How can a POTUS govern for all in this 'diverse' nation? How can he appeal to core Americans, illegals, weirdos / freaks, do-gooders and degenerates?

Those damned Irish and Germans are stealing our elections!

"They aren't sending their best. They're rapists. They bring crime."


"The floodgates are open. The bars are down. The sally-ports are unguarded. The dam is washed away. The sewer is unchoked. Europe is vomiting! In other words, the scum of immigration is viscerating upon our shores.” - Newspaper editor, 1890

Same bullshit, different century.

Undocumented immigrants far less likely to commit crimes in U.S. than citizens

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime

From the Cato Institute. Not exactly a bastion of left wing commies:



Unauthorized immigrants are overwhelmingly law-abiding. But it won’t stop Trump.

Multiple studies have shown that immigrants generally commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born Americans. New data — the most comprehensive to date — suggest there is also no correlation between illegal immigrants and higher crime rates. Notwithstanding the president’s inflammatory rhetoric, most undocumented immigrants are law-abiding, which may help explain the growing percentage of those picked up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who have no crime on their records.
The new data come from studies undertaken by the Pew Research Center and the Marshall Project, both nonpartisan outfits. Crunching the numbers, Pew broke down changes in the number of unauthorized immigrants in each of some 180 metropolitan areas in the decade that ended in 2016. Using those figures and places, the Marshall Project compared them with local rates of violent and property crime from the Uniform Crime Reporting program, published by the FBI.

The results showed that crime declined in the large majority of those metro areas, as it has for more than 20 years throughout the United States generally, whether the number of undocumented migrants increased or decreased in a particular place.
Did we have 40 million illegals, millions of faggots and rug munchers, chicks with dicks, drug addicts, criminals and filthy welfare sucking degenerates during that era or were we more or less ‘separated’ by the small things?
Small things like enslaving other people?
We have always taken in the world's refuse. It's what made us exceptional and great.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Yeah yeah, shit people build great exceptional nations that’s why Mexico and Liberia are so awesome…Oh yeah and some retarded feelz based Frenchie Emma Lazarus wrote our immigration policy before the free shit era….Go with that… That’s totally reasonable. Meanwhile outside of the libtardian Twilight Zone reality is smacking you square in the face.
Yeah yeah, shit people build great exceptional nations that’s why Mexico and Liberia are so awesome…Oh yeah and some retarded feelz based Frenchie Emma Lazarus wrote our immigration policy before the free shit era….Go with that… That’s totally reasonable. Meanwhile outside of the libtardian Twilight Zone reality is smacking you square in the face.
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You do realize that Europe was a shithole when all those immigrants came here, right?

You do know why the Puritans came here at great risk to their lives, right?
They are not immigrants so stop calling them that. They are illegal law breakers.
Law breakers, eh?

Did you see post 46?

You've been watching too many episodes of Mud People Behaving Badly on your Confirmation Bias channel.
My point is that anti-immigrant bigots today make the exact same arguments that were made against their own ancestors who came here from Europe.

Anglo-Saxon Protestant Replacement Theory: we should never have allowed all those Catholics, Micks, Eyetalians, Pollocks, Frogs, Ruskies, Krauts, and other scum come here. YUGE mistake. They totally destroyed our culture and history!

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

And I agree with you but you are omitting one (huge) difference:
Our ancestors who came through Ellis Island were LEGAL immigrants.
Is it possible?
There's just too many emotional FEELZ people voting on social issues, free shit and warm fuzzies these days.....they set the advancement of America aside to advance their own personal cause(s) and agendas. They can't care less about what made America a global powerhouse or the future of America as a whole.
So how can we expect a POTUS to govern for all?

Who are 'core Americans'?
If we had a Constitutional govt, none of this would be an issue. The fed gov, should be 1/5 of the size it is today.
And I agree with you but you are omitting one (huge) difference:
Our ancestors who came through Ellis Island were LEGAL immigrants.
That's because there was no such thing as illegal immigration until the 20th century.
The president's job is to govern the country, not the people. The president is supposed to take care of the country and do what's best for it. Thereby extension he is taking care of the people. Kind of like cops aren't there to help people specifically, they are there to uphold the law which in turns helps people.

The current administration fucked up by trying to cater to all these fringe groups and the problem is once you cater to someone they come to expect to be catered to and eventually become complacent. They forgot the average middle class people are the majority of the country and the ones that make everything happen. Without average everyday blue collar Americans this country would be nothing
You do realize that Europe was a shithole when all those immigrants came here, right?

You do know why the Puritans came here at great risk to their lives, right?
Remember when caveman made babies with her own daughters and ate their dead… Remember when Americans owned Black people…I thought you Progs loved progress?
How long should Americans be burdened by the worlds filth? When should Americans start expecting immigrants to help them improve and enhance their nation and not drag it in the shitter?

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