How Big Will the Impeachment Blowback Be?

The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.
BWABWABWABWABWABWA....THE TRUTH HURTS THIS :ahole-1:....$3.1 million to Hunter to divide with Jojo " The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual Abuser " Biden is enought proof that just came out!!!!

And how much has Donald Rump Jr. received from Russia? How much has Ivanka Rump received from China? I really don't care about any of the Kids money received in the business dealings. You are still using the old Dog and Pony act to deflect from what is really happening. Let the Games Begin.

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!

Just like it's already been proven that Biden's kid had nothing to do with what Biden did with Ukraine. But, hey, you made the rules. So what kind of deals has Rump made behind close doors for America so that his kids can make their millions in China and Russia? independents want to know.

Actually, we could care less about any of them including Bidens Kid. You can stop deflection now. The Game is about to begin. Sorry, but we both have to watch from the nose bleed seats.
NOTHINGVHAS BEEN PROVEN ABOUT BIDEN...EXCEPTwhatvyouvand your fellow traitors have investigation of his $3.1 million salary over 46 payments.....and of course YOU could care less about EXTORTION by Jojo!...admitted to on video!...Even Nunes brought it up in his opening today!....STILL UNANSWERED!

You just said it. Nothing has been proven. And Barr has been working overtime trying. This is entertaining watching you butthurts.
BWABWABWABWABWABWA....THE TRUTH HURTS THIS :ahole-1:....$3.1 million to Hunter to divide with Jojo " The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual Abuser " Biden is enought proof that just came out!!!!

And how much has Donald Rump Jr. received from Russia? How much has Ivanka Rump received from China? I really don't care about any of the Kids money received in the business dealings. You are still using the old Dog and Pony act to deflect from what is really happening. Let the Games Begin.

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!

Just like it's already been proven that Biden's kid had nothing to do with what Biden did with Ukraine. But, hey, you made the rules. So what kind of deals has Rump made behind close doors for America so that his kids can make their millions in China and Russia? independents want to know.

Actually, we could care less about any of them including Bidens Kid. You can stop deflection now. The Game is about to begin. Sorry, but we both have to watch from the nose bleed seats.
NOTHINGVHAS BEEN PROVEN ABOUT BIDEN...EXCEPTwhatvyouvand your fellow traitors have investigation of his $3.1 million salary over 46 payments.....and of course YOU could care less about EXTORTION by Jojo!...admitted to on video!...Even Nunes brought it up in his opening today!....STILL UNANSWERED!

You just said it. Nothing has been proven. And Barr has been working overtime trying. This is entertaining watching you butthurts.
Ge . What will you say now that his investigation has turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION....YOU THINK ANY REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO BE INDICTED....IF SO WHO?....ROTFLMFAO
And how much has Donald Rump Jr. received from Russia? How much has Ivanka Rump received from China? I really don't care about any of the Kids money received in the business dealings. You are still using the old Dog and Pony act to deflect from what is really happening. Let the Games Begin.

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!

Just like it's already been proven that Biden's kid had nothing to do with what Biden did with Ukraine. But, hey, you made the rules. So what kind of deals has Rump made behind close doors for America so that his kids can make their millions in China and Russia? independents want to know.

Actually, we could care less about any of them including Bidens Kid. You can stop deflection now. The Game is about to begin. Sorry, but we both have to watch from the nose bleed seats.
NOTHINGVHAS BEEN PROVEN ABOUT BIDEN...EXCEPTwhatvyouvand your fellow traitors have investigation of his $3.1 million salary over 46 payments.....and of course YOU could care less about EXTORTION by Jojo!...admitted to on video!...Even Nunes brought it up in his opening today!....STILL UNANSWERED!

You just said it. Nothing has been proven. And Barr has been working overtime trying. This is entertaining watching you butthurts.
Ge . What will you say now that his investigation has turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION....YOU THINK ANY REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO BE INDICTED....IF SO WHO?....ROTFLMFAO

The only criminal in any of Barr's investigations is Barr. Let me guess, it's going to be another 30 years of trying. Hillary is still walking free after all this time. Maybe Barr can find a Homeless Person he can prosecute for something and hope no one cares.

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!

Just like it's already been proven that Biden's kid had nothing to do with what Biden did with Ukraine. But, hey, you made the rules. So what kind of deals has Rump made behind close doors for America so that his kids can make their millions in China and Russia? independents want to know.

