How Big Will the Impeachment Blowback Be?

That's it too. A lot of people think the Democrats are blowing smoke up our asses. When they realize it's serious, that's when people will start to get pissed off. Even much more if it has a negative impact on our markets and economy.
An attempted election year impeachment without even a minor statutory crime? These folks are out of their minds.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.
No. In a Presidential Election the Electoral College IS the Presidential Electorate. Hillary lost the Presidential Electorate.

wiggle wiggle, twist, twist...just give it up already!

He misused the terms. That's all there is to it.
You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.
They are nut-less pansies enough to sell him out, other than they know without a doubt that we would destroy them. The vast majority of GOP Senators that voted for impeachment, that are up for election in 2020, would likely lose their primaries.
You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.

No Senate ever has.
You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.
They are nut-less pansies enough to sell him out, other than they know without a doubt that we would destroy them. The vast majority of GOP Senators that voted for impeachment, that are up for election in 2020, would likely lose their primaries.

Of course. I didn't look it up, but Limbaugh quoted a poll that stated 93% of Republicans approve of Trump. No Republican Senator would vote for removal with those kinds of numbers.
An attempted election year impeachment without even a minor statutory crime? These folks are out of their minds.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.
No. In a Presidential Election the Electoral College IS the Presidential Electorate. Hillary lost the Presidential Electorate.

wiggle wiggle, twist, twist...just give it up already!

He misused the terms. That's all there is to it.
No. The Majority Vote has no impact on the Presidential Electorate. In the United States we vote for President within States. It's only been that way for nearly 220 years. Every single President has been elected by Electoral College, yet it's like you guys all woke up confused the morning after the 2016 election and still haven't figure it out.

Barack Obama is the First President since Ronald Reagan to win a majority of the vote in both terms and before him you have to go back to Ike Eisenhower to have a two time winner of the popular vote.
You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.
They are nut-less pansies enough to sell him out, other than they know without a doubt that we would destroy them. The vast majority of GOP Senators that voted for impeachment, that are up for election in 2020, would likely lose their primaries.

Of course. I didn't look it up, but Limbaugh quoted a poll that stated 93% of Republicans approve of Trump. No Republican Senator would vote for removal with those kinds of numbers.

They might
If there was an actual crime committed.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

You don't know that because the race was not about the popular vote. If it was, both Trump and Hillary would have campaigned differently.

If you are a Democrat in Montana, it doesn't make sense to go out and vote for President because your vote will not count. If you are a Republican in New York, same thing, your vote for President won't count for anything.

The only way to know who was really the popular vote winner is to have a popular vote contest. That way everybody would come out and vote because every single vote would count regardless where you were from.

If you could understand ENGLISH, you'd know that I was just correcting your misuse of terms.

You said:

"This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats."

That's a bogus statement because Clinton won the Electorate.

I assume that you meant:

"This is the US Electoral College vs the Democrats."

Which would have made sense.

Perhaps I gave you too much credit?

I used the term popular vote which is the same thing. Again, you don't know who won because the race was not about that. It's like a football game. Your team could run the most yards, but the name of the game is to score points. You can't claim you have a better team because you ran more yards, but lost the game in points.
When the Pittsburgh Steelers won the World Series against the New York Yankees, the Yankees scored more runs than Pittsburgh, yet, lost.

If they haven't figured it out after 220 years, I don't see where I have a duty to argue with them over it.
You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.
They are nut-less pansies enough to sell him out, other than they know without a doubt that we would destroy them. The vast majority of GOP Senators that voted for impeachment, that are up for election in 2020, would likely lose their primaries.

Of course. I didn't look it up, but Limbaugh quoted a poll that stated 93% of Republicans approve of Trump. No Republican Senator would vote for removal with those kinds of numbers.

They might
If there was an actual crime committed.

Well if there was a real crime involved, most Republican voters would not support him. But given the kick ass job he's doing, and the fact their impeachment charges are phony, it's only logic that he would have that kind of support from his people.
You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.
They are nut-less pansies enough to sell him out, other than they know without a doubt that we would destroy them. The vast majority of GOP Senators that voted for impeachment, that are up for election in 2020, would likely lose their primaries.

Of course. I didn't look it up, but Limbaugh quoted a poll that stated 93% of Republicans approve of Trump. No Republican Senator would vote for removal with those kinds of numbers.

They might
If there was an actual crime committed.
Damn right they would. Solid proof of a serious crime and they would be racing to the microphones to be the first to announce their intention to vote for removal. The GOP loves planting a knife between the shoulder blades of a fellow Republican.

I was watching Romney tear into Gingrich during the 2012 primaries and while I didn't like it, I figure that a fighter like that was likely what we needed to go up against Obama. Then we got to the General and when Romney's opponent was a Democrat instead of a Republican, he turned into a pussy cat. Dole and McCain did the same.

So damn right a GOP Senator will sell out a fellow a Republican if they can justify it.

If Clinton would have been a Republican, he wouldn't have survived.

