How Big Will the Impeachment Blowback Be?

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that.
Oooh, sorry my man, you're way off. The impeachment process is and will be making public a lot of information that will come into play in the 2020 election. It is already having a measurable effect on voters.

So, in a nutshell,you're ass backwards wrong. Got anything else?

Please. As the liberal Professor Dershowitz stated, there are no impeachable crimes here. They are making crimes up. But you are correct on one thing: it will be having effects on voters, but it will be swinging our way. I think you'll see that in the House leadership in 2020. Because this is what Democrats have spent most of their time on, and quite frankly, I think people are getting sick of it.
The American People find an unfair process disgusting and appalling. Dems have revealed far more about themselves than is likely to be beneficial for them.

Black Americans especially are sensitized to witch hunts, a crooked establishment and a rigged system. They know exactly what The Deep State is trying to do to Trump.

Wow, more Circus Dog and Pony Act, "Hey, look over there". The House is doing it's job as per the rules set in place by the REPUBLICANS. The Reps made the rules. And now they are just livid that they are being made to live by those same rules. Too bad. Get over it. Stop this Dog and Pony show, cooperate, get it done with as quickly as possible by cooperating.
There will be no conviction by the senate because there is no way to get to the needed 67 votes. In fact the D house with its lack of due process the impeachment might be reasonable cause for the dismissal all by itself. The Durham Grand jury may start handing out indictments before the House launches its conviction and could lead to indictments of sitting D representatives as co-conspirators with Comey MCabe et al might take the intelligent move of rolling over on the Obama administration. How bad could this get for the house Ds?
Take no prisoners
The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that.
Oooh, sorry my man, you're way off. The impeachment process is and will be making public a lot of information that will come into play in the 2020 election. It is already having a measurable effect on voters.

So, in a nutshell,you're ass backwards wrong. Got anything else?

Please. As the liberal Professor Dershowitz stated, there are no impeachable crimes here. They are making crimes up. But you are correct on one thing: it will be having effects on voters, but it will be swinging our way. I think you'll see that in the House leadership in 2020. Because this is what Democrats have spent most of their time on, and quite frankly, I think people are getting sick of it.
The American People find an unfair process disgusting and appalling. Dems have revealed far more about themselves than is likely to be beneficial for them.

Black Americans especially are sensitized to witch hunts, a crooked establishment and a rigged system. They know exactly what The Deep State is trying to do to Trump.

Wow, more Circus Dog and Pony Act, "Hey, look over there". The House is doing it's job as per the rules set in place by the REPUBLICANS. The Reps made the rules. And now they are just livid that they are being made to live by those same rules. Too bad. Get over it. Stop this Dog and Pony show, cooperate, get it done with as quickly as possible by cooperating.

What rules do you speak of? The House leadership can make any rules they want.
The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.

I doubt if the Senate will get the chance. Pelosi is smarter than that.

You think she's going to pull out? I don't know if she'd let it get this far if that were her plans.

There are other options. And at least one scares the living hell out of Rump. And it leaves it up to the voters and the Electoral College.

We'd be just fine with that.

Yes, we will be fine with that. But Rump won't. His actions show it. He's running scared and making mistake after mistake trying to cover his previous mistakes up. When his own cabinet hides information from him or flat out refuses to follow his directions then you know you have one hell of a problem. And that is where we are right now.

What are you talking about? His cabinet is hiding what from him? You stated to let the voters sort it out, and I couldn't agree more.
The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that.
Oooh, sorry my man, you're way off. The impeachment process is and will be making public a lot of information that will come into play in the 2020 election. It is already having a measurable effect on voters.

So, in a nutshell,you're ass backwards wrong. Got anything else?

Please. As the liberal Professor Dershowitz stated, there are no impeachable crimes here. They are making crimes up. But you are correct on one thing: it will be having effects on voters, but it will be swinging our way. I think you'll see that in the House leadership in 2020. Because this is what Democrats have spent most of their time on, and quite frankly, I think people are getting sick of it.
The American People find an unfair process disgusting and appalling. Dems have revealed far more about themselves than is likely to be beneficial for them.

Black Americans especially are sensitized to witch hunts, a crooked establishment and a rigged system. They know exactly what The Deep State is trying to do to Trump.

