How Big Will the Impeachment Blowback Be?

You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.

I doubt if the Senate will get the chance. Pelosi is smarter than that.

You think she's going to pull out? I don't know if she'd let it get this far if that were her plans.

There are other options. And at least one scares the living hell out of Rump. And it leaves it up to the voters and the Electoral College.

We'd be just fine with that.
You must understand that the Democrat elite don't give a shit for Biden, any Biden. They're all in for Hillary/2020 and have been for years. They just want to play coy a little longer and let the ship of fools sink itself. Something it's doing with growing vigor every day.

Kick back, have a beer and watch it play out. There's nothing you as a Demo-peon can do. Resistance is futile and hazardous to your heath. Perhaps even fatal.
The impeachment of Donald Trump will claim more casualties than Democrats could possibly be aware of. Indeed, by moving ahead with such a destructive political process, Democrats are calling in an airstrike on their own position.

Sure, they may get their guy — at least in the House — but they will also eviscerate their front-runner, Joe Biden, while blowing up any meaningful media coverage the rest of the Democratic field needs to sustain itself. Speaking of the Democratic field, most of the big dogs also happen to serve in the Senate, which means they’ll be stuck in Washington, D.C., throughout the trial portion of the impeachment process.

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The entire impeachment saga will be politically destabilizing, and for what? The Republican Senate is definitely going to acquit the president and he can still servive as 19Republicans Could join with the dimwits and not get enough votes to impeach.....and then it will be up to elected DemonRATS to explain to voters why they, the elected elite, deserved the privilege of throwing the president out of office more than the citizenry, who will be given the opportunity just a handful of months later at the polls.

If Congress’ self-serving attempt to dunk on Trump in impeachment in 2019 ultimately results in a Trump re-election in November of 2020, that will be a self-inflicted event and Americans will have little inclination to tolerate kvetching about the electoral college or Russian tampering.
Because some RWNJ wrote and opinion piece?
This is a good example of why Democrats shouldn't be anywhere within a thousand yards of a firearm: They have a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot.
They are going to be embarrassed on national tv, Twitter, the Internet! Questions will hang over the democrat party for years to come.. how did hunter get the job? Was Ukraine Interfering in our election?
Why democrats are committing political suicide is beyond me.
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Not everyone is like us here...we pay close attention to the facts and have our minds made up for the most part...not all American voters are moved by daily politics...but this is different...impeachment will make people sit up and listen...and whenever that occurs the dems lose....Remember the dead democrat Paul Wellstone memorial that turned into a rally?...people were watching as the dems did what they do and folks were disgusted....the people will be appalled at this shady closed door one sided biased basement have our attention dems and you may wish you hadn't very quickly on Wednesday....
The impeachment of Donald Trump will claim more casualties than Democrats could possibly be aware of. Indeed, by moving ahead with such a destructive political process, Democrats are calling in an airstrike on their own position.

Sure, they may get their guy — at least in the House — but they will also eviscerate their front-runner, Joe Biden, while blowing up any meaningful media coverage the rest of the Democratic field needs to sustain itself. Speaking of the Democratic field, most of the big dogs also happen to serve in the Senate, which means they’ll be stuck in Washington, D.C., throughout the trial portion of the impeachment process.

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The entire impeachment saga will be politically destabilizing, and for what? The Republican Senate is definitely going to acquit the president and he can still servive as 19Republicans Could join with the dimwits and not get enough votes to impeach.....and then it will be up to elected DemonRATS to explain to voters why they, the elected elite, deserved the privilege of throwing the president out of office more than the citizenry, who will be given the opportunity just a handful of months later at the polls.

If Congress’ self-serving attempt to dunk on Trump in impeachment in 2019 ultimately results in a Trump re-election in November of 2020, that will be a self-inflicted event and Americans will have little inclination to tolerate kvetching about the electoral college or Russian tampering.
Because some RWNJ wrote and opinion piece?

Because you just wrote a bullshit opinion piece...ROTFLMFAO
The impeachment of Donald Trump will claim more casualties than Democrats could possibly be aware of. Indeed, by moving ahead with such a destructive political process, Democrats are calling in an airstrike on their own position.

