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How Can Dems Confuse Immigrants with Illegals ?

As for Uncle Liar, all I'm going to say is he's got a lot of words, but his candy ass won't say them to my face or the face of ANY man. When given the opportunity, he crawls under a rock and hides until his butt buddies save his ass from an old fashioned whooping.

But, all this anonymity crap is going out the window and we will find out how many names he wants to call me to my face. I got $200 that says he won't say one mean thing to me in a face to face.

HeeeelllllloooooOOOOoooooo....How many hundreds of times do I have to tell you to say what you want to say? How many times do I have to ask if you want to use up your AARP frequent flier miles? How many times, tough-guy? Do you think this pattern of (deviant) behavior isn't completely predictable by now, champ? Come on now champ, either really be a tough-guy or stop making a fool of yourself. I recommend that latter.

Regardless, your lefty fantasy of open borders will NEVER come true. Illegal aliens are illegal aliens and they are an affront to, among other things, the honorable and respectful efforts of legal immigrants, who are a national treasure. But an idiot like you wouldn't understand that (or anything else).

You have to be the most idiotic, ignorant, dumb motherfucker that ever graced the face of this earth. You're like a dumb ass beating on a lion's cage with a stick, too fucking stupid to realize somebody is going to open the door at some point and then you will be a target that will be held accountable for the taunts.

Don't kid yourself. I have a couple of years on me, but I'm one hell of a long way from AARP. I'm more into slinging a 65 pound pack on my back and making a week-end out of it.

Now, let us talk about "open borders." I never advocated them; I only asked all of you what the Welcome mat to the United States said. All the people on your side bitch about is that border is open and all that must be done to close the border. In that vein they have spent TRILLIONS of dollars creating the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security; implementing the so - called "Patriot Act" and National ID / REAL ID Act; they were the same people behind the National Defense Authorization Act; they worked to repeal the Bill of Rights; they were instrumental in the crackdown on the Miranda Warning; they were the same people responsible for creating the pretexts for warrant less searches.

Finally, just because someone is forced to come into the United States without papers does not make them less honorable than the richer classes of people that do get a visa. You are the idiot, Uncle Liar. You have to realize by now that if George W. Bush advocated a Guest Worker program as a way to deal with immigration, there must be something missing in our immigration laws.

Not all foreigners want to go to college (most of the ones we're arguing about didn't even graduate grammar school.) Not all of them are seasonal agricultural workers or white collar professionals. For the Guest Worker, no visa exists that meets their needs. They have an opportunity to work with a willing employer, but no "proper" method exists. It don't take a Harvard education to figure that one out.

The system discriminates against the employer. One guy has the advantage of being able to hire someone to pick the crops, but another employer doesn't have the option of hiring a kitchen staff because NO visa fits the needs of his non-agricultural workers. You can bullshit the people on this board, but what you like is the fact that you think you should get any jobs that someone else creates. You're a leech Uncle Liar. You think that somebody owes you a living while you sit here on your ass, trying to pick a board fight because you lack the balls and the brains to get out there in the real world and hustle for what you get.

You spend too many hours on the Internet and then bitch when I go to work and pay into the system while you live off the government tit and / or mommy and daddy. If you had to work for a living, you might have a different outlook. But, you may never know because you will always have a government check backing you up while you bitch about others.

You want me to tell you what I think? I think you're a chicken shit coward. I know you're a liar whose banter can't make it without all the name calling. The entertainment value of you calling people names keeps them from researching this shit for themselves. But, I think you can't fool all the people all the time; I think somebody is going to get tired of your shit at some point and send out PMs to others telling them who you are where to find you; I think that at some point you will be held accountable... that's one of life's little inevitable realities. One day I'm going to be reading about what happened to you. My only prayer is that I get to meet you before it happens because I don't think you would talk shit to man's face. You're an immature bully and you just need to run across someone that won't take your shit.
America's current mass immigration mess is the result of a change in the laws in 1965. Prior to 1965, despite some changes in the 50's, America was a low-immigration country basically living under immigration laws written in 1924. Thanks to low immigration, the swamp of cheap labor was largely drained during this period, America became a fundamentally middle-class society, and our many European ethnic groups were brought together into a common national culture. In some ways, this achievement was so complete that we started to take for granted what we had achieved and forgot why it happened. So in a spasm of sentimentality on the Right and lies on the Left, we opened the borders.