Wow, more Circus Dog and Pony Act, "Hey, look over there". The House is doing it's job as per the rules set in place by the REPUBLICANS. The Reps made the rules. And now they are just livid that they are being made to live by those same rules. Too bad. Get over it. Stop this Dog and Pony show, cooperate, get it done with as quickly as possible by cooperating.

What rules do you speak of? The House leadership can make any rules they want.

It's been hashed and reahashed. Another of you rumspters dog and pony, "hey, look over there" routines. Try adding the Fat lady, Donkey and disappearing Midget (use your own imagination on that one).
I doubt if the Senate will get the chance. Pelosi is smarter than that.

You think she's going to pull out? I don't know if she'd let it get this far if that were her plans.

There are other options. And at least one scares the living hell out of Rump. And it leaves it up to the voters and the Electoral College.

We'd be just fine with that.

Yes, we will be fine with that. But Rump won't. His actions show it. He's running scared and making mistake after mistake trying to cover his previous mistakes up. When his own cabinet hides information from him or flat out refuses to follow his directions then you know you have one hell of a problem. And that is where we are right now.

What are you talking about? His cabinet is hiding what from him? You stated to let the voters sort it out, and I couldn't agree more.

What they are doing right now is getting the information into the light. What rump and his band of criminals are doing is trying to prevent that. I want it all out in the open and then let the American Public make up their own mind without the Dog and Pony Act.
To answer the OP - the blow back.
Honestly, out of registered Democrats that vote...I would say at least 95% will never switch their vote to Trump for any reason. If it is found out, and it is sadly possible, that Schiff and Co. orchestrated this whole thing including manufacturing statements that prove to be false... AND... that other top Democrat leaders were also in on it...AND.. it looked like every Democrat Presidential candidate knew about it, a bonefide coup attempt - the real thing. Almost no Democrat would vote for Trump still.

That is a fact.

I don't think we will need Democrats for this one. Trump was not liked by many on our side, just like I didn't care for Romney. So those people just stayed home. But now that the scorecard is out, I think those absent voters will be out this time, especially if Democrats persist on trying to overturn the last election.

I think Trump should adopt Reagan's motto: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? I can't imagine anybody thinking they aren't.

There are some serious crimes involved here. And ALL presidents should be held accountable for their actions. Who the hell cares what he did before he was elected. That's up to NY to figure that one out. But since he's been President, he's been playing loose and fast. And he has to be held accountable for his actions since he's been in office. Am I better off today than I was 4 years ago? No. Where I live, it was purchased by a Corporation and they are trying to make our lives a living hell. It's got to the point where we are going to have to use the Liberal tools to combat them. When you allow a Rightwing Capitalist to go unchecked, you end up with Donnie Rump and his criminal crowd. If you are doing better today than you were 4 years ago, Rump had nothing to do with it and you did it yourself. Of course, Rump will try and take credit for it.

I did it myself? I lowered my taxes so I bring home more money every paycheck? I lowered taxable income so I get a better refund at the end of the year? My company is busy now due to the economy, and I'm responsible for that?

Thus far, nobody can give me an actual crime committed by this President.
You think she's going to pull out? I don't know if she'd let it get this far if that were her plans.

There are other options. And at least one scares the living hell out of Rump. And it leaves it up to the voters and the Electoral College.

We'd be just fine with that.

Yes, we will be fine with that. But Rump won't. His actions show it. He's running scared and making mistake after mistake trying to cover his previous mistakes up. When his own cabinet hides information from him or flat out refuses to follow his directions then you know you have one hell of a problem. And that is where we are right now.

What are you talking about? His cabinet is hiding what from him? You stated to let the voters sort it out, and I couldn't agree more.

What they are doing right now is getting the information into the light. What rump and his band of criminals are doing is trying to prevent that. I want it all out in the open and then let the American Public make up their own mind without the Dog and Pony Act.

Then tell your commie leader Schiff Face to allow Republicans to cross examine their witnesses. Tell him to allow Republicans to call their own witnesses. You want it all out in the open? Tell Schiff Face to bring the so-called whistleblower forward for questioning.

You don't want the truth because the truth would bury your party.
Oooh, sorry my man, you're way off. The impeachment process is and will be making public a lot of information that will come into play in the 2020 election. It is already having a measurable effect on voters.

So, in a nutshell,you're ass backwards wrong. Got anything else?