Actually, we could care less about any of them including Bidens Kid. You can stop deflection now. The Game is about to begin. Sorry, but we both have to watch from the nose bleed seats.
NOTHINGVHAS BEEN PROVEN ABOUT BIDEN...EXCEPTwhatvyouvand your fellow traitors have investigation of his $3.1 million salary over 46 payments.....and of course YOU could care less about EXTORTION by Jojo!...admitted to on video!...Even Nunes brought it up in his opening today!....STILL UNANSWERED!

You just said it. Nothing has been proven. And Barr has been working overtime trying. This is entertaining watching you butthurts.
Ge . What will you say now that his investigation has turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION....YOU THINK ANY REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO BE INDICTED....IF SO WHO?....ROTFLMFAO

The only criminal in any of Barr's investigations is Barr. Let me guess, it's going to be another 30 years of trying. Hillary is still walking free after all this time. Maybe Barr can find a Homeless Person he can prosecute for something and hope no one cares.
Deflect and lie, all you enemies of America have!
BWABWABWABWABWABWA....THE TRUTH HURTS THIS :ahole-1:....$3.1 million to Hunter to divide with Jojo " The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual Abuser " Biden is enought proof that just came out!!!!

And how much has Donald Rump Jr. received from Russia? How much has Ivanka Rump received from China? I really don't care about any of the Kids money received in the business dealings. You are still using the old Dog and Pony act to deflect from what is really happening. Let the Games Begin.

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!

Just like it's already been proven that Biden's kid had nothing to do with what Biden did with Ukraine. But, hey, you made the rules. So what kind of deals has Rump made behind close doors for America so that his kids can make their millions in China and Russia? independents want to know.

Actually, we could care less about any of them including Bidens Kid. You can stop deflection now. The Game is about to begin. Sorry, but we both have to watch from the nose bleed seats.
NOTHINGVHAS BEEN PROVEN ABOUT BIDEN...EXCEPTwhatvyouvand your fellow traitors have investigation of his $3.1 million salary over 46 payments.....and of course YOU could care less about EXTORTION by Jojo!...admitted to on video!...Even Nunes brought it up in his opening today!....STILL UNANSWERED!

You just said it. Nothing has been proven. And Barr has been working overtime trying. This is entertaining watching you butthurts.

Barr just started and Durham has only been in the picture a couple of months. Contrast that to Mueller who spent over two years and came up with nothing.

I was one of the original Tea Party Members. I left when the JBC seized control of it and it ceased to be anything other than a cesspool. Here is the mediafactcheck on it now. It isn't pretty.

Tea Party Inc - Media Bias/Fact Check


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis.

Notes: is a news and opinion website affiliated with the Tea Party Movement. presents news with extreme right wing bias through the use of loaded words and sensational headlines. They also typically publish news from far right or questionable sources such as The Angry Patriot, which is on our questionable list, as well as Politifact’s fake news list. Based on extreme bias, poor sourcing and promotion of propaganda, we rate as Questionable.

Poor baby.
When the Pittsburgh Steelers won the World Series against the New York Yankees, the Yankees scored more runs than Pittsburgh, yet, lost.

If they haven't figured it out after 220 years, I don't see where I have a duty to argue with them over it.

I don't remember Pittsburgh Steelers ever playing the World Series.

I don't think they ever played against New York Yankees neither.
Blowback will depend on how both sides manage to spin their story out.

This is about spin after all, unless people think the Senate will vote to convict. I don't and I doubt the Dems do, so this is a political game.

If they come up empty, make a fuss about allowing cross examination of witnesses or calling of witnesses and don't come up with something solid to charge, much less convict, they are going to look like idiots. After the whole "Rooshins' 'we got him now, boys" debacle, if this turns into Act 2 of that nonsense the Pubs will jump on them like a pack of wolves and they may lose independents in the swing states and it could cost them the election, which is what this is about.

On the other hand if they put forward a good case this may help them. It may also fatigue voters that just want the shit to end so they'll vote for anyone but Trump to make it go away. It won't, of course, especially if this strategy works, as we'll see more of it going forward, but some I think will vote that way anyhow.

