How Can Anyone Defend This...

This was a military (read kangaroo) court. It found nothing wrong in emptying an M16 into a 13 year old girl. Well, a Palestinian girl.

Nice deflection, though.

This thread is about a Jewish family who was murdered in their beds, it is YOU deflecting by bringing this up in this thread. You have yet to show 1 word of sympathy for this poor family.

Israel has killed 1500 children in the last ten years and not one peep from you.

Not one peep from you on this heinous act against this poor Jewish family.:(
This thread is about a Jewish family who was murdered in their beds, it is YOU deflecting by bringing this up in this thread. You have yet to show 1 word of sympathy for this poor family.

Israel has killed 1500 children in the last ten years and not one peep from you.

Not one peep from you on this heinous act against this poor Jewish family.:(

I have already condemned this act and I will again.

Your turn to step up to the plate.
Really? what about Muslims who serve in the US Armed Forces?

Not all those Muslims in the IDF are Druze.
No Muslims in the IDF are Druze because there are no Muslims in the IDF and the Druze aren't Muslims. There are Druze in the IDF and, apparently, a smattering of apostates.

I posted an article about Muslims in the IDF, are you saying that is a lie?

...Read my posts. A Muslim apostatizes the second he willfully decides to fight alongside the forces of a hostile entity, such as Israel. The people described in your article are apostates and enemies of the religion they forsook.
Really? what about Muslims who serve in the US Armed Forces?

Not all those Muslims in the IDF are Druze.
No Muslims in the IDF are Druze because there are no Muslims in the IDF and the Druze aren't Muslims. There are Druze in the IDF and, apparently, a smattering of apostates.

That is a lie. Druze like jews must serve in the IDF, but Muslims can enlist and many Bedouins do. In fact they are some of the IDFs best trackers! True the number is small, but that is because most Israeli Arabs are ungrateful Muslims like you are to America!

Number of Muslim, Christian Arab volunteers in IDF growing - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
New figures made available by the Israel Defense Forces show the number of Muslim and Christian Arab Israeli volunteers in the army is growing.

The deaths of five soldiers from the IDF's Desert Reconnaissance Unit (the so-called Bedouin unit) in an attack on an army outpost near Rafah earlier this month drew public attention to the service of Bedouin in the IDF.

However, the reports on the incident paid little attention to the fact that most of the dead were not Bedouin: Three of the five soldiers killed were Muslim Arabs from villages in the Galilee and Triangle, who had volunteered for military service.

Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon paid condolence visits to the three families - the first such visits by a chief of staff.

During one of the visits, Ya'alon shook the hand of a relative of one of the soldiers, a Palestinian woman from Jenin, who had married into the family of the deceased soldier, and had taken up residence in Israel.

While Bedouin have been volunteering for the IDF, primarily as trackers, for dozens of years, Muslim and Christian Arabs have been doing so, on a very small scale, only since the 1990s.

Nevertheless, partial figures given to Haaretz by the IDF indicate a renewed increase in the enlistment of Muslim and Christian youth over the past two years.

The number of Muslim volunteers in 2003 was 64.5 percent higher than in 2000, while the enlistment of Christians increased by 16 percent over the same period.

A senior source at the IDF's Personnel Directorate notes that incomplete figures for 2004 show a further increase, at a rate of some 20 percent, in the enlistment of youth from both sectors.
That is a lie. Druze like jews must serve in the IDF, but Muslims can enlist and many Bedouins do. In fact they are some of the IDFs best trackers! True the number is small, but that is because most Israeli Arabs are ungrateful Muslims like you are to America!

See above.
Yet we have heard no condemnations from you concerning the murders of the Jewish family.
Then let them be heard. The perpetrators should stand trial for murdering children and face execution if the victims' family opts not to grant them pardon. I would carry out the sentence myself if someone charged me with that duty.

I was pointing out that "soldiers" have a different mindset.
I don't care.

The death of a child, including children that "people" wire with bombs, are tragic. "That child" was not murdered in her bed, threatening no one. She was killed by a soldier, that was in a soldier's mindset. It was a tragedy.
She was killed by an ape whose crimes were excused by other apes. A "soldier's mindset" doesn't include a propensity for sadism. There is no excuse.

Will you say the same for the murdered family?
Without a second thought. I try to ensure that my outrage is never selective.

Yet, "you" did not say, and managed to call Jews, apes in the same post. Is this your idea of showing "consideration"?
Yet, "you" did not say,
Are you having trouble reading?

and managed to call Jews, apes in the same post.
The murderer was actually Druze. Yes, he and the individuals who cleared his name are all apes. Any person who murders or child or commits some similarly heinous offense is an ape. Feel free to misrepresent my statements and pretend as if I extended that insult to all Jews, though; I'm past the point where that sort of petty libel bothers me.

Is this your idea of showing "consideration"?
Shall I follow your example and attempt to justify the murder by lying about the circumstances surrounding it? Perhaps that would be more considerate.

No Muslims in the IDF are Druze because there are no Muslims in the IDF and the Druze aren't Muslims. There are Druze in the IDF and, apparently, a smattering of apostates.

I posted an article about Muslims in the IDF, are you saying that is a lie?

...Read my posts. A Muslim apostatizes the second he willfully decides to fight alongside the forces of a hostile entity, such as Israel. The people described in your article are apostates and enemies of the religion they forsook.

