In such a ‘diverse’ nation...can a president really be expected to govern for all?

How can a president appeal to proud nationalistic patriots and illegal aliens and those on stolen citizenships
How can a president appeal to evangelicals and abortion having filth
How can a president appeal to Christians and homosexuals
How can a president appeal to the productive and the taxpayer dependent
How can a president appeal to the normal and decent and the immoral and indecent

Come on people, you wanted diversity / division, now tell us how a president successfully governs for all?
Russia, Canada and China are all larger than the United States and their leaders manage to run their nations. Although, in China's case, they execute political opponents and make Muslims (Uighurs) disappear and in Russia's case, they poison their political opponents. Canada has a sampling of all those types you've listed, just as we do and they have unrest, as we do.
Regardless of who the leader is, the first thing he/she must have, is tolerance (of legal migrants and citizens, regardless of race).
He can refrain from calling those he has a difference of opinion, names like a 12 tear old.
And his opponents can cease doing the same.

They should but he is the president.
And he's doing a great job as president. Blacks who know him, have repeatedly said he is NOT racist. Also, no one likes all those things listed. Everyone has differing opinions and the last I checked, he's a human, complete with our fellow human pros and cons. Every president we've ever had, has had their pluses and minuses, likes and dislikes.
How can a president appeal to proud nationalistic patriots and illegal aliens and those on stolen citizenships
How can a president appeal to evangelicals and abortion having filth
How can a president appeal to Christians and homosexuals
How can a president appeal to the productive and the taxpayer dependent
How can a president appeal to the normal and decent and the immoral and indecent

Come on people, you wanted diversity / division, now tell us how a president successfully governs for all?

It's easy if said president has a modicum of humility and empathy. Loads of past presidents have lead the nation just fine with these tools. These are not new problems.

This nation has been “fundamentally changed”...Remember?
We’ve never been this “DIVERSE” and multicultural. You know that...right?

And? Is this a problem for you?

Haha...I’m guessing you’ve never been to an unAmerican infested shithole like east Los Angeles?
No sane mind wouldn’t have a problem with it.

You'd be wrong, as always. I've been all over this country, including all over LA and Orange County. Your privilege and politics have radicalized you. No different than the ignorance of a follower of ISIS. The Orange Virus feeds this ideology to you. You hate because you are a BrokeLoser with self esteem issues. Here's the secret: you don't hold the key to American culture. You just bleev you do.

Believe me, if I knew I didn’t fit in and couldn’t live the American way I would challenge American culture as well . I get it bud.
No unAmerican piece of shit wants to believe there is a real American culture.

I've lived the 'American Way' my whole life, buddy. No issues with my life in this great nation at all. You seem to be, indeed, challenging our culture every time you rail on illegals, 'mexifornia', and any other part of the status quo you're unsatisfied about. Seems like penis envy to me. Weird, huh?
How can a president appeal to proud nationalistic patriots and illegal aliens and those on stolen citizenships
How can a president appeal to evangelicals and abortion having filth
How can a president appeal to Christians and homosexuals
How can a president appeal to the productive and the taxpayer dependent
How can a president appeal to the normal and decent and the immoral and indecent

Come on people, you wanted diversity / division, now tell us how a president successfully governs for all?

It's easy if said president has a modicum of humility and empathy. Loads of past presidents have lead the nation just fine with these tools. These are not new problems.

This nation has been “fundamentally changed”...Remember?
We’ve never been this “DIVERSE” and multicultural. You know that...right?

And? Is this a problem for you?

Haha...I’m guessing you’ve never been to an unAmerican infested shithole like east Los Angeles?
No sane mind wouldn’t have a problem with it.

You'd be wrong, as always. I've been all over this country, including all over LA and Orange County. Your privilege and politics have radicalized you. No different than the ignorance of a follower of ISIS. The Orange Virus feeds this ideology to you. You hate because you are a BrokeLoser with self esteem issues. Here's the secret: you don't hold the key to American culture. You just bleev you do.

Believe me, if I knew I didn’t fit in and couldn’t live the American way I would challenge American culture as well . I get it bud.
No unAmerican piece of shit wants to believe there is a real American culture.

I've lived the 'American Way' my whole life, buddy. No issues with my life in this great nation at all. You seem to be, indeed, challenging our culture every time you rail on illegals, 'mexifornia', and any other part of the status quo you're unsatisfied about. Seems like penis envy to me. Weird, huh?

Sorry bud...the “America Way” includes the fundamental expectation and support for national sovereignty...haha...You honestly didn’t know that?
It’s almost as if you own a mail order bride or something.
In such a ‘diverse’ nation...can a president really be expected to govern for all?
Interesting point. I suppose the most that can be hoped for is that the POTUS represent the majority of voters, or at least a plurality of the electorate.

fundamental expectation and support for national sovereignty.