If they actually vote on it, it will be interesting to see how many swing district Democrats support it. The commie areas without a doubt will because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

They'll vote on it. The only question in my mind is when. They say before Christmas. I don't believe that will happen. We'll see how long they choose to drag this out. Likely as long as the poll numbers are favorable IMO. The instant they start swinging they'll close up shop.
And how much has Donald Rump Jr. received from Russia? How much has Ivanka Rump received from China? I really don't care about any of the Kids money received in the business dealings. You are still using the old Dog and Pony act to deflect from what is really happening. Let the Games Begin.

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!

Just like it's already been proven that Biden's kid had nothing to do with what Biden did with Ukraine. But, hey, you made the rules. So what kind of deals has Rump made behind close doors for America so that his kids can make their millions in China and Russia? independents want to know.

Actually, we could care less about any of them including Bidens Kid. You can stop deflection now. The Game is about to begin. Sorry, but we both have to watch from the nose bleed seats.
NOTHINGVHAS BEEN PROVEN ABOUT BIDEN...EXCEPTwhatvyouvand your fellow traitors have investigation of his $3.1 million salary over 46 payments.....and of course YOU could care less about EXTORTION by Jojo!...admitted to on video!...Even Nunes brought it up in his opening today!....STILL UNANSWERED!

You just said it. Nothing has been proven. And Barr has been working overtime trying. This is entertaining watching you butthurts.

Barr just started and Durham has only been in the picture a couple of months. Contrast that to Mueller who spent over two years and came up with nothing.

Stupid is as stupid does. The deflection isn't working. Before Barr can get it all together, Rump will be gone and Barr will be in the unemployment line or in prison himself. He doesn't have 2 years. It's nothing but a carnie side "Hey, look over there" show.
There will be no conviction by the senate because there is no way to get to the needed 67 votes. In fact the D house with its lack of due process the impeachment might be reasonable cause for the dismissal all by itself. The Durham Grand jury may start handing out indictments before the House launches its conviction and could lead to indictments of sitting D representatives as co-conspirators with Comey MCabe et al might take the intelligent move of rolling over on the Obama administration. How bad could this get for the house Ds?

it all depends on what they present. If they present information that seems nothing more than sour grapes over a lost election, they will suffer for it in the battleground States.

If they can present clear evidence of actual wrongdoing, they may gain votes in the battleground states.

Increasing the turnout in NY and CA does nothing but give them a bully pulpit if the EC and popular vote again do not match.

The "Career Diplomats" who didn't personally hear anything, are going to give their opinions today. It will be like, actually hearing the things your mother-in law says to other people when you're not around. You know the story...…. Karen's mother in the Movie "Goodfellas"! Career diplomats who didn't like the "Status Quo" being messed with so..... Quid Pro Quo". "We're not lying it's still a type of "Quo". These are He said, She said someone burned down Cheryl's "She shed" ! :eusa_naughty: . Trump cut all of the Career Politicians out of the loop and conducted "Foreign Policy" without their "Approval" How dare him! We gave up Eastern Europe under Roosevelt ( A Democrat) . It took America another 45 years to restore freedom. Many of those Country's Including Ukraine are still struggling to rid themselves of the corruption that was ingrained under Communist regimes. Presidents Set Foreign Policy . Career Diplomats do not! Nobody voted for them !

If they get away with this, it will be the first impeachment in the US based on Thought Police and no actual facts. Great fodder for Trump when he hits the campaign trail next year.

It wasn't enough for them that they handed him the Presidency by never putting any brakes on the last guy and then running the single most unlikable person in the United States against him - They are literally ready to hand it to him again.

I don't think that's even a question. The real question is if they lose the House as well. Then we will have to tolerate the usual leftist excuses for the next several years: Trump's friends in Russia, Voter ID, know their routine.
There will be no conviction by the senate because there is no way to get to the needed 67 votes. In fact the D house with its lack of due process the impeachment might be reasonable cause for the dismissal all by itself. The Durham Grand jury may start handing out indictments before the House launches its conviction and could lead to indictments of sitting D representatives as co-conspirators with Comey MCabe et al might take the intelligent move of rolling over on the Obama administration. How bad could this get for the house Ds?

it all depends on what they present. If they present information that seems nothing more than sour grapes over a lost election, they will suffer for it in the battleground States.

If they can present clear evidence of actual wrongdoing, they may gain votes in the battleground states.

Increasing the turnout in NY and CA does nothing but give them a bully pulpit if the EC and popular vote again do not match.