Please. As the liberal Professor Dershowitz stated, there are no impeachable crimes here. They are making crimes up. But you are correct on one thing: it will be having effects on voters, but it will be swinging our way. I think you'll see that in the House leadership in 2020. Because this is what Democrats have spent most of their time on, and quite frankly, I think people are getting sick of it.
The American People find an unfair process disgusting and appalling. Dems have revealed far more about themselves than is likely to be beneficial for them.

Black Americans especially are sensitized to witch hunts, a crooked establishment and a rigged system. They know exactly what The Deep State is trying to do to Trump.

Wow, more Circus Dog and Pony Act, "Hey, look over there". The House is doing it's job as per the rules set in place by the REPUBLICANS. The Reps made the rules. And now they are just livid that they are being made to live by those same rules. Too bad. Get over it. Stop this Dog and Pony show, cooperate, get it done with as quickly as possible by cooperating.

What rules do you speak of? The House leadership can make any rules they want.

It's been hashed and reahashed. Another of you rumspters dog and pony, "hey, look over there" routines. Try adding the Fat lady, Donkey and disappearing Midget (use your own imagination on that one).

I have no idea WTF that reply even meant. The only thing I can gather is you can't answer my question. Thanks for admitting that.
To answer the OP - the blow back.
Honestly, out of registered Democrats that vote...I would say at least 95% will never switch their vote to Trump for any reason. If it is found out, and it is sadly possible, that Schiff and Co. orchestrated this whole thing including manufacturing statements that prove to be false... AND... that other top Democrat leaders were also in on it...AND.. it looked like every Democrat Presidential candidate knew about it, a bonefide coup attempt - the real thing. Almost no Democrat would vote for Trump still.

That is a fact.

I don't think we will need Democrats for this one. Trump was not liked by many on our side, just like I didn't care for Romney. So those people just stayed home. But now that the scorecard is out, I think those absent voters will be out this time, especially if Democrats persist on trying to overturn the last election.

I think Trump should adopt Reagan's motto: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? I can't imagine anybody thinking they aren't.

There are some serious crimes involved here. And ALL presidents should be held accountable for their actions. Who the hell cares what he did before he was elected. That's up to NY to figure that one out. But since he's been President, he's been playing loose and fast. And he has to be held accountable for his actions since he's been in office. Am I better off today than I was 4 years ago? No. Where I live, it was purchased by a Corporation and they are trying to make our lives a living hell. It's got to the point where we are going to have to use the Liberal tools to combat them. When you allow a Rightwing Capitalist to go unchecked, you end up with Donnie Rump and his criminal crowd. If you are doing better today than you were 4 years ago, Rump had nothing to do with it and you did it yourself. Of course, Rump will try and take credit for it.

I did it myself? I lowered my taxes so I bring home more money every paycheck? I lowered taxable income so I get a better refund at the end of the year? My company is busy now due to the economy, and I'm responsible for that?

Thus far, nobody can give me an actual crime committed by this President.

If you are making over 150K a year then you did, indeed get help. But everyone else got dinged to pay for it.

Your Company is busy because it's doing a good job. Rump had nothing to do with that.

The fact remains, without Rump, it probably would have happened anyway. Good Business Practices makes for a successful business return. It sounds like the company you are with has done a much better job than the companies your hero, Rump, has fielded.
I realize this is hard for you.

There was one contest - she lost it.
Every other election the loser gracefully conceded and the nation began to heal. Only this drunken ignorant old crook couldn't summon the decency to do that. She simultaneously claims she was "robbed by the Russians" and that she actually won, because she won the meaningless popular vote. There is no American that shouldn't be smart enough to see what a loser she is and refuse to follow her into her self serving delusions.

People poured money into the Clinton accounts either through phony speeches or their so-called charity. Everybody wanted to garner favor with them because of her position in politics. She has to keep bating those people to keep that money coming in, even if to a lesser degree.

So she keeps her seat in the spotlight for that reason. That's why she never bowed out.

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.

Why do you keep bringing her up? Does she make you lose sleep at night? Is She hiding under your bed or in your closet? She means nothing to me. And She means nothing to the average American. Or is this just another one of your Rump Circus Dog and Pony Acts to try and keep us from looking at your Rump Boy.

