no problem driving out someone who supports global warming, modest gun controls or reasonable tax increases. Yet those who spout anti-gay, anti-women or anti-immigrant rhetoric are tolerated

unlike the parrots in the dem party, the GOP allows all viewpoints.

No they don't

They are tolerant about hate, but won't allow discussion on taxes, environment , gays or immigration

that is simply not true. you are describing the far right loons, not the party in general.

republicans has offered several bills on taxes, reid has blocked every one of them.

no one in either party wants the environment destroyed, but destroying humans to save a toad or a weed is foolish. AGW is a hoax

Gays are welcome in the GOP, ever hear of the log cabin republicans?

favoring legal immigration is not a radical viewpoint, enforcing our borders is not a radical viewpoint, prosecuting those who violate our borders and break our laws is not a radical viewpoint.

amnesty is a poke in they eye to the millions of legal immigrants who played by the rules to get into this country.

You, and your kind, are the radicals in this debate.
The more black role models we can get to help, the better off for everyone. The Rs need to do a better job of getting out the vote with a better organization in swing states, and by having better candidates.

Very true

Republicans need to be better role models. Oppose those in your party who say offensive things. Drive out the crazies. Run on a solid conservative fiscal foundation that includes both taxes and low spending. Leave the social conservative issues to the religious right

Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.

Those who refer to fringe elements as "loons" have no idea what a loon is.

A loon is a beautiful bird who is not any more crazy than the bald eagle, and since it does not have to resort to violent killing as the bald eagle, the loon is far more gentle and far more normal than the bald eagle.

The cry of the loon on a summer night when one is alone with nature in a tent, away from human contacts, is a call of nature, far more natural than than the phony cry of liberals about social equalities, more like the howl of the wolf that prefers to be free unlike the dog who prefers to be - like loyal Democrats - the sound of the loon is the sound of freedom, the sound of sanity and the sound of beauty.

The loon is also on the one dollar coin of the Canadian currency. Another sign of normalcy, seeing that one paper dollar in a world of decreasing values is trivial and nonsensical. Can one insert a paper dollar bill as easily as a one-dollar coin in a machine? Especially in view of the fact that any denomination of TWO dollars have been unreasonably, ridiculously and superstitiously opposed by forces that managed to convince people that they know better. Well, kind of like Obamacare.

If you want to illustrate DEMOCRATIC stupidity, use the extinct dodo bird or passenger pigeon or the bird that should replace the very appropriate donkey, YOU KNOW, a chicken or even more appropriately, a turkey.
Very true

Republicans need to be better role models. Oppose those in your party who say offensive things. Drive out the crazies. Run on a solid conservative fiscal foundation that includes both taxes and low spending. Leave the social conservative issues to the religious right

Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.

Those who refer to fringe elements as "loons" have no idea what a loon is.

A loon is a beautiful bird who is not any more crazy than the bald eagle, and since it does not have to resort to violent killing as the bald eagle, the loon is far more gentle and far more normal than the bald eagle.

The cry of the loon on a summer night when one is alone with nature in a tent, away from human contacts, is a call of nature, far more natural than than the phony cry of liberals about social equalities, more like the howl of the wolf that prefers to be free unlike the dog who prefers to be - like loyal Democrats - the sound of the loon is the sound of freedom, the sound of sanity and the sound of beauty.

The loon is also on the one dollar coin of the Canadian currency. Another sign of normalcy, seeing that one paper dollar in a world of decreasing values is trivial and nonsensical. Can one insert a paper dollar bill as easily as a one-dollar coin in a machine? Especially in view of the fact that any denomination of TWO dollars have been unreasonably, ridiculously and superstitiously opposed by forces that managed to convince people that they know better. Well, kind of like Obamacare.

If you want to illustrate DEMOCRATIC stupidity, use the extinct dodo bird or passenger pigeon or the bird that should replace the very appropriate donkey, YOU KNOW, a chicken or even more appropriately, a turkey.

loon is a slang for lunatic. sorry if your birds were offended. :eusa_shhh:
There are no demographic problems for Republicans. The whole whining about demography is a distraction.
The population groups discussed have been voting the same pattern for the last 50 years.

