How Can Anyone Defend This...

Noted: murdering a child is atrocious if the child is Jewish, but necessary or at least justifiable if the child is a Muslim. The Chosen are more equal than others.

Was the child in her bed? Or, was she charging a check point like she had a bomb strapped to her?

Also noted: new facts can be invented if the old ones make Zionists appear to be at fault.
There was the possibility of a bomb. It had been done before and it will be done again.

There was no bomb when she was shot the first time. When she attempted to drag herself to safety after being fired upon, there was still no bomb. When the Zionist ape walked up to her and emptied the rest of his magazine into her body at point blank range, she had no bomb. And nobody ever suspected her of having a bomb or of doing anything apart from being a child.

But the tape recording of the radio conversation between soldiers at the scene reveals that, from the beginning, she was identified as a child and at no point was a bomb spoken about nor was she described as a threat. Iman was also at least 100 yards from any soldier.

Instead, the tape shows that the soldiers swiftly identified her as a "girl of about 10" who was "scared to death".

The tape also reveals that the soldiers said Iman was headed eastwards, away from the army post and back into the refugee camp, when she was shot.

Israeli officer: I was right to shoot 13-year-old child | World news | The Guardian

You don't search people when they are charging at a check point. You stop them, unless they are Jewish, then you murder them in their own homes with NO provocation.
Me? I have no blood on my hands and I would never dream of spewing witless justifications for the murder of any child.

I can only imagine how threatening Iman must have looked as she 'charged' toward (read: away from) those poor Zionists with her school uniform and backpack. Allah yarhamuha.

Yet we have heard no condemnations from you concerning the murders of the Jewish family.

I was pointing out that "soldiers" have a different mindset. The death of a child, including children that "people" wire with bombs, are tragic. "That child" was not murdered in her bed, threatening no one. She was killed by a soldier, that was in a soldier's mindset. It was a tragedy. Will you say the same for the murdered family?
An Israeli army officer who fired the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl and then said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old was acquitted on all charges by a military court yesterday.

The soldier, who has only been identified as "Captain R", was charged with relatively minor offences for the killing of Iman al-Hams who was shot 17 times as she ventured near an Israeli army post near Rafah refugee camp in Gaza a year ago.

Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinian schoolgirl | World news | The Guardian

Did you notice that "Captain R" was a Muslim?

Source? He is a Druze. Muslims don't serve in the IDF.

That is false.
Number of Muslim, Christian Arab volunteers in IDF growing

New figures made available by the Israel Defense Forces show the number of Muslim and Christian Arab Israeli volunteers in the army is growing.

The deaths of five soldiers from the IDF's Desert Reconnaissance Unit (the so-called Bedouin unit) in an attack on an army outpost near Rafah earlier this month drew public attention to the service of Bedouin in the IDF.

However, the reports on the incident paid little attention to the fact that most of the dead were not Bedouin: Three of the five soldiers killed were Muslim Arabs from villages in the Galilee and Triangle, who had volunteered for military service.

Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon paid condolence visits to the three families - the first such visits by a chief of staff.

During one of the visits, Ya'alon shook the hand of a relative of one of the soldiers, a Palestinian woman from Jenin, who had married into the family of the deceased soldier, and had taken up residence in Israel.

If among the Bedouin community its soldiers encounter hostile reactions and charges of aiding Israel's war against their Palestinian brothers, the situation is far worse for Muslim and Christian Arabs.

While Bedouin have been volunteering for the IDF, primarily as trackers, for dozens of years, Muslim and Christian Arabs have been doing so, on a very small scale, only since the 1990s.

The numbers increased slightly prior to 2000, but then fell significantly with the outbreak of the intifada in September of that year and Israel Police's killing of 13 Arab citizens in the October riots.

Nevertheless, partial figures given to Haaretz by the IDF indicate a renewed increase in the enlistment of Muslim and Christian youth over the past two years.

Number of Muslim, Christian Arab volunteers in IDF growing - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
An Israeli army officer who fired the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl and then said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old was acquitted on all charges by a military court yesterday.

The soldier, who has only been identified as "Captain R", was charged with relatively minor offences for the killing of Iman al-Hams who was shot 17 times as she ventured near an Israeli army post near Rafah refugee camp in Gaza a year ago.

Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinian schoolgirl | World news | The Guardian

Did you notice that "Captain R" was a Muslim?

Source? He is a Druze. Muslims don't serve in the IDF.