But, Trump, the most investigated man in DC appears to also be the cleanest. Without proof beyond a reasonable doubt of a High Crime, this blows up in their face. They not only don't have High Crime, that have no statutory violation whatsoever.
An attempted election year impeachment without even a minor statutory crime? These folks are out of their minds.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

You don't know that because the race was not about the popular vote. If it was, both Trump and Hillary would have campaigned differently.

If you are a Democrat in Montana, it doesn't make sense to go out and vote for President because your vote will not count. If you are a Republican in New York, same thing, your vote for President won't count for anything.

The only way to know who was really the popular vote winner is to have a popular vote contest. That way everybody would come out and vote because every single vote would count regardless where you were from.

If you could understand ENGLISH, you'd know that I was just correcting your misuse of terms....
I used my terms correctly.
..."This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats."

That's a bogus statement because Clinton won the Electorate...
She did not. She LOST the electorate. 306 to 232.
..."This is the US Electoral College vs the Democrats."

Which would have made sense...
When the discussion is PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION there is no meaningful distinguish between The Electoral College and the Presidential Electorate as the Electoral College IS the Presidential Electorate.

You guys still want to pretend you won when you lost.

Hillary was campaigning in Iowa and Arizona to ensure she won the Popular Vote, while she was losing FL, PA, MI and WI. She was too drunk and stupid to be president. That's why she lost. That and the fact that nobody really like her.

She even had to cheat her way past Bernie, and Bernie wasn't even a Democrat. Her turn was 2008 and even Democrats dumped her as soon as someone appealing showed up.

In perhaps the biggest blunder in US history, you folks ran probably the only candidate Trump could have beaten. That's changed of course now that he has shown that he is actually a good President, with low unemployment, rising wages, saving the Social Security Trust Fund and he is willing to tell the War Mongers to take a hike.

Tulsi is right about Hillary, she is the Queen of the War Mongers. Hillary even giggle-cackled when the leader of Libya was assassinated, sodomized with a knife. She is a very sick twisted demented and often drunk loser. I was surprised you folks ran her.

Who do you figure you will have lose to Trump this time?
That's nowhere near half the electorate, it may not even a 1/3rd. I doubt their actions are under-girded by a rational strategy.

I think it is. Look at all those little blue dots on that bright red map last presidential election. Those are all the cities where many live in poverty, and also gave Hillary the popular vote.

Many Democrat voters don't know much about politics. That's why they don't have left-wing talk radio. Nobody ever turned it on. They went out of business.

There was and is no popular vote contest to give to anyone.

Guess what! There are thousands of popular vote contests in this country. The only election were the popular vote doesn't count is the Presidential election.

That'll change soon - and once it does it will be the end of the Republican party!

It would take a constitutional amendment to change that. You really think that's going to happen? Good luck.....

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

Besides after the next election the Dems willbe able to add any amendment to the Constitution that they want!
All the National Popular Vote Compact means is that finally CA GOP voters can actually deliver CA's ECV to the Republican. Right now they can't, but, with the NPV they can, and while they are at it, NY and the Eastern Seaboard.

Currently CA Republicans do not bother to vote. First, they know their Presidential candidate will never win, and with the Jungle Primary system, there often is no GOP Senate candidate at all, so why bother?

With the NPV, now it's a whole different story. Except for Texas, name the state with MORE GOP voters than CA. You can't, because there is no such state. The minute the NPV is activated, every CA Republican will turn out, delivering CA, NY, HI and the Eastern Seaboard.


We would like you to enact this as soon as possible.
That's it too. A lot of people think the Democrats are blowing smoke up our asses. When they realize it's serious, that's when people will start to get pissed off. Even much more if it has a negative impact on our markets and economy.
An attempted election year impeachment without even a minor statutory crime? These folks are out of their minds.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

You don't know that because the race was not about the popular vote. If it was, both Trump and Hillary would have campaigned differently.

If you are a Democrat in Montana, it doesn't make sense to go out and vote for President because your vote will not count. If you are a Republican in New York, same thing, your vote for President won't count for anything.

The only way to know who was really the popular vote winner is to have a popular vote contest. That way everybody would come out and vote because every single vote would count regardless where you were from.
I'm fine with them chasing their tails.
Hillary was on her fifth Presidential contest and clearly her brain was too pickled to realize that she was chasing a phantom.
It was Trump's first time, he immediately picked out the target states he needed to get to 270 with some extras thrown in case he was surprised in a State or so, and he took ALL of his target states.

If Trump can figure out the ECV in one election and Hillary still can't figure it out, clearly the US Electorate picked the smarter candidate. And how nice to finally have a Very Stable Genius with an unusually large brain leading our Great Nation!
Not so much out of their minds, but desperate. They know they have nobody that stands a chance against Trump if this economy continues, so it's do-or-die for them. They figure they're going to lose anyway, so why not try to tarnish Trump's name to get some extra votes?

Democrats rely on the politically ignorant, or the Obama Phone lady kind. That's where they get their votes from. All they know is Trump must have done something really bad if he was impeached, even if they don't understand why he was impeached.
That's nowhere near half the electorate, it may not even a 1/3rd. I doubt their actions are under-girded by a rational strategy.

