How can a POTUS govern for all in this 'diverse' nation? How can he appeal to core Americans, illegals, weirdos / freaks, do-gooders and degenerates?

That's exactly what the electoral college does....
Our great slave owning founders knew that Democrats would eventually recruit and harvest enough disgusting America hating filth in the foreign populated shitholes of America….they protected us core Americans with the framework of the electoral college system. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you today?
That's exactly what the electoral college does....
It does not. You used the term 'minority' which is in the wrong context.

The Electoral College ensures that EACH state gets a say in a National Election. The population isn't relevant since we are not a "Mobocracy".
Our great slave owning founders knew that Democrats would eventually recruit and harvest enough disgusting America hating filth in the foreign populated shitholes of America….they protected us core Americans with the framework of the electoral college system. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you today?
See, even this moron knows the electoral college was designed to protect slavers. 😄
Our great slave owning founders knew that Democrats would eventually recruit and harvest enough disgusting America hating filth in the foreign populated shitholes of America….they protected us core Americans with the framework of the electoral college system. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you today?

Stop lying traitor.
Get your story straight you clowns. 😄
Well whites stole all the wealth so if we want to take it back this is a fine place to start. 😁
But you haven't shown you're capable of generating wealth in any way shape of's been haven't shown you're capable of running a district, city, state or nation either...look around you, it's everywhere....let the leaders what you've always done and take the scraps you're thrown.
But you haven't shown you're capable of generating wealth in any way shape of's been haven't shown you're capable of running a district, city, state or nation either...look around you, it's everywhere....let the leaders what you've always done and take the scraps you're thrown.

I'm sure that's what a moron like you believes.
As I traveled around the world on active duty, I mixed with the natives of each country as much as possible. And you know what I found?

Everyone wants food and shelter and security for their family. Everyone.

Bigots like yourself have an inner delusion which tells you every race is different somehow.

They aren't.
Since trump first campaigned for the presidency in 2015, he proved, as a candidate, he need only spew racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and appeal to the conservative Christians’ hypocrisy, and he quickly gained the support of the nation’s white supremacists.

As of November 2020, trump had the backing of over 74 million devoted trump Nazis. But there were over 81 million voters who wanted no more of trump’s lies, hate-speech, corruption, and criminal activity.

Unfortunately, trump's many flaws were admired party-wide by the Republicans and spread rapidly in the red states. The actions by the incredibly crooked GOP in those states have positioned the trump Nazis to end U.S. democracy in the early weeks of 2023. The trump Nazis years of drinking trump’s Kool-Aid are going to bring them the misery they’ve rightly earned.

Reality, which the trump Nazis consistently deny, will smack them squarely in the face shortly after January 3, 2023, the date the next session of Congress begins. Enjoy your trump Nazi delusions for the few months you have left.


Since trump first campaigned for the presidency in 2015, he proved, as a candidate, he need only spew racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and appeal to the conservative Christians’ hypocrisy, and he quickly gained the support of the nation’s white supremacists.

As of November 2020, trump had the backing of over 74 million devoted trump Nazis. But there were over 81 million voters who wanted no more of trump’s lies, hate-speech, corruption, and criminal activity.

Unfortunately, trump's many flaws were admired party-wide by the Republicans and spread rapidly in the red states. The actions by the incredibly crooked GOP in those states have positioned the trump Nazis to end U.S. democracy in the early weeks of 2023. The trump Nazis years of drinking trump’s Kool-Aid are going to bring them the misery they’ve rightly earned.

Reality, which the trump Nazis consistently deny, will smack them squarely in the face shortly after January 3, 2023, the date the next session of Congress begins. Enjoy your trump Nazi delusions for the few months you have left.

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I’ll say it again…Trump appeals ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY to traditional Americans, core Americans and the like….you immoral, indecent pro faggot, pro chick with dick, pro feminazi, pro illegal, pro criminal, pro degenerate Hate America folks hate him for it.
It’s just that simple.
Make America American Again!
Bigots have standards and expectations…you know…the shit that made America exceptional….Anyhoo, you would have somewhat of a point if Americans voted on issues related to food shelter and security…you filth vote on baby killing, faggotry, wetback rights and free shit.
We have always taken in the world's refuse. It's what made us exceptional and great.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
We have always taken in the world's refuse. It's what made us exceptional and great.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
That's a poem on the side of a big statue. What's your point?
That's a poem on the side of a big statue. What's your point?
My point is that anti-immigrant bigots today make the exact same arguments that were made against their own ancestors who came here from Europe.

Anglo-Saxon Protestant Replacement Theory: we should never have allowed all those Catholics, Micks, Eyetalians, Pollocks, Frogs, Ruskies, Krauts, and other scum come here. YUGE mistake. They totally destroyed our culture and history!

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."


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