"The Druze comprise another sect which is not widely regarded as being "truly" Islam by many Muslims. This group diverged from mainstream Islam in the eleventh century ..."
Islam and Muslims: Druze

Why the obfuscation?
Is there some additional contumely for Muslims, or that it is exculpatory for Israelis and/or Jews?
Number of Muslim, Christian Arab volunteers in IDF growing

New figures made available by the Israel Defense Forces show the number of Muslim and Christian Arab Israeli volunteers in the army is growing.

The deaths of five soldiers from the IDF's Desert Reconnaissance Unit (the so-called Bedouin unit) in an attack on an army outpost near Rafah earlier this month drew public attention to the service of Bedouin in the IDF.

However, the reports on the incident paid little attention to the fact that most of the dead were not Bedouin: Three of the five soldiers killed were Muslim Arabs from villages in the Galilee and Triangle, who had volunteered for military service.

Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon paid condolence visits to the three families - the first such visits by a chief of staff.

During one of the visits, Ya'alon shook the hand of a relative of one of the soldiers, a Palestinian woman from Jenin, who had married into the family of the deceased soldier, and had taken up residence in Israel.

If among the Bedouin community its soldiers encounter hostile reactions and charges of aiding Israel's war against their Palestinian brothers, the situation is far worse for Muslim and Christian Arabs.

While Bedouin have been volunteering for the IDF, primarily as trackers, for dozens of years, Muslim and Christian Arabs have been doing so, on a very small scale, only since the 1990s.

The numbers increased slightly prior to 2000, but then fell significantly with the outbreak of the intifada in September of that year and Israel Police's killing of 13 Arab citizens in the October riots.

Nevertheless, partial figures given to Haaretz by the IDF indicate a renewed increase in the enlistment of Muslim and Christian youth over the past two years.

Number of Muslim, Christian Arab volunteers in IDF growing - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

I like this post better than mine...
I tried to give a rep, but it wouldn't allow.
There are Arabs and Muslims in Israel's armed forces just like there are Arabs and Muslims in America's Military, case closed. Next.
Yet we have heard no condemnations from you concerning the murders of the Jewish family.
Then let them be heard. The perpetrators should stand trial for murdering children and face execution if the victims' family opts not to grant them pardon. I would carry out the sentence myself if someone charged me with that duty.

I was pointing out that "soldiers" have a different mindset.
I don't care.

The death of a child, including children that "people" wire with bombs, are tragic. "That child" was not murdered in her bed, threatening no one. She was killed by a soldier, that was in a soldier's mindset. It was a tragedy.
She was killed by an ape whose crimes were excused by other apes. A "soldier's mindset" doesn't include a propensity for sadism. There is no excuse.

Will you say the same for the murdered family?
Without a second thought. I try to ensure that my outrage is never selective.
Did you notice that "Captain R" was a Muslim?

Source? He is a Druze. Muslims don't serve in the IDF.

That is false.

Number of Muslim, Christian Arab volunteers in IDF growing - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Let me be clear. A 'Muslim' who serves willingly in the IDF is an apostate. Druze are something else, non-Muslims who reject the tenets of our religion in favor of belief in things like reincarnation and the divinity of some Fatimid caliph.

Let me be clear. A 'Muslim' who serves willingly in the IDF is an apostate. Druze are something else, non-Muslims who reject the tenets of our religion in favor of belief in things like reincarnation and the divinity of some Fatimid caliph.

Really? what about Muslims who serve in the US Armed Forces? Not all those Muslims in the IDF are Druze.
The court let him walk, didn't it?

The court let OJ walk too, doesn't mean the courts in LA approve of murder.

This was a military (read kangaroo) court. It found nothing wrong in emptying an M16 into a 13 year old girl. Well, a Palestinian girl.

Nice deflection, though.

This thread is about a Jewish family who was murdered in their beds, it is YOU deflecting by bringing this up in this thread. You have yet to show 1 word of sympathy for this poor family.
The court let OJ walk too, doesn't mean the courts in LA approve of murder.

This was a military (read kangaroo) court. It found nothing wrong in emptying an M16 into a 13 year old girl. Well, a Palestinian girl.

Nice deflection, though.

This thread is about a Jewish family who was murdered in their beds, it is YOU deflecting by bringing this up in this thread. You have yet to show 1 word of sympathy for this poor family.

Israel has killed 1500 children in the last ten years and not one peep from you.

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