How Big Will the Impeachment Blowback Be?

...Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes...
Nixon's (threatened) impeachment involved Obstruction of Justice; not the break-in. We see the same thing today: Obstruction of Justice.

...What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's...
Irrelevant to Obstruction of Justice, Extortion, Conspiracy to defame a domestic political opponent, etc., etc., etc.

...and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure...
If that's what he wanted to do, then he went about it the wrong way, then tried to cover it up. Too late for this now.

Your boy phukked-up sssoooooo badly that he may very well lose his Teflon coating over this one.

Arrogant bastard thought he was above The Law.

...Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it...
All Tricky Dick did was to obstruct justice. Your Orange Creature actually tried to get foreign intelligence to hammer a domestic political opponent.

The American People do, indeed, know the difference. What your boy did was far worse.

...And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID...
Nope. Obstruction. Conspiracy. Extortion. And that's just for starters.

None of that is actually true

Funny, I voted for Nixon Twice and would again. And even I know it's all true. Nixon showed loyalty to the people under him and tried to save them. It got him in serious trouble. Rump shows no loyalty to people under him and demands they save him and he demands they break the law to do just that. It's over. They are starting to come forward. Well, at least those that aren't complaisant in the crimes, that is. It's time to clean out the Criminals in the Whitehouse.
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!

All democommiecrats have is to try to wound Trump enough to stop his reelection. They know that impeaching him won't work to remove him. Democommiecrats have tried impeaching every Republican president since Eisenhower. They are tired of republicans running for office.
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!


The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!


The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.
BWABWABWABWABWABWA....THE TRUTH HURTS THIS :ahole-1:....$3.1 million to Hunter to divide with Jojo " The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual Abuser " Biden is enought proof that just came out!!!!
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!


The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.
BWABWABWABWABWABWA....THE TRUTH HURTS THIS :ahole-1:....$3.1 million to Hunter to divide with Jojo " The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual Abuser " Biden is enought proof that just came out!!!!

And how much has Donald Rump Jr. received from Russia? How much has Ivanka Rump received from China? I really don't care about any of the Kids money received in the business dealings. You are still using the old Dog and Pony act to deflect from what is really happening. Let the Games Begin.
There will be no conviction by the senate because there is no way to get to the needed 67 votes. In fact the D house with its lack of due process the impeachment might be reasonable cause for the dismissal all by itself. The Durham Grand jury may start handing out indictments before the House launches its conviction and could lead to indictments of sitting D representatives as co-conspirators with Comey MCabe et al might take the intelligent move of rolling over on the Obama administration. How bad could this get for the house Ds?

My idea is Trump should have one of his people calculate how much time the House Democrats have wasted trying to get him out of office, and put that as a percentage of their time spent since taking leadership. To me it's clear it's the only thing they've been doing since being the majority.

And if they do impeach Trump, that's the first thing that should come out of his mouth, and continue to talk about it until election day. I think people will be shocked at how much they didn't accomplish because of that. It may turn a lot of voters away from the Democrat party.

Over 400 bills are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk from the House today and it just keeps piling up. The House is doing the work. Moscow Mitch isn't allow most of the bills onto the Senate Floor. Including those designed to clean up the elections that may be dirty as hell with corruption. That means NO PART of congress is really getting the job done because of Moscow Mitch and Rump's refusal to view those bills. In the end, it's all in the lap of Rump and his Lapdog Moscow Mitch. In order to change that both of these need to be gone. And you Rumpsters need to be sent packing along with those two.

400? Then why does Wikipedia only list 16???

List of bills in the 116th United States Congress - Wikipedia

Because bigger lies are easier to swallow. He should have go with at least 500.

Even the link he provided says that Dems claims 250 House bills waiting in Senate. When you look further, the list only shows eight "critical bills".

Pelosi lists 8 House-passed bills stalled in Senate amid impeachment attacks
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!


The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.
BWABWABWABWABWABWA....THE TRUTH HURTS THIS :ahole-1:....$3.1 million to Hunter to divide with Jojo " The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual Abuser " Biden is enought proof that just came out!!!!

And how much has Donald Rump Jr. received from Russia? How much has Ivanka Rump received from China? I really don't care about any of the Kids money received in the business dealings. You are still using the old Dog and Pony act to deflect from what is really happening. Let the Games Begin.

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!
Blowback will depend on how both sides manage to spin their story out.

This is about spin after all, unless people think the Senate will vote to convict. I don't and I doubt the Dems do, so this is a political game.

If they come up empty, make a fuss about allowing cross examination of witnesses or calling of witnesses and don't come up with something solid to charge, much less convict, they are going to look like idiots. After the whole "Rooshins' 'we got him now, boys" debacle, if this turns into Act 2 of that nonsense the Pubs will jump on them like a pack of wolves and they may lose independents in the swing states and it could cost them the election, which is what this is about.

On the other hand if they put forward a good case this may help them. It may also fatigue voters that just want the shit to end so they'll vote for anyone but Trump to make it go away. It won't, of course, especially if this strategy works, as we'll see more of it going forward, but some I think will vote that way anyhow.
More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!