The "Career Diplomats" who didn't personally hear anything, are going to give their opinions today. It will be like, actually hearing the things your mother-in law says to other people when you're not around. You know the story...…. Karen's mother in the Movie "Goodfellas"! Career diplomats who didn't like the "Status Quo" being messed with so..... Quid Pro Quo". "We're not lying it's still a type of "Quo". These are He said, She said someone burned down Cheryl's "She shed" ! :eusa_naughty: . Trump cut all of the Career Politicians out of the loop and conducted "Foreign Policy" without their "Approval" How dare him! We gave up Eastern Europe under Roosevelt ( A Democrat) . It took America another 45 years to restore freedom. Many of those Country's Including Ukraine are still struggling to rid themselves of the corruption that was ingrained under Communist regimes. Presidents Set Foreign Policy . Career Diplomats do not! Nobody voted for them !

If they get away with this, it will be the first impeachment in the US based on Thought Police and no actual facts. Great fodder for Trump when he hits the campaign trail next year.

It wasn't enough for them that they handed him the Presidency by never putting any brakes on the last guy and then running the single most unlikable person in the United States against him - They are literally ready to hand it to him again.

I don't think that's even a question. The real question is if they lose the House as well. Then we will have to tolerate the usual leftist excuses for the next several years: Trump's friends in Russia, Voter ID, know their routine.

I do.
Maybe the bigger question -

The Impeachment was greenlighted because President Trump was snooping around Ukraine corruption.

What will the blowback be against Democrats when the corruption that The State Department was trying to hide is exposed?

Decent Americans ( even Democrats back in the day) would say - Not in My name!

Will they look the other way now?

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!

Just like it's already been proven that Biden's kid had nothing to do with what Biden did with Ukraine. But, hey, you made the rules. So what kind of deals has Rump made behind close doors for America so that his kids can make their millions in China and Russia? independents want to know.

Actually, we could care less about any of them including Bidens Kid. You can stop deflection now. The Game is about to begin. Sorry, but we both have to watch from the nose bleed seats.
NOTHINGVHAS BEEN PROVEN ABOUT BIDEN...EXCEPTwhatvyouvand your fellow traitors have investigation of his $3.1 million salary over 46 payments.....and of course YOU could care less about EXTORTION by Jojo!...admitted to on video!...Even Nunes brought it up in his opening today!....STILL UNANSWERED!

You just said it. Nothing has been proven. And Barr has been working overtime trying. This is entertaining watching you butthurts.

Barr just started and Durham has only been in the picture a couple of months. Contrast that to Mueller who spent over two years and came up with nothing.

Stupid is as stupid does. The deflection isn't working. Before Barr can get it all together, Rump will be gone and Barr will be in the unemployment line or in prison himself. He doesn't have 2 years. It's nothing but a carnie side "Hey, look over there" show.

And that's the biggest fear Democrats have. It's why they are trying anything and everything to try and get Trump out of there before Barr gathers all the evidence of their corruption. Don't get me wrong, they always wanted Trump gone, but when they found out he was asking Zelensky if he knew anything, they went into Defcon One mode. And recently we found out that Burisma emailed the US State department dropping Hunter Biden's name to curry favor with them.

And this is just the start.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

You don't know that because the race was not about the popular vote. If it was, both Trump and Hillary would have campaigned differently.

If you are a Democrat in Montana, it doesn't make sense to go out and vote for President because your vote will not count. If you are a Republican in New York, same thing, your vote for President won't count for anything.

The only way to know who was really the popular vote winner is to have a popular vote contest. That way everybody would come out and vote because every single vote would count regardless where you were from.

If you could understand ENGLISH, you'd know that I was just correcting your misuse of terms....
I used my terms correctly.
..."This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats."

That's a bogus statement because Clinton won the Electorate...
She did not. She LOST the electorate. 306 to 232.
..."This is the US Electoral College vs the Democrats."

Which would have made sense...
When the discussion is PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION there is no meaningful distinguish between The Electoral College and the Presidential Electorate as the Electoral College IS the Presidential Electorate.

You guys still want to pretend you won when you lost.

Hillary was campaigning in Iowa and Arizona to ensure she won the Popular Vote, while she was losing FL, PA, MI and WI. She was too drunk and stupid to be president. That's why she lost. That and the fact that nobody really like her.

She even had to cheat her way past Bernie, and Bernie wasn't even a Democrat. Her turn was 2008 and even Democrats dumped her as soon as someone appealing showed up.