Sure, they may get their guy — at least in the House — but they will also eviscerate their front-runner, Joe Biden, while blowing up any meaningful media coverage the rest of the Democratic field needs to sustain itself. Speaking of the Democratic field, most of the big dogs also happen to serve in the Senate, which means they’ll be stuck in Washington, D.C., throughout the trial portion of the impeachment process.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The entire impeachment saga will be politically destabilizing, and for what? The Republican Senate is definitely going to acquit the president and he can still servive as 19Republicans Could join with the dimwits and not get enough votes to impeach.....and then it will be up to elected DemonRATS to explain to voters why they, the elected elite, deserved the privilege of throwing the president out of office more than the citizenry, who will be given the opportunity just a handful of months later at the polls.

If Congress’ self-serving attempt to dunk on Trump in impeachment in 2019 ultimately results in a Trump re-election in November of 2020, that will be a self-inflicted event and Americans will have little inclination to tolerate kvetching about the electoral college or Russian tampering.
Because some RWNJ wrote and opinion piece?

Because you just wrote a bullshit opinion piece...ROTFLMFAO
The impeachment of Donald Trump will claim more casualties than Democrats could possibly be aware of. Indeed, by moving ahead with such a destructive political process, Democrats are calling in an airstrike on their own position.

Sure, they may get their guy — at least in the House — but they will also eviscerate their front-runner, Joe Biden, while blowing up any meaningful media coverage the rest of the Democratic field needs to sustain itself. Speaking of the Democratic field, most of the big dogs also happen to serve in the Senate, which means they’ll be stuck in Washington, D.C., throughout the trial portion of the impeachment process.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The entire impeachment saga will be politically destabilizing, and for what? The Republican Senate is definitely going to acquit the president and he can still servive as 19Republicans Could join with the dimwits and not get enough votes to impeach.....and then it will be up to elected DemonRATS to explain to voters why they, the elected elite, deserved the privilege of throwing the president out of office more than the citizenry, who will be given the opportunity just a handful of months later at the polls.

If Congress’ self-serving attempt to dunk on Trump in impeachment in 2019 ultimately results in a Trump re-election in November of 2020, that will be a self-inflicted event and Americans will have little inclination to tolerate kvetching about the electoral college or Russian tampering.
Because some RWNJ wrote and opinion piece?

Because you just wrote a bullshit opinion piece...ROTFLMFAO

There: You just did it again.

You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.

I doubt if the Senate will get the chance. Pelosi is smarter than that.
strongly disagree. Pelosi and the rest of the house Ds fear their own left wing with good reason. as in Nancy has a clown car of her own that is ready to beat her in the primaries for being too Right wing for current SF D voters. Then there is the ongoing Jexit, Brexit, Hexit et al. The second round of SALT will put a lot of blue state munis into a junk rating and set off internal capital flight out of blue states. Slowing down Trump is an imperitive.
I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

I realize this is hard for you.

There was one contest - she lost it.
Every other election the loser gracefully conceded and the nation began to heal. Only this drunken ignorant old crook couldn't summon the decency to do that. She simultaneously claims she was "robbed by the Russians" and that she actually won, because she won the meaningless popular vote. There is no American that shouldn't be smart enough to see what a loser she is and refuse to follow her into her self serving delusions.

People poured money into the Clinton accounts either through phony speeches or their so-called charity. Everybody wanted to garner favor with them because of her position in politics. She has to keep bating those people to keep that money coming in, even if to a lesser degree.

So she keeps her seat in the spotlight for that reason. That's why she never bowed out.

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.
It's her turn!
The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that.
Oooh, sorry my man, you're way off. The impeachment process is and will be making public a lot of information that will come into play in the 2020 election. It is already having a measurable effect on voters.

So, in a nutshell,you're ass backwards wrong. Got anything else?