That is why the left so vehemently imposes the welfare handouts on anybody - because they know that not demography, but the state of economic dependency is what guarantees their wins.
By going further to the right by electing a "true conservative." The only reason they do not win is because they have been electing RHINO's. Screw the moderates an independents!!!! ;)

Don't know if you're joking or not, but you are exactly right.

NO republican, and I repeat, NO republican, can WIN, WITHOUT, the *CONSERVATIVE* vote.

Romney got the INDEPENDENT and MODERATE vote, and he LOST.

The *ONLY* way ANY republican can win, is appeal to the CONSERVATIVES, *PERIOD.*

That's why we LAUGH at ALL this PROPAGANDA and HYPERBOLE from the LEFTARDS about "republicans need to pander to the middle," aaaahh, NO, NO THEY DON'T.

CONSERVATIVES are still the largest majority in America.

Wow, is this post ever wrong.
1st of all, the exit polls taken during the 2012 election showed that moderates are the largest voting bloc. Exit polls showed,,,40% of the voters were moderates, 35% conservatives and 25% liberal. Romney did not win the moderate vote, he lost that vote by 15%. The reason Romney (the alleged moderate) lost was because he used too many far right talking points (the 47% remark as an example)).
Here's an article from a conservative site that conservatives should read about the misconception of the voter demographics by conservatives.
The Danger of Misreading the Make-up of the Electorate
The Danger of Misreading the Make-up of the Electorate | The American Conservative
Gerrymandering: They've already gerrymandered the House so that they can get 1.5 million less votes and still retain control. The Dems won't win the House again unless you have another rogue administration like Bush 43, which 1) creates an anti-constitutional surveillance bureaucracy, 2) starts a war on false premises where 4,000+ Americans are unnecessarily slaughtered, 3) plays a direct roll in the inflation of the most destructive asset bubble in US History, 4) takes the nation from record surplus to record deficits. [Barring these factors, the GOP will not lose the House, and this gives them the power to destroy the presidency & economy of any Democratic administration]

Reduce turn-out of all non-Republican demographics. Prevent old people, the poor, college kids and minorities (mostly Latin/African) from voting. Invent stories about voter fraud (which never pan out) for the purpose of creating any laws that restrict the voting of groups you don't like. Reduce the number of voting machines in poor districts while simultaneously curtailing early voting. Use talk radio, FOX News and the blogosphere to convince stupid people that the country has been stolen. Inspire people lacking college education/analytical skills to come to message boards like this to clog the debate with propaganda.
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Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.

It is not up to me to attack them.
The sane part of the Republican Party needs to grow a set of balls and drive the nutjobs out of the party. Republucans have no problem driving out someone who supports global warming, modest gun controls or reasonable tax increases. Yet those who spout anti-gay, anti-women or anti-immigrant rhetoric are tolerated

unlike the parrots in the dem party, the GOP allows all viewpoints.

You are the one trying to drive the great majority out of the GOP; only the opposite will happen.
unlike the parrots in the dem party, the GOP allows all viewpoints.

No they don't

They are tolerant about hate, but won't allow discussion on taxes, environment , gays or immigration

that is simply not true. you are describing the far right loons, not the party in general.

RW is talking about the far right loons like Lonestar_Logic and Redish and that group of relentlessly stupid group of reactionaries that can't see the forest for the trees.
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There are no demographic problems for Republicans. The whole whining about demography is a distraction.
The population groups discussed have been voting the same pattern for the last 50 years.

That is why the left so vehemently imposes the welfare handouts on anybody - because they know that not demography, but the state of economic dependency is what guarantees their wins.

When you draw 10% of the black vote, 30% of Hispanics and 0% of gays, you have a demographic problem
Don't you automatically know that democrats will only give advice on how to lose elections, and tell you it's how to win elections?

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