How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

They are just in Washington to party, play political games, and get attention in the media.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

Well, there is the GOP and then there is the Trump voter. Not the same animal. Like a parasite; the blob supporters have glomed onto the host and will eventually maim or kill it. Trumpism isn't about governance; it's about sticking it to someone. It always has been. Whether it is the students who invested in Trump university, the other investors into the bankrupt businesses or, now that it has spread into our republican system, the nation as a whole.
Well, there is the GOP and then there is the Trump voter. Not the same animal. Like a parasite; the blob supporters have glomed onto the host and will eventually maim or kill it. Trumpism isn't about governance; it's about sticking it to someone. It always has been. Whether it is the students who invested in Trump university, the other investors into the bankrupt businesses or, now that it has spread into our republican system, the nation as a whole.
I agree. The Trump cult members have hijacked the Republican party.
We need strong Republicans to stand up to these clowns.
The MAGA cult calls traditional Republicans as RINOs. The RINOs are the Trump cult. It is shocking how many have joined the Trump cult.

People join cults when they are down and out and see no hope for the future. We have a lot of them in the USA.
I agree. The Trump cult members have hijacked the Republican party.
We need strong Republicans to stand up to these clowns.
The MAGA cult calls traditional Republicans as RINOs. The RINOs are the Trump cult. It is shocking how many have joined the Trump cult.

People join cults when they are down and out and see no hope for the future. We have a lot of them in the USA.
Like all're promised XYZ, and you buy into it expecting XYZ. Eventually the cult falls apart when XYZ isn't delivered. This is why you see the empty arenas where you used to see full ones. The jig is up.

On the flip side, in politics, winning 50.000001% of the vote means you get 100% of the power. So whatever you did or said to get the power is not anywhere near as important as getting the power. So using cult-speak is a small matter of concern for these guys.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

The NaziCon clusterfuck must be defeated.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

Republicans won't take over government in 24 for the reasons you pointed out in your post.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

This is what happens when low-IQ Trumptards get elected to Congress.

The GOP is intellectually bankrupt. Such a shame. It used to be the Democrats who were a traveling circus.

The GOP has not come up with a single solution to the real issues facing our country in decades. Not a single answer. So they are reduced to theater for the rubes. Just non-stop hate and performative assholery.

The impeachment inquiry has turned into a true clown show.

Republicans should be embarrassed, but unfortunately they are too stupid to know how idiotic they are. They are like that cringy drunken party guest who is making an ass of himself in public.

I'm glad I woke up and got out when I did.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

They don't "run the country".

Didn't you take Civics ?

They are responsible for a select set of activities. That's it.
Well, there is the GOP and then there is the Trump voter. Not the same animal. Like a parasite; the blob supporters have glomed onto the host and will eventually maim or kill it. Trumpism isn't about governance; it's about sticking it to someone. It always has been. Whether it is the students who invested in Trump university, the other investors into the bankrupt businesses or, now that it has spread into our republican system, the nation as a whole.
They are out of control wanting secure borders, safe cities, parental rights and elections with integrity.
They don't "run the country".

Didn't you take Civics ?

They are responsible for a select set of activities. That's it.
If they have the Presidency, the House and the Senate they would be in the drivers seat.

Trump would bring in all of hs cronies who are indicted and pardon the insurrectionists. His goal will be revenge all who have wronged him and to eliminate any checks on his power; DOJ and congress.

The house and the Senate would be like the House is now, a shit show dominated by chaos.

Look how they are effecting the country with only control of the House.
If they have the Presidency, the House and the Senate they would be in the drivers seat.

Trump would bring in all of hs cronies who are indicted and pardon the insurrectionists. His goal will be revenge all who have wronged him and to eliminate any checks on his power; DOJ and congress.

The house and the Senate would be like the House is now, a shit show dominated by chaos.

Look how they are effecting the country with only control of the House.

How badly are they affecting the country ? What's changed in your life ? Please share with us.
If they have the Presidency, the House and the Senate they would be in the drivers seat.

Trump would bring in all of hs cronies who are indicted and pardon the insurrectionists. His goal will be revenge all who have wronged him and to eliminate any checks on his power; DOJ and congress.

The house and the Senate would be like the House is now, a shit show dominated by chaos.

Look how they are effecting the country with only control of the House.

We've survived Bush II

We've survived Obama

We've survived Trump

We are surviving Biden.

You morons place way to much faith in our stupid assed federal government.

This country was built to decentralized and robust.

If you cucks got your way and had the SCOTUS, we might have an issue.
If they have the Presidency, the House and the Senate they would be in the drivers seat.

Trump would bring in all of hs cronies who are indicted and pardon the insurrectionists. His goal will be revenge all who have wronged him and to eliminate any checks on his power; DOJ and congress.

The house and the Senate would be like the House is now, a shit show dominated by chaos.

Look how they are effecting the country with only control of the House.
None of them but a very few are serious statesmen. It is easy to see Congress does not represent the people when the borders are open. The vast majority want secure borders. Special interests own them. Globalists own them. Criminals and foreign countries own them. It is not one party you jerk. It is the leadership of both shitting all over us.
How badly are they affecting the country ? What's changed in your life ? Please share with us.
My concern is long term affect on the prnciples of our country. Our country could be lost. It will affect my children and grand children.
Trump is a meglomaniac preaching populism. History tells us about meglomaniacs populist leaders.

Previous Populist leaders.
Populists seem to use exactly the same strategy to mobilize masses: fear and chaos. Sound familiar.

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