Please. As the liberal Professor Dershowitz stated, there are no impeachable crimes here. They are making crimes up. But you are correct on one thing: it will be having effects on voters, but it will be swinging our way. I think you'll see that in the House leadership in 2020. Because this is what Democrats have spent most of their time on, and quite frankly, I think people are getting sick of it.
The American People find an unfair process disgusting and appalling. Dems have revealed far more about themselves than is likely to be beneficial for them.

Black Americans especially are sensitized to witch hunts, a crooked establishment and a rigged system. They know exactly what The Deep State is trying to do to Trump.
The impeachment of Donald Trump will claim more casualties than Democrats could possibly be aware of. Indeed, by moving ahead with such a destructive political process, Democrats are calling in an airstrike on their own position.

Sure, they may get their guy — at least in the House — but they will also eviscerate their front-runner, Joe Biden, while blowing up any meaningful media coverage the rest of the Democratic field needs to sustain itself. Speaking of the Democratic field, most of the big dogs also happen to serve in the Senate, which means they’ll be stuck in Washington, D.C., throughout the trial portion of the impeachment process.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The entire impeachment saga will be politically destabilizing, and for what? The Republican Senate is definitely going to acquit the president and he can still servive as 19Republicans Could join with the dimwits and not get enough votes to impeach.....and then it will be up to elected DemonRATS to explain to voters why they, the elected elite, deserved the privilege of throwing the president out of office more than the citizenry, who will be given the opportunity just a handful of months later at the polls.

If Congress’ self-serving attempt to dunk on Trump in impeachment in 2019 ultimately results in a Trump re-election in November of 2020, that will be a self-inflicted event and Americans will have little inclination to tolerate kvetching about the electoral college or Russian tampering.
Because some RWNJ wrote and opinion piece?

Because you just wrote a bullshit opinion piece...ROTFLMFAO

There: You just did it again.

You're off yer nut.
The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that.
Oooh, sorry my man, you're way off. The impeachment process is and will be making public a lot of information that will come into play in the 2020 election. It is already having a measurable effect on voters.

So, in a nutshell,you're ass backwards wrong. Got anything else?

Please. As the liberal Professor Dershowitz stated, there are no impeachable crimes here. They are making crimes up. But you are correct on one thing: it will be having effects on voters, but it will be swinging our way. I think you'll see that in the House leadership in 2020. Because this is what Democrats have spent most of their time on, and quite frankly, I think people are getting sick of it.

He didn't say any of the kind. He merely stated that things were done backward. Congress should have done the inquiry in public BEFORE the Justice department did theirs. He very carefully didn't side with one or the other. But he also said, when asked point blank, if the (pick a crime) was true, should it be pursued and he said yes.

Dershowitz is NOT against the impeachment hearings. He is more against the Mueller investigation since that was putting the cart before the horse. My take on it was Rump was trying to get exonerated using the Justice Department before Congress could do their job. He wasn't exonerated and all it did was murky things up for the Congressional investigation that should have been done first. As usual, Donnie Rump screwed the pooch.
I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

I realize this is hard for you.

There was one contest - she lost it.
Every other election the loser gracefully conceded and the nation began to heal. Only this drunken ignorant old crook couldn't summon the decency to do that. She simultaneously claims she was "robbed by the Russians" and that she actually won, because she won the meaningless popular vote. There is no American that shouldn't be smart enough to see what a loser she is and refuse to follow her into her self serving delusions.

People poured money into the Clinton accounts either through phony speeches or their so-called charity. Everybody wanted to garner favor with them because of her position in politics. She has to keep bating those people to keep that money coming in, even if to a lesser degree.

So she keeps her seat in the spotlight for that reason. That's why she never bowed out.

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.

Why do you keep bringing her up? Does she make you lose sleep at night? Is She hiding under your bed or in your closet? She means nothing to me. And She means nothing to the average American. Or is this just another one of your Rump Circus Dog and Pony Acts to try and keep us from looking at your Rump Boy.
The impeachment of Donald Trump will claim more casualties than Democrats could possibly be aware of. Indeed, by moving ahead with such a destructive political process, Democrats are calling in an airstrike on their own position.

