How Bout That "Conservative" John Roberts?...

Hold on there, Pauli....................

A "phony so-called conservative"????

It is not John Roberts who is claiming to be a conservative. It is YOU, John Q Public, who has stuck that label on him in the expectation that he would make decisions from a partisan conservative viewpoint.

He has disappointed you because he proved you wrong and made it quite clear that at least he will make decisions based on law and not phony labels coupled with phony expectations.

I commend the man for that.

And I still say - relax and think about this some more and you may just see what a true "kick in the nuts" his decision will be for the O and the Dem party.

Pay attention to the polls in the coming weeks - both for prez and the senate races. Let's see what happens....................
A lot of people seem to believe that justices are supposed to decide based only on their politics not the law. People believe justices have an obligation to vote as the president that appointed them would want them to vote, and most justices vote that exact way. Most have no need to read briefs, hear oral arguments, just vote their politics. In fact, according to the Constitution, they do not need to have a law degree or even any law knowledge, no experience, just be approved by a political party.
Is the whole court just a pretend body? Does Thomas even need to be able to read?
The problem has been that on occassion a justice comes along that does not vote as he was appointed and expected to vote, but votes "differently." Will Roberts turn out to be one of those justices, I doubt it but it has happened. If so, republicans will soon be chanting to impeach Roberts while Thomas sits comfortably.
Bamboozled again. This is exactly why so many have lost all faith in our Government. We were told John Roberts was a "Staunch Conservative." We were also told George Bush was a "Conservative." All just lies.

"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit."

Chief "Justice" John Roberts

Justices are supposed to be impartial, not a political arm of the GOP. Sorry. Better luck next time.

That is why Kennedy (the one who is in Ted...and I am so glad) and Schmuckmer lectured Roberts and Alito on what they wanted....not impartiality.

And why Kennedy committed character assasination on Robert Bork.

Pull your head out of your ass and get a breath of fresh air...once in a while...and before you post.

Sorry, we're not talking about Kennedy. You shouldn't speak ill of the dead. You, however, are a real live piece of shit.
Justices are supposed to be impartial, not a political arm of the GOP. Sorry. Better luck next time.
Were that true in actual reality, Kagan would've recused herself....But she's a political hack and didn't do so.

Better luck next time.

Better luck next time? You lost, dumb ass. BTW, Kagan sided with the conservatives and struck down the mandate as constitutional under the commerce clause. Read a fucking article before opening your mouth.
Bamboozled again. This is exactly why so many have lost all faith in our Government. We were told John Roberts was a "Staunch Conservative." We were also told George Bush was a "Conservative." All just lies. Many are now rightfully convinced it's all a big scam. The two Parties are really just one Party. They're in the same exclusive private Club. You can't trust any of them. They just play games with the People. Roberts will sleep well tonight though. What does he care? He has his job for life. The People have lost again. What a travesty.

So you want ‘conservative’ justices appointed to the Supreme Court who will ignore the Constitution, its case law, and he rule of law and base their opinions on partisan ideology.


The irony here is the CJ did rule as a conservative, both with regard to the Commerce Clause and judicial deference to Congress; he did not, however, rule as a partisan ideologue.
Keeping mouth shut....

Roberts did exactly what he was suppose to do. He left his political views at the door and decided whether it was constitutional or not. Did you read his comments?
I also find it funny he was the rights hero yesterday, but not today. I applaud him for doing what he was appointed to do.
explain how you pay for it genius....current debt is higher than gdp.
Roberts is on med's to control seizure which may effect his cognitive abilities but you know that and should have read that fact he had a seizure otherwise shut the hell up.
FYI : O'vomit enacts a state of national emergency on 6/25/12......just keep being occupied by your ipod/pad.

Do you know what meds he is on?
Most anti seizure medicine does not effect your cognitive abilities.
And do you know for a fact he is on anti seizure medicine?
And he had a seizure in 2007, and one 14 years prior. So until you understand what the side effects of certain drugs are, have proof he takes medication, and really have any medical knowledge please do not tell me to shut up.

it's a recorded event and you are smarter to discuss it futher. Tap out loser, you couldn't even began to describe those events but don't let me stop ya.
Jeb Bush is a radical Conservative, and so is Mitt Romney.

