How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority

My concern is long term affect on the prnciples of our country. Our country could be lost. It will affect my children and grand children.
Trump is a meglomaniac preaching populism. History tells us about meglomaniacs populist leaders.

Previous Populist leaders.
Populists seem to use exactly the same strategy to mobilize masses: fear and chaos. Sound familiar.

I truly hope you stay up at night worrying.

As I said, this country has survived 3 morons and is on it's fourth. We are doing pretty good in spite of them.

Trump does not have what he needs to pull off what you say. The second he oversteps in most areas, his supporters will turn on him. I frankly don't want him in. It will drive you guys nuts trying to find something to brown your drawers over.
My concern is long term affect on the prnciples of our country. Our country could be lost. It will affect my children and grand children.
Trump is a meglomaniac preaching populism. History tells us about meglomaniacs populist leaders.

Previous Populist leaders.
Populists seem to use exactly the same strategy to mobilize masses: fear and chaos. Sound familiar.
Father Coughlin. Tucker Carlson. Huey Long.

Sooner or later, they all self-destruct, and Trump will, too.

Though Huey Long was brought down by an assassin's bullet...
We've survived Bush II

We've survived Obama

We've survived Trump

We are surviving Biden.

You morons place way to much faith in our stupid assed federal government.

This country was built to decentralized and robust.

If you cucks got your way and had the SCOTUS, we might have an issue.
You are naieve and blind to Trump's motivation. We can survive bad Presidents. Trump is a dangerous President. He is the equivalent of the confederacy as far as a threat to our Constitution and our country.
Trump wants to centralize the power of the Presidency and weaken or eliminate the check on his power by DOJ and congress. He will try to eliminate anything that could curb his power. He empowers state leaders who are his puppets and trys to destroy state leaders who do not align with him.
I truly hope you stay up at night worrying.

As I said, this country has survived 3 morons and is on it's fourth. We are doing pretty good in spite of them.

Trump does not have what he needs to pull off what you say. The second he oversteps in most areas, his supporters will turn on him. I frankly don't want him in. It will drive you guys nuts trying to find something to brown your drawers over.
I am doing things to prevent the spread of Trumpism. As are milions and millions of people. I am confident Trumpism will be defeated.
Action not worry.

I am not going to sit on my ass and say there is nothing to worry about. People like that will empower Trump.
None of them but a very few are serious statesmen. It is easy to see Congress does not represent the people when the borders are open. The vast majority want secure borders. Special interests own them. Globalists own them. Criminals and foreign countries own them. It is not one party you jerk. It is the leadership of both shitting all over us.
Some are shitting more than most. A government shut down will make the border worse.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

They don't have a majority in Congress as the Dems have a Senate majority.

A shutdown is no big deal.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

I'd say the same about both parties. The US electoral system isn't fit for purpose and leads to bad politicians
They don't have a majority in Congress as the Dems have a Senate majority.

A shutdown is no big deal.
You won't be saying it is no big deal when a forest fire comes screaming to your home and no smoke jumpers can come because they have been laid off. You won't be saying it is no big deal when your stomach is cramping as you live on the toilet because FDA inspections have stopped.

You know all this talk about immigrants, seeking asylum, and having a hearing some two years later--well those hearings stop when the government shuts down, that drug smuggling, murdering immigrant gets to stay another couple of years because his hearing was delayed. Last shutdown, 60,000 hearings were canceled. Don't even pretend Republicans want to address the immigration and border issue.

And hell, why not just throw open the border and call all the fentanyl smugglers, oh wait, that is exactly what happens because all port inspectors are furloughed. You can bet Mexican drug cartels have already started loading freighters, contraband stored inside seemingly legitimate goods.
Moron starts a thread about Congress in 2023......then him and his fellow whiny ass Dimingers do nothing but piss and moan about Trump.

Rent Free.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

Republicans have no interest in governing.

It’s all political theater for them
I'd say the same about both parties. The US electoral system isn't fit for purpose and leads to bad politicians
I agree our system needs refining. The fact wqe could have Biden vs Trump in 2024, when a majority of people do not want either. is a sign the people are not being heard.

But the Republicans are worse at this time.
It could not get any worse. At least the Border Patrol will not cutting down wire barriers so they can get in.
It can get worse.
You are a fool if you don't think so.

Why hasn't congress passed immigration reform. It continues to get worse until they do.
What is "Trumpism" ?

Nobody has been able to give me a good definition.
Trumpism is a system of religious veneration and devotion on the part of country bumpkins directed toward a slick New York City grifter who can do no wrong in their eyes.

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