In perhaps the biggest blunder in US history, you folks ran probably the only candidate Trump could have beaten. That's changed of course now that he has shown that he is actually a good President, with low unemployment, rising wages, saving the Social Security Trust Fund and he is willing to tell the War Mongers to take a hike.

Tulsi is right about Hillary, she is the Queen of the War Mongers. Hillary even giggle-cackled when the leader of Libya was assassinated, sodomized with a knife. She is a very sick twisted demented and often drunk loser. I was surprised you folks ran her.

Who do you figure you will have lose to Trump this time?

You just get plain silly, you do not get top recreate the English language:

  1. all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election.
I think it is. Look at all those little blue dots on that bright red map last presidential election. Those are all the cities where many live in poverty, and also gave Hillary the popular vote.

Many Democrat voters don't know much about politics. That's why they don't have left-wing talk radio. Nobody ever turned it on. They went out of business.

There was and is no popular vote contest to give to anyone.

Guess what! There are thousands of popular vote contests in this country. The only election were the popular vote doesn't count is the Presidential election.

That'll change soon - and once it does it will be the end of the Republican party!

It would take a constitutional amendment to change that. You really think that's going to happen? Good luck.....

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

Besides after the next election the Dems willbe able to add any amendment to the Constitution that they want!
All the National Popular Vote Compact means is that finally CA GOP voters can actually deliver CA's ECV to the Republican. Right now they can't, but, with the NPV they can, and while they are at it, NY and the Eastern Seaboard.

Currently CA Republicans do not bother to vote. First, they know their Presidential candidate will never win, and with the Jungle Primary system, there often is no GOP Senate candidate at all, so why bother?

With the NPV, now it's a whole different story. Except for Texas, name the state with MORE GOP voters than CA. You can't, because there is no such state. The minute the NPV is activated, every CA Republican will turn out, delivering CA, NY, HI and the Eastern Seaboard.


We would like you to enact this as soon as possible.

I'm all for increasing voter turnout.

According to you, all those Republican state legislatures must be pretty stupid not to pass the compact, huh?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

You don't know that because the race was not about the popular vote. If it was, both Trump and Hillary would have campaigned differently.

If you are a Democrat in Montana, it doesn't make sense to go out and vote for President because your vote will not count. If you are a Republican in New York, same thing, your vote for President won't count for anything.

The only way to know who was really the popular vote winner is to have a popular vote contest. That way everybody would come out and vote because every single vote would count regardless where you were from.

If you could understand ENGLISH, you'd know that I was just correcting your misuse of terms....
I used my terms correctly.
..."This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats."

That's a bogus statement because Clinton won the Electorate...
She did not. She LOST the electorate. 306 to 232.
..."This is the US Electoral College vs the Democrats."

Which would have made sense...
When the discussion is PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION there is no meaningful distinguish between The Electoral College and the Presidential Electorate as the Electoral College IS the Presidential Electorate.

You guys still want to pretend you won when you lost.

Hillary was campaigning in Iowa and Arizona to ensure she won the Popular Vote, while she was losing FL, PA, MI and WI. She was too drunk and stupid to be president. That's why she lost. That and the fact that nobody really like her.

She even had to cheat her way past Bernie, and Bernie wasn't even a Democrat. Her turn was 2008 and even Democrats dumped her as soon as someone appealing showed up.

In perhaps the biggest blunder in US history, you folks ran probably the only candidate Trump could have beaten. That's changed of course now that he has shown that he is actually a good President, with low unemployment, rising wages, saving the Social Security Trust Fund and he is willing to tell the War Mongers to take a hike.

Tulsi is right about Hillary, she is the Queen of the War Mongers. Hillary even giggle-cackled when the leader of Libya was assassinated, sodomized with a knife. She is a very sick twisted demented and often drunk loser. I was surprised you folks ran her.

Who do you figure you will have lose to Trump this time?

You just get plain silly, you do not get top recreate the English language:

  1. all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election.

Now your getting it
The people entitled to vote in a Presidential election are the state electors.
I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

You don't know that because the race was not about the popular vote. If it was, both Trump and Hillary would have campaigned differently.

If you are a Democrat in Montana, it doesn't make sense to go out and vote for President because your vote will not count. If you are a Republican in New York, same thing, your vote for President won't count for anything.

The only way to know who was really the popular vote winner is to have a popular vote contest. That way everybody would come out and vote because every single vote would count regardless where you were from.