Hee hee...

prove that jeb is a radical ....since when did the goal post in this country shift...own by progandist of power to be. I'm not concern about your dumbasse opinion.
Bamboozled again. This is exactly why so many have lost all faith in our Government. We were told John Roberts was a "Staunch Conservative." We were also told George Bush was a "Conservative." All just lies. Many are now rightfully convinced it's all a big scam. The two Parties are really just one Party. They're in the same exclusive private Club. You can't trust any of them. They just play games with the People. Roberts will sleep well tonight though. What does he care? He has his job for life. The People have lost again. What a travesty.

Keeping mouth shut....

Roberts did exactly what he was suppose to do. He left his political views at the door and decided whether it was constitutional or not. Did you read his comments?
I also find it funny he was the rights hero yesterday, but not today. I applaud him for doing what he was appointed to do.
explain how you pay for it genius....current debt is higher than gdp.
Roberts is on med's to control seizure which may effect his cognitive abilities but you know that and should have read that fact he had a seizure otherwise shut the hell up.
FYI : O'vomit enacts a state of national emergency on 6/25/12......just keep being occupied by your ipod/pad.

Interesting that you would mention that

TUESDAY, July 31 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts walked out of a Maine hospital Tuesday morning with a clean bill of health, one day after suffering a seizure and falling on a dock near his summer home.

But doctors interviewed by HealthDay were divided on whether the seizure -- the second one the 52-year-old jurist has suffered in 14 years -- is a sign that Roberts has epilepsy, a neurological condition that could require him to take anti-seizure medication to control the disorder.

Experts Split on Whether Chief Justice Roberts Has Epilepsy
Keeping mouth shut....

Roberts did exactly what he was suppose to do. He left his political views at the door and decided whether it was constitutional or not. Did you read his comments?
I also find it funny he was the rights hero yesterday, but not today. I applaud him for doing what he was appointed to do.
explain how you pay for it genius....current debt is higher than gdp.
Roberts is on med's to control seizure which may effect his cognitive abilities but you know that and should have read that fact he had a seizure otherwise shut the hell up.
FYI : O'vomit enacts a state of national emergency on 6/25/12......just keep being occupied by your ipod/pad.

Do you know what meds he is on?
Most anti seizure medicine does not effect your cognitive abilities.
And do you know for a fact he is on anti seizure medicine?
And he had a seizure in 2007, and one 14 years prior. So until you understand what the side effects of certain drugs are, have proof he takes medication, and really have any medical knowledge please do not tell me to shut up.

yes thank for informing us that the judge with prescribe epilesy drugs witch by the way the very specific ones justice flame left roberts have be prescribe.

google august 2007 newyork times
Interesting........................Roberts is a rogue who went against GOP ideals.

Yet................Palin went with them.

Palin is a hero (even though she's fucking stupid and bat shit crazy as well), yet Roberts (who is a lawyer who worked his way up to SC judge, which means he's smart and even tempered) is a villan.

Who the fuck runs the GOP? Idiot sheep?
Keeping mouth shut....

Roberts did exactly what he was suppose to do. He left his political views at the door and decided whether it was constitutional or not. Did you read his comments?
I also find it funny he was the rights hero yesterday, but not today. I applaud him for doing what he was appointed to do.
explain how you pay for it genius....current debt is higher than gdp.
Roberts is on med's to control seizure which may effect his cognitive abilities but you know that and should have read that fact he had a seizure otherwise shut the hell up.
FYI : O'vomit enacts a state of national emergency on 6/25/12......just keep being occupied by your ipod/pad.

Interesting that you would mention that

TUESDAY, July 31 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts walked out of a Maine hospital Tuesday morning with a clean bill of health, one day after suffering a seizure and falling on a dock near his summer home.

But doctors interviewed by HealthDay were divided on whether the seizure -- the second one the 52-year-old jurist has suffered in 14 years -- is a sign that Roberts has epilepsy, a neurological condition that could require him to take anti-seizure medication to control the disorder.

Experts Split on Whether Chief Justice Roberts Has Epilepsy
contradicts this
Michael Savage: Roberts Epilepsy Medication Affects His Cognition | RealClearPolitics
He is still taking medication that slow his judgement...
Michael Savage: Roberts affected by medication
[ame=]Michael Savage - Justice Roberts Epilepsy Medication Affects His Cognition and Decision! - (6/28/12) - YouTube[/ame]
explain how you pay for it genius....current debt is higher than gdp.
Roberts is on med's to control seizure which may effect his cognitive abilities but you know that and should have read that fact he had a seizure otherwise shut the hell up.
FYI : O'vomit enacts a state of national emergency on 6/25/12......just keep being occupied by your ipod/pad.