The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.
BWABWABWABWABWABWA....THE TRUTH HURTS THIS :ahole-1:....$3.1 million to Hunter to divide with Jojo " The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual Abuser " Biden is enought proof that just came out!!!!

And how much has Donald Rump Jr. received from Russia? How much has Ivanka Rump received from China? I really don't care about any of the Kids money received in the business dealings. You are still using the old Dog and Pony act to deflect from what is really happening. Let the Games Begin.

Next lie and bullshit...please. independents want to see this!

Just like it's already been proven that Biden's kid had nothing to do with what Biden did with Ukraine. But, hey, you made the rules. So what kind of deals has Rump made behind close doors for America so that his kids can make their millions in China and Russia? independents want to know.

Actually, we could care less about any of them including Bidens Kid. You can stop deflection now. The Game is about to begin. Sorry, but we both have to watch from the nose bleed seats.
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!


The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.

That might be slightly believable if it was a call that we didn't see. But we did see it, and there is nothing in that call to make Zelensky feel threatened.
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!


The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.

That might be slightly believable if it was a call that we didn't see. But we did see it, and there is nothing in that call to make Zelensky feel threatened.

You have no idea what life is like in the Ukraine and how much is at stake to the entire region, do you. Ukraine isn't the only country sitting on pins and needles over Russia. The entire Baltic Region is more than a little scared shitless.
...Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes...
Nixon's (threatened) impeachment involved Obstruction of Justice; not the break-in. We see the same thing today: Obstruction of Justice.

...What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's...
Irrelevant to Obstruction of Justice, Extortion, Conspiracy to defame a domestic political opponent, etc., etc., etc.

...and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure...
If that's what he wanted to do, then he went about it the wrong way, then tried to cover it up. Too late for this now.

Your boy phukked-up sssoooooo badly that he may very well lose his Teflon coating over this one.

Arrogant bastard thought he was above The Law.

...Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it...
All Tricky Dick did was to obstruct justice. Your Orange Creature actually tried to get foreign intelligence to hammer a domestic political opponent.

The American People do, indeed, know the difference. What your boy did was far worse.

...And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID...
Nope. Obstruction. Conspiracy. Extortion. And that's just for starters.

None of that is actually true

Funny, I voted for Nixon Twice and would again. And even I know it's all true. Nixon showed loyalty to the people under him and tried to save them. It got him in serious trouble. Rump shows no loyalty to people under him and demands they save him and he demands they break the law to do just that. It's over. They are starting to come forward. Well, at least those that aren't complaisant in the crimes, that is. It's time to clean out the Criminals in the Whitehouse.

The problem is that there are no actual crimes to be complicit in.

If you (any of you) actually cared about crime, you would want to follow up on the corruption between Ukraine and the DNC in 2016 ( unless you are just trolls for the DNC.)
Blowback will depend on how both sides manage to spin their story out.

This is about spin after all, unless people think the Senate will vote to convict. I don't and I doubt the Dems do, so this is a political game.

If they come up empty, make a fuss about allowing cross examination of witnesses or calling of witnesses and don't come up with something solid to charge, much less convict, they are going to look like idiots. After the whole "Rooshins' 'we got him now, boys" debacle, if this turns into Act 2 of that nonsense the Pubs will jump on them like a pack of wolves and they may lose independents in the swing states and it could cost them the election, which is what this is about.

On the other hand if they put forward a good case this may help them. It may also fatigue voters that just want the shit to end so they'll vote for anyone but Trump to make it go away. It won't, of course, especially if this strategy works, as we'll see more of it going forward, but some I think will vote that way anyhow.

If they actually vote on it, it will be interesting to see how many swing district Democrats support it. The commie areas without a doubt will because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Somebody wake up Barr. What Schiff, Pelosi, and the Deep State are doing is not only a coup, it is criminal.




U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspiracy

More dog and pony act. The operative phrase is "By Force". And the Impeachment Inquiry does not fit the definition of "By Force". How much are they paying you for your posts? They should demand their money back.
What force? Ukraine got its money, ukraine president stated NO PRESSURE BY OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!


The Ukraine President is terrified of Rump. But the Diplomats are telling a different story. Can you imagine what would happen to the President of Ukraine if he admitted to the truth? he wouldn't last 20 minutes in office. Let the Games Begin........

And you are deflecting your deflection. Again, there is no "By Force" involved here.

That might be slightly believable if it was a call that we didn't see. But we did see it, and there is nothing in that call to make Zelensky feel threatened.

You have no idea what life is like in the Ukraine and how much is at stake to the entire region, do you. Ukraine isn't the only country sitting on pins and needles over Russia. The entire Baltic Region is more than a little scared shitless.

That has noting to do with the phone call. The issue here (and it's not an impeachment issue) is that for one, there was nothing threatening in the call, and two, Zelensky agreed with it. And why shouldn't he? Zelensky feeling threatened is something the commies made up out of thin air.

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