I told you why I keep bringing her up, and that is because she won't go away. I could understand if she respectfully disappeared into the darkness and we never heard from her again. But she's being interviewed all the time by left-wing media, and you ask why I bring her up????
To answer the OP - the blow back.
Honestly, out of registered Democrats that vote...I would say at least 95% will never switch their vote to Trump for any reason. If it is found out, and it is sadly possible, that Schiff and Co. orchestrated this whole thing including manufacturing statements that prove to be false... AND... that other top Democrat leaders were also in on it...AND.. it looked like every Democrat Presidential candidate knew about it, a bonefide coup attempt - the real thing. Almost no Democrat would vote for Trump still.

That is a fact.

I don't think we will need Democrats for this one. Trump was not liked by many on our side, just like I didn't care for Romney. So those people just stayed home. But now that the scorecard is out, I think those absent voters will be out this time, especially if Democrats persist on trying to overturn the last election.

I think Trump should adopt Reagan's motto: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? I can't imagine anybody thinking they aren't.

There are some serious crimes involved here. And ALL presidents should be held accountable for their actions. Who the hell cares what he did before he was elected. That's up to NY to figure that one out. But since he's been President, he's been playing loose and fast. And he has to be held accountable for his actions since he's been in office. Am I better off today than I was 4 years ago? No. Where I live, it was purchased by a Corporation and they are trying to make our lives a living hell. It's got to the point where we are going to have to use the Liberal tools to combat them. When you allow a Rightwing Capitalist to go unchecked, you end up with Donnie Rump and his criminal crowd. If you are doing better today than you were 4 years ago, Rump had nothing to do with it and you did it yourself. Of course, Rump will try and take credit for it.

I did it myself? I lowered my taxes so I bring home more money every paycheck? I lowered taxable income so I get a better refund at the end of the year? My company is busy now due to the economy, and I'm responsible for that?

Thus far, nobody can give me an actual crime committed by this President.

If you are making over 150K a year then you did, indeed get help. But everyone else got dinged to pay for it.

Your Company is busy because it's doing a good job. Rump had nothing to do with that.

The fact remains, without Rump, it probably would have happened anyway. Good Business Practices makes for a successful business return. It sounds like the company you are with has done a much better job than the companies your hero, Rump, has fielded.

I don't make anywhere near 150K a year, and yes, I am getting more net pay, and I got a better return last year. What do you make that you didn't see any improvement--or do you not understand tax preparation or perhaps don't work at all?
There are other options. And at least one scares the living hell out of Rump. And it leaves it up to the voters and the Electoral College.

We'd be just fine with that.

Yes, we will be fine with that. But Rump won't. His actions show it. He's running scared and making mistake after mistake trying to cover his previous mistakes up. When his own cabinet hides information from him or flat out refuses to follow his directions then you know you have one hell of a problem. And that is where we are right now.

What are you talking about? His cabinet is hiding what from him? You stated to let the voters sort it out, and I couldn't agree more.

What they are doing right now is getting the information into the light. What rump and his band of criminals are doing is trying to prevent that. I want it all out in the open and then let the American Public make up their own mind without the Dog and Pony Act.

Then tell your commie leader Schiff Face to allow Republicans to cross examine their witnesses. Tell him to allow Republicans to call their own witnesses. You want it all out in the open? Tell Schiff Face to bring the so-called whistleblower forward for questioning.

You don't want the truth because the truth would bury your party.

That phase just started this week and it's public. Remember, the Republican House made the rules for Hillary and the Dems are playing by those rules. So must the Reps.

As for the whistleblower, his life is in jeapordy now. Thank your Orange Rump for that one. And the original whistleblower was used for just cause, nothing else. As of now, they know what questions to ask and whom to ask them to. And the Reps have the right to cross examine the witnesses at this point. The REAL witnesses. But Rump doesn't have that right until or if it goes to the Senate. But House Members do have, both sides.

This was put to a vote and not one single Rep voted in favor of it. More dog and pony show. Well, after all that crying and sobbing, they are getting exactly what they demanded even with that BS vote. Live with it.

And bringing up the original Whistleblower is just more dog and pony circus act to try and make everyone not look at this whole thing directly. It's now working. In fact, look at the special elections where the Reps are being sent to the showers. The Rumpster Party Dog and Pony Act is slowly being seen for what it is.
Every other election the loser gracefully conceded and the nation began to heal. Only this drunken ignorant old crook couldn't summon the decency to do that. She simultaneously claims she was "robbed by the Russians" and that she actually won, because she won the meaningless popular vote. There is no American that shouldn't be smart enough to see what a loser she is and refuse to follow her into her self serving delusions.