If you could understand ENGLISH, you'd know that I was just correcting your misuse of terms....
I used my terms correctly.
..."This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats."

That's a bogus statement because Clinton won the Electorate...
She did not. She LOST the electorate. 306 to 232.
..."This is the US Electoral College vs the Democrats."

Which would have made sense...
When the discussion is PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION there is no meaningful distinguish between The Electoral College and the Presidential Electorate as the Electoral College IS the Presidential Electorate.

You guys still want to pretend you won when you lost.

Hillary was campaigning in Iowa and Arizona to ensure she won the Popular Vote, while she was losing FL, PA, MI and WI. She was too drunk and stupid to be president. That's why she lost. That and the fact that nobody really like her.

She even had to cheat her way past Bernie, and Bernie wasn't even a Democrat. Her turn was 2008 and even Democrats dumped her as soon as someone appealing showed up.

In perhaps the biggest blunder in US history, you folks ran probably the only candidate Trump could have beaten. That's changed of course now that he has shown that he is actually a good President, with low unemployment, rising wages, saving the Social Security Trust Fund and he is willing to tell the War Mongers to take a hike.

Tulsi is right about Hillary, she is the Queen of the War Mongers. Hillary even giggle-cackled when the leader of Libya was assassinated, sodomized with a knife. She is a very sick twisted demented and often drunk loser. I was surprised you folks ran her.

Who do you figure you will have lose to Trump this time?

You just get plain silly, you do not get top recreate the English language:

  1. all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election.

Now your getting it
The people entitled to vote in a Presidential election are the state electors.

That's funny, I've voted in many presidential elections, yet I've never been a state elector.

I've had enough of your silly misuse of the term 'Electorate'. YOur wrong, period.

But you'll never admit it, so I'm not going to continue arguing.

But it sure shows that if you refuse to admit that you're wrong on a simple error in vocabulary, you're certainly never going to admit that your wrong no matter what the topic is - that means that ALL your arguments are completely disengenuine.
You don't know that because the race was not about the popular vote. If it was, both Trump and Hillary would have campaigned differently.

If you are a Democrat in Montana, it doesn't make sense to go out and vote for President because your vote will not count. If you are a Republican in New York, same thing, your vote for President won't count for anything.

The only way to know who was really the popular vote winner is to have a popular vote contest. That way everybody would come out and vote because every single vote would count regardless where you were from.

If you could understand ENGLISH, you'd know that I was just correcting your misuse of terms....
I used my terms correctly.
..."This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats."

That's a bogus statement because Clinton won the Electorate...
She did not. She LOST the electorate. 306 to 232.
..."This is the US Electoral College vs the Democrats."

Which would have made sense...
When the discussion is PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION there is no meaningful distinguish between The Electoral College and the Presidential Electorate as the Electoral College IS the Presidential Electorate.

You guys still want to pretend you won when you lost.

Hillary was campaigning in Iowa and Arizona to ensure she won the Popular Vote, while she was losing FL, PA, MI and WI. She was too drunk and stupid to be president. That's why she lost. That and the fact that nobody really like her.

She even had to cheat her way past Bernie, and Bernie wasn't even a Democrat. Her turn was 2008 and even Democrats dumped her as soon as someone appealing showed up.

In perhaps the biggest blunder in US history, you folks ran probably the only candidate Trump could have beaten. That's changed of course now that he has shown that he is actually a good President, with low unemployment, rising wages, saving the Social Security Trust Fund and he is willing to tell the War Mongers to take a hike.

Tulsi is right about Hillary, she is the Queen of the War Mongers. Hillary even giggle-cackled when the leader of Libya was assassinated, sodomized with a knife. She is a very sick twisted demented and often drunk loser. I was surprised you folks ran her.

Who do you figure you will have lose to Trump this time?

You just get plain silly, you do not get top recreate the English language:

  1. all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election.

Now your getting it
The people entitled to vote in a Presidential election are the state electors.

That's funny, I've voted in many presidential elections, yet I've never been a state elector.

I've had enough of your silly misuse of the term 'Electorate'. YOur wrong, period.

But you'll never admit it, so I'm not going to continue arguing.

But it sure shows that if you refuse to admit that you're wrong on a simple error in vocabulary, you're certainly never going to admit that your wrong no matter what the topic is - that means that ALL your arguments are completely disengenuine.

You can't even keep straight who you are accusing what of.
It's been a bit funny.

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