Born of liberal ideology, the 1965 bill abolished the national origins quota system that had regulated the ethnic composition of immigration in fair proportion to each group's existing presence in the population. In a misguided application spirit of the civil rights era, the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations saw these ethnic quotas as an archaic form of chauvinism. Moreover, as Cold Warriors facing charges of "racism" and "imperialism," they found the system rhetorically embarrassing. The record of debate over this seismic change in immigration policy reveals that left-wingers, in their visceral flight to attack "discrimination," did not reveal the consequences of their convictions. Instead, their spokesmen set out to assuage concerned traditionalists with a litany of lies and wishful thinking.

Chief among national concerns was total numeric immigration. Senate floor manager and Camelot knight-errant Ted Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, assured jittery senators that "our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually." Senator Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, further calmed that august body, insisting "the total number of potential immigrants would not be changed very much." Time has proven otherwise. Average immigration levels before the 1965 amendments took effect hovered around 300,000 per annum. Yet 1,045,000 legal immigrants flooded our cities in 1996 alone....

FrontPage Magazine - The 1965 Immigration Act: Anatomy of a Disaster

Teddy the drunk's enduring legacy..................
You have to be the most idiotic, ignorant, dumb motherfucker that ever graced the face of this earth. You're like a dumb ass beating on a lion's cage with a stick, too fucking stupid to realize somebody is going to open the door at some point and then you will be a target that will be held accountable for the taunts.You want me to tell you what I think? I think you're a chicken shit coward. I think somebody is going to get tired of your shit at some point and send out PMs to others telling them who you are where to find you; I think that at some point you will be held accountable... that's one of life's little inevitable realities. One day I'm going to be reading about what happened to you. My only prayer is that I get to meet you before it happens because I don't think you would talk shit to man's face. You're an immature bully and you just need to run across someone that won't take your shit.

Oh, you love the emoting, don't you little drama queen? You think it's not perfectly clear by now that you are nothing but hot air? Your pathetic attempt at playing tough-guy fell apart after the first 100 times that you put on this empty little performance and made it clear you were nothing else. "The lion's cage" :rolleyes: How very dramatic, little queen. I like the part about Somebody else, somewhere, some time, somehow will do something, but not YOU, little drama queen. Not very 'tough-guy' of you.

Now that we've established that you are a wrinkled old drama queen who is not very good at playing the tough-guy, why not stop humiliating yourself and let that part of the act have a rest? Concentrate your efforts at showing everyone what an idiot you are and how your dream of open borders will NEVER come true. Illegal aliens remain illegal aliens.
Finally, just because someone is forced to come into the United States without papers does not make them less honorable than the richer classes of people that do get a visa.

"Forced," drama queen? Gonna try out this angle now? I'm guessing you are not talking about people literally forced to go anywhere, but are rather engaging in deliberately dishonest hyperbole about conditions that make some people want to come here illegally. The fact that you would trot out such an absurd non-argument shows that you are not only a dim-wit with nothing of substance to say, but that you are a person of low character and 0 integrity. This, combined with your pathetically transparent little tough-guy act, really paints a picture of the low-life fraud that you are.
Not all foreigners want to go to college (most of the ones we're arguing about didn't even graduate grammar school.) Not all of them are seasonal agricultural workers or white collar professionals. For the Guest Worker, no visa exists that meets their needs. They have an opportunity to work with a willing employer, but no "proper" method exists. It don't take a Harvard education to figure that one out.

Then they shouldn't be here. It doesn't take the GED you just got last week to figure that one out.
Finally, just because someone is forced to come into the United States without papers does not make them less honorable than the richer classes of people that do get a visa.