People poured money into the Clinton accounts either through phony speeches or their so-called charity. Everybody wanted to garner favor with them because of her position in politics. She has to keep bating those people to keep that money coming in, even if to a lesser degree.

So she keeps her seat in the spotlight for that reason. That's why she never bowed out.

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.

Why do you keep bringing her up? Does she make you lose sleep at night? Is She hiding under your bed or in your closet? She means nothing to me. And She means nothing to the average American. Or is this just another one of your Rump Circus Dog and Pony Acts to try and keep us from looking at your Rump Boy.

I told you why I keep bringing her up, and that is because she won't go away. I could understand if she respectfully disappeared into the darkness and we never heard from her again. But she's being interviewed all the time by left-wing media, and you ask why I bring her up????

More of your Dog and Pony Act trying to make us "Hey, Look over There".
The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that.
Oooh, sorry my man, you're way off. The impeachment process is and will be making public a lot of information that will come into play in the 2020 election. It is already having a measurable effect on voters.

So, in a nutshell,you're ass backwards wrong. Got anything else?

Please. As the liberal Professor Dershowitz stated, there are no impeachable crimes here. They are making crimes up. But you are correct on one thing: it will be having effects on voters, but it will be swinging our way. I think you'll see that in the House leadership in 2020. Because this is what Democrats have spent most of their time on, and quite frankly, I think people are getting sick of it.
The American People find an unfair process disgusting and appalling. Dems have revealed far more about themselves than is likely to be beneficial for them.

Black Americans especially are sensitized to witch hunts, a crooked establishment and a rigged system. They know exactly what The Deep State is trying to do to Trump.

Wow, more Circus Dog and Pony Act, "Hey, look over there". The House is doing it's job as per the rules set in place by the REPUBLICANS. The Reps made the rules. And now they are just livid that they are being made to live by those same rules. Too bad. Get over it. Stop this Dog and Pony show, cooperate, get it done with as quickly as possible by cooperating.

What rules do you speak of? The House leadership can make any rules they want.
One important difference is that previous impeachments have been AFTER a Special Counsel Finding. In the past, special counsels have found felonious presidential behavior, such as cited in Leon Jaworski’s and Ken Starr’s investigations.

In contrast, special counsel Robert Mueller spent 22 months and $35 million, and yet his largely partisan law and investigative team found no collusion and no actionable presidential obstruction of that non-crime. We are not just proceeding with impeachment without a special counsel’s finding of wrongdoing, but after a special counsel’s finding of no actionable wrongdoing.

Ten Reasons Why Impeachment Is Illegitimate | National Review
We'd be just fine with that.

Yes, we will be fine with that. But Rump won't. His actions show it. He's running scared and making mistake after mistake trying to cover his previous mistakes up. When his own cabinet hides information from him or flat out refuses to follow his directions then you know you have one hell of a problem. And that is where we are right now.

What are you talking about? His cabinet is hiding what from him? You stated to let the voters sort it out, and I couldn't agree more.

What they are doing right now is getting the information into the light. What rump and his band of criminals are doing is trying to prevent that. I want it all out in the open and then let the American Public make up their own mind without the Dog and Pony Act.

Then tell your commie leader Schiff Face to allow Republicans to cross examine their witnesses. Tell him to allow Republicans to call their own witnesses. You want it all out in the open? Tell Schiff Face to bring the so-called whistleblower forward for questioning.

You don't want the truth because the truth would bury your party.

That phase just started this week and it's public. Remember, the Republican House made the rules for Hillary and the Dems are playing by those rules. So must the Reps.

As for the whistleblower, his life is in jeapordy now. Thank your Orange Rump for that one. And the original whistleblower was used for just cause, nothing else. As of now, they know what questions to ask and whom to ask them to. And the Reps have the right to cross examine the witnesses at this point. The REAL witnesses. But Rump doesn't have that right until or if it goes to the Senate. But House Members do have, both sides.

This was put to a vote and not one single Rep voted in favor of it. More dog and pony show. Well, after all that crying and sobbing, they are getting exactly what they demanded even with that BS vote. Live with it.

