CDZ How can a transgender woman(man) have an abortion?

Folks can dress up any way they like. It doesn't make them men, or women, it makes them playing dress up. Folks can undergo any chemical or surgical mutilation they choose. It doesn't make them men, or women, although such extreme measures make their pretense more...believable.
In that sense, a transgender woman (man) is no more capable of conceiving a child as he is in need of an abortion. How far are we supposed to go in fostering these mental diseases?

The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match
Folks can dress up any way they like. It doesn't make them men, or women, it makes them playing dress up. Folks can undergo any chemical or surgical mutilation they choose. It doesn't make them men, or women, although such extreme measures make their pretense more...believable.
In that sense, a transgender woman (man) is no more capable of conceiving a child as he is in need of an abortion. How far are we supposed to go in fostering these mental diseases?

The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match
I'm already on record admitting that human nature allows us to love anyone we want to. But I am also on record that biologically, there are TWO genders and there is one function for gender. I am also on record as being against the forced acceptance of another person's preference for whom they choose to love. (Human sexuality often mirrors psychological "love".) Personally, who, or what, another person cares about is pretty irrelevant in my world view. How I, or others, are forced to fit another's preferences is pretty repugnant.
Folks can dress up any way they like. It doesn't make them men, or women, it makes them playing dress up. Folks can undergo any chemical or surgical mutilation they choose. It doesn't make them men, or women, although such extreme measures make their pretense more...believable.
In that sense, a transgender woman (man) is no more capable of conceiving a child as he is in need of an abortion. How far are we supposed to go in fostering these mental diseases?

The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match
I'm already on record admitting that human nature allows us to love anyone we want to. But I am also on record that biologically, there are TWO genders and there is one function for gender. I am also on record as being against the forced acceptance of another person's preference for whom they choose to love. (Human sexuality often mirrors psychological "love".) Personally, who, or what, another person cares about is pretty irrelevant in my world view. How I, or others, are forced to fit another's preferences is pretty repugnant.

In view of that what do you think of the outlandish, repulsive and perverted idea that a transgender male would have a uterus implanted so that he or she could become pregnant and then have an abortion? I mean where the hell would he get the uterus from in the first place?
Is Julian Castro on LSD?

Besides being mentally vacant is this not the epitome of disrespect to everything we see as human life?

Folks can dress up any way they like. It doesn't make them men, or women, it makes them playing dress up. Folks can undergo any chemical or surgical mutilation they choose. It doesn't make them men, or women, although such extreme measures make their pretense more...believable.
In that sense, a transgender woman (man) is no more capable of conceiving a child as he is in need of an abortion. How far are we supposed to go in fostering these mental diseases?

The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match

Sure they do. Until they somehow become perverted.

Folks can dress up any way they like. It doesn't make them men, or women, it makes them playing dress up. Folks can undergo any chemical or surgical mutilation they choose. It doesn't make them men, or women, although such extreme measures make their pretense more...believable.
In that sense, a transgender woman (man) is no more capable of conceiving a child as he is in need of an abortion. How far are we supposed to go in fostering these mental diseases?

The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match
I'm already on record admitting that human nature allows us to love anyone we want to. But I am also on record that biologically, there are TWO genders and there is one function for gender. I am also on record as being against the forced acceptance of another person's preference for whom they choose to love. (Human sexuality often mirrors psychological "love".) Personally, who, or what, another person cares about is pretty irrelevant in my world view. How I, or others, are forced to fit another's preferences is pretty repugnant.

In view of that what do you think of the outlandish, repulsive and perverted idea that a transgender male would have a uterus implanted so that he or she could become pregnant and then have an abortion? I mean where the hell would he get the uterus from in the first place?
Is Julian Castro on LSD?

Besides being mentally vacant is this not the epitome of disrespect to everything we see as human life?


I don't know that uterine transplants are possible as yet. I can't swear that anyone is even researching it.

One assumes you'd get the donor uterus from the same place you get other donor organs for transplant: dead people.
The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match
I'm already on record admitting that human nature allows us to love anyone we want to. But I am also on record that biologically, there are TWO genders and there is one function for gender. I am also on record as being against the forced acceptance of another person's preference for whom they choose to love. (Human sexuality often mirrors psychological "love".) Personally, who, or what, another person cares about is pretty irrelevant in my world view. How I, or others, are forced to fit another's preferences is pretty repugnant.

In view of that what do you think of the outlandish, repulsive and perverted idea that a transgender male would have a uterus implanted so that he or she could become pregnant and then have an abortion? I mean where the hell would he get the uterus from in the first place?
Is Julian Castro on LSD?

Besides being mentally vacant is this not the epitome of disrespect to everything we see as human life?


I don't know that uterine transplants are possible as yet. I can't swear that anyone is even researching it.

One assumes you'd get the donor uterus from the same place you get other donor organs for transplant: dead people.

