How bad does Chicago have to get before the National Guard is called in?

New York City and especially the 42 St. area was a high crime area until Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor. Giuiliani attacked crime from it's roots and today 42 St. is a prime tourist attraction. Barry Hussein's adopted home town of Chicago is run by a dynasty of crooked democrat politicians. Federalizing the Military to enforce domestic law is always a bad idea especially under crooked lame duck democrat administrations. The poor people of Chicago are going to have to suck it and arm themselves until they manage to elect a sane administration.
Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.
Well, if the cops are ordered to stand down why call the national guard?
Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.
Well, if the cops are ordered to stand down why call the national guard?
Excellent question.
How bad does Chicago have to get before the national guard is called in?

In other words, how much hyped up fear is needed before the powers that be can declare martial law.
New York City and especially the 42 St. area was a high crime area until Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor. Giuiliani attacked crime from it's roots and today 42 St. is a prime tourist attraction. Barry Hussein's adopted home town of Chicago is run by a dynasty of crooked democrat politicians. Federalizing the Military to enforce domestic law is always a bad idea especially under crooked lame duck democrat administrations. The poor people of Chicago are going to have to suck it and arm themselves until they manage to elect a sane administration.

Just exactly how do they arm themselves without becoming criminals themselves?
Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.

Hey bonehead, the last I heard, only the governor can call out the ng. And the governor is a repub.
Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.

Hey bonehead, the last I heard, only the governor can call out the ng. And the governor is a repub.
Mayors ask the gov to send in the ng.

I remember when Los Angeles was burning with more than 1000 fires . Gov Wilson was begging Mayor Bradley to let the guard into the city. Mr. Black Mayor said no. When did Black Mayor Bradley agree to the guard? When Korean store owners had taken to rooftops as their own snipers.

Let Chicago rot.
Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.

Hey bonehead, the last I heard, only the governor can call out the ng. And the governor is a repub.
Mayors ask the gov to send in the ng.

I remember when Los Angeles was burning with more than 1000 fires . Gov Wilson was begging Mayor Bradley to let the guard into the city. Mr. Black Mayor said no. When did Black Mayor Bradley agree to the guard? When Korean store owners had taken to rooftops as their own snipers.

Let Chicago rot.

Nice story. Too bad it doesn't have anything to do with Chicago.
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It needs to get to where the Cubs home World Series games would need to be played out of town.

Maybe the CUBS players should be taking a KNEE at the games for the lost citizens of Chicago, that would be different.
Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.

If you could manage to look at this sans your own racial filters, you might come to understand this is the fate of the american sacrifice zones, and it is bond to spread as a result of the substantial people cannibalizing american society for their own enrichment. Appalachia is another such sacrifice zone. Perhaps you'll be able to more critically question and/or identify with that one. The answer is we as a society just don’t care, it’s not “us” yet.

How many shootings in Appalachia?
Better yet, how many of those Chicago shootings are White gangs?

Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.

If you could manage to look at this sans your own racial filters, you might come to understand this is the fate of the american sacrifice zones, and it is bond to spread as a result of the substantial people cannibalizing american society for their own enrichment. Appalachia is another such sacrifice zone. Perhaps you'll be able to more critically question and/or identify with that one. The answer is we as a society just don’t care, it’s not “us” yet.

How many shootings in Appalachia?
Better yet, how many of those Chicago shootings are White gangs?

Great, so let's let thugs kill each other. Since we're going back three and a half decades for the criteria, it's not racist! Let all gangs cull each other - no problem!
Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.
They would call in the NG if these were white people being shot. That might cost Emanuel the election, so he would pull all the stops to protect them and end the violence.

But black kids being killed by gang bangers?

Ppppffftttt! Who gives a shit? <- attitude of Democratic Party elites.
According to the jewish media, if you are a black criminal, you are holy and innocent, and if you are a white cop doing his job, you are evil incarnate.

As such, the police are withdrawing and these places are turning into war zones. The jews and blacks asked whitey to take a hike, you got your wish.
What the hell does Jewishness have to do with a God damned thing on this issue?

MY wife,is one quarter Jewish by blood, so she like seeing blacks getting shot?

You anti-semitic morons are so full of shit you rival the libtards.
Chicago just passed 3000 shootings for the year and only it's mid-September Y'all. Cops have been ordered to stand down on breaking up any large gatherings so as not to offend anyone's Racial sensibilities. That is where many of the 3000 shootings are occurring. As usual nothing from Obama or Hillary except some lecture about gun control. Call in the Guard, otherwise Chicago is going to start looking like a Middle East war zone.

Democratic policy is based on the principle that the more dead black kids the better it is for Hillary come election day. Black 'leadership' also has a vested interest in the jacking up the death toll as well, so don't expect any black pol hack to criticize Obama either.

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