These are Muslims living in Israel who chose to volunteer and fight for their country, no different than Muslims who choose to volunteer for the service in the US, England, France etc.
I posted an article about Muslims in the IDF, are you saying that is a lie?

...Read my posts. A Muslim apostatizes the second he willfully decides to fight alongside the forces of a hostile entity, such as Israel. The people described in your article are apostates and enemies of the religion they forsook.

These are Muslims living in Israel who chose to volunteer and fight for their country, no different than Muslims who choose to volunteer for the service in the US, England, France etc.

Also the Arab Muslims in the IDF are there voluntarily. Israeli law that does require some compulsory military service does not include Arab citizens in that law as they wisely understood that being in the military could require some Arabs to be in combat against friends, neighbors, family. It's tough enough for some to have to do violence to people who look like them. So any Arabs in the Israeli military or police forces are there because their loyalty to country and community overrides loyalty to a race or a religion or any other such criteria.
...Read my posts. A Muslim apostatizes the second he willfully decides to fight alongside the forces of a hostile entity, such as Israel. The people described in your article are apostates and enemies of the religion they forsook.

These are Muslims living in Israel who chose to volunteer and fight for their country, no different than Muslims who choose to volunteer for the service in the US, England, France etc.

Also the Arab Muslims in the IDF are there voluntarily. Israeli law that does require some compulsory military service does not include Arab citizens in that law as they wisely understood that being in the military could require some Arabs to be in combat against friends, neighbors, family. It's tough enough for some to have to do violence to people who look like them. So any Arabs in the Israeli military or police forces are there because their loyalty to country and community overrides loyalty to a race or a religion or any other such criteria.

Indeed, I think these men deserve to be saluted, not pissed on.:cool:
I posted an article about Muslims in the IDF, are you saying that is a lie?

...Read my posts. A Muslim apostatizes the second he willfully decides to fight alongside the forces of a hostile entity, such as Israel. The people described in your article are apostates and enemies of the religion they forsook.

These are Muslims living in Israel who chose to volunteer and fight for their country, no different than Muslims who choose to volunteer for the service in the US, England, France etc.

And they all err. A Muslim's only nationality is his belief.
These are Muslims living in Israel who chose to volunteer and fight for their country, no different than Muslims who choose to volunteer for the service in the US, England, France etc.

Also the Arab Muslims in the IDF are there voluntarily. Israeli law that does require some compulsory military service does not include Arab citizens in that law as they wisely understood that being in the military could require some Arabs to be in combat against friends, neighbors, family. It's tough enough for some to have to do violence to people who look like them. So any Arabs in the Israeli military or police forces are there because their loyalty to country and community overrides loyalty to a race or a religion or any other such criteria.

Indeed, I think these men deserve to be saluted, not pissed on.:cool:

They deserve death and what follows. Any person complicit in the oppression of people he claims are his coreligionists is a wretched, miserable creature who lives and dies in a state of abject ignominy.
Also the Arab Muslims in the IDF are there voluntarily. Israeli law that does require some compulsory military service does not include Arab citizens in that law as they wisely understood that being in the military could require some Arabs to be in combat against friends, neighbors, family. It's tough enough for some to have to do violence to people who look like them. So any Arabs in the Israeli military or police forces are there because their loyalty to country and community overrides loyalty to a race or a religion or any other such criteria.

Indeed, I think these men deserve to be saluted, not pissed on.:cool:

They deserve death and what follows. Any person complicit in the oppression of people he claims are his coreligionists is a wretched, miserable creature who lives and dies in a state of abject ignominy.

I imagine they have rejected such a doctrine Kalam. I am going to guess--in fact I've heard testimony from one that concurs with my opinion--that all or most have discovered that the Jew is not their enemy, is not an abomination, and treats them with the utmost deference, courtesy, and consideration when such is reciprocated. There are those who reject the blood lust doctrine of Jihad and have chosen a more enlightened path. They still belong to Allah, but they now understand a better way.
It’s a good thing we've got Kalam on the board to define for us who is and is not a muslim. I guess they are only real muslims if they agree with him and hate Jews. He never answered the question of muslim fighting for the U.S. in the Iraq and Afghanistan. I guess they are not real muslims either, they are traitors in his warped mind
I imagine they have rejected such a doctrine Kalam. I am going to guess--in fact I've heard testimony from one that concurs with my opinion--that all or most have discovered that the Jew is not their enemy, is not an abomination, and treats them with the utmost deference, courtesy, and consideration when such is reciprocated.
Are you under the impression that I hate Jews or consider them to be less than human? No, my position isn't merely a reversal of Zionist racism. I wouldn't see them herded into open air prisons, strangled with dehumanizing blockades, decimated with cluster munitions, or punished with any of the many injuries "Israel" has inflicted on the Muslims of Palestine over the past 60 years. I subscribe to the radical belief that no segment of the region's population should be forced to suffer through any of that sort of depravity. But I'm told that this is anti-Semitic since anything short of eternal Jewish supremacism will result in them being driven into the sea.

There are those who reject the blood lust doctrine of Jihad
Associating 'blood lust' with jihad makes it clear that the concept eludes you, but no matter.

and have chosen a more enlightened path. They still belong to Allah, but they now understand a better way.


Do they now?

I suppose it's appropriate that support for brutal collective punishment and the seizure of lebensraum are cornerstones of "enlightenment" according to the Zionist understanding. 'Audhu billah min dhalik.

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