I think it is. Look at all those little blue dots on that bright red map last presidential election. Those are all the cities where many live in poverty, and also gave Hillary the popular vote.

Many Democrat voters don't know much about politics. That's why they don't have left-wing talk radio. Nobody ever turned it on. They went out of business.

There was and is no popular vote contest to give to anyone.

Guess what! There are thousands of popular vote contests in this country. The only election were the popular vote doesn't count is the Presidential election.

That'll change soon - and once it does it will be the end of the Republican party!

It would take a constitutional amendment to change that. You really think that's going to happen? Good luck.....
Not a chance!
An attempted election year impeachment without even a minor statutory crime? These folks are out of their minds.

Not so much out of their minds, but desperate. They know they have nobody that stands a chance against Trump if this economy continues, so it's do-or-die for them. They figure they're going to lose anyway, so why not try to tarnish Trump's name to get some extra votes?

Democrats rely on the politically ignorant, or the Obama Phone lady kind. That's where they get their votes from. All they know is Trump must have done something really bad if he was impeached, even if they don't understand why he was impeached.
That's nowhere near half the electorate, it may not even a 1/3rd. I doubt their actions are under-girded by a rational strategy.

I think it is. Look at all those little blue dots on that bright red map last presidential election. Those are all the cities where many live in poverty, and also gave Hillary the popular vote.

Many Democrat voters don't know much about politics. That's why they don't have left-wing talk radio. Nobody ever turned it on. They went out of business.

There was and is no popular vote contest to give to anyone.

Guess what! There are thousands of popular vote contests in this country. The only election were the popular vote doesn't count is the Presidential election.

That'll change soon - and once it does it will be the end of the Republican party!
Sure. And right after that, skittle crapping unicorns with shoot about on sun beams.
An attempted election year impeachment without even a minor statutory crime? These folks are out of their minds.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

There was no contest to win or lose the Electorate - educate yourself.

I didn't say that the electorate counts in a Presidential election, I said that you misused the terms.

Learn to READ!
The Electorate DOES count in a Presidential Election. The Presidential Electorate is the Electoral College. Trump won the Presidential Electorate, that's why he is President.
An attempted election year impeachment without even a minor statutory crime? These folks are out of their minds.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

I realize this is hard for you.

There was one contest - she lost it.

That doesn't change the fact that you do not know the difference between the Electorate and the Electoral college...
In a Presidential Election The Electorate IS The Electoral College.
...Try learning ENGLISH!
You have used this same quip several times. You should develop some new material, it's not working as well for you as you seem to think.
The only ones dwelling (or should I say basking) in the 2016 election is the rightees. Please stay focused. Obama isn't President, Hillary is no longer relevant, it's getting close to 2020 and the next election. 2016 is a done deal. So stop lying about who brings this up.

What am I lying about?

Then why do dems always bring it up when discussing 2016? is the lie. The Dems didn't bring it up, you did and your bunch always brings it up meanwhile claiming the Dems do. You are trotting out the old dog and pony carnie act on this one.

It's my observation. So no Dem has ever brought it up?

You been bagged in your lie. You can stop now.

I made on observation, whenever 2016 is brought up, progs will go for the popular vote trope. Hillary refers to it.

Stop saying I am lying, when i didn't make a specific reference.

And of course, as always, go fuck yourself.

did I bring it up? You did. Sounds to me like it also butt hurts you as well. Look for it to be even wider in 2020. It's going to be a fun year.
That's it too. A lot of people think the Democrats are blowing smoke up our asses. When they realize it's serious, that's when people will start to get pissed off. Even much more if it has a negative impact on our markets and economy.
An attempted election year impeachment without even a minor statutory crime? These folks are out of their minds.
Are you sure that they have minds to get out of?
They are more delusional today than when they settled in with their friends to enjoy Hillary's "landslide victory" on election night. They think THEY should select the President, not the US Electorate.

This is the US Electorate vs the Democrats. I think we all know who wins.

I think you need to learn the difference between the 'Electorate' and the 'Electoral College'.

Clinton won the 'Electorate', she lost the 'electoral college'.

I realize this is hard for you.

There was one contest - she lost it.
Every other election the loser gracefully conceded and the nation began to heal. Only this drunken ignorant old crook couldn't summon the decency to do that. She simultaneously claims she was "robbed by the Russians" and that she actually won, because she won the meaningless popular vote. There is no American that shouldn't be smart enough to see what a loser she is and refuse to follow her into her self serving delusions.
You cackling cultists can dance and prance and preen all day. But, when it comes down to it, all of you know that the only thing saving the criminal president from being thrown out of office is a spineless republcan senate. So, maybe spare us the dog and pony show. Thanks.

The dog and pony show IS the impeachment, because Trump isn't going anywhere after that. Like you said, the Senate will never follow through on it.

I doubt if the Senate will get the chance. Pelosi is smarter than that.

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