How are your gun shops doing?

There is no such thing as ANTIFA, and you can't prove such a thing. And white supremacist domestic terrorism is the biggest threat this country faces.
I would not bet that they do not exist. That is not a logical statement, based on what is out there. Doubt they are as big a threat as trump tries to make out, but he is an idiot, so you have to overlook him. They are there, no doubt. I worry more about the far right supremacists and militia groups as they attract a certain crowd that often has greater skills, more organized and trained crowd. They have a stronger history of violence.
A family member of mine went to a local gun shop to look for a part. He said there were loads of women in there buying handguns, at the counter they had special checkout just for women. He looked at the concealed carry class sign up sheet, nearly all the names on it were female.

Good to know our women are arming themselves up to protect themselves from BLM thugs and Antifa freaks.

The stores here are sold out of everything except 9mm and other handguns. All rifles shotguns are wiped out.
I went to the Cal Ranch store here in Burley a couple of Sundays ago and every Mexican within a 50 mile radius was at the gun bar buying one.
I went to the Cal Ranch store here in Burley a couple of Sundays ago and every Mexican within a 50 mile radius was at the gun bar buying one.
Well, Mexicans really hate blacks, so of course they will be arming up to put down any blacks that try their bullshit in their hood.

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