That just means 'I think I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want'. Well, you can't. Karen.

You’re confused Gustavo...are you thinking legit Americans don’t expect to have a sovereign nation? Don’t be scared to answer the question.

We are a sovereign nation, fuckwit. Not sovereign citizens.

We are supposed to mandated by The Declaration Of Independence....However, simply saying we are a sovereign nation means absolutely nothing…Do you and all your twisted LefTarded buddies believe that Americans are entitled to sovereignty?
fundamental expectation and support for national sovereignty.

That just means 'I think I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want'. Well, you can't. Karen.

You’re confused Gustavo...are you thinking legit Americans don’t expect to have a sovereign nation? Don’t be scared to answer the question.

We are a sovereign nation, fuckwit. Not sovereign citizens.

We are supposed to mandated by The Declaration Of Independence....However, simply saying we are a sovereign nation means absolutely nothing…Do you and all your twisted LefTarded buddies believe that Americans are entitled to sovereignty?

It's gives me endless joy how you have to label me a leftist to keep your retarded arguments afloat. :auiqs.jpg: Americans are entitled to a certain sovereignty as long as they abide by our rules. Remember, a 'declaration' is not a 'constitution'.
fundamental expectation and support for national sovereignty.

That just means 'I think I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want'. Well, you can't. Karen.

You’re confused Gustavo...are you thinking legit Americans don’t expect to have a sovereign nation? Don’t be scared to answer the question.

We are a sovereign nation, fuckwit. Not sovereign citizens.

We are supposed to mandated by The Declaration Of Independence....However, simply saying we are a sovereign nation means absolutely nothing…Do you and all your twisted LefTarded buddies believe that Americans are entitled to sovereignty?

It's gives me endless joy how you have to label me a leftist to keep your retarded arguments afloat. :auiqs.jpg: Americans are entitled to a certain sovereignty as long as they abide by our rules. Remember, a 'declaration' is not a 'constitution'.

Circle talk and spin...expecting to live in a sovereign nation means expecting not to live among illegal aliens. You get that right?
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fundamental expectation and support for national sovereignty.

That just means 'I think I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want'. Well, you can't. Karen.

You’re confused Gustavo...are you thinking legit Americans don’t expect to have a sovereign nation? Don’t be scared to answer the question.

We are a sovereign nation, fuckwit. Not sovereign citizens.

We are supposed to mandated by The Declaration Of Independence....However, simply saying we are a sovereign nation means absolutely nothing…Do you and all your twisted LefTarded buddies believe that Americans are entitled to sovereignty?

It's gives me endless joy how you have to label me a leftist to keep your retarded arguments afloat. :auiqs.jpg: Americans are entitled to a certain sovereignty as long as they abide by our rules. Remember, a 'declaration' is not a 'constitution'.

Circle talk and spin...expecting to live in a sovereign nation means expecting not to live next door to illegal aliens. You get that right?

Of course. But that thinly veiled racist talking point is irrelevant. You aren't LEO. You don't control that shit. You are just parroting info you get from people you think are superior to yourself. A follower, if you will.
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A nation doesn't have to be sovereign to have residency laws. Or any laws for that matter.
I caught some Dim rep on FOX, who said Biden would be president for all Americans.
I just thought to myself, what utter bullshit, the guy is going to usher in a far left agenda that will steamroll this country and will be completely out of Biden's control as he get's steamrolled too.
He won't be representing my side at all. At least 40% of Americans will not want to have anything to do with him, and he won't represent a single thing for them.
How can a president appeal to proud nationalistic patriots and illegal aliens and those on stolen citizenships
How can a president appeal to evangelicals and abortion having filth
How can a president appeal to Christians and homosexuals
How can a president appeal to the productive and the taxpayer dependent
How can a president appeal to the normal and decent and the immoral and indecent

Come on people, you wanted diversity / division, now tell us how a president successfully governs for all?

They literally say "not my president". President Trump is the president of all Americans, but they are not American.

For the same reason no one will accept the results of the following election. No one accepts foreigners selecting their president.
I caught some Dim rep on FOX, who said Biden would be president for all Americans.
I just thought to myself, what utter bullshit, the guy is going to usher in a far left agenda that will steamroll this country and will be completely out of Biden's control as he get's steamrolled too.
He won't be representing my side at all. At least 40% of Americans will not want to have anything to do with him, and he won't represent a single thing for them.
'Far left' as in 'right of mainstream'.

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