How can a POTUS govern for all in this 'diverse' nation? How can he appeal to core Americans, illegals, weirdos / freaks, do-gooders and degenerates?

It is our diversity of cultures that makes us great. Irrefutable.

Oh, yeah. Hip Hop, Jazz, Tacos, fusion cuisine, Olympic athletes from every race and background, our music, culture, science and literature are all enhanced by the diversity of our culture.

I've traveled the world, visited most continents and embedded myself in other cultures for years at a time. WHat we have in the US is unique and fucking wonderful. Its the most vital, vibrant thing I've ever found, culturally.
Remember when caveman made babies with her own daughters and ate their dead… Remember when Americans owned Black people…I thought you Progs loved progress?
How long should Americans be burdened by the worlds filth? When should Americans start expecting immigrants to help them improve and enhance their nation and not drag it in the shitter?
They are not the world's filth. They are our strength, bigot. They are what make us exceptional and great.
It is our diversity of cultures that makes us great. Irrefutable.
“Irrefutable” because it FEELZ so good to say it or because you have some data to share? I’m pretty sure the data says that white and Asian communities are safer, more productive and cleaner with a higher quality of life.
I am a white guy. Former business owning traditionally married Christian white guy who believes without diversity we do not survive.
We have long been a diverse country. Poles, Germans, French, Italians, Irish, Slavs, Anglo-Saxons, Mexicans, and so forth.

For well nigh 200 years.

And it has made us the greatest nation on Earth.
Who are 'core Americans'?
HELL YEAH! I love it when whacks play stupid to this one...I enjoy enlightening ignorant folks.
Here goes…a good, real, core American is someone here legally and not on a stolen citizenship, one who is law abiding and positive contributing, one who is able to articulate the english language with ease, one who takes great pride in American patriotism / nationalism, our Declaration Of Independence, our Constitution, one committed to preserving and protecting America’s rich history, culture, tradition and value systems, one who is likely to shed a tear as our national anthem plays, one who probably had family who served in WW1 or WW2 and or Vietnam.
See, simple shit...why do you Hate America folks always act like this is so complicated?
Oh, yeah. Hip Hop, Jazz, Tacos, fusion cuisine, Olympic athletes from every race and background, our music, culture, science and literature are all enhanced by the diversity of our culture.

I've traveled the world, visited most continents and embedded myself in other cultures for years at a time. WHat we have in the US is unique and fucking wonderful. Its the most vital, vibrant thing I've ever found, culturally.
Weird that you can’t find much “diversity” within our jail and prison populations, in our welfare system, among the unemployed…in dirty, dangerous blue shitholes….huh?
But tacos and fat Latina asses are pretty cool…Do you see any “diversity” at this link below?
HELL YEAH! I love it when whacks play stupid to this one...I enjoy enlightening ignorant folks.
Here goes…a good, real, core American is someone here legally and not on a stolen citizenship, one who is law abiding and positive contributing, one who is able to articulate the english language with ease, one who takes great pride in American patriotism / nationalism, our Declaration Of Independence, our Constitution, one committed to preserving and protecting America’s rich history, culture, tradition and value systems, one who is likely to shed a tear as our national anthem plays, one who probably had family who served in WW1 or WW2 and or Vietnam.
See, simple shit...why do you Hate America folks always act like this is so complicated?

What's a 'stolen citizenship'? You keep using ambiguous, essentially meaningless terms to describe other ambiguous, essentially meaningless terms.
Weird that you can’t find much “diversity” within our jail and prison populations, in our welfare system, among the unemployed…in dirty, dangerous blue shitholes….huh?
But tacos and fat Latina asses are pretty cool…Do you see any “diversity” at this link below?

You can find plenty of diversity in our nation. And its delightful.
That's a poem on the side of a big statue. What's your point?
Twisted Libs like g5000 firmly believe that Emma Lazarus, a poet, will always have full control of our immigration policy.
They believe American taxpayers will always OWE the people of the world.
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What's a 'stolen citizenship'? You keep using ambiguous, essentially meaningless terms to describe other ambiguous, essentially meaningless terms.
Think anchor babies. Why do you take such great pride in playing stupid?
I am a white guy. Former business owning traditionally married Christian white guy who believes without diversity we do not survive.
I know you believe that…it FEELZ sooooo good to believe that…but why can’t you show us the data that makes you believe that?
Data shmata. It takes many different viewpoints to make a nation as strong as this.
Hahaha…yeah, the awesome folks residing in our dirty, disgusting, dangerous, diverse blue shitholes are strenthening our nation with their “viewpoints”……because you said so.
I don't live in a city. I don't care if it's an idiotic red one or moronic blue one. Neither color works for me.

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