How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority

How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

Complaining about the political process being political.

Democrats are by far and away the least informed voters in the US and there isn't a close second.
All Democrats are not the same. Anyone with a brain realizws this.

All Republicans are not the same, thank goodness.
Complaining about the political process being political.

"Political" includes a robust discussion with disagreements and eventually moving forward with legislation that requires compromise.

The Republicans cannot have compromise in their own caucus.

Legislation is not being passed. It is MAGA politics.
"Political" includes a robust discussion with disagreements and eventually moving forward with legislation that requires compromise.

The Republicans cannot have compromise in their own caucus.

Legislation is not being passed. It is MAGA politics.

Again, that is part of the process, yet you whine like it isn't.

Something did pass, so again your whinyness is just that.

How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

Republicans - House
Democrats - Senate, Oval Office

And it's the ... Republicans ... job to fix it. Go fuck yourself, piece of shit liar
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

Republicans are fucked!
Again, that is part of the process, yet you whine like it isn't.

Something did pass, so again your whinyness is just that.

I want better for our country. Politics has been better and can be better again.

You and MAGA supporters appear to want a government in gridlock.

That is why we have to give your kind less power in government to improve government. That is done through elections.
I want better for our country. Politics has been better and can be better again.

You and MAGA supporters appear to want a government in gridlock.

That is why we have to give your kind less power in government to improve government. That is done through elections.

As long as you destroy anyone who ever voted for Trump. Probably via camps and Einstazgruppen actions.

I'd rather have gridlock than Dems getting everything they want.

Yes, give the Dems more power to make government in their image. LOL.
As long as you destroy anyone who ever voted for Trump. Probably via camps and Einstazgruppen actions.

I'd rather have gridlock than Dems getting everything they want.

Yes, give the Dems more power to make government in their image. LOL.
MAGA politics is all about destroying people. Trump trys to verbally destroy anyone who does not agree with him. He does it through child like name calling. That is a MAGA version of debate.

The anti-MAGA movement does not work that way. They work within the system. They use the vote and the powers of our government as given by the founding fathers to neuter Trumpism. The founding fathers gave the system the powers of dealing with a threat to our country like Trumpism. Trumpism is trying to take the powers away from the system. It will not happen. The system will win.
MAGA politics is all about destroying people. Trump trys to verbally destroy anyone who does not agree with him. He does it through child like name calling. That is a MAGA version of debate.

The anti-MAGA movement does not work that way. They work within the system. They use the vote and the powers of our government as given by the founding fathers to neuter Trumpism. The founding fathers gave the system the powers of dealing with a threat to our country like Trumpism. Trumpism is trying to take the powers away from the system. It will not happen. The system will win.

As opposed to Dems trying to economically and socially destroy anyone who goes off the Groupthink??


No, they use lawfare and Trumped up (lol) charges to pretend to follow the system, while shitting on it.

Like the summary "judgement" by that hack in black on Trumps Civil Trial in NY right now.

Figures you take Deep State Cock up your ass. ALL HAIL THE SYSTEM, FUCK THE PEOPLE
If you think the Republican House is working exactly as it should, you have no clue how government should run.

Arguments, debates and disagreements are an important part of congress. The issue is, at some point you need to quit the discussion and pass legislation. That requires compromise.
The Republicans cannot have compromise within their own caucus.
What has the Dimwinger Senate passed?
As opposed to Dems trying to economically and socially destroy anyone who goes off the Groupthink??


No, they use lawfare and Trumped up (lol) charges to pretend to follow the system, while shitting on it.

Like the summary "judgement" by that hack in black on Trumps Civil Trial in NY right now.

Figures you take Deep State Cock up your ass. ALL HAIL THE SYSTEM, FUCK THE PEOPLE
You are all about Donald Trump, not our nation.

Your movement must be,and will be neutered.

Those within the MAGA cannot see what you are doing because you let Donald Trump define your view on everything.
How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

^ Ridiculous failure to understand basic civics.

Congress does not "run the country."

And thank God for this.

It is a unique, massively corrupt legislative body to which both criminal parties contribute massive dysfunction.

Blaming the Republicans solely for this corruption/dysfunction while failing to understand the role Congress plays?

This makes you look like an idiot.

Have a great day. :)
You are all about Donald Trump, not our nation.

Your movement must be,and will be neutered.

Those within the MAGA cannot see what you are doing because you let Donald Trump define your view on everything.

I'd rather have DeSantis over Trump in 2024, but I'll take Trump over any Dem, Biden, Harris, Newsom.

Scratch the skin of a TDS idiot and underneath you find the Fascist.

Trump was a response to anger already brewing in a large portion of the people in the country. He's a symptom, not a cause. Populism is like that, but Dem's are now the party of the elite and can't see it.
You are all about Donald Trump, not our nation.

Your movement must be,and will be neutered.

Those within the MAGA cannot see what you are doing because you let Donald Trump define your view on everything.

Yes, clearly we would be far better off having leftists ensure you win every election. That has lead to great results for the countries that stopped fighting you. You just killed 100 million of us making those countries so much greater
I thought the Potato was running the country.

Or ruining. In his case, same thing.
^ Ridiculous failure to understand basic civics.

Congress does not "run the country."

And thank God for this.

It is a unique, massively corrupt legislative body to which both criminal parties contribute massive dysfunction.

Blaming the Republicans solely for this corruption/dysfunction while failing to understand the role Congress plays?

This makes you look like an idiot.

Have a great day. :)
If you read my post, you would know I said "what happens if the Republicans get the Presidency, and possibly control the house and Senate."
That would give them substantial control of the government. They would control the legislative and administrative branches of government.

If you really understood civics, which you don't, you would know that the seperation of powers prevents any of the three branches taking full power. But if any of the three branches is dysfunctional it can have a great effect on the entire government. The house is dysfunctional. They cannot get consensus required to pass legislation and budgets. If you throw a President in there, who does not believe in the seperation of powers we are going to have a huge problem. A President who has proven he cannot follow the laws of our land as President or a private citizen.

I am sure that is too complex for a simple minded person like you to understand and I am sure you don't have any friends that are smart enough to explain it to you.
Yes, clearly we would be far better off having leftists ensure you win every election. That has lead to great results for the countries that stopped fighting you. You just killed 100 million of us making those countries so much greater
You are so simple minded, it is unbelievable.
All on the left are not bad, some are. All on the right are not bad some are. All in the middle are not bad some are.
It is not one side all bad and the other side all good. That thinking from anyone based on their political philosophy is a perscription for failure.

It works wel for the small minded who cannot comprehend the complexities of the real world.

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