Sure, they may get their guy — at least in the House — but they will also eviscerate their front-runner, Joe Biden, while blowing up any meaningful media coverage the rest of the Democratic field needs to sustain itself. Speaking of the Democratic field, most of the big dogs also happen to serve in the Senate, which means they’ll be stuck in Washington, D.C., throughout the trial portion of the impeachment process.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The entire impeachment saga will be politically destabilizing, and for what? The Republican Senate is definitely going to acquit the president and he can still servive as 19Republicans Could join with the dimwits and not get enough votes to impeach.....and then it will be up to elected DemonRATS to explain to voters why they, the elected elite, deserved the privilege of throwing the president out of office more than the citizenry, who will be given the opportunity just a handful of months later at the polls.

If Congress’ self-serving attempt to dunk on Trump in impeachment in 2019 ultimately results in a Trump re-election in November of 2020, that will be a self-inflicted event and Americans will have little inclination to tolerate kvetching about the electoral college or Russian tampering.
Because some RWNJ wrote and opinion piece?

Because you just wrote a bullshit opinion piece...ROTFLMFAO

There: You just did it again.

You're off yer nut.

That's just your bullshit opinion. :04:
To answer the OP - the blow back.
Honestly, out of registered Democrats that vote...I would say at least 95% will never switch their vote to Trump for any reason. If it is found out, and it is sadly possible, that Schiff and Co. orchestrated this whole thing including manufacturing statements that prove to be false... AND... that other top Democrat leaders were also in on it...AND.. it looked like every Democrat Presidential candidate knew about it, a bonefide coup attempt - the real thing. Almost no Democrat would vote for Trump still.

That is a fact.

I don't think we will need Democrats for this one. Trump was not liked by many on our side, just like I didn't care for Romney. So those people just stayed home. But now that the scorecard is out, I think those absent voters will be out this time, especially if Democrats persist on trying to overturn the last election.

I think Trump should adopt Reagan's motto: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? I can't imagine anybody thinking they aren't.

There are some serious crimes involved here. And ALL presidents should be held accountable for their actions. Who the hell cares what he did before he was elected. That's up to NY to figure that one out. But since he's been President, he's been playing loose and fast. And he has to be held accountable for his actions since he's been in office. Am I better off today than I was 4 years ago? No. Where I live, it was purchased by a Corporation and they are trying to make our lives a living hell. It's got to the point where we are going to have to use the Liberal tools to combat them. When you allow a Rightwing Capitalist to go unchecked, you end up with Donnie Rump and his criminal crowd. If you are doing better today than you were 4 years ago, Rump had nothing to do with it and you did it yourself. Of course, Rump will try and take credit for it.
You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.

I doubt if the Senate will get the chance. Pelosi is smarter than that.

You think she's going to pull out? I don't know if she'd let it get this far if that were her plans.

There are other options. And at least one scares the living hell out of Rump. And it leaves it up to the voters and the Electoral College.

We'd be just fine with that.

Yes, we will be fine with that. But Rump won't. His actions show it. He's running scared and making mistake after mistake trying to cover his previous mistakes up. When his own cabinet hides information from him or flat out refuses to follow his directions then you know you have one hell of a problem. And that is where we are right now.
I realize this is hard for you.

There was one contest - she lost it.
Every other election the loser gracefully conceded and the nation began to heal. Only this drunken ignorant old crook couldn't summon the decency to do that. She simultaneously claims she was "robbed by the Russians" and that she actually won, because she won the meaningless popular vote. There is no American that shouldn't be smart enough to see what a loser she is and refuse to follow her into her self serving delusions.

People poured money into the Clinton accounts either through phony speeches or their so-called charity. Everybody wanted to garner favor with them because of her position in politics. She has to keep bating those people to keep that money coming in, even if to a lesser degree.

So she keeps her seat in the spotlight for that reason. That's why she never bowed out.

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.
It's her turn!

What, to get the coffee for the Front Runners? That would be just about it. Sorry, the fear Circus Dog and Pony Act won't work anymore without the Fat lady, Donkey and the Vanishing Midget (use your own imagination on that one).

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