And bringing up the original Whistleblower is just more dog and pony circus act to try and make everyone not look at this whole thing directly. It's now working. In fact, look at the special elections where the Reps are being sent to the showers. The Rumpster Party Dog and Pony Act is slowly being seen for what it is.

Wait a minute......Hil-liar was an ex SOS. What rules did they use that applies to an impeachment of a US President? Schiff Face didn't even allow cross examination of his witnesses in private. He stopped it. So now you are telling me he's allowing cross examination in public?

How is the whistleblowers life in jeopardy? Nobody knows who he is. Furthermore, he doesn't fit the description of a whistleblower, therefore not protected under any whistleblower act. And in the whistleblower act, there is no guarantee of anonymity.

The Republicans want to ask him why he didn't address the IG with his complaint, and instead, addressed Schiff Face. That's the question we want an answer to. That's why Schiff Face is disallowing it.
Oooh, sorry my man, you're way off. The impeachment process is and will be making public a lot of information that will come into play in the 2020 election. It is already having a measurable effect on voters.

So, in a nutshell,you're ass backwards wrong. Got anything else?

Please. As the liberal Professor Dershowitz stated, there are no impeachable crimes here. They are making crimes up. But you are correct on one thing: it will be having effects on voters, but it will be swinging our way. I think you'll see that in the House leadership in 2020. Because this is what Democrats have spent most of their time on, and quite frankly, I think people are getting sick of it.
The American People find an unfair process disgusting and appalling. Dems have revealed far more about themselves than is likely to be beneficial for them.

Black Americans especially are sensitized to witch hunts, a crooked establishment and a rigged system. They know exactly what The Deep State is trying to do to Trump.

Wow, more Circus Dog and Pony Act, "Hey, look over there". The House is doing it's job as per the rules set in place by the REPUBLICANS. The Reps made the rules. And now they are just livid that they are being made to live by those same rules. Too bad. Get over it. Stop this Dog and Pony show, cooperate, get it done with as quickly as possible by cooperating.

What rules do you speak of? The House leadership can make any rules they want.
One important difference is that previous impeachments have been AFTER a Special Counsel Finding. In the past, special counsels have found felonious presidential behavior, such as cited in Leon Jaworski’s and Ken Starr’s investigations.

In contrast, special counsel Robert Mueller spent 22 months and $35 million, and yet his largely partisan law and investigative team found no collusion and no actionable presidential obstruction of that non-crime. We are not just proceeding with impeachment without a special counsel’s finding of wrongdoing, but after a special counsel’s finding of no actionable wrongdoing.

Ten Reasons Why Impeachment Is Illegitimate | National Review

More dog and Pony Act. The correct way was for Congress to do an investigation first. And then if there was a reasonable felonious act, then the Judicial Department was to bring charges with a Special Counsel. Congress was supposed to do a Special Investigation. Rump decided to screw things up and bypassed Congress. Considering the AG works for the President, no one wonders that the AG would find him as innocent as a new born baby. Well, even with that, Mueller didn't quite end up with that conclusion. Now, they are finally doing the Congressional Investigation like they should have done in the first place. And things are popping up that are really ugly when it comes to Rump.

The best thing Rump could do is to release all his cabinet members and Federal Lawyers (not his personal lawyers) and get this ended fast. The Courts are now involved to force these people to testify because Rump has instructed them not to. That's called Obstruction. It was Obstruction when Nixon did it and it's obstruction when Rump does it. And every one of those people are involved in Obstruction. It doesn't matter if there is an actual crime or not, it's the fact that there is obstruction and contempt of congress by these people and right now, the Courts are very hostile to Rump. That, by itself, is enough to remove Rump from office.
People poured money into the Clinton accounts either through phony speeches or their so-called charity. Everybody wanted to garner favor with them because of her position in politics. She has to keep bating those people to keep that money coming in, even if to a lesser degree.

So she keeps her seat in the spotlight for that reason. That's why she never bowed out.

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.

Why do you keep bringing her up? Does she make you lose sleep at night? Is She hiding under your bed or in your closet? She means nothing to me. And She means nothing to the average American. Or is this just another one of your Rump Circus Dog and Pony Acts to try and keep us from looking at your Rump Boy.