"Forced," drama queen? Gonna try out this angle now? I'm guessing you are not talking about people literally forced to go anywhere, but are rather engaging in deliberately dishonest hyperbole about conditions that make some people want to come here illegally. The fact that you would trot out such an absurd non-argument shows that you are not only a dim-wit with nothing of substance to say, but that you are a person of low character and 0 integrity. This, combined with your pathetically transparent little tough-guy act, really paints a picture of the low-life fraud that you are.

Wow did that bitch actually say people are forced to come into the United States? wow that faggot will stop at nothing and say anything for his illegal alien loved ones to be able to stay here.
Not all foreigners want to go to college (most of the ones we're arguing about didn't even graduate grammar school.) Not all of them are seasonal agricultural workers or white collar professionals. For the Guest Worker, no visa exists that meets their needs. They have an opportunity to work with a willing employer, but no "proper" method exists. It don't take a Harvard education to figure that one out.

Then they shouldn't be here. It doesn't take the GED you just got last week to figure that one out.

Theres no way this clown is intelligent enought to have a GED.
what you like is the fact that you think you should get any jobs that someone else creates. You're a leech Uncle Liar. You think that somebody owes you a living while you sit here on your ass, trying to pick a board fight because you lack the balls and the brains to get out there in the real world and hustle for what you get.

You spend too many hours on the Internet and then bitch when I go to work and pay into the system while you live off the government tit and / or mommy and daddy. If you had to work for a living, you might have a different outlook. But, you may never know because you will always have a government check backing you up while you bitch about others.

Hey, we found something else you suck at - guessing! Guess again, idiot.
Not all foreigners want to go to college (most of the ones we're arguing about didn't even graduate grammar school.) Not all of them are seasonal agricultural workers or white collar professionals. For the Guest Worker, no visa exists that meets their needs. They have an opportunity to work with a willing employer, but no "proper" method exists. It don't take a Harvard education to figure that one out.

Then they shouldn't be here. It doesn't take the GED you just got last week to figure that one out.

Theres no way this clown is intelligent enought to have a GED.

Good point.
Finally, just because someone is forced to come into the United States without papers does not make them less honorable than the richer classes of people that do get a visa.

"Forced," drama queen? Gonna try out this angle now? I'm guessing you are not talking about people literally forced to go anywhere, but are rather engaging in deliberately dishonest hyperbole about conditions that make some people want to come here illegally. The fact that you would trot out such an absurd non-argument shows that you are not only a dim-wit with nothing of substance to say, but that you are a person of low character and 0 integrity. This, combined with your pathetically transparent little tough-guy act, really paints a picture of the low-life fraud that you are.

Wow did that bitch actually say people are forced to come into the United States? wow that faggot will stop at nothing and say anything for his illegal alien loved ones to be able to stay here.

You can smell his desperation growing. I predict more hilarious passive-aggressive 'threats' as his frustration reaches the boiling point.
"Forced," drama queen? Gonna try out this angle now? I'm guessing you are not talking about people literally forced to go anywhere, but are rather engaging in deliberately dishonest hyperbole about conditions that make some people want to come here illegally. The fact that you would trot out such an absurd non-argument shows that you are not only a dim-wit with nothing of substance to say, but that you are a person of low character and 0 integrity. This, combined with your pathetically transparent little tough-guy act, really paints a picture of the low-life fraud that you are.

Wow did that bitch actually say people are forced to come into the United States? wow that faggot will stop at nothing and say anything for his illegal alien loved ones to be able to stay here.

You can smell his desperation growing. I predict more hilarious passive-aggressive 'threats' as his frustration reaches the boiling point.

Dude is mentally ill, and his internet tough guy threats are getting old, I loved the reference to the "lions cage":lol:
Wow did that bitch actually say people are forced to come into the United States? wow that faggot will stop at nothing and say anything for his illegal alien loved ones to be able to stay here.