Was Mengele any worse?
I always liked Julian Castro even though he represents the left. I thought he was smarter than to be politically correct to such an extreme.

He's advocating abortions for transgender males who become women?

So how does this happen? A transgender male has a uterus implanted so that he can become pregnant and have an abortion?

I mean what the fuck? How much is Trump paying him?

Ok, if true that's pretty damn stupid.
Folks can dress up any way they like. It doesn't make them men, or women, it makes them playing dress up. Folks can undergo any chemical or surgical mutilation they choose. It doesn't make them men, or women, although such extreme measures make their pretense more...believable.
In that sense, a transgender woman (man) is no more capable of conceiving a child as he is in need of an abortion. How far are we supposed to go in fostering these mental diseases?

The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match
I'm already on record admitting that human nature allows us to love anyone we want to. But I am also on record that biologically, there are TWO genders and there is one function for gender. I am also on record as being against the forced acceptance of another person's preference for whom they choose to love. (Human sexuality often mirrors psychological "love".) Personally, who, or what, another person cares about is pretty irrelevant in my world view. How I, or others, are forced to fit another's preferences is pretty repugnant.

In view of that what do you think of the outlandish, repulsive and perverted idea that a transgender male would have a uterus implanted so that he or she could become pregnant and then have an abortion? I mean where the hell would he get the uterus from in the first place?
Is Julian Castro on LSD?

Besides being mentally vacant is this not the epitome of disrespect to everything we see as human life?


No one need be a medical school or bio-chem graduate to realize this is impossible. Tens of thousands of years of human biological development of the female sex has resulted in the female body being uniquely "engineered" for the purpose of childbearing. All I've yet to say is don't give them any ideas, and two, please execute at dawn the medical "professionals" who attempt to do so.

On a related note, one truly ought to pay more attention to all of human history. Every last time the order of a civilization has been devolved into chaos by those who seek to explore the darkest frontiers of being human, order has been re-established, often by extremely brutal means called for in fact by the very people who stood to be run over by such a restoration. History runs in cycles of chaos and order. The whole transgender utter bullshit narrative is but one facet of the chaos our American civilization has been plunged into. Eons of human history demand the cycle to chaos be returned to order. Thus, order is coming, order is due . . . most likely it will arrive by the sword and retribution and these freaks who chop up our children into abominations are to blame for it; they're harbingers of an authoritarian smackdown, American style. Popcorn: optional. Flak vests: advised.
I always liked Julian Castro even though he represents the left. I thought he was smarter than to be politically correct to such an extreme.

He's advocating abortions for transgender males who become women?

So how does this happen? A transgender male has a uterus implanted so that he can become pregnant and have an abortion?

I mean what the fuck? How much is Trump paying him?

They can’t. He misspoke.

You’re welcome
Folks can dress up any way they like. It doesn't make them men, or women, it makes them playing dress up. Folks can undergo any chemical or surgical mutilation they choose. It doesn't make them men, or women, although such extreme measures make their pretense more...believable.
In that sense, a transgender woman (man) is no more capable of conceiving a child as he is in need of an abortion. How far are we supposed to go in fostering these mental diseases?

The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match

Sure they do. Until they somehow become perverted.

Everyone has their own perversions
I always liked Julian Castro even though he represents the left. I thought he was smarter than to be politically correct to such an extreme.

He's advocating abortions for transgender males who become women?

So how does this happen? A transgender male has a uterus implanted so that he can become pregnant and have an abortion?

I mean what the fuck? How much is Trump paying him?

They can’t. He misspoke.

You’re welcome
A very strange thing to misspeak about during a presidential debate!
I always liked Julian Castro even though he represents the left. I thought he was smarter than to be politically correct to such an extreme.

He's advocating abortions for transgender males who become women?

So how does this happen? A transgender male has a uterus implanted so that he can become pregnant and have an abortion?

I mean what the fuck? How much is Trump paying him?

They can’t. He misspoke.

You’re welcome
A very strange thing to misspeak about during a presidential debate!

Yeah, it's like they're trying to 'out radical' each other.
I always liked Julian Castro even though he represents the left. I thought he was smarter than to be politically correct to such an extreme.

He's advocating abortions for transgender males who become women?

So how does this happen? A transgender male has a uterus implanted so that he can become pregnant and have an abortion?

I mean what the fuck? How much is Trump paying him?


The folks at Planned Parenthood explain this to a Colorado Tranny who came in requesting an abortion.

Scramble It's Brains or Vacuum it Out
Transgenders and their goofy supporters have a type of mental derangement that allows them to accept anything, no matter how extreme or bizarre. ... :cuckoo:

I think Julian Castro mistook a bowel movement for an abortion.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match
I'm already on record admitting that human nature allows us to love anyone we want to. But I am also on record that biologically, there are TWO genders and there is one function for gender. I am also on record as being against the forced acceptance of another person's preference for whom they choose to love. (Human sexuality often mirrors psychological "love".) Personally, who, or what, another person cares about is pretty irrelevant in my world view. How I, or others, are forced to fit another's preferences is pretty repugnant.