I told you why I keep bringing her up, and that is because she won't go away. I could understand if she respectfully disappeared into the darkness and we never heard from her again. But she's being interviewed all the time by left-wing media, and you ask why I bring her up????

More of your Dog and Pony Act trying to make us "Hey, Look over There".

You seem to be hung-up on the "dog and pony" phrase instead of addressing what I said. I bring up Hillary because she's bringing herself up. If she quietly went away after the election like other failed candidates, I wouldn't say a thing about her.
Yes, we will be fine with that. But Rump won't. His actions show it. He's running scared and making mistake after mistake trying to cover his previous mistakes up. When his own cabinet hides information from him or flat out refuses to follow his directions then you know you have one hell of a problem. And that is where we are right now.

What are you talking about? His cabinet is hiding what from him? You stated to let the voters sort it out, and I couldn't agree more.

What they are doing right now is getting the information into the light. What rump and his band of criminals are doing is trying to prevent that. I want it all out in the open and then let the American Public make up their own mind without the Dog and Pony Act.

Then tell your commie leader Schiff Face to allow Republicans to cross examine their witnesses. Tell him to allow Republicans to call their own witnesses. You want it all out in the open? Tell Schiff Face to bring the so-called whistleblower forward for questioning.

You don't want the truth because the truth would bury your party.

That phase just started this week and it's public. Remember, the Republican House made the rules for Hillary and the Dems are playing by those rules. So must the Reps.

As for the whistleblower, his life is in jeapordy now. Thank your Orange Rump for that one. And the original whistleblower was used for just cause, nothing else. As of now, they know what questions to ask and whom to ask them to. And the Reps have the right to cross examine the witnesses at this point. The REAL witnesses. But Rump doesn't have that right until or if it goes to the Senate. But House Members do have, both sides.

This was put to a vote and not one single Rep voted in favor of it. More dog and pony show. Well, after all that crying and sobbing, they are getting exactly what they demanded even with that BS vote. Live with it.

And bringing up the original Whistleblower is just more dog and pony circus act to try and make everyone not look at this whole thing directly. It's now working. In fact, look at the special elections where the Reps are being sent to the showers. The Rumpster Party Dog and Pony Act is slowly being seen for what it is.

Wait a minute......Hil-liar was an ex SOS. What rules did they use that applies to an impeachment of a US President? Schiff Face didn't even allow cross examination of his witnesses in private. He stopped it. So now you are telling me he's allowing cross examination in public?

How is the whistleblowers life in jeopardy? Nobody knows who he is. Furthermore, he doesn't fit the description of a whistleblower, therefore not protected under any whistleblower act. And in the whistleblower act, there is no guarantee of anonymity.

The Republicans want to ask him why he didn't address the IG with his complaint, and instead, addressed Schiff Face. That's the question we want an answer to. That's why Schiff Face is disallowing it.

He addressed the IG for the NSA. In otherwords, he addressed it to his Boss who did protect his identity. I can understand why he didn't take it directly to Barr. Barr has his nose so far up Rumps butt that he's initialing Rumps Colon. But the person the whistleblower was legally bound to take it to was the NSA IG and he did exactly that. He's protected by the NSA. If it were left up to Barr, there would be a burning spire with his name on it. You still don't get it. Rump corrupts everyone around him and whatever good that was once in Barr is buried and gone. The NSA knows this and protects it's own.

Well, cupcake, your REps in the House are getting their chance now. And you will notice that it's not making the hit parade on the ultrarightwingnutjob news cycles. There is a reason for that. Rump is being buried by his own people and all of a sudden, all that BS printing and reporting is thrown out the window.

It must suck to be a paid Rumpster Shill like you when things go this wrong.
I realize this is hard for you.

There was one contest - she lost it.
Every other election the loser gracefully conceded and the nation began to heal. Only this drunken ignorant old crook couldn't summon the decency to do that. She simultaneously claims she was "robbed by the Russians" and that she actually won, because she won the meaningless popular vote. There is no American that shouldn't be smart enough to see what a loser she is and refuse to follow her into her self serving delusions.

People poured money into the Clinton accounts either through phony speeches or their so-called charity. Everybody wanted to garner favor with them because of her position in politics. She has to keep bating those people to keep that money coming in, even if to a lesser degree.

So she keeps her seat in the spotlight for that reason. That's why she never bowed out.

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.
It's her turn!

The half black dude cheated her out of her turn

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