How Are They Testing Animals For Corona But Not Some People?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
First of all, I do not think there was any racism involved here as a factor. But I have to ask, how is it that a teacher sick with symptoms is twice denied a Covid test and sent home to die of the virus, even told it was just all in her mind, yet they are somehow finding the ability to test animals for it? And in New York of all places. Just how does that work?

I hope this lady's family sues that stinking hospital.
There is a deeper darker agenda, and if you really knew? You would not accept the truth.
There is a deeper darker agenda, and if you really knew? You would not accept the truth.
How do you know? I'm all ears. If you don't want to say it here, you know how to PM me.
No. It's not necessary.

I have the utmost respect for your academic back ground, and your extreme intelligence. I remember when we locked horns in my Stay Informed thread, I have no wish to do so again. I have come to respect you greatly in many, many threads and posts throughout the forum. :113:

I am also aware, however, that we both have our own areas of expertise, and cognitive biases.

I have spent well over a decade studying deep politics and deep events. What delineates a "conspiracy" from a clandestine operation to further a long range interlocking directorate think tank agenda?


Folks that are parts of organizations and agencies that take orders, do not do tests, or advise owners on pets, don't really know the over all "scientific" reasons these moving parts of orders are given, they just do as they are told. They are not privy to the final agenda of round table groups.

The Departmentalization of the bureaucracy doesn't lend itself to understanding the long term logic or goals behind the final end result of the agenda that is really going on.

Others? They believe there is no agenda other than public safety. . . .


OTH? It could all just be mere chaos. . . And as OL tells me, I could just be seeing boogeymen where nothing really exists. :heehee:

What do you WANT to believe? Who can you trust? :dunno:

There is a deeper darker agenda, and if you really knew? You would not accept the truth.
How do you know? I'm all ears. If you don't want to say it here, you know how to PM me.
I have the utmost respect for your academic back ground, and your extreme intelligence. I remember when we locked horns in my Stay Informed thread, I have no wish to do so again. I have come to respect you greatly in many, many threads and posts throughout the forum. :113:

I am also aware, however, that we both have our own areas of expertise, and cognitive biases.

I have spent well over a decade studying deep politics and deep events. What delineates a "conspiracy" from a clandestine operation to further a long range interlocking directorate think tank agenda?


Folks that are parts of organizations and agencies that take orders, do not do tests, or advise owners on pets, don't really know the over all "scientific" reasons these moving parts of orders are given, they just do as they are told. They are not privy to the final agenda of round table groups.

The Departmentalization of the bureaucracy doesn't lend itself to understanding the long term logic or goals behind the final end result of the agenda that is really going on.

Others? They believe there is no agenda other than public safety. . . .

OTH? It could all just be mere chaos. . . And as OL tells me, I could just be seeing boogeymen where nothing really exists. :heehee:

What do you WANT to believe? Who can you trust?
I appreciate the compliments, Mr. B, I wasn't offering to argue with you. I hold you in good regard as well, not just because Lucy thinks a lot of you, but I do investigate some of the things you post I see as time allows such as your discussion of allodial rights a few months ago and very recently, one article you posted on connections between Covid and Bill Gates and the possibility that he might have an interest in collecting DNA samples and injecting nanotechnology!

Do not mistake alll my arguments as disagreements. I may disagree with things I believe and agree with things I know wrong for the right reasons. I don't always mean everything I say nor do I always say everything I mean. Some things I say are literal, others are meant to teach or to simply make others reexamine their own beliefs in new ways. Often, I merely act as a mirror to reflect back to others their own stupidity. Usually with good intent.

Sometimes, more is said better in what you DON'T SAY or what is said between the lines.

I'm actually trained to recognize cognitive bias in others as well as to suppress or control and limit it in affecting my own analysis. You may have studied some of these matters and topics very deeply for decades through very thorough research of web articles and cross-referenced media sources, but I may have had some direct experience and direct contact with some of it in my own work and personal life!

So, keep on with your research! If I disagree with you, it might not be on the conclusions, but more on the PROCESS. You have to be very careful in what you cannot reach out and actually touch with your own hands, even if it seems corroborated from many different angles. In the end, it is all just words and misinformation has a way of cloning itself everywhere just as the truth can often be lost or hidden in noise.

In the end, the one certain thing we can all agree on openly is that governments and their enablers have historically lived independent of those under them seldom in their best interests and with many with designs on what they might do with that unchecked power, and it would be a fool's errand to think our own gov at every level is so much more altruistic.

IN THE END, my Dear. Mr. B, all we really are to those most elite is raw material and a resource to EXPLOIT.

And isn't that just a tiny bit sad.
First of all, I do not think there was any racism involved here as a factor. But I have to ask, how is it that a teacher sick with symptoms is twice denied a Covid test and sent home to die of the virus, even told it was just all in her mind, yet they are somehow finding the ability to test animals for it? And in New York of all places. Just how does that work?
Amen to this. The Lord put us people at the top of the food chain for a reason and so therefore, all available tests should be for us humans compared to anything else.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder how long until plants are being tested for the sickness since they too can live or die.

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