In view of that what do you think of the outlandish, repulsive and perverted idea that a transgender male would have a uterus implanted so that he or she could become pregnant and then have an abortion? I mean where the hell would he get the uterus from in the first place?
Is Julian Castro on LSD?

Besides being mentally vacant is this not the epitome of disrespect to everything we see as human life?


I don't know that uterine transplants are possible as yet. I can't swear that anyone is even researching it.

One assumes you'd get the donor uterus from the same place you get other donor organs for transplant: dead people.

Was Mengele any worse?

Given that he experimented on living people against their will, I'm going to say yes.
I always liked Julian Castro even though he represents the left. I thought he was smarter than to be politically correct to such an extreme.

He's advocating abortions for transgender males who become women?

So how does this happen? A transgender male has a uterus implanted so that he can become pregnant and have an abortion?

I mean what the fuck? How much is Trump paying him?

They can’t. He misspoke.

You’re welcome
A very strange thing to misspeak about during a presidential debate!

Seems to me that if you're going to try to paint yourself as a champion of "transgender rights" in a debate, you'd want to at least be clear on the terminology.
Yes, transgenders can have abortions. As abortion clinic patients, they have the sufficient amount of money that they can pay the clinic, that bills them, to have enough to to cover the clinic's legal cost of operations, whilst it's lawyers bill hours in the court room to maintain the operations.

Besides, abortion is a good idea, it is God's mercy on cursed children.
Yes, transgenders can have abortions. As abortion clinic patients, they have the sufficient amount of money that they can pay the clinic, that bills them, to have enough to to cover the clinic's legal cost of operations, whilst it's lawyers bill hours in the court room to maintain the operations.

Besides, abortion is a good idea, it is God's mercy on cursed children.

How can a Tranny get an abortion as they can't get pregnant in the first place?

In reality, a Tranny who has had a sex change operation is just a dude with a mutilated penis. "Caitlin" Jenner isn't a broad, no matter how many times libs repeat the fib.
Yes, transgenders can have abortions. As abortion clinic patients, they have the sufficient amount of money that they can pay the clinic, that bills them, to have enough to to cover the clinic's legal cost of operations, whilst it's lawyers bill hours in the court room to maintain the operations.

Besides, abortion is a good idea, it is God's mercy on cursed children.

How can a Tranny get an abortion as they can't get pregnant in the first place?

In reality, a Tranny who has had a sex change operation is just a dude with a mutilated penis. "Caitlin" Jenner isn't a broad, no matter how many times libs repeat the fib.

Trannies can get pregnant on all the lawsuits that they file in all courts to prove it. And they have enough money to achieve the Supreme Court ruling that trannies get pregnant.
Folks can dress up any way they like. It doesn't make them men, or women, it makes them playing dress up. Folks can undergo any chemical or surgical mutilation they choose. It doesn't make them men, or women, although such extreme measures make their pretense more...believable.
In that sense, a transgender woman (man) is no more capable of conceiving a child as he is in need of an abortion. How far are we supposed to go in fostering these mental diseases?

The postmodernists who have been engineering this insanity culturally, socially and academically for about six decades will take it all the way to the gates of hell and one step beyond, if the rest of us allow them to get away with it. People say, "War is hell" and they might be correct. However, I and many others suspect hell on earth will look like something we had never imagined before about 2008; a place where the ancient majesty and beauty of the natural human form has been twisted into some ideological demonic perversion, and no one is really human any longer. You ask me? That circle of hell is closer than ever before in all of human history.
Hell is of our own engineering, apparently.
Two genders, male and female. Anything else is a human construct and completely invalid when seen for the purpose that the two are intended. Going down the road of transgender, etc, insanity, the species will fail.
There is a physical aspect and a mental aspect of sexuality

They don’t always match
I'm already on record admitting that human nature allows us to love anyone we want to. But I am also on record that biologically, there are TWO genders and there is one function for gender. I am also on record as being against the forced acceptance of another person's preference for whom they choose to love. (Human sexuality often mirrors psychological "love".) Personally, who, or what, another person cares about is pretty irrelevant in my world view. How I, or others, are forced to fit another's preferences is pretty repugnant.

In view of that what do you think of the outlandish, repulsive and perverted idea that a transgender male would have a uterus implanted so that he or she could become pregnant and then have an abortion? I mean where the hell would he get the uterus from in the first place?
Is Julian Castro on LSD?

Besides being mentally vacant is this not the epitome of disrespect to everything we see as human life?

Doesn't matter how an individual chemically or surgically mutilates him/herself, it does not alter that fact that they are male or female. A man who successfully has a uterus implanted is STILL not a woman. Considering how these things are wired and plumbed, I just don't see how this transplant would be successful. Modern medicine can do some pretty impressive stuff, though. It still won't change a man into a woman. It would change a man into a freak, though.

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