You can smell his desperation growing. I predict more hilarious passive-aggressive 'threats' as his frustration reaches the boiling point.

Dude is mentally ill, and his internet tough guys threats are getting old, I loved the reference to the "lions cage":lol:

That was a good one. It probably came to him because he was wearing his cute little lion PJs at the time (the ones with the feet in them).
You can smell his desperation growing. I predict more hilarious passive-aggressive 'threats' as his frustration reaches the boiling point.

Dude is mentally ill, and his internet tough guys threats are getting old, I loved the reference to the "lions cage":lol:

That was a good one. It probably came to him because he was wearing his cute little lion PJs at the time (the ones with the feet in them).

Yes and watching the Thundercats.:lol:
Here we go again...

This is where BloodyDolt (the disappearing tough-guy) goes on and on about calling an illegal alien an illegal alien and indulges his foolish lefty fantasy of open borders. Then the little nutjob runs around calling anyone who actually recognizes the right of the US to have borders and exercise its sovereignty, "Nazis." Yes, he's that fucking ridiculous.

All you immigrants that whine and cry about immigration today should go back to the countries you comer from.

It's the republican hypocritical party that hires illegals and then whine about them being in the country.

BTW how is AZ and GA doing now with that rotten stench emanating from their rotting crops the migrant workers use to pick and why have the teabaggers refused to take those jobs they said were hurting Americans?
Here we go again...

This is where BloodyDolt (the disappearing tough-guy) goes on and on about calling an illegal alien an illegal alien and indulges his foolish lefty fantasy of open borders. Then the little nutjob runs around calling anyone who actually recognizes the right of the US to have borders and exercise its sovereignty, "Nazis." Yes, he's that fucking ridiculous.

All you immigrants that whine and cry about immigration today should go back to the countries you comer from.

Why are you directing these comments towards me? I "comer" from the United States of America.
Here we go again...

This is where BloodyDolt (the disappearing tough-guy) goes on and on about calling an illegal alien an illegal alien and indulges his foolish lefty fantasy of open borders. Then the little nutjob runs around calling anyone who actually recognizes the right of the US to have borders and exercise its sovereignty, "Nazis." Yes, he's that fucking ridiculous.

All you immigrants that whine and cry about immigration today should go back to the countries you comer from.

Why are you directing these comments towards me? I "comer" from the United States of America.

You lying POS. You came from Somali.

BTW, thank you once again for misrepresenting my position. It helped you and your cheering section humiliate yourselves.

Don't kid yourselves. I'm not a gray haired old guy nor a faggot - that's your life, not mine. You might have High_Gravity calling me every few hours wanting to meet for sex, but she can't afford me. As for you: You've been invited to do more than peck a keyboard. Anybody too stupid to see the smokescreen you are putting up isn't smart enough to be any kind of discussion.
In that pretend world democrats inhabit there is no difference....................lol

I'm not a Democrat, but you have your story bass ackward.

To begin with, people in the United States are NOT illegals. This is the United States of America and we presume every person to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by their peers. The lynch mob mentality of the National Socialists don't have much consideration for that fact, but if YOU were being judged on that standard, you would have a different tune.

Secondly, entering and being in the United States without papers is a civil offense, NOT a crime.

Next, under Reagan and Bush the foreigners were given amnesties. George W. Bush advocated a Guest Worker program. For the record, Barack Obama holds the record for deporting more undocumented foreigners than any U.S. president in history.

George W. Bush's Attorney General denied to undocumented foreigners a taxpayer funded attorney, ruling that deportation proceedings (based upon Title 8 USC 1325) were civil NOT criminal and Sixth Amendment protections did not apply in civil proceedings.

It was Eric Holder, Barack Obama's Attorney General that has taken the position that the undocumented foreigners are criminals.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's the facts.

A civil offense IS still a crime, by the way....But let me paste THIS little ditty:

Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

* Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
* Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
* Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;

has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.

Illegal aliens ARE criminals one way or another...
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