Interesting that you would mention that

TUESDAY, July 31 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts walked out of a Maine hospital Tuesday morning with a clean bill of health, one day after suffering a seizure and falling on a dock near his summer home.

But doctors interviewed by HealthDay were divided on whether the seizure -- the second one the 52-year-old jurist has suffered in 14 years -- is a sign that Roberts has epilepsy, a neurological condition that could require him to take anti-seizure medication to control the disorder.

Experts Split on Whether Chief Justice Roberts Has Epilepsy
contradicts this
Michael Savage: Roberts Epilepsy Medication Affects His Cognition | RealClearPolitics
He is still taking medication that slow his judgement...
Michael Savage: Roberts affected by medication
[ame=]Michael Savage - Justice Roberts Epilepsy Medication Affects His Cognition and Decision! - (6/28/12) - YouTube[/ame]

I wasn't trying to contradict any thing if justices are on drugs Justice no longer is blind but can be influenced
Maybe now, Americans will be more wary when people are being touted as Conservatives. Don't get fooled again.
explain how you pay for it genius....current debt is higher than gdp.
Roberts is on med's to control seizure which may effect his cognitive abilities but you know that and should have read that fact he had a seizure otherwise shut the hell up.
FYI : O'vomit enacts a state of national emergency on 6/25/12......just keep being occupied by your ipod/pad.

Do you know what meds he is on?
Most anti seizure medicine does not effect your cognitive abilities.
And do you know for a fact he is on anti seizure medicine?
And he had a seizure in 2007, and one 14 years prior. So until you understand what the side effects of certain drugs are, have proof he takes medication, and really have any medical knowledge please do not tell me to shut up.

it's a recorded event and you are smarter to discuss it futher. Tap out loser, you couldn't even began to describe those events but don't let me stop ya.

Dittohead gets his lame talking points from an addict, and has the nerve to call someone else a loser! :lol:
Keeping mouth shut....

Roberts did exactly what he was suppose to do. He left his political views at the door and decided whether it was constitutional or not. Did you read his comments?
I also find it funny he was the rights hero yesterday, but not today. I applaud him for doing what he was appointed to do.
explain how you pay for it genius....current debt is higher than gdp.
Roberts is on med's to control seizure which may effect his cognitive abilities but you know that and should have read that fact he had a seizure otherwise shut the hell up.
FYI : O'vomit enacts a state of national emergency on 6/25/12......just keep being occupied by your ipod/pad.

Interesting that you would mention that

TUESDAY, July 31 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts walked out of a Maine hospital Tuesday morning with a clean bill of health, one day after suffering a seizure and falling on a dock near his summer home.

But doctors interviewed by HealthDay were divided on whether the seizure -- the second one the 52-year-old jurist has suffered in 14 years -- is a sign that Roberts has epilepsy, a neurological condition that could require him to take anti-seizure medication to control the disorder.

Experts Split on Whether Chief Justice Roberts Has Epilepsy
You cannot help but turn on Rush and Sean when driving around in your white van between plumbing calls, can you? :lol:

Try some NPR, or ESPNRadio, or even some music instead.
explain how you pay for it genius....current debt is higher than gdp.
Roberts is on med's to control seizure which may effect his cognitive abilities but you know that and should have read that fact he had a seizure otherwise shut the hell up.
FYI : O'vomit enacts a state of national emergency on 6/25/12......just keep being occupied by your ipod/pad.

Interesting that you would mention that

TUESDAY, July 31 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts walked out of a Maine hospital Tuesday morning with a clean bill of health, one day after suffering a seizure and falling on a dock near his summer home.

But doctors interviewed by HealthDay were divided on whether the seizure -- the second one the 52-year-old jurist has suffered in 14 years -- is a sign that Roberts has epilepsy, a neurological condition that could require him to take anti-seizure medication to control the disorder.

Experts Split on Whether Chief Justice Roberts Has Epilepsy
You cannot help but turn on Rush and Sean when driving around in your white van between plumbing calls, can you? :lol:

Try some NPR, or ESPNRadio, or even some music instead.

Where in the hell did that come from? The left listens more too rush than the right does. I get most of my information about rush when I come here from the left.

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